2073 lines
73 KiB
2073 lines
73 KiB
#include "../libslic3r.h"
#include "../Model.hpp"
#include "../Utils.hpp"
#include "../GCode.hpp"
#include "../slic3r/GUI/PresetBundle.hpp"
#include "3mf.hpp"
#include <boost/algorithm/string/classification.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/split.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
#include <boost/nowide/fstream.hpp>
#include <expat.h>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <miniz/miniz_zip.h>
// 0 : .3mf, files saved by older slic3r or other applications. No version definition in them.
// 1 : Introduction of 3mf versioning. No other change in data saved into 3mf files.
const unsigned int VERSION_3MF = 1;
const char* SLIC3RPE_3MF_VERSION = "slic3rpe:Version3mf"; // definition of the metadata name saved into .model file
const std::string MODEL_FOLDER = "3D/";
const std::string MODEL_EXTENSION = ".model";
const std::string MODEL_FILE = "3D/3dmodel.model"; // << this is the only format of the string which works with CURA
const std::string CONTENT_TYPES_FILE = "[Content_Types].xml";
const std::string RELATIONSHIPS_FILE = "_rels/.rels";
const std::string PRINT_CONFIG_FILE = "Metadata/Slic3r_PE.config";
const std::string MODEL_CONFIG_FILE = "Metadata/Slic3r_PE_model.config";
const std::string LAYER_HEIGHTS_PROFILE_FILE = "Metadata/Slic3r_PE_layer_heights_profile.txt";
const char* MODEL_TAG = "model";
const char* RESOURCES_TAG = "resources";
const char* OBJECT_TAG = "object";
const char* MESH_TAG = "mesh";
const char* VERTICES_TAG = "vertices";
const char* VERTEX_TAG = "vertex";
const char* TRIANGLES_TAG = "triangles";
const char* TRIANGLE_TAG = "triangle";
const char* COMPONENTS_TAG = "components";
const char* COMPONENT_TAG = "component";
const char* BUILD_TAG = "build";
const char* ITEM_TAG = "item";
const char* METADATA_TAG = "metadata";
const char* CONFIG_TAG = "config";
const char* VOLUME_TAG = "volume";
const char* UNIT_ATTR = "unit";
const char* NAME_ATTR = "name";
const char* TYPE_ATTR = "type";
const char* ID_ATTR = "id";
const char* X_ATTR = "x";
const char* Y_ATTR = "y";
const char* Z_ATTR = "z";
const char* V1_ATTR = "v1";
const char* V2_ATTR = "v2";
const char* V3_ATTR = "v3";
const char* OBJECTID_ATTR = "objectid";
const char* TRANSFORM_ATTR = "transform";
const char* KEY_ATTR = "key";
const char* VALUE_ATTR = "value";
const char* FIRST_TRIANGLE_ID_ATTR = "firstid";
const char* LAST_TRIANGLE_ID_ATTR = "lastid";
const char* OBJECT_TYPE = "object";
const char* VOLUME_TYPE = "volume";
const char* NAME_KEY = "name";
const char* MODIFIER_KEY = "modifier";
const unsigned int VALID_OBJECT_TYPES_COUNT = 1;
const char* VALID_OBJECT_TYPES[] =
const unsigned int INVALID_OBJECT_TYPES_COUNT = 4;
const char* INVALID_OBJECT_TYPES[] =
typedef Eigen::Matrix<float, 4, 4, Eigen::RowMajor> Matrix4x4;
const char* get_attribute_value_charptr(const char** attributes, unsigned int attributes_size, const char* attribute_key)
if ((attributes == nullptr) || (attributes_size == 0) || (attributes_size % 2 != 0) || (attribute_key == nullptr))
return nullptr;
for (unsigned int a = 0; a < attributes_size; a += 2)
if (::strcmp(attributes[a], attribute_key) == 0)
return attributes[a + 1];
return nullptr;
std::string get_attribute_value_string(const char** attributes, unsigned int attributes_size, const char* attribute_key)
const char* text = get_attribute_value_charptr(attributes, attributes_size, attribute_key);
return (text != nullptr) ? text : "";
float get_attribute_value_float(const char** attributes, unsigned int attributes_size, const char* attribute_key)
const char* text = get_attribute_value_charptr(attributes, attributes_size, attribute_key);
return (text != nullptr) ? (float)::atof(text) : 0.0f;
int get_attribute_value_int(const char** attributes, unsigned int attributes_size, const char* attribute_key)
const char* text = get_attribute_value_charptr(attributes, attributes_size, attribute_key);
return (text != nullptr) ? ::atoi(text) : 0;
Matrix4x4 get_matrix_from_string(const std::string& mat_str)
if (mat_str.empty())
// empty string means default identity matrix
return Matrix4x4::Identity();
std::vector<std::string> mat_elements_str;
boost::split(mat_elements_str, mat_str, boost::is_any_of(" "), boost::token_compress_on);
unsigned int size = (unsigned int)mat_elements_str.size();
if (size != 12)
// invalid data, return identity matrix
return Matrix4x4::Identity();
Matrix4x4 ret = Matrix4x4::Identity();
unsigned int i = 0;
// matrices are stored into 3mf files as 4x3
// we need to transpose them
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < 4; ++c)
for (unsigned int r = 0; r < 3; ++r)
ret(r, c) = (float)::atof(mat_elements_str[i++].c_str());
return ret;
float get_unit_factor(const std::string& unit)
const char* text = unit.c_str();
if (::strcmp(text, "micron") == 0)
return 0.001f;
else if (::strcmp(text, "centimeter") == 0)
return 10.0f;
else if (::strcmp(text, "inch") == 0)
return 25.4f;
else if (::strcmp(text, "foot") == 0)
return 304.8f;
else if (::strcmp(text, "meter") == 0)
return 1000.0f;
// default "millimeters" (see specification)
return 1.0f;
bool is_valid_object_type(const std::string& type)
// if the type is empty defaults to "model" (see specification)
if (type.empty())
return true;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < VALID_OBJECT_TYPES_COUNT; ++i)
if (::strcmp(type.c_str(), VALID_OBJECT_TYPES[i]) == 0)
return true;
return false;
namespace Slic3r {
// Base class with error messages management
class _3MF_Base
std::vector<std::string> m_errors;
void add_error(const std::string& error) { m_errors.push_back(error); }
void clear_errors() { m_errors.clear(); }
void log_errors()
for (const std::string& error : m_errors)
printf("%s\n", error.c_str());
class _3MF_Importer : public _3MF_Base
struct Component
int object_id;
Matrix4x4 matrix;
explicit Component(int object_id)
: object_id(object_id)
, matrix(Matrix4x4::Identity())
Component(int object_id, const Matrix4x4& matrix)
: object_id(object_id)
, matrix(matrix)
typedef std::vector<Component> ComponentsList;
struct Geometry
std::vector<float> vertices;
std::vector<unsigned int> triangles;
bool empty()
return vertices.empty() || triangles.empty();
void reset()
struct CurrentObject
int id;
Geometry geometry;
ModelObject* object;
ComponentsList components;
void reset()
id = -1;
object = nullptr;
struct CurrentConfig
int object_id;
int volume_id;
struct Instance
ModelInstance* instance;
Matrix4x4 matrix;
Instance(ModelInstance* instance, const Matrix4x4& matrix)
: instance(instance)
, matrix(matrix)
struct Metadata
std::string key;
std::string value;
Metadata(const std::string& key, const std::string& value)
: key(key)
, value(value)
typedef std::vector<Metadata> MetadataList;
struct ObjectMetadata
struct VolumeMetadata
unsigned int first_triangle_id;
unsigned int last_triangle_id;
MetadataList metadata;
VolumeMetadata(unsigned int first_triangle_id, unsigned int last_triangle_id)
: first_triangle_id(first_triangle_id)
, last_triangle_id(last_triangle_id)
