Vojtech Bubnik 9f09f03228 Refactoring of FDM support generator:
1) If "support on build plate only" is enabled, the support columns are
   newly trimmed to not land on top of an object. However this may make
   the column too small to be stable.
2) Support enforcers newly take precedence over "supports on build plate only"
   and over "don't support bridges".
3) Some refactoring of the support generator code for clarity: Reduced
   some of the worst spagetti offenders.

Fixes Support generated even if support on build only activated 
Fixes Bug: supports on build plate only 
Fixes Bottom interface layer is not generated , support on build plate only. (long open defect) 
Fixes option "supports on build plate only" does not work 

Fixes No support interface layers generated 
Fixes Feature Request: Option to combine results of 'support from build plate only' and 'support enforcers only' 
Fixes Support interface isn't generated: build plate only + blocked by model + support enforcer 
Fixes Support Enforcer don't create interface layers 
Fixes Support Enforcers Don't Have Top Loops/Raft 
Fixes Don't cancel support enforcers with "don't support bridges" 
2021-03-19 11:21:35 +01:00

399 lines
20 KiB

#ifndef slic3r_GCode_hpp_
#define slic3r_GCode_hpp_
#include "libslic3r.h"
#include "ExPolygon.hpp"
#include "GCodeWriter.hpp"
#include "Layer.hpp"
#include "Point.hpp"
#include "PlaceholderParser.hpp"
#include "PrintConfig.hpp"
#include "GCode/AvoidCrossingPerimeters.hpp"
#include "GCode/CoolingBuffer.hpp"
#include "GCode/SpiralVase.hpp"
#include "GCode/ToolOrdering.hpp"
#include "GCode/WipeTower.hpp"
#include "GCode/SeamPlacer.hpp"
#include "GCode/GCodeProcessor.hpp"
#include "EdgeGrid.hpp"
#include "GCode/ThumbnailData.hpp"
#include <memory>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "GCode/PressureEqualizer.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
// Forward declarations.
class GCode;
namespace { struct Item; }
struct PrintInstance;
class ConstPrintObjectPtrsAdaptor;
class OozePrevention {
bool enable;
Points standby_points;
OozePrevention() : enable(false) {}
std::string pre_toolchange(GCode &gcodegen);
std::string post_toolchange(GCode &gcodegen);
int _get_temp(GCode &gcodegen);
class Wipe {
bool enable;
Polyline path;
Wipe() : enable(false) {}
bool has_path() const { return !this->path.points.empty(); }
void reset_path() { this->path = Polyline(); }
std::string wipe(GCode &gcodegen, bool toolchange = false);
class WipeTowerIntegration {
const PrintConfig &print_config,
const std::vector<WipeTower::ToolChangeResult> &priming,
const std::vector<std::vector<WipeTower::ToolChangeResult>> &tool_changes,
const WipeTower::ToolChangeResult &final_purge) :
m_left(/*float(print_config.wipe_tower_x.value)*/ 0.f),
m_right(float(/*print_config.wipe_tower_x.value +*/ print_config.wipe_tower_width.value)),
m_wipe_tower_pos(float(print_config.wipe_tower_x.value), float(print_config.wipe_tower_y.value)),
m_brim_done(false) {}
std::string prime(GCode &gcodegen);
void next_layer() { ++ m_layer_idx; m_tool_change_idx = 0; }
std::string tool_change(GCode &gcodegen, int extruder_id, bool finish_layer);
std::string finalize(GCode &gcodegen);
std::vector<float> used_filament_length() const;
WipeTowerIntegration& operator=(const WipeTowerIntegration&);
std::string append_tcr(GCode &gcodegen, const WipeTower::ToolChangeResult &tcr, int new_extruder_id, double z = -1.) const;
// Postprocesses gcode: rotates and moves G1 extrusions and returns result
std::string post_process_wipe_tower_moves(const WipeTower::ToolChangeResult& tcr, const Vec2f& translation, float angle) const;
// Left / right edges of the wipe tower, for the planning of wipe moves.
const float m_left;
const float m_right;
const Vec2f m_wipe_tower_pos;
const float m_wipe_tower_rotation;
const std::vector<Vec2d> m_extruder_offsets;
// Reference to cached values at the Printer class.
