moved SLA print time estimation calculation into rasterization step, so that the print time estimation is tracked by some SLAPrintStep. Extended the output file name generator to use the SLA print statistics.
320 lines
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320 lines
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// For png export of the sliced model
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/log/trivial.hpp>
#include "Rasterizer/Rasterizer.hpp"
//#include <tbb/parallel_for.h>
//#include <tbb/spin_mutex.h>//#include "tbb/mutex.h"
namespace Slic3r {
// Used for addressing parameters of FilePrinter::set_statistics()
enum ePrintStatistics
psUsedMaterial = 0,
enum class FilePrinterFormat {
* Interface for a file printer of the slices. Implementation can be an SVG
* or PNG printer or any other format.
* The format argument specifies the output format of the printer and it enables
* different implementations of this class template for each supported format.
template<FilePrinterFormat format>
class FilePrinter {
// Draw an ExPolygon which is a polygon inside a slice on the specified layer.
void draw_polygon(const ExPolygon& p, unsigned lyr);
// Tell the printer how many layers should it consider.
void layers(unsigned layernum);
// Get the number of layers in the print.
unsigned layers() const;
/* Switch to a particular layer. If there where less layers then the
* specified layer number than an appropriate number of layers will be
* allocated in the printer.
void begin_layer(unsigned layer);
// Allocate a new layer on top of the last and switch to it.
void begin_layer();
* Finish the selected layer. It means that no drawing is allowed on that
* layer anymore. This fact can be used to prepare the file system output
* data like png comprimation and so on.
void finish_layer(unsigned layer);
// Finish the top layer.
void finish_layer();
// Save all the layers into the file (or dir) specified in the path argument
void save(const std::string& path);
// Save only the selected layer to the file specified in path argument.
void save_layer(unsigned lyr, const std::string& path);
// Provokes static_assert in the right way.
template<class T = void> struct VeryFalse { static const bool value = false; };
// This has to be explicitly implemented in the gui layer or a default zlib
// based implementation is needed. I don't have time for that and I'm delegating
// the implementation to the gui layer where the gui toolkit can cover this.
template<class Fmt> class LayerWriter {
LayerWriter(const std::string& /*zipfile_path*/) {
"No layer writer implementation provided!");
void next_entry(const std::string& /*fname*/) {}
std::string get_name() { return ""; }
bool is_ok() { return false; }
template<class T> LayerWriter& operator<<(const T& /*arg*/) {
return *this;
void close() {}
// Implementation for PNG raster output
// Be aware that if a large number of layers are allocated, it can very well
// exhaust the available memory especially on 32 bit platform.
template<> class FilePrinter<FilePrinterFormat::SLA_PNGZIP>
struct Layer {
Raster first;
std::stringstream second;
Layer() {}
Layer(const Layer&) = delete;
Layer(Layer&& m):
first(std::move(m.first))/*, second(std::move(m.second))*/ {}
// We will save the compressed PNG data into stringstreams which can be done
// in parallel. Later we can write every layer to the disk sequentially.
std::vector<Layer> m_layers_rst;
Raster::Resolution m_res;
Raster::PixelDim m_pxdim;
double m_exp_time_s = .0, m_exp_time_first_s = .0;
double m_layer_height = .0;
Raster::Origin m_o = Raster::Origin::TOP_LEFT;
double m_used_material = 0.0;
int m_cnt_fade_layers = 0;
int m_cnt_slow_layers = 0;
int m_cnt_fast_layers = 0;
std::string createIniContent(const std::string& projectname) {
// double layer_height = m_layer_height;
using std::string;
using std::to_string;
auto expt_str = to_string(m_exp_time_s);
auto expt_first_str = to_string(m_exp_time_first_s);
// auto stepnum_str = to_string(static_cast<unsigned>(800*layer_height));
auto layerh_str = to_string(m_layer_height);
const std::string cnt_fade_layers = to_string(m_cnt_fade_layers);
const std::string cnt_slow_layers = to_string(m_cnt_slow_layers);
const std::string cnt_fast_layers = to_string(m_cnt_fast_layers);
const std::string used_material = to_string(m_used_material);
return string(
"action = print\n"
"jobDir = ") + projectname + "\n" +
"expTime = " + expt_str + "\n"
"expTimeFirst = " + expt_first_str + "\n"
// "stepNum = " + stepnum_str + "\n"
// "wifiOn = 1\n"
// "tiltSlow = 60\n"
// "tiltFast = 15\n"
"numFade = " + cnt_fade_layers + "\n"
// "startdelay = 0\n"
"layerHeight = " + layerh_str + "\n"
"noteInfo = "
"expTime = "+expt_str+" + resinType = generic+layerHeight = "
+layerh_str+" + printer = DWARF3\n"
"usedMaterial = " + used_material + "\n"
"numSlow = " + cnt_slow_layers + "\n"
"numFast = " + cnt_fast_layers + "\n";
enum RasterOrientation {
// We will play with the raster's coordinate origin parameter. When the
// printer should print in landscape mode it should have the Y axis flipped
// because the layers should be displayed upside down. PNG has its
// coordinate origin in the top-left corner so normally the Raster objects
// should be instantiated with the TOP_LEFT flag. However, in landscape mode
// we do want the pictures to be upside down so we will make BOTTOM_LEFT
// type rasters and the PNG format will do the flipping automatically.