typedef std::vector<VolumeMetadata> VolumeMetadataList;
MetadataList metadata;
VolumeMetadataList volumes;
typedef std::map<int, ModelObject*> IdToModelObjectMap;
typedef std::map<int, ComponentsList> IdToAliasesMap;
typedef std::vector<Instance> InstancesList;
typedef std::map<int, ObjectMetadata> IdToMetadataMap;
typedef std::map<int, Geometry> IdToGeometryMap;
typedef std::map<int, std::vector<coordf_t>> IdToLayerHeightsProfileMap;
// Version of the 3mf file
unsigned int m_version;
XML_Parser m_xml_parser;
Model* m_model;
float m_unit_factor;
CurrentObject m_curr_object;
IdToModelObjectMap m_objects;
IdToAliasesMap m_objects_aliases;
InstancesList m_instances;
IdToGeometryMap m_geometries;
CurrentConfig m_curr_config;
IdToMetadataMap m_objects_metadata;
IdToLayerHeightsProfileMap m_layer_heights_profiles;
std::string m_curr_metadata_name;
std::string m_curr_characters;
bool load_model_from_file(const std::string& filename, Model& model, PresetBundle& bundle);
void _destroy_xml_parser();
void _stop_xml_parser();
bool _load_model_from_file(const std::string& filename, Model& model, PresetBundle& bundle);
bool _extract_model_from_archive(mz_zip_archive& archive, const mz_zip_archive_file_stat& stat);
void _extract_layer_heights_profile_config_from_archive(mz_zip_archive& archive, const mz_zip_archive_file_stat& stat);
void _extract_print_config_from_archive(mz_zip_archive& archive, const mz_zip_archive_file_stat& stat, PresetBundle& bundle, const std::string& archive_filename);
bool _extract_model_config_from_archive(mz_zip_archive& archive, const mz_zip_archive_file_stat& stat, Model& model);
// handlers to parse the .model file
void _handle_start_model_xml_element(const char* name, const char** attributes);
void _handle_end_model_xml_element(const char* name);
void _handle_model_xml_characters(const XML_Char* s, int len);
// handlers to parse the MODEL_CONFIG_FILE file
void _handle_start_config_xml_element(const char* name, const char** attributes);
void _handle_end_config_xml_element(const char* name);
bool _handle_start_model(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes);
bool _handle_end_model();
bool _handle_start_resources(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes);
bool _handle_end_resources();
bool _handle_start_object(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes);
bool _handle_end_object();
bool _handle_start_mesh(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes);
bool _handle_end_mesh();
bool _handle_start_vertices(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes);
bool _handle_end_vertices();
bool _handle_start_vertex(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes);
bool _handle_end_vertex();
bool _handle_start_triangles(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes);
bool _handle_end_triangles();
bool _handle_start_triangle(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes);
bool _handle_end_triangle();
bool _handle_start_components(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes);
bool _handle_end_components();
bool _handle_start_component(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes);
bool _handle_end_component();
bool _handle_start_build(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes);
bool _handle_end_build();
bool _handle_start_item(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes);
bool _handle_end_item();
bool _handle_start_metadata(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes);
bool _handle_end_metadata();
bool _create_object_instance(int object_id, const Matrix4x4& matrix, unsigned int recur_counter);
void _apply_transform(ModelInstance& instance, const Matrix4x4& matrix);
bool _handle_start_config(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes);
bool _handle_end_config();
bool _handle_start_config_object(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes);
bool _handle_end_config_object();
bool _handle_start_config_volume(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes);
bool _handle_end_config_volume();
bool _handle_start_config_metadata(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes);
bool _handle_end_config_metadata();
bool _generate_volumes(ModelObject& object, const Geometry& geometry, const ObjectMetadata::VolumeMetadataList& volumes);
// callbacks to parse the .model file
static void XMLCALL _handle_start_model_xml_element(void* userData, const char* name, const char** attributes);
static void XMLCALL _handle_end_model_xml_element(void* userData, const char* name);
static void XMLCALL _handle_model_xml_characters(void* userData, const XML_Char* s, int len);
// callbacks to parse the MODEL_CONFIG_FILE file
static void XMLCALL _handle_start_config_xml_element(void* userData, const char* name, const char** attributes);
static void XMLCALL _handle_end_config_xml_element(void* userData, const char* name);
: m_version(0)
, m_xml_parser(nullptr)
, m_model(nullptr)
, m_unit_factor(1.0f)
, m_curr_metadata_name("")
, m_curr_characters("")
bool _3MF_Importer::load_model_from_file(const std::string& filename, Model& model, PresetBundle& bundle)
m_version = 0;
m_model = &model;
m_unit_factor = 1.0f;
m_curr_config.object_id = -1;
m_curr_config.volume_id = -1;
return _load_model_from_file(filename, model, bundle);
void _3MF_Importer::_destroy_xml_parser()
if (m_xml_parser != nullptr)
m_xml_parser = nullptr;
void _3MF_Importer::_stop_xml_parser()
if (m_xml_parser != nullptr)
XML_StopParser(m_xml_parser, false);
bool _3MF_Importer::_load_model_from_file(const std::string& filename, Model& model, PresetBundle& bundle)
mz_zip_archive archive;
mz_bool res = mz_zip_reader_init_file(&archive, filename.c_str(), 0);
if (res == 0)
add_error("Unable to open the file");
return false;
mz_uint num_entries = mz_zip_reader_get_num_files(&archive);
mz_zip_archive_file_stat stat;
// we first loop the entries to read from the archive the .model file only, in order to extract the version from it
for (mz_uint i = 0; i < num_entries; ++i)
if (mz_zip_reader_file_stat(&archive, i, &stat))
std::string name(stat.m_filename);
std::replace(name.begin(), name.end(), '\\', '/');
if (boost::algorithm::istarts_with(name, MODEL_FOLDER) && boost::algorithm::iends_with(name, MODEL_EXTENSION))
// valid model name -> extract model
if (!_extract_model_from_archive(archive, stat))
add_error("Archive does not contain a valid model");
return false;
// we then loop again the entries to read other files stored in the archive
for (mz_uint i = 0; i < num_entries; ++i)
if (mz_zip_reader_file_stat(&archive, i, &stat))
std::string name(stat.m_filename);
std::replace(name.begin(), name.end(), '\\', '/');
if (boost::algorithm::iequals(name, LAYER_HEIGHTS_PROFILE_FILE))
// extract slic3r lazer heights profile file
_extract_layer_heights_profile_config_from_archive(archive, stat);
else if (boost::algorithm::iequals(name, PRINT_CONFIG_FILE))
// extract slic3r print config file
_extract_print_config_from_archive(archive, stat, bundle, filename);
else if (boost::algorithm::iequals(name, MODEL_CONFIG_FILE))
// extract slic3r model config file