const std::vector<WipeTower::ToolChangeResult> &m_priming;
const std::vector<std::vector<WipeTower::ToolChangeResult>> &m_tool_changes;
const WipeTower::ToolChangeResult &m_final_purge;
// Current layer index.
int m_layer_idx;
int m_tool_change_idx;
bool m_brim_done;
bool i_have_brim = false;
double m_last_wipe_tower_print_z = 0.f;
class ColorPrintColors
static const std::vector<std::string> Colors;
static const std::vector<std::string>& get() { return Colors; }
class GCode {
GCode() :
m_last_obj_copy(nullptr, Point(std::numeric_limits<coord_t>::max(), std::numeric_limits<coord_t>::max()))
~GCode() {}
// throws std::runtime_exception on error,
// throws CanceledException through print->throw_if_canceled().
void do_export(Print* print, const char* path, GCodeProcessor::Result* result = nullptr, ThumbnailsGeneratorCallback thumbnail_cb = nullptr);
// Exported for the helper classes (OozePrevention, Wipe) and for the Perl binding for unit tests.
const Vec2d& origin() const { return m_origin; }
void set_origin(const Vec2d &pointf);
void set_origin(const coordf_t x, const coordf_t y) { this->set_origin(Vec2d(x, y)); }
const Point& last_pos() const { return m_last_pos; }
Vec2d point_to_gcode(const Point &point) const;
Point gcode_to_point(const Vec2d &point) const;
const FullPrintConfig &config() const { return m_config; }
const Layer* layer() const { return m_layer; }
GCodeWriter& writer() { return m_writer; }
const GCodeWriter& writer() const { return m_writer; }
PlaceholderParser& placeholder_parser() { return m_placeholder_parser; }
const PlaceholderParser& placeholder_parser() const { return m_placeholder_parser; }
// Process a template through the placeholder parser, collect error messages to be reported
// inside the generated string and after the G-code export finishes.
std::string placeholder_parser_process(const std::string &name, const std::string &templ, unsigned int current_extruder_id, const DynamicConfig *config_override = nullptr);
bool enable_cooling_markers() const { return m_enable_cooling_markers; }
// For Perl bindings, to be used exclusively by unit tests.
unsigned int layer_count() const { return m_layer_count; }
void set_layer_count(unsigned int value) { m_layer_count = value; }
void apply_print_config(const PrintConfig &print_config);
// append full config to the given string
static void append_full_config(const Print& print, std::string& str);
// Object and support extrusions of the same PrintObject at the same print_z.
// public, so that it could be accessed by free helper functions from GCode.cpp
struct LayerToPrint
LayerToPrint() : object_layer(nullptr), support_layer(nullptr) {}
const Layer* object_layer;
const SupportLayer* support_layer;
const Layer* layer() const { return (object_layer != nullptr) ? object_layer : support_layer; }
const PrintObject* object() const { return (this->layer() != nullptr) ? this->layer()->object() : nullptr; }
coordf_t print_z() const { return (object_layer != nullptr && support_layer != nullptr) ? 0.5 * (object_layer->print_z + support_layer->print_z) : this->layer()->print_z; }
void _do_export(Print &print, FILE *file, ThumbnailsGeneratorCallback thumbnail_cb);
static std::vector<LayerToPrint> collect_layers_to_print(const PrintObject &object);
static std::vector<std::pair<coordf_t, std::vector<LayerToPrint>>> collect_layers_to_print(const Print &print);
void process_layer(
// Write into the output file.
FILE *file,
const Print &print,
// Set of object & print layers of the same PrintObject and with the same print_z.
const std::vector<LayerToPrint> &layers,
const LayerTools &layer_tools,
const bool last_layer,
// Pairs of PrintObject index and its instance index.
const std::vector<const PrintInstance*> *ordering,
// If set to size_t(-1), then print all copies of all objects.
