Try to link tests on Mac. Fix inaccurate pad brim size fix build on mac (attempt 2) Fixes for support tree faults and race conditions in release mode. Fix crashing test executable on gcc 4.9 fix warning on msvc
588 lines
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588 lines
18 KiB
#include <unordered_set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <random>
// Debug
#include <fstream>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "libslic3r/libslic3r.h"
#include "libslic3r/Format/OBJ.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/SLAPrint.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/TriangleMesh.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/SLA/SLAPad.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/SLA/SLASupportTreeBuilder.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/SLA/SLASupportTreeBuildsteps.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/SLA/SLAAutoSupports.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/SLA/SLARaster.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/MTUtils.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/SVG.hpp"
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32)
#define PATH_SEPARATOR R"(\)"
#define PATH_SEPARATOR R"(/)"
namespace {
using namespace Slic3r;
TriangleMesh load_model(const std::string &obj_filename)
TriangleMesh mesh;
auto fpath = TEST_DATA_DIR PATH_SEPARATOR + obj_filename;
load_obj(fpath.c_str(), &mesh);
return mesh;
enum e_validity {
void check_validity(const TriangleMesh &input_mesh,
TriangleMesh mesh{input_mesh};
if (flags & ASSUME_NO_EMPTY) {
} else if (mesh.empty())
return; // If it can be empty and it is, there is nothing left to do.
bool do_update_shared_vertices = false;
if (flags & ASSUME_NO_REPAIR) {
if (flags & ASSUME_MANIFOLD) {
if (!mesh.is_manifold()) mesh.WriteOBJFile("non_manifold.obj");
struct PadByproducts
ExPolygons model_contours;
ExPolygons support_contours;
TriangleMesh mesh;
void test_pad(const std::string & obj_filename,
const sla::PadConfig &padcfg,
PadByproducts & out)
TriangleMesh mesh = load_model(obj_filename);
// Create pad skeleton only from the model
Slic3r::sla::pad_blueprint(mesh, out.model_contours);
// Create the pad geometry for the model contours only
Slic3r::sla::create_pad({}, out.model_contours, out.mesh, padcfg);
auto bb = out.mesh.bounding_box();
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(bb.max.z() - bb.min.z(),
void test_pad(const std::string & obj_filename,
const sla::PadConfig &padcfg = {})
PadByproducts byproducts;
test_pad(obj_filename, padcfg, byproducts);
struct SupportByproducts
std::vector<float> slicegrid;
std::vector<ExPolygons> model_slices;
sla::SupportTreeBuilder supporttree;
const constexpr float CLOSING_RADIUS = 0.005f;
void check_support_tree_integrity(const sla::SupportTreeBuilder &stree,
const sla::SupportConfig &cfg)
double gnd = stree.ground_level;
double H1 = cfg.max_solo_pillar_height_mm;
double H2 = cfg.max_dual_pillar_height_mm;
for (const sla::Head &head : stree.heads()) {
ASSERT_TRUE(!head.is_valid() ||
head.pillar_id != sla::ID_UNSET ||
head.bridge_id != sla::ID_UNSET);
for (const sla::Pillar &pillar : stree.pillars()) {
if (std::abs(pillar.endpoint().z() - gnd) < EPSILON) {
double h = pillar.height;
if (h > H1) ASSERT_GE(pillar.links, 1);
else if(h > H2) { ASSERT_GE(pillar.links, 2); }
ASSERT_LE(pillar.links, cfg.pillar_cascade_neighbors);
ASSERT_LE(pillar.bridges, cfg.max_bridges_on_pillar);
double max_bridgelen = 0.;
auto chck_bridge = [&cfg](const sla::Bridge &bridge, double &max_brlen) {
Vec3d n = bridge.endp - bridge.startp;
double d = sla::distance(n);
max_brlen = std::max(d, max_brlen);
double z = n.z();
double polar = std::acos(z / d);
double slope = -polar + PI / 2.;
ASSERT_GE(std::abs(slope), cfg.bridge_slope - EPSILON);
for (auto &bridge : stree.bridges()) chck_bridge(bridge, max_bridgelen);
ASSERT_LE(max_bridgelen, cfg.max_bridge_length_mm);
max_bridgelen = 0;
for (auto &bridge : stree.crossbridges()) chck_bridge(bridge, max_bridgelen);
double md = cfg.max_pillar_link_distance_mm / std::cos(-cfg.bridge_slope);
ASSERT_LE(max_bridgelen, md);
void test_supports(const std::string & obj_filename,
const sla::SupportConfig &supportcfg,
SupportByproducts & out)
using namespace Slic3r;
TriangleMesh mesh = load_model(obj_filename);
TriangleMeshSlicer slicer{&mesh};
auto bb = mesh.bounding_box();
double zmin = bb.min.z();
double zmax = bb.max.z();
double gnd = zmin - supportcfg.object_elevation_mm;
auto layer_h = 0.05f;
out.slicegrid = grid(float(gnd), float(zmax), layer_h);
slicer.slice(out.slicegrid , CLOSING_RADIUS, &out.model_slices, []{});
// Create the special index-triangle mesh with spatial indexing which
// is the input of the support point and support mesh generators
sla::EigenMesh3D emesh{mesh};
// Create the support point generator
sla::SLAAutoSupports::Config autogencfg;
autogencfg.head_diameter = float(2 * supportcfg.head_front_radius_mm);
sla::SLAAutoSupports point_gen{emesh, out.model_slices, out.slicegrid,
autogencfg, [] {}, [](int) {}};
// Get the calculated support points.