if (!_extract_model_config_from_archive(archive, stat, model))
add_error("Archive does not contain a valid model config");
return false;
for (const IdToModelObjectMap::value_type& object : m_objects)
ObjectMetadata::VolumeMetadataList volumes;
ObjectMetadata::VolumeMetadataList* volumes_ptr = nullptr;
IdToGeometryMap::const_iterator obj_geometry = m_geometries.find(object.first);
if (obj_geometry == m_geometries.end())
add_error("Unable to find object geometry");
return false;
IdToLayerHeightsProfileMap::iterator obj_layer_heights_profile = m_layer_heights_profiles.find(object.first);
if (obj_layer_heights_profile != m_layer_heights_profiles.end())
object.second->layer_height_profile = obj_layer_heights_profile->second;
object.second->layer_height_profile_valid = true;
IdToMetadataMap::iterator obj_metadata = m_objects_metadata.find(object.first);
if (obj_metadata != m_objects_metadata.end())
// config data has been found, this model was saved using slic3r pe
// apply object's name and config data
for (const Metadata& metadata : obj_metadata->second.metadata)
if (metadata.key == "name")
object.second->name = metadata.value;
object.second->config.set_deserialize(metadata.key, metadata.value);
// select object's detected volumes
volumes_ptr = &obj_metadata->second.volumes;
// config data not found, this model was not saved using slic3r pe
// add the entire geometry as the single volume to generate
volumes.emplace_back(0, (int)obj_geometry->second.triangles.size() / 3 - 1);
// select as volumes
volumes_ptr = &volumes;
if (!_generate_volumes(*object.second, obj_geometry->second, *volumes_ptr))
return false;
// fixes the min z of the model if negative
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_extract_model_from_archive(mz_zip_archive& archive, const mz_zip_archive_file_stat& stat)
if (stat.m_uncomp_size == 0)
add_error("Found invalid size");
return false;
m_xml_parser = XML_ParserCreate(nullptr);
if (m_xml_parser == nullptr)
add_error("Unable to create parser");
return false;
XML_SetUserData(m_xml_parser, (void*)this);
XML_SetElementHandler(m_xml_parser, _3MF_Importer::_handle_start_model_xml_element, _3MF_Importer::_handle_end_model_xml_element);
XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(m_xml_parser, _3MF_Importer::_handle_model_xml_characters);
void* parser_buffer = XML_GetBuffer(m_xml_parser, (int)stat.m_uncomp_size);
if (parser_buffer == nullptr)
add_error("Unable to create buffer");
return false;
mz_bool res = mz_zip_reader_extract_file_to_mem(&archive, stat.m_filename, parser_buffer, (size_t)stat.m_uncomp_size, 0);
if (res == 0)
add_error("Error while reading model data to buffer");
return false;
if (!XML_ParseBuffer(m_xml_parser, (int)stat.m_uncomp_size, 1))
char error_buf[1024];
::sprintf(error_buf, "Error (%s) while parsing xml file at line %d", XML_ErrorString(XML_GetErrorCode(m_xml_parser)), XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(m_xml_parser));
return false;
return true;
void _3MF_Importer::_extract_print_config_from_archive(mz_zip_archive& archive, const mz_zip_archive_file_stat& stat, PresetBundle& bundle, const std::string& archive_filename)
if (stat.m_uncomp_size > 0)
std::string buffer((size_t)stat.m_uncomp_size, 0);
mz_bool res = mz_zip_reader_extract_file_to_mem(&archive, stat.m_filename, (void*)buffer.data(), (size_t)stat.m_uncomp_size, 0);
if (res == 0)
add_error("Error while reading config data to buffer");
bundle.load_config_string(buffer.data(), archive_filename.c_str());
void _3MF_Importer::_extract_layer_heights_profile_config_from_archive(mz_zip_archive& archive, const mz_zip_archive_file_stat& stat)
if (stat.m_uncomp_size > 0)
std::string buffer((size_t)stat.m_uncomp_size, 0);
mz_bool res = mz_zip_reader_extract_file_to_mem(&archive, stat.m_filename, (void*)buffer.data(), (size_t)stat.m_uncomp_size, 0);
if (res == 0)
add_error("Error while reading layer heights profile data to buffer");
if (buffer.back() == '\n')
std::vector<std::string> objects;
boost::split(objects, buffer, boost::is_any_of("\n"), boost::token_compress_off);
for (const std::string& object : objects)
std::vector<std::string> object_data;
boost::split(object_data, object, boost::is_any_of("|"), boost::token_compress_off);
if (object_data.size() != 2)
add_error("Error while reading object data");
std::vector<std::string> object_data_id;
boost::split(object_data_id, object_data[0], boost::is_any_of("="), boost::token_compress_off);
if (object_data_id.size() != 2)
add_error("Error while reading object id");
int object_id = std::atoi(object_data_id[1].c_str());
if (object_id == 0)
add_error("Found invalid object id");
IdToLayerHeightsProfileMap::iterator object_item = m_layer_heights_profiles.find(object_id);
if (object_item != m_layer_heights_profiles.end())
add_error("Found duplicated layer heights profile");
std::vector<std::string> object_data_profile;
boost::split(object_data_profile, object_data[1], boost::is_any_of(";"), boost::token_compress_off);
if ((object_data_profile.size() <= 4) || (object_data_profile.size() % 2 != 0))
add_error("Found invalid layer heights profile");
std::vector<coordf_t> profile;
for (const std::string& value : object_data_profile)
m_layer_heights_profiles.insert(IdToLayerHeightsProfileMap::value_type(object_id, profile));
bool _3MF_Importer::_extract_model_config_from_archive(mz_zip_archive& archive, const mz_zip_archive_file_stat& stat, Model& model)
if (stat.m_uncomp_size == 0)
add_error("Found invalid size");
return false;
m_xml_parser = XML_ParserCreate(nullptr);
if (m_xml_parser == nullptr)
add_error("Unable to create parser");
return false;
XML_SetUserData(m_xml_parser, (void*)this);
XML_SetElementHandler(m_xml_parser, _3MF_Importer::_handle_start_config_xml_element, _3MF_Importer::_handle_end_config_xml_element);
void* parser_buffer = XML_GetBuffer(m_xml_parser, (int)stat.m_uncomp_size);
if (parser_buffer == nullptr)
add_error("Unable to create buffer");
return false;
mz_bool res = mz_zip_reader_extract_file_to_mem(&archive, stat.m_filename, parser_buffer, (size_t)stat.m_uncomp_size, 0);
if (res == 0)
add_error("Error while reading config data to buffer");
return false;
if (!XML_ParseBuffer(m_xml_parser, (int)stat.m_uncomp_size, 1))
char error_buf[1024];
::sprintf(error_buf, "Error (%s) while parsing xml file at line %d", XML_ErrorString(XML_GetErrorCode(m_xml_parser)), XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(m_xml_parser));
return false;
return true;
void _3MF_Importer::_handle_start_model_xml_element(const char* name, const char** attributes)
if (m_xml_parser == nullptr)
bool res = true;
unsigned int num_attributes = (unsigned int)XML_GetSpecifiedAttributeCount(m_xml_parser);
if (::strcmp(MODEL_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_start_model(attributes, num_attributes);
else if (::strcmp(RESOURCES_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_start_resources(attributes, num_attributes);
else if (::strcmp(OBJECT_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_start_object(attributes, num_attributes);
