Slic3r::Config is now an object. Multiple partial config objects are used throughout the codebase as local repositories, then merged and serialized when necessary.
304 lines
15 KiB
Executable file
304 lines
15 KiB
Executable file
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_auto_abbrev);
use List::Util qw(first);
use Slic3r;
my %opt = ();
my %cli_options = ();
my %options = (
'help' => sub { usage() },
'version' => sub { print "$Slic3r::VERSION\n"; exit 0 },
'debug' => \$Slic3r::debug,
'gui' => \$opt{gui},
'o|output=s' => \$opt{output},
'save=s' => \$opt{save},
'load=s@' => \$opt{load},
'ignore-nonexistent-config' => \$opt{ignore_nonexistent_config},
'export-svg' => \$opt{export_svg},
'merge|m' => \$opt{merge},
foreach my $opt_key (keys %{$Slic3r::Config::Options}) {
my $cli = $Slic3r::Config::Options->{$opt_key}->{cli} or next;
# allow both the dash-separated option name and the full opt_key
$options{ "$opt_key|$cli" } = \$cli_options{$opt_key};
GetOptions(%options) or usage(1);
# process command line options
my $cli_config = Slic3r::Config->new_from_cli(%cli_options);
# load configuration files
my @external_configs = ();
if ($opt{load}) {
foreach my $configfile (@{$opt{load}}) {
if (-e $configfile) {
push @external_configs, Slic3r::Config->load($configfile);
} elsif (-e "$FindBin::Bin/$configfile") {
printf STDERR "Loading $FindBin::Bin/$configfile\n";
push @external_configs, Slic3r::Config->load("$FindBin::Bin/$configfile");
} else {
$opt{ignore_nonexistent_config} or die "Cannot find specified configuration file ($configfile).\n";
# merge configuration
my $config = Slic3r::Config->new_from_defaults;
$config->apply($_) for @external_configs, $cli_config;
# save configuration
if ($opt{save}) {
# launch GUI
my $gui;
if (!@ARGV && !$opt{save} && eval "require Slic3r::GUI; 1") {
$gui = Slic3r::GUI->new;
$gui->{skeinpanel}->load_config_file($opt{load}[0]) if $opt{load};
die $@ if $@ && $opt{gui};
if (@ARGV) { # slicing from command line
while (my $input_file = shift @ARGV) {
my $print = Slic3r::Print->new(config => $config);
if ($opt{merge}) {
$print->add_object_from_file($_) for splice @ARGV, 0;
$print->arrange_objects if @{$print->objects} > 1;
my %params = (
output_file => $opt{output},
status_cb => sub {
my ($percent, $message) = @_;
printf "=> $message\n";
if ($opt{export_svg}) {
} else {
} else {
usage(1) unless $opt{save};
sub usage {
my ($exit_code) = @_;
my $config = Slic3r::Config->new_from_defaults;
my $j = '';
if ($Slic3r::have_threads) {
$j = <<"EOF";
-j, --threads <num> Number of threads to use (1+, default: $config->{threads})
print <<"EOF";
Slic3r $Slic3r::VERSION is a STL-to-GCODE translator for RepRap 3D printers
written by Alessandro Ranellucci <aar\@cpan.org> - http://slic3r.org/
Usage: slic3r.pl [ OPTIONS ] file.stl
--help Output this usage screen and exit
--version Output the version of Slic3r and exit
--save <file> Save configuration to the specified file
--load <file> Load configuration from the specified file. It can be used
more than once to load options from multiple files.
-o, --output <file> File to output gcode to (by default, the file will be saved
into the same directory as the input file using the
--output-filename-format to generate the filename)
Output options:
Output file name format; all config options enclosed in brackets
will be replaced by their values, as well as [input_filename_base]
and [input_filename] (default: $config->{output_filename_format})
--post-process Generated G-code will be processed with the supplied script;
call this more than once to process through multiple scripts.