// In case of portrait images, we have to rotate the image by a 90 degrees
// and flip the y axis. To get the correct upside-down orientation of the
// slice images, we can flip the x and y coordinates of the input polygons
// and do the Y flipping of the image. This will generate the correct
// orientation in portrait mode.
inline FilePrinter(double width_mm, double height_mm,
unsigned width_px, unsigned height_px,
double layer_height,
double exp_time, double exp_time_first,
RasterOrientation ro = RO_PORTRAIT):
m_res(width_px, height_px),
m_pxdim(width_mm/width_px, height_mm/height_px),
// Here is the trick with the orientation.
m_o(ro == RO_LANDSCAPE? Raster::Origin::BOTTOM_LEFT :
Raster::Origin::TOP_LEFT )
FilePrinter(const FilePrinter& ) = delete;
FilePrinter(FilePrinter&& m):
m_pxdim(m.m_pxdim) {}
inline void layers(unsigned cnt) { if(cnt > 0) m_layers_rst.resize(cnt); }
inline unsigned layers() const { return unsigned(m_layers_rst.size()); }
inline void draw_polygon(const ExPolygon& p, unsigned lyr) {
assert(lyr < m_layers_rst.size());
inline void begin_layer(unsigned lyr) {
if(m_layers_rst.size() <= lyr) m_layers_rst.resize(lyr+1);
m_layers_rst[lyr].first.reset(m_res, m_pxdim, m_o);
inline void begin_layer() {
m_layers_rst.front().first.reset(m_res, m_pxdim, m_o);
inline void finish_layer(unsigned lyr_id) {
assert(lyr_id < m_layers_rst.size());
inline void finish_layer() {
if(!m_layers_rst.empty()) {
template<class LyrFmt>
inline void save(const std::string& path) {
try {
LayerWriter<LyrFmt> writer(path);
if(!writer.is_ok()) return;
std::string project = writer.get_name();
if(!writer.is_ok()) return;
writer << createIniContent(project);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < m_layers_rst.size() && writer.is_ok(); i++)
if(m_layers_rst[i].second.rdbuf()->in_avail() > 0) {
char lyrnum[6];
std::sprintf(lyrnum, "%.5d", i);
auto zfilename = project + lyrnum + ".png";
if(!writer.is_ok()) break;
writer << m_layers_rst[i].second.str();
// writer << m_layers_rst[i].second.rdbuf();
// we can keep the date for later calls of this method
} catch(std::exception& e) {
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << e.what();
// Rethrow the exception
void save_layer(unsigned lyr, const std::string& path) {
unsigned i = lyr;
assert(i < m_layers_rst.size());
char lyrnum[6];
std::sprintf(lyrnum, "%.5d", lyr);
std::string loc = path + "layer" + lyrnum + ".png";
std::fstream out(loc, std::fstream::out | std::fstream::binary);
if(out.good()) {
m_layers_rst[i], Raster::Compression::PNG);
} else {
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Can't create file for layer";
void set_statistics(const std::vector<double> statistics)
if (statistics.size() != psCnt)
m_used_material = statistics[psUsedMaterial];
m_cnt_fade_layers = int(statistics[psNumFade]);
m_cnt_slow_layers = int(statistics[psNumSlow]);
m_cnt_fast_layers = int(statistics[psNumFast]);