bubnikv 086f11df98 Handling of left hand oriented coordinate systems:
is_left_handed() method on transformations and volumes
rendering of GLVolumes in left handed coordinate systems by glFrontFace(GL_CW);
SLA slicing on left hand oriented instances by flipping the mesh for SLAPrintObject in X.
rendering of the SLA cutting plane in left handed systems
resetting the SLA clipping planes on 3D preview invalidation
2019-04-02 13:47:49 +02:00

162 lines
4.8 KiB

#ifndef slic3r_GUI_Preview_hpp_
#define slic3r_GUI_Preview_hpp_
#include <wx/panel.h>
#include "libslic3r/Point.hpp"
#include <string>
class wxNotebook;
class wxGLCanvas;
class wxBoxSizer;
class wxStaticText;
class wxChoice;
class wxComboCtrl;
class wxCheckBox;
class PrusaDoubleSlider;
namespace Slic3r {
class DynamicPrintConfig;
class Print;
class BackgroundSlicingProcess;
class GCodePreviewData;
class Model;
namespace GUI {
class GLCanvas3D;
class GLToolbar;
class Bed3D;
struct Camera;
class View3D : public wxPanel
wxGLCanvas* m_canvas_widget;
GLCanvas3D* m_canvas;
View3D(wxWindow* parent, Bed3D& bed, Camera& camera, GLToolbar& view_toolbar, Model* model, DynamicPrintConfig* config, BackgroundSlicingProcess* process);
virtual ~View3D();
wxGLCanvas* get_wxglcanvas() { return m_canvas_widget; }
GLCanvas3D* get_canvas3d() { return m_canvas; }
void set_as_dirty();
void bed_shape_changed();
void select_view(const std::string& direction);
void select_all();
void delete_selected();
void mirror_selection(Axis axis);
int check_volumes_outside_state() const;
bool is_layers_editing_enabled() const;
bool is_layers_editing_allowed() const;
void enable_layers_editing(bool enable);
bool is_dragging() const;
bool is_reload_delayed() const;
void reload_scene(bool refresh_immediately, bool force_full_scene_refresh = false);
void render();
bool init(wxWindow* parent, Bed3D& bed, Camera& camera, GLToolbar& view_toolbar, Model* model, DynamicPrintConfig* config, BackgroundSlicingProcess* process);
class Preview : public wxPanel
wxGLCanvas* m_canvas_widget;
GLCanvas3D* m_canvas;
wxBoxSizer* m_double_slider_sizer;
wxStaticText* m_label_view_type;
wxChoice* m_choice_view_type;
wxStaticText* m_label_show_features;
wxComboCtrl* m_combochecklist_features;
wxCheckBox* m_checkbox_travel;
wxCheckBox* m_checkbox_retractions;
wxCheckBox* m_checkbox_unretractions;
wxCheckBox* m_checkbox_shells;
DynamicPrintConfig* m_config;
BackgroundSlicingProcess* m_process;
GCodePreviewData* m_gcode_preview_data;
#ifdef __linux__
// We are getting mysterious crashes on Linux in gtk due to OpenGL context activation GH #1874 #1955.
// So we are applying a workaround here.
bool m_volumes_cleanup_required;
#endif /* __linux__ */
// Calling this function object forces Plater::schedule_background_process.
std::function<void()> m_schedule_background_process;
unsigned int m_number_extruders;
std::string m_preferred_color_mode;
bool m_loaded;
bool m_enabled;
PrusaDoubleSlider* m_slider {nullptr};
Preview(wxWindow* parent, Bed3D& bed, Camera& camera, GLToolbar& view_toolbar, Model* model, DynamicPrintConfig* config,
BackgroundSlicingProcess* process, GCodePreviewData* gcode_preview_data, std::function<void()> schedule_background_process = [](){});
virtual ~Preview();
wxGLCanvas* get_wxglcanvas() { return m_canvas_widget; }
GLCanvas3D* get_canvas3d() { return m_canvas; }
void set_number_extruders(unsigned int number_extruders);
void set_canvas_as_dirty();
void set_enabled(bool enabled);
void bed_shape_changed();
void select_view(const std::string& direction);
void set_drop_target(wxDropTarget* target);
void load_print(bool keep_z_range = false);
void reload_print(bool keep_volumes = false);
void refresh_print();
bool init(wxWindow* parent, Bed3D& bed, Camera& camera, GLToolbar& view_toolbar, Model* model);
void bind_event_handlers();
void unbind_event_handlers();
void show_hide_ui_elements(const std::string& what);
void reset_sliders();
void update_sliders(const std::vector<double>& layers_z, bool keep_z_range = false);
void on_size(wxSizeEvent& evt);
void on_choice_view_type(wxCommandEvent& evt);
void on_combochecklist_features(wxCommandEvent& evt);
void on_checkbox_travel(wxCommandEvent& evt);
void on_checkbox_retractions(wxCommandEvent& evt);
void on_checkbox_unretractions(wxCommandEvent& evt);
void on_checkbox_shells(wxCommandEvent& evt);
// Create/Update/Reset double slider on 3dPreview
void create_double_slider();
void update_double_slider(const std::vector<double>& layers_z, bool keep_z_range = false);
void fill_slider_values(std::vector<std::pair<int, double>> &values,
const std::vector<double> &layers_z);
void reset_double_slider();
// update DoubleSlider after keyDown in canvas
void update_double_slider_from_canvas(wxKeyEvent& event);
void load_print_as_fff(bool keep_z_range = false);
void load_print_as_sla();
void on_sliders_scroll_changed(wxEvent& event);
} // namespace GUI
} // namespace Slic3r
#endif // slic3r_GUI_Preview_hpp_