else if (::strcmp(MESH_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_start_mesh(attributes, num_attributes);
else if (::strcmp(VERTICES_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_start_vertices(attributes, num_attributes);
else if (::strcmp(VERTEX_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_start_vertex(attributes, num_attributes);
else if (::strcmp(TRIANGLES_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_start_triangles(attributes, num_attributes);
else if (::strcmp(TRIANGLE_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_start_triangle(attributes, num_attributes);
else if (::strcmp(COMPONENTS_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_start_components(attributes, num_attributes);
else if (::strcmp(COMPONENT_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_start_component(attributes, num_attributes);
else if (::strcmp(BUILD_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_start_build(attributes, num_attributes);
else if (::strcmp(ITEM_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_start_item(attributes, num_attributes);
else if (::strcmp(METADATA_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_start_metadata(attributes, num_attributes);
if (!res)
void _3MF_Importer::_handle_end_model_xml_element(const char* name)
if (m_xml_parser == nullptr)
bool res = true;
if (::strcmp(MODEL_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_end_model();
else if (::strcmp(RESOURCES_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_end_resources();
else if (::strcmp(OBJECT_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_end_object();
else if (::strcmp(MESH_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_end_mesh();
else if (::strcmp(VERTICES_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_end_vertices();
else if (::strcmp(VERTEX_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_end_vertex();
else if (::strcmp(TRIANGLES_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_end_triangles();
else if (::strcmp(TRIANGLE_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_end_triangle();
else if (::strcmp(COMPONENTS_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_end_components();
else if (::strcmp(COMPONENT_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_end_component();
else if (::strcmp(BUILD_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_end_build();
else if (::strcmp(ITEM_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_end_item();
else if (::strcmp(METADATA_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_end_metadata();
if (!res)
void _3MF_Importer::_handle_model_xml_characters(const XML_Char* s, int len)
m_curr_characters.append(s, len);
void _3MF_Importer::_handle_start_config_xml_element(const char* name, const char** attributes)
if (m_xml_parser == nullptr)
bool res = true;
unsigned int num_attributes = (unsigned int)XML_GetSpecifiedAttributeCount(m_xml_parser);
if (::strcmp(CONFIG_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_start_config(attributes, num_attributes);
else if (::strcmp(OBJECT_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_start_config_object(attributes, num_attributes);
else if (::strcmp(VOLUME_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_start_config_volume(attributes, num_attributes);
else if (::strcmp(METADATA_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_start_config_metadata(attributes, num_attributes);
if (!res)
void _3MF_Importer::_handle_end_config_xml_element(const char* name)
if (m_xml_parser == nullptr)
bool res = true;
if (::strcmp(CONFIG_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_end_config();
else if (::strcmp(OBJECT_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_end_config_object();
else if (::strcmp(VOLUME_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_end_config_volume();
else if (::strcmp(METADATA_TAG, name) == 0)
res = _handle_end_config_metadata();
if (!res)
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_start_model(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes)
m_unit_factor = get_unit_factor(get_attribute_value_string(attributes, num_attributes, UNIT_ATTR));
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_end_model()
// deletes all non-built or non-instanced objects
for (const IdToModelObjectMap::value_type& object : m_objects)
if ((object.second != nullptr) && (object.second->instances.size() == 0))
// applies instances' matrices
for (Instance& instance : m_instances)
if (instance.instance != nullptr)
ModelObject* object = instance.instance->get_object();
if (object != nullptr)
// apply the matrix to the instance
_apply_transform(*instance.instance, instance.matrix);
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_start_resources(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes)
// do nothing
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_end_resources()
// do nothing
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_start_object(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes)
// reset current data
if (is_valid_object_type(get_attribute_value_string(attributes, num_attributes, TYPE_ATTR)))
// create new object (it may be removed later if no instances are generated from it)
m_curr_object.object = m_model->add_object();
if (m_curr_object.object == nullptr)
add_error("Unable to create object");
return false;
// set object data
m_curr_object.object->name = get_attribute_value_string(attributes, num_attributes, NAME_ATTR);
m_curr_object.id = get_attribute_value_int(attributes, num_attributes, ID_ATTR);
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_end_object()
if (m_curr_object.object != nullptr)
if (m_curr_object.geometry.empty())
// no geometry defined
// remove the object from the model
if (m_curr_object.components.empty())
// no components defined -> invalid object, delete it
IdToModelObjectMap::iterator object_item = m_objects.find(m_curr_object.id);
if (object_item != m_objects.end())
IdToAliasesMap::iterator alias_item = m_objects_aliases.find(m_curr_object.id);
if (alias_item != m_objects_aliases.end())
// adds components to aliases
m_objects_aliases.insert(IdToAliasesMap::value_type(m_curr_object.id, m_curr_object.components));
// geometry defined, store it for later use
m_geometries.insert(IdToGeometryMap::value_type(m_curr_object.id, std::move(m_curr_object.geometry)));
// stores the object for later use
if (m_objects.find(m_curr_object.id) == m_objects.end())
m_objects.insert(IdToModelObjectMap::value_type(m_curr_object.id, m_curr_object.object));
m_objects_aliases.insert(IdToAliasesMap::value_type(m_curr_object.id, ComponentsList(1, Component(m_curr_object.id)))); // aliases itself
add_error("Found object with duplicate id");
return false;
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_start_mesh(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes)
// reset current geometry
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_end_mesh()
// do nothing
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_start_vertices(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes)
