Working contour offsetting, skeleton_edges_rough() to detect "important" skeleton edges. Radius of an inscribed circle along the "important" skeleton edges changes slowly, therefore these "important" skeleton edges signify oblong regions possibly needing a gap fill.
145 lines
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145 lines
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// Polygon offsetting using Voronoi diagram prodiced by boost::polygon.
#ifndef slic3r_VoronoiOffset_hpp_
#define slic3r_VoronoiOffset_hpp_
#include "libslic3r.h"
#include "Geometry.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
namespace Voronoi {
using VD = Slic3r::Geometry::VoronoiDiagram;
inline const Point& contour_point(const VD::cell_type &cell, const Line &line)
{ return ((cell.source_category() == boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_SEGMENT_START_POINT) ? line.a : line.b); }
inline Point& contour_point(const VD::cell_type &cell, Line &line)
{ return ((cell.source_category() == boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_SEGMENT_START_POINT) ? line.a : line.b); }
inline const Point& contour_point(const VD::cell_type &cell, const Lines &lines)
{ return contour_point(cell, lines[cell.source_index()]); }
inline Point& contour_point(const VD::cell_type &cell, Lines &lines)
{ return contour_point(cell, lines[cell.source_index()]); }
inline Vec2d vertex_point(const VD::vertex_type &v) { return Vec2d(v.x(), v.y()); }
inline Vec2d vertex_point(const VD::vertex_type *v) { return Vec2d(v->x(), v->y()); }
// "Color" stored inside the boost::polygon Voronoi vertex.
enum class VertexCategory : unsigned char
// Voronoi vertex is on the input contour.
// VD::vertex_type stores coordinates in double, though the coordinates shall match exactly
// with the coordinates of the input contour when converted to int32_t.
// Vertex is inside the CCW input contour, holes are respected.
// Vertex is outside the CCW input contour, holes are respected.
// Not known yet.
// "Color" stored inside the boost::polygon Voronoi edge.
// The Voronoi edge as represented by boost::polygon Voronoi module is really a half-edge,
// the half-edges are classified based on the target vertex (VD::vertex_type::vertex1())
enum class EdgeCategory : unsigned char
// This half-edge points onto the contour, this VD::edge_type::vertex1().color() is OnContour.
// This half-edge points inside, this VD::edge_type::vertex1().color() is Inside.
// This half-edge points outside, this VD::edge_type::vertex1().color() is Outside.
// Not known yet.
// "Color" stored inside the boost::polygon Voronoi cell.
enum class CellCategory : unsigned char
// This Voronoi cell is split by an input segment to two halves, one is inside, the other is outside.
// This Voronoi cell is completely inside.
// This Voronoi cell is completely outside.
// Not known yet.
inline VertexCategory vertex_category(const VD::vertex_type &v)
{ return static_cast<VertexCategory>(v.color()); }
inline VertexCategory vertex_category(const VD::vertex_type *v)
{ return static_cast<VertexCategory>(v->color()); }
inline void set_vertex_category(VD::vertex_type &v, VertexCategory c)
{ v.color(static_cast<VD::vertex_type::color_type>(c)); }
inline void set_vertex_category(VD::vertex_type *v, VertexCategory c)
{ v->color(static_cast<VD::vertex_type::color_type>(c)); }
inline EdgeCategory edge_category(const VD::edge_type &e)
{ return static_cast<EdgeCategory>(e.color()); }
inline EdgeCategory edge_category(const VD::edge_type *e)
{ return static_cast<EdgeCategory>(e->color()); }
inline void set_edge_category(VD::edge_type &e, EdgeCategory c)
{ e.color(static_cast<VD::edge_type::color_type>(c)); }
inline void set_edge_category(VD::edge_type *e, EdgeCategory c)
{ e->color(static_cast<VD::edge_type::color_type>(c)); }
inline CellCategory cell_category(const VD::cell_type &v)
{ return static_cast<CellCategory>(v.color()); }
inline CellCategory cell_category(const VD::cell_type *v)
{ return static_cast<CellCategory>(v->color()); }
inline void set_cell_category(const VD::cell_type &v, CellCategory c)
{ v.color(static_cast<VD::cell_type::color_type>(c)); }
inline void set_cell_category(const VD::cell_type *v, CellCategory c)
{ v->color(static_cast<VD::cell_type::color_type>(c)); }
// Mark the "Color" of VD vertices, edges and cells as Unknown.
void reset_inside_outside_annotations(VD &vd);
// Assign "Color" to VD vertices, edges and cells signifying whether the entity is inside or outside
// the input polygons defined by Lines.
void annotate_inside_outside(VD &vd, const Lines &lines);
// Returns a signed distance to Voronoi vertices from the input polygons.
// (negative distances inside, positive distances outside).
std::vector<double> signed_vertex_distances(const VD &vd, const Lines &lines);
static inline bool edge_offset_no_intersection(const Vec2d &intersection_point)
{ return std::isnan(intersection_point.x()); }
static inline bool edge_offset_has_intersection(const Vec2d &intersection_point)
{ return ! edge_offset_no_intersection(intersection_point); }
std::vector<Vec2d> edge_offset_contour_intersections(
const VD &vd, const Lines &lines, const std::vector<double> &distances,
double offset_distance);
std::vector<Vec2d> skeleton_edges_rough(
const VD &vd,
const Lines &lines,
const double threshold_alpha);
Polygons offset(
const Geometry::VoronoiDiagram &vd,
const Lines &lines,
const std::vector<double> &signed_vertex_distances,
double offset_distance,
double discretization_error);
// Offset a polygon or a set of polygons possibly with holes by traversing a Voronoi diagram.
// The input polygons are stored in lines and lines are referenced by vd.
// Outer curve will be extracted for a positive offset_distance,
// inner curve will be extracted for a negative offset_distance.
// Circular arches will be discretized to achieve discretization_error.
Polygons offset(
const VD &vd,
const Lines &lines,
double offset_distance,
double discretization_error);
} // namespace Voronoi
} // namespace Slic3r
#endif // slic3r_VoronoiOffset_hpp_