This adds --sudo flag to Build.PL. This flag is passed to cpanm, so it is possible to build Slicer on linux without beeing root (build files are owned by user)
158 lines
4.9 KiB
158 lines
4.9 KiB
use strict;
use warnings;
use Config;
use File::Spec;
my %prereqs = qw(
Encode::Locale 0
ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.80
ExtUtils::ParseXS 3.22
File::Basename 0
File::Spec 0
Getopt::Long 0
Math::PlanePath 53
Module::Build::WithXSpp 0.14
Moo 1.003001
Scalar::Util 0
Test::Harness 0
Test::More 0
IO::Scalar 0
Time::HiRes 0
my %recommends = qw(
Class::XSAccessor 0
XML::SAX::ExpatXS 0
my $sudo = grep { $_ eq '--sudo' } @ARGV;
my $gui = grep { $_ eq '--gui' } @ARGV;
my $xs_only = grep { $_ eq '--xs' } @ARGV;
if ($gui) {
%prereqs = qw(
Wx 0.9918
%recommends = qw(
Growl::GNTP 0.15
Wx::GLCanvas 0
OpenGL 0
} elsif ($xs_only) {
%prereqs = %recommends = ();
my @missing_prereqs = ();
foreach my $module (sort keys %prereqs) {
my $version = $prereqs{$module};
next if eval "use $module $version; 1";
push @missing_prereqs, $module if exists $prereqs{$module};
print "Missing prerequisite $module $version\n";
foreach my $module (sort keys %recommends) {
my $version = $recommends{$module};
next if eval "use $module $version; 1";
print "Missing optional $module $version\n";
} else {
my @try = (
$ENV{CPANM} // (),
File::Spec->catfile($Config{sitebin}, 'cpanm'),
File::Spec->catfile($Config{installscript}, 'cpanm'),
my $cpanm;
foreach my $path (@try) {
if (-e $path) { # don't use -x because it fails on Windows
$cpanm = $path;
if (!$cpanm) {
if ($^O =~ /^(?:darwin|linux)$/ && system(qw(which cpanm)) == 0) {
$cpanm = 'cpanm';
die <<'EOF'
cpanm was not found. Please install it before running this script.
There are several ways to install cpanm, try one of these:
apt-get install cpanminus
curl -L http://cpanmin.us | perl - --sudo App::cpanminus
cpan App::cpanminus
If it is installed in a non-standard location you can do:
CPANM=/path/to/cpanm perl Build.PL
if !$cpanm;
my @cpanm_args = ();
push @cpanm_args, "--sudo" if $sudo;
# make sure our cpanm is updated (old ones don't support the ~ syntax)
system $cpanm, @cpanm_args, 'App::cpanminus';
# install the Windows-compatible Math::Libm
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' && !eval "use Math::Libm; 1") {
system $cpanm, @cpanm_args, 'https://github.com/alexrj/Math-Libm/tarball/master';
my %modules = (%prereqs, %recommends);
foreach my $module (sort keys %modules) {
my $version = $modules{$module};
my @cmd = ($cpanm, @cpanm_args, "$module~$version");
if ($module eq 'XML::SAX::ExpatXS' && $^O eq 'MSWin32') {
my $mingw = 'C:\dev\CitrusPerl\mingw64';
$mingw = 'C:\dev\CitrusPerl\mingw32' if !-d $mingw;
if (!-d $mingw) {
print "Could not find the MinGW directory at $mingw; skipping XML::SAX::ExpatXS (only needed for faster parsing of AMF files)\n";
} else {
push @cmd, sprintf('--configure-args="EXPATLIBPATH=%s\lib EXPATINCPATH=%s\include"', $mingw, $mingw);
my $res = system @cmd;
if ($res != 0) {
if (exists $prereqs{$module}) {
push @missing_prereqs, $module;
} else {
printf "Don't worry, this module is optional.\n";
if (!$gui) {
# clean xs directory before reinstalling, to make sure Build is called
# with current perl binary
if (-e './xs/Build') {
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
system '.\xs\Build', 'distclean';
} else {
system './xs/Build', 'distclean';
my $res = system $cpanm, @cpanm_args, '--reinstall', './xs';
if ($res != 0) {
die "The XS/C++ code failed to compile, aborting\n";
if (@missing_prereqs) {
printf "The following prerequisites failed to install: %s\n", join(', ', @missing_prereqs);
exit 1;
} elsif (!$gui) {
eval "use App::Prove; 1" or die "Failed to load App::Prove";
my $res = App::Prove->new->run ? 0 : 1;
if ($res == 0) {
print "If you also want to use the GUI you can now run `perl Build.PL --gui` to install the required modules.\n";
} else {
print "Some tests failed. Please report the failure to the author!\n";
exit $res;