// reset current vertices
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_end_vertices()
// do nothing
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_start_vertex(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes)
// appends the vertex coordinates
// missing values are set equal to ZERO
m_curr_object.geometry.vertices.push_back(m_unit_factor * get_attribute_value_float(attributes, num_attributes, X_ATTR));
m_curr_object.geometry.vertices.push_back(m_unit_factor * get_attribute_value_float(attributes, num_attributes, Y_ATTR));
m_curr_object.geometry.vertices.push_back(m_unit_factor * get_attribute_value_float(attributes, num_attributes, Z_ATTR));
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_end_vertex()
// do nothing
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_start_triangles(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes)
// reset current triangles
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_end_triangles()
// do nothing
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_start_triangle(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes)
// we are ignoring the following attributes:
// p1
// p2
// p3
// pid
// see specifications
// appends the triangle's vertices indices
// missing values are set equal to ZERO
m_curr_object.geometry.triangles.push_back((unsigned int)get_attribute_value_int(attributes, num_attributes, V1_ATTR));
m_curr_object.geometry.triangles.push_back((unsigned int)get_attribute_value_int(attributes, num_attributes, V2_ATTR));
m_curr_object.geometry.triangles.push_back((unsigned int)get_attribute_value_int(attributes, num_attributes, V3_ATTR));
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_end_triangle()
// do nothing
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_start_components(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes)
// reset current components
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_end_components()
// do nothing
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_start_component(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes)
int object_id = get_attribute_value_int(attributes, num_attributes, OBJECTID_ATTR);
Matrix4x4 matrix = get_matrix_from_string(get_attribute_value_string(attributes, num_attributes, TRANSFORM_ATTR));
IdToModelObjectMap::iterator object_item = m_objects.find(object_id);
if (object_item == m_objects.end())
IdToAliasesMap::iterator alias_item = m_objects_aliases.find(object_id);
if (alias_item == m_objects_aliases.end())
add_error("Found component with invalid object id");
return false;
m_curr_object.components.emplace_back(object_id, matrix);
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_end_component()
// do nothing
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_start_build(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes)
// do nothing
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_end_build()
// do nothing
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_start_item(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes)
// we are ignoring the following attributes
// thumbnail
// partnumber
// pid
// pindex
// see specifications
int object_id = get_attribute_value_int(attributes, num_attributes, OBJECTID_ATTR);
Matrix4x4 matrix = get_matrix_from_string(get_attribute_value_string(attributes, num_attributes, TRANSFORM_ATTR));
return _create_object_instance(object_id, matrix, 1);
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_end_item()
// do nothing
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_start_metadata(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes)
std::string name = get_attribute_value_string(attributes, num_attributes, NAME_ATTR);
if (!name.empty())
m_curr_metadata_name = name;
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_end_metadata()
if (m_curr_metadata_name == SLIC3RPE_3MF_VERSION)
m_version = (unsigned int)atoi(m_curr_characters.c_str());
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_create_object_instance(int object_id, const Matrix4x4& matrix, unsigned int recur_counter)
static const unsigned int MAX_RECURSIONS = 10;
// escape from circular aliasing
if (recur_counter > MAX_RECURSIONS)
add_error("Too many recursions");
return false;
IdToAliasesMap::iterator it = m_objects_aliases.find(object_id);
if (it == m_objects_aliases.end())
add_error("Found item with invalid object id");
return false;
if ((it->second.size() == 1) && (it->second[0].object_id == object_id))
// aliasing to itself
IdToModelObjectMap::iterator object_item = m_objects.find(object_id);
if ((object_item == m_objects.end()) || (object_item->second == nullptr))
add_error("Found invalid object");
return false;
ModelInstance* instance = object_item->second->add_instance();
if (instance == nullptr)
add_error("Unable to add object instance");
return false;
m_instances.emplace_back(instance, matrix);
// recursively process nested components
for (const Component& component : it->second)
if (!_create_object_instance(component.object_id, matrix * component.matrix, recur_counter + 1))
return false;
return true;
void _3MF_Importer::_apply_transform(ModelInstance& instance, const Matrix4x4& matrix)
// slic3r ModelInstance cannot be transformed using a matrix
// we extract from the given matrix only the values currently used
// translation
double offset_x = (double)matrix(0, 3);
double offset_y = (double)matrix(1, 3);
double offset_z = (double)matrix(2, 3);
// scale
double sx = ::sqrt(sqr((double)matrix(0, 0)) + sqr((double)matrix(1, 0)) + sqr((double)matrix(2, 0)));
double sy = ::sqrt(sqr((double)matrix(0, 1)) + sqr((double)matrix(1, 1)) + sqr((double)matrix(2, 1)));
double sz = ::sqrt(sqr((double)matrix(0, 2)) + sqr((double)matrix(1, 2)) + sqr((double)matrix(2, 2)));
// invalid scale value, return
if ((sx == 0.0) || (sy == 0.0) || (sz == 0.0))
// non-uniform scale value, return
if ((std::abs(sx - sy) > 0.00001) || (std::abs(sx - sz) > 0.00001))
#if 0 // use quaternions
// rotations (extracted using quaternion)
double inv_sx = 1.0 / sx;
double inv_sy = 1.0 / sy;
double inv_sz = 1.0 / sz;
Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3, Eigen::RowMajor> m3x3;
m3x3 << (double)matrix(0, 0) * inv_sx, (double)matrix(0, 1) * inv_sy, (double)matrix(0, 2) * inv_sz,
(double)matrix(1, 0) * inv_sx, (double)matrix(1, 1) * inv_sy, (double)matrix(1, 2) * inv_sz,
(double)matrix(2, 0) * inv_sx, (double)matrix(2, 1) * inv_sy, (double)matrix(2, 2) * inv_sz;
double qw = 0.5 * ::sqrt(std::max(0.0, 1.0 + m3x3(0, 0) + m3x3(1, 1) + m3x3(2, 2)));
double qx = 0.5 * ::sqrt(std::max(0.0, 1.0 + m3x3(0, 0) - m3x3(1, 1) - m3x3(2, 2)));
double qy = 0.5 * ::sqrt(std::max(0.0, 1.0 - m3x3(0, 0) + m3x3(1, 1) - m3x3(2, 2)));
double qz = 0.5 * ::sqrt(std::max(0.0, 1.0 - m3x3(0, 0) - m3x3(1, 1) + m3x3(2, 2)));
double q_magnitude = ::sqrt(sqr(qw) + sqr(qx) + sqr(qy) + sqr(qz));
// invalid length, return
if (q_magnitude == 0.0)
double inv_q_magnitude = 1.0 / q_magnitude;
qw *= inv_q_magnitude;
qx *= inv_q_magnitude;