// Otherwise print a single copy of a single object.
const size_t single_object_idx = size_t(-1));
void set_last_pos(const Point &pos) { m_last_pos = pos; m_last_pos_defined = true; }
bool last_pos_defined() const { return m_last_pos_defined; }
void set_extruders(const std::vector<unsigned int> &extruder_ids);
std::string preamble();
std::string change_layer(coordf_t print_z);
std::string extrude_entity(const ExtrusionEntity &entity, std::string description = "", double speed = -1., std::unique_ptr<EdgeGrid::Grid> *lower_layer_edge_grid = nullptr);
std::string extrude_loop(ExtrusionLoop loop, std::string description, double speed = -1., std::unique_ptr<EdgeGrid::Grid> *lower_layer_edge_grid = nullptr);
std::string extrude_multi_path(ExtrusionMultiPath multipath, std::string description = "", double speed = -1.);
std::string extrude_path(ExtrusionPath path, std::string description = "", double speed = -1.);
// Extruding multiple objects with soluble / non-soluble / combined supports
// on a multi-material printer, trying to minimize tool switches.
// Following structures sort extrusions by the extruder ID, by an order of objects and object islands.
struct ObjectByExtruder
ObjectByExtruder() : support(nullptr), support_extrusion_role(erNone) {}
const ExtrusionEntityCollection *support;
// erSupportMaterial / erSupportMaterialInterface or erMixed.
ExtrusionRole support_extrusion_role;
struct Island
struct Region {
// Non-owned references to LayerRegion::perimeters::entities
// std::vector<const ExtrusionEntity*> would be better here, but there is no way in C++ to convert from std::vector<T*> std::vector<const T*> without copying.
ExtrusionEntitiesPtr perimeters;
// Non-owned references to LayerRegion::fills::entities
ExtrusionEntitiesPtr infills;
std::vector<const WipingExtrusions::ExtruderPerCopy*> infills_overrides;
std::vector<const WipingExtrusions::ExtruderPerCopy*> perimeters_overrides;
enum Type {
// Appends perimeter/infill entities and writes don't indices of those that are not to be extruder as part of perimeter/infill wiping
void append(const Type type, const ExtrusionEntityCollection* eec, const WipingExtrusions::ExtruderPerCopy* copy_extruders);
std::vector<Region> by_region; // all extrusions for this island, grouped by regions
// Fills in by_region_per_copy_cache and returns its reference.
const std::vector<Region>& by_region_per_copy(std::vector<Region> &by_region_per_copy_cache, unsigned int copy, unsigned int extruder, bool wiping_entities = false) const;
std::vector<Island> islands;
struct InstanceToPrint
InstanceToPrint(ObjectByExtruder &object_by_extruder, size_t layer_id, const PrintObject &print_object, size_t instance_id) :
object_by_extruder(object_by_extruder), layer_id(layer_id), print_object(print_object), instance_id(instance_id) {}
// Repository
ObjectByExtruder &object_by_extruder;
// Index into std::vector<LayerToPrint>, which contains Object and Support layers for the current print_z, collected for a single object, or for possibly multiple objects with multiple instances.
const size_t layer_id;
const PrintObject &print_object;
// Instance idx of the copy of a print object.
const size_t instance_id;
std::vector<InstanceToPrint> sort_print_object_instances(
std::vector<ObjectByExtruder> &objects_by_extruder,
// Object and Support layers for the current print_z, collected for a single object, or for possibly multiple objects with multiple instances.
const std::vector<LayerToPrint> &layers,
// Ordering must be defined for normal (non-sequential print).
const std::vector<const PrintInstance*> *ordering,
// For sequential print, the instance of the object to be printing has to be defined.
const size_t single_object_instance_idx);
std::string extrude_perimeters(const Print &print, const std::vector<ObjectByExtruder::Island::Region> &by_region, std::unique_ptr<EdgeGrid::Grid> &lower_layer_edge_grid);
std::string extrude_infill(const Print &print, const std::vector<ObjectByExtruder::Island::Region> &by_region, bool ironing);
std::string extrude_support(const ExtrusionEntityCollection &support_fills);
std::string travel_to(const Point &point, ExtrusionRole role, std::string comment);
bool needs_retraction(const Polyline &travel, ExtrusionRole role = erNone);
std::string retract(bool toolchange = false);
std::string unretract() { return m_writer.unlift() + m_writer.unretract(); }
std::string set_extruder(unsigned int extruder_id, double print_z);
// Cache for custom seam enforcers/blockers for each layer.
SeamPlacer m_seam_placer;
/* Origin of print coordinates expressed in unscaled G-code coordinates.