std::vector<sla::SupportPoint> support_points = point_gen.output();
int validityflags = ASSUME_NO_REPAIR;
// If there is no elevation, support points shall be removed from the
// bottom of the object.
if (supportcfg.object_elevation_mm < EPSILON) {
sla::remove_bottom_points(support_points, zmin,
} else {
// Should be support points at least on the bottom of the model
// Also the support mesh should not be empty.
validityflags |= ASSUME_NO_EMPTY;
// Generate the actual support tree
sla::SupportTreeBuilder treebuilder;
treebuilder.build(sla::SupportableMesh{emesh, support_points, supportcfg});
check_support_tree_integrity(treebuilder, supportcfg);
const TriangleMesh &output_mesh = treebuilder.retrieve_mesh();
check_validity(output_mesh, validityflags);
// Quick check if the dimensions and placement of supports are correct
auto obb = output_mesh.bounding_box();
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(obb.min.z(), zmin - supportcfg.object_elevation_mm);
ASSERT_LE(obb.max.z(), zmax);
// Move out the support tree into the byproducts, we can examine it further
// in various tests.
out.supporttree = std::move(treebuilder);
void test_supports(const std::string & obj_filename,
const sla::SupportConfig &supportcfg = {})
SupportByproducts byproducts;
test_supports(obj_filename, supportcfg, byproducts);
void test_support_model_collision(
const std::string & obj_filename,
const sla::SupportConfig &input_supportcfg = {})
SupportByproducts byproducts;
sla::SupportConfig supportcfg = input_supportcfg;
// Set head penetration to a small negative value which should ensure that
// the supports will not touch the model body.
supportcfg.head_penetration_mm = -0.1;
test_supports(obj_filename, supportcfg, byproducts);
// Slice the support mesh given the slice grid of the model.
std::vector<ExPolygons> support_slices =
byproducts.supporttree.slice(byproducts.slicegrid, CLOSING_RADIUS);
// The slices originate from the same slice grid so the numbers must match
ASSERT_EQ(support_slices.size(), byproducts.model_slices.size());
bool notouch = true;
for (size_t n = 0; notouch && n < support_slices.size(); ++n) {
const ExPolygons &sup_slice = support_slices[n];
const ExPolygons &mod_slice = byproducts.model_slices[n];
Polygons intersections = intersection(sup_slice, mod_slice);
notouch = notouch && intersections.empty();
const char * const BELOW_PAD_TEST_OBJECTS[] = {
const char * const AROUND_PAD_TEST_OBJECTS[] = {
const char *const SUPPORT_TEST_MODELS[] = {
} // namespace
// Test pair hash for 'nums' random number pairs.