qy *= inv_q_magnitude;
qz *= inv_q_magnitude;
double test = qx * qy + qz * qw;
double angle_x, angle_y, angle_z;
if (test > 0.499)
// singularity at north pole
angle_x = 0.0;
angle_y = 2.0 * ::atan2(qx, qw);
angle_z = 0.5 * PI;
else if (test < -0.499)
// singularity at south pole
angle_x = 0.0;
angle_y = -2.0 * ::atan2(qx, qw);
angle_z = -0.5 * PI;
angle_x = ::atan2(2.0 * qx * qw - 2.0 * qy * qz, 1.0 - 2.0 * sqr(qx) - 2.0 * sqr(qz));
angle_y = ::atan2(2.0 * qy * qw - 2.0 * qx * qz, 1.0 - 2.0 * sqr(qy) - 2.0 * sqr(qz));
angle_z = ::asin(2.0 * qx * qy + 2.0 * qz * qw);
if (angle_x < 0.0)
angle_x += 2.0 * PI;
if (angle_y < 0.0)
angle_y += 2.0 * PI;
if (angle_z < 0.0)
angle_z += 2.0 * PI;
#else // use eigen library
double inv_sx = 1.0 / sx;
double inv_sy = 1.0 / sy;
double inv_sz = 1.0 / sz;
Eigen::Matrix3d m3x3;
m3x3 << (double)matrix(0, 0) * inv_sx, (double)matrix(0, 1) * inv_sy, (double)matrix(0, 2) * inv_sz,
(double)matrix(1, 0) * inv_sx, (double)matrix(1, 1) * inv_sy, (double)matrix(1, 2) * inv_sz,
(double)matrix(2, 0) * inv_sx, (double)matrix(2, 1) * inv_sy, (double)matrix(2, 2) * inv_sz;
Eigen::AngleAxisd rotation;
// invalid rotation axis, we currently handle only rotations around Z axis
if ((rotation.angle() != 0.0) && (rotation.axis() != Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()) && (rotation.axis() != -Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()))
double angle_z = (rotation.axis() == Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ()) ? rotation.angle() : -rotation.angle();
instance.offset.x = offset_x;
instance.offset.y = offset_y;
instance.scaling_factor = sx;
instance.rotation = angle_z;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_start_config(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes)
// do nothing
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_end_config()
// do nothing
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_start_config_object(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes)
int object_id = get_attribute_value_int(attributes, num_attributes, ID_ATTR);
IdToMetadataMap::iterator object_item = m_objects_metadata.find(object_id);
if (object_item != m_objects_metadata.end())
add_error("Found duplicated object id");
return false;
m_objects_metadata.insert(IdToMetadataMap::value_type(object_id, ObjectMetadata()));
m_curr_config.object_id = object_id;
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_end_config_object()
// do nothing
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_start_config_volume(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes)
IdToMetadataMap::iterator object = m_objects_metadata.find(m_curr_config.object_id);
if (object == m_objects_metadata.end())
add_error("Cannot assign volume to a valid object");
return false;
m_curr_config.volume_id = object->second.volumes.size();
unsigned int first_triangle_id = (unsigned int)get_attribute_value_int(attributes, num_attributes, FIRST_TRIANGLE_ID_ATTR);
unsigned int last_triangle_id = (unsigned int)get_attribute_value_int(attributes, num_attributes, LAST_TRIANGLE_ID_ATTR);
object->second.volumes.emplace_back(first_triangle_id, last_triangle_id);
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_end_config_volume()
// do nothing
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_start_config_metadata(const char** attributes, unsigned int num_attributes)
IdToMetadataMap::iterator object = m_objects_metadata.find(m_curr_config.object_id);
if (object == m_objects_metadata.end())
add_error("Cannot assign metadata to valid object id");
return false;
std::string type = get_attribute_value_string(attributes, num_attributes, TYPE_ATTR);
std::string key = get_attribute_value_string(attributes, num_attributes, KEY_ATTR);
std::string value = get_attribute_value_string(attributes, num_attributes, VALUE_ATTR);
if (type == OBJECT_TYPE)
object->second.metadata.emplace_back(key, value);
else if (type == VOLUME_TYPE)
if (m_curr_config.volume_id < object->second.volumes.size())
object->second.volumes[m_curr_config.volume_id].metadata.emplace_back(key, value);
add_error("Found invalid metadata type");
return false;
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_handle_end_config_metadata()
// do nothing
return true;
bool _3MF_Importer::_generate_volumes(ModelObject& object, const Geometry& geometry, const ObjectMetadata::VolumeMetadataList& volumes)
if (!object.volumes.empty())
add_error("Found invalid volumes count");
return false;
unsigned int geo_tri_count = geometry.triangles.size() / 3;
for (const ObjectMetadata::VolumeMetadata& volume_data : volumes)
if ((geo_tri_count <= volume_data.first_triangle_id) || (geo_tri_count <= volume_data.last_triangle_id) || (volume_data.last_triangle_id < volume_data.first_triangle_id))
add_error("Found invalid triangle id");
return false;
// splits volume out of imported geometry
unsigned int triangles_count = volume_data.last_triangle_id - volume_data.first_triangle_id + 1;
ModelVolume* volume = object.add_volume(TriangleMesh());
stl_file& stl = volume->mesh.stl;
stl.stats.type = inmemory;
stl.stats.number_of_facets = (uint32_t)triangles_count;
stl.stats.original_num_facets = (int)stl.stats.number_of_facets;
unsigned int src_start_id = volume_data.first_triangle_id * 3;
for (size_t i = 0; i < triangles_count; ++i)
unsigned int ii = i * 3;
stl_facet& facet = stl.facet_start[i];
for (unsigned int v = 0; v < 3; ++v)
::memcpy((void*)&facet.vertex[v].x, (const void*)&geometry.vertices[geometry.triangles[src_start_id + ii + v] * 3], 3 * sizeof(float));
// apply volume's name and config data
for (const Metadata& metadata : volume_data.metadata)
if (metadata.key == NAME_KEY)
volume->name = metadata.value;
else if ((metadata.key == MODIFIER_KEY) && (metadata.value == "1"))
volume->modifier = true;
volume->config.set_deserialize(metadata.key, metadata.value);
return true;
void XMLCALL _3MF_Importer::_handle_start_model_xml_element(void* userData, const char* name, const char** attributes)
_3MF_Importer* importer = (_3MF_Importer*)userData;
if (importer != nullptr)
importer->_handle_start_model_xml_element(name, attributes);
void XMLCALL _3MF_Importer::_handle_end_model_xml_element(void* userData, const char* name)
_3MF_Importer* importer = (_3MF_Importer*)userData;
if (importer != nullptr)
void XMLCALL _3MF_Importer::_handle_model_xml_characters(void* userData, const XML_Char* s, int len)
_3MF_Importer* importer = (_3MF_Importer*)userData;
if (importer != nullptr)
importer->_handle_model_xml_characters(s, len);
void XMLCALL _3MF_Importer::_handle_start_config_xml_element(void* userData, const char* name, const char** attributes)
_3MF_Importer* importer = (_3MF_Importer*)userData;
if (importer != nullptr)
importer->_handle_start_config_xml_element(name, attributes);
void XMLCALL _3MF_Importer::_handle_end_config_xml_element(void* userData, const char* name)
_3MF_Importer* importer = (_3MF_Importer*)userData;
if (importer != nullptr)
class _3MF_Exporter : public _3MF_Base
struct BuildItem
unsigned int id;
Matrix4x4 matrix;
