For Apple's on Arm CPU computed triangle normals inside fragment shader using dFdx and dFdy has the opposite direction. Because of this, objects had darker colors inside the multi-material gizmo. Based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/66206648, the similar behavior was also spotted on some other devices with Arm CPU.
108 lines
3.6 KiB
108 lines
3.6 KiB
#include "Platform.hpp"
#include <boost/log/trivial.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
#if defined(__APPLE__)
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include <mach/machine.h>
namespace Slic3r {
static auto s_platform = Platform::Uninitialized;
static auto s_platform_flavor = PlatformFlavor::Uninitialized;
void detect_platform()
#if defined(_WIN32)
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Platform: Windows";
s_platform = Platform::Windows;
s_platform_flavor = PlatformFlavor::Generic;
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Platform: OSX";
s_platform = Platform::OSX;
s_platform_flavor = PlatformFlavor::GenericOSX;
cpu_type_t type = 0;
size_t size = sizeof(type);
if (sysctlbyname("hw.cputype", &type, &size, NULL, 0) == 0) {
type &= ~CPU_ARCH_MASK;
if (type == CPU_TYPE_X86) {
int proc_translated = 0;
size = sizeof(proc_translated);
// Detect if native CPU is really X86 or PrusaSlicer runs through Rosetta.
if (sysctlbyname("sysctl.proc_translated", &proc_translated, &size, NULL, 0) == -1) {
if (errno == ENOENT) {
// Native CPU is X86, and property sysctl.proc_translated doesn't exist.
s_platform_flavor = PlatformFlavor::OSXOnX86;
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Platform flavor: OSXOnX86";
} else if (proc_translated == 1) {
// Native CPU is ARM and PrusaSlicer runs through Rosetta.
s_platform_flavor = PlatformFlavor::OSXOnArm;
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Platform flavor: OSXOnArm";
} else {
// Native CPU is X86.
s_platform_flavor = PlatformFlavor::OSXOnX86;
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Platform flavor: OSXOnX86";
} else if (type == CPU_TYPE_ARM) {
// Native CPU is ARM
s_platform_flavor = PlatformFlavor::OSXOnArm;
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Platform flavor: OSXOnArm";
#elif defined(__linux__)
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Platform: Linux";
s_platform = Platform::Linux;
s_platform_flavor = PlatformFlavor::GenericLinux;
// Test for Chromium.
FILE *f = ::fopen("/proc/version", "rt");
if (f) {
char buf[4096];
// Read the 1st line.
if (::fgets(buf, 4096, f)) {
if (strstr(buf, "Chromium OS") != nullptr) {
s_platform_flavor = PlatformFlavor::LinuxOnChromium;
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Platform flavor: LinuxOnChromium";
} else if (strstr(buf, "microsoft") != nullptr || strstr(buf, "Microsoft") != nullptr) {
if (boost::filesystem::exists("/run/WSL") && getenv("WSL_INTEROP") != nullptr) {
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Platform flavor: WSL2";
s_platform_flavor = PlatformFlavor::WSL2;
} else {
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Platform flavor: WSL";
s_platform_flavor = PlatformFlavor::WSL;
#elif defined(__OpenBSD__)
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Platform: OpenBSD";
s_platform = Platform::BSDUnix;
s_platform_flavor = PlatformFlavor::OpenBSD;
// This should not happen.
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << "Platform: Unknown";
static_assert(false, "Unknown platform detected");
s_platform = Platform::Unknown;
s_platform_flavor = PlatformFlavor::Unknown;
Platform platform()
return s_platform;
PlatformFlavor platform_flavor()
return s_platform_flavor;
} // namespace Slic3r