template <class I, class II> void test_pairhash()
const constexpr size_t nums = 1000;
I A[nums] = {0}, B[nums] = {0};
std::unordered_set<I> CH;
std::unordered_map<II, std::pair<I, I>> ints;
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());
const I Ibits = int(sizeof(I) * CHAR_BIT);
const II IIbits = int(sizeof(II) * CHAR_BIT);
const int bits = IIbits / 2 < Ibits ? Ibits / 2 : Ibits;
const I Imax = I(std::pow(2., bits) - 1);
std::uniform_int_distribution<I> dis(0, Imax);
for (size_t i = 0; i < nums;) {
I a = dis(gen);
if (CH.find(a) == CH.end()) { CH.insert(a); A[i] = a; ++i; }
for (size_t i = 0; i < nums;) {
I b = dis(gen);
if (CH.find(b) == CH.end()) { CH.insert(b); B[i] = b; ++i; }
for (size_t i = 0; i < nums; ++i) {
I a = A[i], b = B[i];
ASSERT_TRUE(a != b);
II hash_ab = sla::pairhash<I, II>(a, b);
II hash_ba = sla::pairhash<I, II>(b, a);
ASSERT_EQ(hash_ab, hash_ba);
auto it = ints.find(hash_ab);
if (it != ints.end()) {
(it->second.first == a && it->second.second == b) ||
(it->second.first == b && it->second.second == a));
} else
ints[hash_ab] = std::make_pair(a, b);
TEST(SLASupportGeneration, PillarPairHashShouldBeUnique) {
test_pairhash<int, long>();
test_pairhash<unsigned, unsigned>();
test_pairhash<unsigned, unsigned long>();
TEST(SLASupportGeneration, FlatPadGeometryIsValid) {
sla::PadConfig padcfg;
// Disable wings
padcfg.wall_height_mm = .0;
for (auto &fname : BELOW_PAD_TEST_OBJECTS) test_pad(fname, padcfg);
TEST(SLASupportGeneration, WingedPadGeometryIsValid) {
sla::PadConfig padcfg;
// Add some wings to the pad to test the cavity
padcfg.wall_height_mm = 1.;
for (auto &fname : BELOW_PAD_TEST_OBJECTS) test_pad(fname, padcfg);
TEST(SLASupportGeneration, FlatPadAroundObjectIsValid) {
sla::PadConfig padcfg;
// Add some wings to the pad to test the cavity
padcfg.wall_height_mm = 0.;
// padcfg.embed_object.stick_stride_mm = 0.;
padcfg.embed_object.enabled = true;
padcfg.embed_object.everywhere = true;
for (auto &fname : AROUND_PAD_TEST_OBJECTS) test_pad(fname, padcfg);
TEST(SLASupportGeneration, WingedPadAroundObjectIsValid) {
sla::PadConfig padcfg;
// Add some wings to the pad to test the cavity
padcfg.wall_height_mm = 1.;
padcfg.embed_object.enabled = true;
padcfg.embed_object.everywhere = true;
for (auto &fname : AROUND_PAD_TEST_OBJECTS) test_pad(fname, padcfg);
TEST(SLASupportGeneration, ElevatedSupportGeometryIsValid) {
sla::SupportConfig supportcfg;
supportcfg.object_elevation_mm = 5.;
for (auto fname : SUPPORT_TEST_MODELS) test_supports(fname);
TEST(SLASupportGeneration, FloorSupportGeometryIsValid) {
sla::SupportConfig supportcfg;
supportcfg.object_elevation_mm = 0;
for (auto &fname: SUPPORT_TEST_MODELS) test_supports(fname, supportcfg);
TEST(SLASupportGeneration, SupportsDoNotPierceModel) {
sla::SupportConfig supportcfg;
for (auto fname : SUPPORT_TEST_MODELS)
test_support_model_collision(fname, supportcfg);
TEST(SLARasterOutput, DefaultRasterShouldBeEmpty) {
sla::Raster raster;
TEST(SLARasterOutput, InitializedRasterShouldBeNONEmpty) {
// Default Prusa SL1 display parameters
sla::Raster::Resolution res{2560, 1440};
sla::Raster::PixelDim pixdim{120. / res.width_px, 68. / res.height_px};
sla::Raster raster;
raster.reset(res, pixdim);
ASSERT_EQ(raster.resolution().width_px, res.width_px);
ASSERT_EQ(raster.resolution().height_px, res.height_px);
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(raster.pixel_dimensions().w_mm, pixdim.w_mm);
ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(raster.pixel_dimensions().h_mm, pixdim.h_mm);
using TPixel = uint8_t;
static constexpr const TPixel FullWhite = 255;
static constexpr const TPixel FullBlack = 0;
template <class A, int N> constexpr int arraysize(const A (&)[N]) { return N; }
static void check_raster_transformations(sla::Raster::Orientation o,
sla::Raster::TMirroring mirroring)
double disp_w = 120., disp_h = 68.;
sla::Raster::Resolution res{2560, 1440};
sla::Raster::PixelDim pixdim{disp_w / res.width_px, disp_h / res.height_px};
auto bb = BoundingBox({0, 0}, {scaled(disp_w), scaled(disp_h)});
sla::Raster::Trafo trafo{o, mirroring};
trafo.origin_x = bb.center().x();
trafo.origin_y = bb.center().y();
sla::Raster raster{res, pixdim, trafo};
// create box of size 32x32 pixels (not 1x1 to avoid antialiasing errors)
coord_t pw = 32 * coord_t(std::ceil(scaled<double>(pixdim.w_mm)));
coord_t ph = 32 * coord_t(std::ceil(scaled<double>(pixdim.h_mm)));
ExPolygon box;
box.contour.points = {{-pw, -ph}, {pw, -ph}, {pw, ph}, {-pw, ph}};
double tr_x = scaled<double>(20.), tr_y = tr_x;
box.translate(tr_x, tr_y);
ExPolygon expected_box = box;
// Now calculate the position of the translated box according to output
// trafo.