BuildItem(unsigned int id, const Matrix4x4& matrix)
: id(id)
, matrix(matrix)
struct Offsets
unsigned int first_vertex_id;
unsigned int first_triangle_id;
unsigned int last_triangle_id;
Offsets(unsigned int first_vertex_id)
: first_vertex_id(first_vertex_id)
, first_triangle_id(-1)
, last_triangle_id(-1)
typedef std::map<const ModelVolume*, Offsets> VolumeToOffsetsMap;
struct ObjectData
ModelObject* object;
VolumeToOffsetsMap volumes_offsets;
explicit ObjectData(ModelObject* object)
: object(object)
typedef std::vector<BuildItem> BuildItemsList;
typedef std::map<int, ObjectData> IdToObjectDataMap;
IdToObjectDataMap m_objects_data;
bool save_model_to_file(const std::string& filename, Model& model, const Print& print, bool export_print_config);
bool _save_model_to_file(const std::string& filename, Model& model, const Print& print, bool export_print_config);
bool _add_content_types_file_to_archive(mz_zip_archive& archive);
bool _add_relationships_file_to_archive(mz_zip_archive& archive);
bool _add_model_file_to_archive(mz_zip_archive& archive, Model& model);
bool _add_object_to_model_stream(std::stringstream& stream, unsigned int& object_id, ModelObject& object, BuildItemsList& build_items, VolumeToOffsetsMap& volumes_offsets);
bool _add_mesh_to_object_stream(std::stringstream& stream, ModelObject& object, VolumeToOffsetsMap& volumes_offsets);
bool _add_build_to_model_stream(std::stringstream& stream, const BuildItemsList& build_items);
bool _add_layer_height_profile_file_to_archive(mz_zip_archive& archive, Model& model);
bool _add_print_config_file_to_archive(mz_zip_archive& archive, const Print& print);
bool _add_model_config_file_to_archive(mz_zip_archive& archive, const Model& model);
bool _3MF_Exporter::save_model_to_file(const std::string& filename, Model& model, const Print& print, bool export_print_config)
return _save_model_to_file(filename, model, print, export_print_config);
bool _3MF_Exporter::_save_model_to_file(const std::string& filename, Model& model, const Print& print, bool export_print_config)
mz_zip_archive archive;
mz_bool res = mz_zip_writer_init_file(&archive, filename.c_str(), 0);
if (res == 0)
add_error("Unable to open the file");
return false;
// adds content types file
if (!_add_content_types_file_to_archive(archive))
return false;
// adds relationships file
if (!_add_relationships_file_to_archive(archive))
return false;
// adds model file
if (!_add_model_file_to_archive(archive, model))
return false;
// adds layer height profile file
if (!_add_layer_height_profile_file_to_archive(archive, model))
return false;
// adds slic3r print config file
if (export_print_config)
if (!_add_print_config_file_to_archive(archive, print))
return false;
// adds slic3r model config file
if (!_add_model_config_file_to_archive(archive, model))
return false;
if (!mz_zip_writer_finalize_archive(&archive))
add_error("Unable to finalize the archive");
return false;
return true;
bool _3MF_Exporter::_add_content_types_file_to_archive(mz_zip_archive& archive)
std::stringstream stream;
stream << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
stream << "<Types xmlns=\"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/content-types\">\n";
stream << " <Default Extension=\"rels\" ContentType=\"application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.relationships+xml\" />\n";
stream << " <Default Extension=\"model\" ContentType=\"application/vnd.ms-package.3dmanufacturing-3dmodel+xml\" />\n";
stream << "</Types>";
std::string out = stream.str();
if (!mz_zip_writer_add_mem(&archive, CONTENT_TYPES_FILE.c_str(), (const void*)out.data(), out.length(), MZ_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION))
add_error("Unable to add content types file to archive");
return false;
return true;
bool _3MF_Exporter::_add_relationships_file_to_archive(mz_zip_archive& archive)
std::stringstream stream;
stream << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
stream << "<Relationships xmlns=\"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships\">\n";
stream << " <Relationship Target=\"/" << MODEL_FILE << "\" Id=\"rel-1\" Type=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/3dmanufacturing/2013/01/3dmodel\" />\n";
stream << "</Relationships>";
std::string out = stream.str();
if (!mz_zip_writer_add_mem(&archive, RELATIONSHIPS_FILE.c_str(), (const void*)out.data(), out.length(), MZ_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION))
add_error("Unable to add relationships file to archive");
return false;
return true;
bool _3MF_Exporter::_add_model_file_to_archive(mz_zip_archive& archive, Model& model)
std::stringstream stream;
stream << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
stream << "<" << MODEL_TAG << " unit=\"millimeter\" xml:lang=\"en-US\" xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/3dmanufacturing/core/2015/02\" xmlns:slic3rpe=\"http://schemas.slic3r.org/3mf/2017/06\">\n";
stream << " <" << METADATA_TAG << " name=\"" << SLIC3RPE_3MF_VERSION << "\">" << VERSION_3MF << "</" << METADATA_TAG << ">\n";
stream << " <" << RESOURCES_TAG << ">\n";
BuildItemsList build_items;
unsigned int object_id = 1;
for (ModelObject* obj : model.objects)
if (obj == nullptr)
unsigned int curr_id = object_id;
IdToObjectDataMap::iterator object_it = m_objects_data.insert(IdToObjectDataMap::value_type(curr_id, ObjectData(obj))).first;
if (!_add_object_to_model_stream(stream, object_id, *obj, build_items, object_it->second.volumes_offsets))
add_error("Unable to add object to archive");
return false;
stream << " </" << RESOURCES_TAG << ">\n";
if (!_add_build_to_model_stream(stream, build_items))
add_error("Unable to add build to archive");
return false;
stream << "</" << MODEL_TAG << ">\n";
std::string out = stream.str();
if (!mz_zip_writer_add_mem(&archive, MODEL_FILE.c_str(), (const void*)out.data(), out.length(), MZ_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION))
add_error("Unable to add model file to archive");
return false;
return true;
bool _3MF_Exporter::_add_object_to_model_stream(std::stringstream& stream, unsigned int& object_id, ModelObject& object, BuildItemsList& build_items, VolumeToOffsetsMap& volumes_offsets)
unsigned int id = 0;
for (const ModelInstance* instance : object.instances)
if (instance == nullptr)
unsigned int instance_id = object_id + id;
stream << " <" << OBJECT_TAG << " id=\"" << instance_id << "\" type=\"model\">\n";
if (id == 0)
if (!_add_mesh_to_object_stream(stream, object, volumes_offsets))
add_error("Unable to add mesh to archive");
return false;
stream << " <" << COMPONENTS_TAG << ">\n";
stream << " <" << COMPONENT_TAG << " objectid=\"" << object_id << "\" />\n";
stream << " </" << COMPONENTS_TAG << ">\n";
Eigen::Affine3f transform;
transform = Eigen::Translation3f((float)instance->offset.x, (float)instance->offset.y, 0.0f) * Eigen::AngleAxisf((float)instance->rotation, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitZ()) * Eigen::Scaling((float)instance->scaling_factor);
build_items.emplace_back(instance_id, transform.matrix());
stream << " </" << OBJECT_TAG << ">\n";