--export-svg Export a SVG file containing slices instead of G-code.
-m, --merge If multiple files are supplied, they will be composed into a single
print rather than processed individually.
Printer options:
--nozzle-diameter Diameter of nozzle in mm (default: $config->{nozzle_diameter}->[0])
--print-center Coordinates in mm of the point to center the print around
(default: $config->{print_center}->[0],$config->{print_center}->[1])
--z-offset Additional height in mm to add to vertical coordinates
(+/-, default: $config->{z_offset})
--gcode-flavor The type of G-code to generate (reprap/teacup/makerbot/mach3/no-extrusion,
default: $config->{gcode_flavor})
--use-relative-e-distances Enable this to get relative E values
--gcode-arcs Use G2/G3 commands for native arcs (experimental, not supported
by all firmwares)
--g0 Use G0 commands for retraction (experimental, not supported by all
--gcode-comments Make G-code verbose by adding comments (default: no)
Filament options:
--filament-diameter Diameter in mm of your raw filament (default: $config->{filament_diameter}->[0])
Change this to alter the amount of plastic extruded. There should be
very little need to change this value, which is only useful to
compensate for filament packing (default: $config->{extrusion_multiplier}->[0])
--temperature Extrusion temperature in degree Celsius, set 0 to disable (default: $config->{temperature}->[0])
--first-layer-temperature Extrusion temperature for the first layer, in degree Celsius,
set 0 to disable (default: same as --temperature)
--bed-temperature Heated bed temperature in degree Celsius, set 0 to disable (default: $config->{bed_temperature})
--first-layer-bed-temperature Heated bed temperature for the first layer, in degree Celsius,
set 0 to disable (default: same as --bed-temperature)
Speed options:
--travel-speed Speed of non-print moves in mm/s (default: $config->{travel_speed})
--perimeter-speed Speed of print moves for perimeters in mm/s (default: $config->{perimeter_speed})
Speed of print moves for small perimeters in mm/s or % over perimeter speed
(default: $config->{small_perimeter_speed})
Speed of print moves for the external perimeter in mm/s or % over perimeter speed
(default: $config->{external_perimeter_speed})
--infill-speed Speed of print moves in mm/s (default: $config->{infill_speed})
--solid-infill-speed Speed of print moves for solid surfaces in mm/s or % over infill speed
(default: $config->{solid_infill_speed})
--top-solid-infill-speed Speed of print moves for top surfaces in mm/s or % over solid infill speed
(default: $config->{top_solid_infill_speed})
--bridge-speed Speed of bridge print moves in mm/s (default: $config->{bridge_speed})
--first-layer-speed Speed of print moves for bottom layer, expressed either as an absolute
value or as a percentage over normal speeds (default: $config->{first_layer_speed})
Accuracy options:
--layer-height Layer height in mm (default: $config->{layer_height})
--first-layer-height Layer height for first layer (mm or %, default: $config->{first_layer_height})
Infill every N layers (default: $config->{infill_every_layers})
Print options:
--perimeters Number of perimeters/horizontal skins (range: 0+, default: $config->{perimeters})
--solid-layers Number of solid layers to do for top/bottom surfaces
(range: 1+, default: $config->{solid_layers})
--fill-density Infill density (range: 0-1, default: $config->{fill_density})
--fill-angle Infill angle in degrees (range: 0-90, default: $config->{fill_angle})
--fill-pattern Pattern to use to fill non-solid layers (default: $config->{fill_pattern})
--solid-fill-pattern Pattern to use to fill solid layers (default: $config->{solid_fill_pattern})
--start-gcode Load initial G-code from the supplied file. This will overwrite
the default command (home all axes [G28]).
--end-gcode Load final G-code from the supplied file. This will overwrite
the default commands (turn off temperature [M104 S0],
home X axis [G28 X], disable motors [M84]).
--layer-gcode Load layer-change G-code from the supplied file (default: nothing).