if (o == sla::Raster::Orientation::roPortrait) expected_box.rotate(PI / 2.);
if (mirroring[X])
for (auto &p : expected_box.contour.points) p.x() = -p.x();
if (mirroring[Y])
for (auto &p : expected_box.contour.points) p.y() = -p.y();
Point expected_coords = expected_box.contour.bounding_box().center();
double rx = unscaled(expected_coords.x() + bb.center().x()) / pixdim.w_mm;
double ry = unscaled(expected_coords.y() + bb.center().y()) / pixdim.h_mm;
auto w = size_t(std::floor(rx));
auto h = res.height_px - size_t(std::floor(ry));
ASSERT_TRUE(w < res.width_px && h < res.height_px);
auto px = raster.read_pixel(w, h);
if (px != FullWhite) {
sla::PNGImage img;
std::fstream outf("out.png", std::ios::out);
outf << img.serialize(raster);
ASSERT_EQ(px, FullWhite);
TEST(SLARasterOutput, MirroringShouldBeCorrect) {
sla::Raster::TMirroring mirrorings[] = {sla::Raster::NoMirror,
sla::Raster::Orientation orientations[] = {sla::Raster::roLandscape,
for (auto orientation : orientations)
for (auto &mirror : mirrorings)
check_raster_transformations(orientation, mirror);
static ExPolygon square_with_hole(double v)
ExPolygon poly;
coord_t V = scaled(v / 2.);
poly.contour.points = {{-V, -V}, {V, -V}, {V, V}, {-V, V}};
V = V / 2;
poly.holes.front().points = {{-V, V}, {V, V}, {V, -V}, {-V, -V}};
return poly;
static double pixel_area(TPixel px, const sla::Raster::PixelDim &pxdim)
return (pxdim.h_mm * pxdim.w_mm) * px * 1. / (FullWhite - FullBlack);
static double raster_white_area(const sla::Raster &raster)
if (raster.empty()) return std::nan("");
auto res = raster.resolution();
double a = 0;
for (size_t x = 0; x < res.width_px; ++x)
for (size_t y = 0; y < res.height_px; ++y) {
auto px = raster.read_pixel(x, y);
a += pixel_area(px, raster.pixel_dimensions());
return a;
static double predict_error(const ExPolygon &p, const sla::Raster::PixelDim &pd)
auto lines = p.lines();
double pix_err = pixel_area(FullWhite, pd) / 2.;
// Worst case is when a line is parallel to the shorter axis of one pixel,
// when the line will be composed of the max number of pixels
double pix_l = std::min(pd.h_mm, pd.w_mm);
double error = 0.;
for (auto &l : lines)
error += (unscaled(l.length()) / pix_l) * pix_err;
return error;
TEST(SLARasterOutput, RasterizedPolygonAreaShouldMatch) {
double disp_w = 120., disp_h = 68.;
sla::Raster::Resolution res{2560, 1440};
sla::Raster::PixelDim pixdim{disp_w / res.width_px, disp_h / res.height_px};
sla::Raster raster{res, pixdim};
auto bb = BoundingBox({0, 0}, {scaled(disp_w), scaled(disp_h)});
ExPolygon poly = square_with_hole(10.);
poly.translate(bb.center().x(), bb.center().y());
double a = poly.area() / (scaled<double>(1.) * scaled(1.));
double ra = raster_white_area(raster);
double diff = std::abs(a - ra);
ASSERT_LE(diff, predict_error(poly, pixdim));
poly = square_with_hole(60.);
poly.translate(bb.center().x(), bb.center().y());
a = poly.area() / (scaled<double>(1.) * scaled(1.));
ra = raster_white_area(raster);
diff = std::abs(a - ra);
ASSERT_LE(diff, predict_error(poly, pixdim));
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();