object_id += id;
return true;
bool _3MF_Exporter::_add_mesh_to_object_stream(std::stringstream& stream, ModelObject& object, VolumeToOffsetsMap& volumes_offsets)
stream << " <" << MESH_TAG << ">\n";
stream << " <" << VERTICES_TAG << ">\n";
unsigned int vertices_count = 0;
for (ModelVolume* volume : object.volumes)
if (volume == nullptr)
VolumeToOffsetsMap::iterator volume_it = volumes_offsets.insert(VolumeToOffsetsMap::value_type(volume, Offsets(vertices_count))).first;
if (!volume->mesh.repaired)
stl_file& stl = volume->mesh.stl;
if (stl.v_shared == nullptr)
if (stl.stats.shared_vertices == 0)
add_error("Found invalid mesh");
return false;
vertices_count += stl.stats.shared_vertices;
for (int i = 0; i < stl.stats.shared_vertices; ++i)
stream << " <" << VERTEX_TAG << " ";
stream << "x=\"" << stl.v_shared[i].x << "\" ";
stream << "y=\"" << stl.v_shared[i].y << "\" ";
stream << "z=\"" << stl.v_shared[i].z << "\" />\n";
stream << " </" << VERTICES_TAG << ">\n";
stream << " <" << TRIANGLES_TAG << ">\n";
unsigned int triangles_count = 0;
for (ModelVolume* volume : object.volumes)
if (volume == nullptr)
VolumeToOffsetsMap::iterator volume_it = volumes_offsets.find(volume);
assert(volume_it != volumes_offsets.end());
stl_file& stl = volume->mesh.stl;
// updates triangle offsets
volume_it->second.first_triangle_id = triangles_count;
triangles_count += stl.stats.number_of_facets;
volume_it->second.last_triangle_id = triangles_count - 1;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < stl.stats.number_of_facets; ++i)
stream << " <" << TRIANGLE_TAG << " ";
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
stream << "v" << j + 1 << "=\"" << stl.v_indices[i].vertex[j] + volume_it->second.first_vertex_id << "\" ";
stream << "/>\n";
stream << " </" << TRIANGLES_TAG << ">\n";
stream << " </" << MESH_TAG << ">\n";
return true;
bool _3MF_Exporter::_add_build_to_model_stream(std::stringstream& stream, const BuildItemsList& build_items)
if (build_items.size() == 0)
add_error("No build item found");
return false;
stream << " <" << BUILD_TAG << ">\n";
for (const BuildItem& item : build_items)
stream << " <" << ITEM_TAG << " objectid=\"" << item.id << "\" transform =\"";
for (unsigned c = 0; c < 4; ++c)
for (unsigned r = 0; r < 3; ++r)
stream << item.matrix(r, c);
if ((r != 2) || (c != 3))
stream << " ";
stream << "\" />\n";
stream << " </" << BUILD_TAG << ">\n";
return true;
bool _3MF_Exporter::_add_layer_height_profile_file_to_archive(mz_zip_archive& archive, Model& model)
std::string out = "";
char buffer[1024];
unsigned int count = 0;
for (const ModelObject* object : model.objects)
std::vector<double> layer_height_profile = object->layer_height_profile_valid ? object->layer_height_profile : std::vector<double>();
if ((layer_height_profile.size() >= 4) && ((layer_height_profile.size() % 2) == 0))
sprintf(buffer, "object_id=%d|", count);
out += buffer;
// Store the layer height profile as a single semicolon separated list.
for (size_t i = 0; i < layer_height_profile.size(); ++i)
sprintf(buffer, (i == 0) ? "%f" : ";%f", layer_height_profile[i]);
out += buffer;
out += "\n";
if (!out.empty())
if (!mz_zip_writer_add_mem(&archive, LAYER_HEIGHTS_PROFILE_FILE.c_str(), (const void*)out.data(), out.length(), MZ_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION))
add_error("Unable to add layer heights profile file to archive");
return false;
return true;
bool _3MF_Exporter::_add_print_config_file_to_archive(mz_zip_archive& archive, const Print& print)
char buffer[1024];
sprintf(buffer, "; %s\n\n", header_slic3r_generated().c_str());
std::string out = buffer;
GCode::append_full_config(print, out);
if (!out.empty())
if (!mz_zip_writer_add_mem(&archive, PRINT_CONFIG_FILE.c_str(), (const void*)out.data(), out.length(), MZ_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION))
add_error("Unable to add print config file to archive");
return false;
return true;
bool _3MF_Exporter::_add_model_config_file_to_archive(mz_zip_archive& archive, const Model& model)
std::stringstream stream;
stream << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
stream << "<" << CONFIG_TAG << ">\n";
for (const IdToObjectDataMap::value_type& obj_metadata : m_objects_data)
const ModelObject* obj = obj_metadata.second.object;
if (obj != nullptr)
stream << " <" << OBJECT_TAG << " id=\"" << obj_metadata.first << "\">\n";
// stores object's name
if (!obj->name.empty())
stream << " <" << METADATA_TAG << " " << TYPE_ATTR << "=\"" << OBJECT_TYPE << "\" " << KEY_ATTR << "=\"name\" " << VALUE_ATTR << "=\"" << xml_escape(obj->name) << "\"/>\n";
// stores object's config data
for (const std::string& key : obj->config.keys())
stream << " <" << METADATA_TAG << " " << TYPE_ATTR << "=\"" << OBJECT_TYPE << "\" " << KEY_ATTR << "=\"" << key << "\" " << VALUE_ATTR << "=\"" << obj->config.serialize(key) << "\"/>\n";
for (const ModelVolume* volume : obj_metadata.second.object->volumes)
if (volume != nullptr)
const VolumeToOffsetsMap& offsets = obj_metadata.second.volumes_offsets;
VolumeToOffsetsMap::const_iterator it = offsets.find(volume);
if (it != offsets.end())
// stores volume's offsets
stream << " <" << VOLUME_TAG << " ";
stream << FIRST_TRIANGLE_ID_ATTR << "=\"" << it->second.first_triangle_id << "\" ";
stream << LAST_TRIANGLE_ID_ATTR << "=\"" << it->second.last_triangle_id << "\">\n";
// stores volume's name
if (!volume->name.empty())
stream << " <" << METADATA_TAG << " " << TYPE_ATTR << "=\"" << VOLUME_TYPE << "\" " << KEY_ATTR << "=\"" << NAME_KEY << "\" " << VALUE_ATTR << "=\"" << xml_escape(volume->name) << "\"/>\n";
// stores volume's modifier field
if (volume->modifier)
stream << " <" << METADATA_TAG << " " << TYPE_ATTR << "=\"" << VOLUME_TYPE << "\" " << KEY_ATTR << "=\"" << MODIFIER_KEY << "\" " << VALUE_ATTR << "=\"1\"/>\n";
// stores volume's config data
for (const std::string& key : volume->config.keys())
stream << " <" << METADATA_TAG << " " << TYPE_ATTR << "=\"" << VOLUME_TYPE << "\" " << KEY_ATTR << "=\"" << key << "\" " << VALUE_ATTR << "=\"" << volume->config.serialize(key) << "\"/>\n";
stream << " </" << VOLUME_TAG << ">\n";
stream << " </" << OBJECT_TAG << ">\n";
stream << "</" << CONFIG_TAG << ">\n";
std::string out = stream.str();
if (!mz_zip_writer_add_mem(&archive, MODEL_CONFIG_FILE.c_str(), (const void*)out.data(), out.length(), MZ_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION))
add_error("Unable to add model config file to archive");
return false;
return true;
bool load_3mf(const char* path, PresetBundle* bundle, Model* model)
if ((path == nullptr) || (bundle == nullptr) || (model == nullptr))
return false;
_3MF_Importer importer;
bool res = importer.load_model_from_file(path, *model, *bundle);
return res;
bool store_3mf(const char* path, Model* model, Print* print, bool export_print_config)
if ((path == nullptr) || (model == nullptr) || (print == nullptr))
return false;
_3MF_Exporter exporter;
bool res = exporter.save_model_to_file(path, *model, *print, export_print_config);
if (!res)
return res;
} // namespace Slic3r