This affects the input arguments supplied to the extrude*() and travel_to()
methods. */
Vec2d m_origin;
FullPrintConfig m_config;
GCodeWriter m_writer;
PlaceholderParser m_placeholder_parser;
// For random number generator etc.
PlaceholderParser::ContextData m_placeholder_parser_context;
// Collection of templates, on which the placeholder substitution failed.
std::map<std::string, std::string> m_placeholder_parser_failed_templates;
OozePrevention m_ooze_prevention;
Wipe m_wipe;
AvoidCrossingPerimeters m_avoid_crossing_perimeters;
bool m_enable_loop_clipping;
// If enabled, the G-code generator will put following comments at the ends
// Those comments are received and consumed (removed from the G-code) by the Perl module.
bool m_enable_cooling_markers;
// Markers for the Pressure Equalizer to recognize the extrusion type.
// The Pressure Equalizer removes the markers from the final G-code.
bool m_enable_extrusion_role_markers;
// Keeps track of the last extrusion role passed to the processor
ExtrusionRole m_last_processor_extrusion_role;
// How many times will change_layer() be called?
// change_layer() will update the progress bar.
unsigned int m_layer_count;
// Progress bar indicator. Increments from -1 up to layer_count.
int m_layer_index;
// Current layer processed. Insequential printing mode, only a single copy will be printed.
// In non-sequential mode, all its copies will be printed.
const Layer* m_layer;
double m_volumetric_speed;
// Support for the extrusion role markers. Which marker is active?
ExtrusionRole m_last_extrusion_role;
// Support for G-Code Processor
float m_last_height{ 0.0f };
float m_last_layer_z{ 0.0f };
float m_max_layer_z{ 0.0f };
float m_last_width{ 0.0f };
double m_last_mm3_per_mm;
Point m_last_pos;
bool m_last_pos_defined;
std::unique_ptr<CoolingBuffer> m_cooling_buffer;
std::unique_ptr<SpiralVase> m_spiral_vase;
std::unique_ptr<PressureEqualizer> m_pressure_equalizer;
std::unique_ptr<WipeTowerIntegration> m_wipe_tower;
// Heights (print_z) at which the skirt has already been extruded.
std::vector<coordf_t> m_skirt_done;
// Has the brim been extruded already? Brim is being extruded only for the first object of a multi-object print.
bool m_brim_done;
// Flag indicating whether the nozzle temperature changes from 1st to 2nd layer were performed.
bool m_second_layer_things_done;
// Index of a last object copy extruded.
std::pair<const PrintObject*, Point> m_last_obj_copy;
bool m_silent_time_estimator_enabled;
// Processor
GCodeProcessor m_processor;
// Write a string into a file.
void _write(FILE* file, const std::string& what) { this->_write(file, what.c_str()); }
void _write(FILE* file, const char *what);
// Write a string into a file.
// Add a newline, if the string does not end with a newline already.
// Used to export a custom G-code section processed by the PlaceholderParser.
void _writeln(FILE* file, const std::string& what);
// Formats and write into a file the given data.
void _write_format(FILE* file, const char* format, ...);
std::string _extrude(const ExtrusionPath &path, std::string description = "", double speed = -1);
void print_machine_envelope(FILE *file, Print &print);
void _print_first_layer_bed_temperature(FILE *file, Print &print, const std::string &gcode, unsigned int first_printing_extruder_id, bool wait);
void _print_first_layer_extruder_temperatures(FILE *file, Print &print, const std::string &gcode, unsigned int first_printing_extruder_id, bool wait);
// On the first printing layer. This flag triggers first layer speeds.
bool on_first_layer() const { return m_layer != nullptr && m_layer->id() == 0; }
friend ObjectByExtruder& object_by_extruder(
std::map<unsigned int, std::vector<ObjectByExtruder>> &by_extruder,
unsigned int extruder_id,
size_t object_idx,
size_t num_objects);
friend std::vector<ObjectByExtruder::Island>& object_islands_by_extruder(
std::map<unsigned int, std::vector<ObjectByExtruder>> &by_extruder,
unsigned int extruder_id,
size_t object_idx,
size_t num_objects,
size_t num_islands);
friend class Wipe;
friend class WipeTowerIntegration;
std::vector<const PrintInstance*> sort_object_instances_by_model_order(const Print& print);