--extra-perimeters Add more perimeters when needed (default: yes)
--randomize-start Randomize starting point across layers (default: yes)
Support material options:
--support-material Generate support material for overhangs
Overhang threshold angle (range: 0-90, default: $config->{support_material_threshold})
Pattern to use for support material (default: $config->{support_material_pattern})
Spacing between pattern lines (mm, default: $config->{support_material_spacing})
Support material angle in degrees (range: 0-90, default: $config->{support_material_angle})
Retraction options:
--retract-length Length of retraction in mm when pausing extrusion
(default: $config->{retract_length})
--retract-speed Speed for retraction in mm/s (default: $config->{retract_speed})
Additional amount of filament in mm to push after
compensating retraction (default: $config->{retract_restart_extra})
Only retract before travel moves of this length in mm (default: $config->{retract_before_travel})
--retract-lift Lift Z by the given distance in mm when retracting (default: $config->{retract_lift})
Cooling options:
--cooling Enable fan and cooling control
--min-fan-speed Minimum fan speed (default: $config->{min_fan_speed}%)
--max-fan-speed Maximum fan speed (default: $config->{max_fan_speed}%)
--bridge-fan-speed Fan speed to use when bridging (default: $config->{bridge_fan_speed}%)
--fan-below-layer-time Enable fan if layer print time is below this approximate number
of seconds (default: $config->{fan_below_layer_time})
--slowdown-below-layer-time Slow down if layer print time is below this approximate number
of seconds (default: $config->{slowdown_below_layer_time})
--min-print-speed Minimum print speed (mm/s, default: $config->{min_print_speed})
--disable-fan-first-layers Disable fan for the first N layers (default: $config->{disable_fan_first_layers})
--fan-always-on Keep fan always on at min fan speed, even for layers that don't need
Skirt options:
--skirts Number of skirts to draw (0+, default: $config->{skirts})
--skirt-distance Distance in mm between innermost skirt and object
(default: $config->{skirt_distance})
--skirt-height Height of skirts to draw (expressed in layers, 0+, default: $config->{skirt_height})
--brim-width Width of the brim that will get added to each object to help adhesion
(mm, default: $config->{brim_width})
Transform options:
--scale Factor for scaling input object (default: $config->{scale})
--rotate Rotation angle in degrees (0-360, default: $config->{rotate})
--duplicate Number of items with auto-arrange (1+, default: $config->{duplicate})
--bed-size Bed size, only used for auto-arrange (mm, default: $config->{bed_size}->[0],$config->{bed_size}->[1])
--duplicate-grid Number of items with grid arrangement (default: $config->{duplicate_grid}->[0],$config->{duplicate_grid}->[1])
--duplicate-distance Distance in mm between copies (default: $config->{duplicate_distance})
Sequential printing options:
--complete-objects When printing multiple objects and/or copies, complete each one before
starting the next one; watch out for extruder collisions (default: no)
--extruder-clearance-radius Radius in mm above which extruder won't collide with anything
(default: $config->{extruder_clearance_radius})
--extruder-clearance-height Maximum vertical extruder depth; i.e. vertical distance from
extruder tip and carriage bottom (default: $config->{extruder_clearance_height})
Miscellaneous options:
--notes Notes to be added as comments to the output file
Flow options (advanced):
--extrusion-width Set extrusion width manually; it accepts either an absolute value in mm
(like 0.65) or a percentage over layer height (like 200%)
Set a different extrusion width for first layer
Set a different extrusion width for perimeters
Set a different extrusion width for infill
Set a different extrusion width for support material
--bridge-flow-ratio Multiplier for extrusion when bridging (> 0, default: $config->{bridge_flow_ratio})
Multiple extruder options:
Extruder to use for perimeters (1+, default: 1)
--infill-extruder Extruder to use for infill (1+, default: 1)
Extruder to use for support material (1+, default: 1)
exit ($exit_code || 0);