bubnikv 086f11df98 Handling of left hand oriented coordinate systems:
is_left_handed() method on transformations and volumes
rendering of GLVolumes in left handed coordinate systems by glFrontFace(GL_CW);
SLA slicing on left hand oriented instances by flipping the mesh for SLAPrintObject in X.
rendering of the SLA cutting plane in left handed systems
resetting the SLA clipping planes on 3D preview invalidation
2019-04-02 13:47:49 +02:00

2064 lines
78 KiB

#include <GL/glew.h>
#include "3DScene.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/ExtrusionEntity.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/ExtrusionEntityCollection.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/Geometry.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/GCode/PreviewData.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/Print.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/SLAPrint.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/Slicing.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/GCode/Analyzer.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/PresetBundle.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/Format/STL.hpp"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <utility>
#include <assert.h>
#include <boost/log/trivial.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <tbb/parallel_for.h>
#include <tbb/spin_mutex.h>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include "GUI.hpp"
void glAssertRecentCallImpl(const char *file_name, unsigned int line, const char *function_name)
GLenum err = glGetError();
if (err == GL_NO_ERROR)
const char *sErr = 0;
switch (err) {
case GL_INVALID_ENUM: sErr = "Invalid Enum"; break;
case GL_INVALID_VALUE: sErr = "Invalid Value"; break;
case GL_INVALID_OPERATION: sErr = "Invalid Operation"; break;
case GL_STACK_OVERFLOW: sErr = "Stack Overflow"; break;
case GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW: sErr = "Stack Underflow"; break;
case GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: sErr = "Out Of Memory"; break;
default: sErr = "Unknown"; break;
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "OpenGL error in " << file_name << ":" << line << ", function " << function_name << "() : " << (int)err << " - " << sErr;
namespace Slic3r {
void GLIndexedVertexArray::load_mesh_flat_shading(const TriangleMesh &mesh)
assert(triangle_indices.empty() && vertices_and_normals_interleaved_size == 0);
assert(quad_indices.empty() && triangle_indices_size == 0);
assert(vertices_and_normals_interleaved.size() % 6 == 0 && quad_indices_size == vertices_and_normals_interleaved.size());
this->vertices_and_normals_interleaved.reserve(this->vertices_and_normals_interleaved.size() + 3 * 3 * 2 * mesh.facets_count());
for (int i = 0; i < (int)mesh.stl.stats.number_of_facets; ++i) {
const stl_facet &facet = mesh.stl.facet_start[i];
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++ j)
this->push_geometry(facet.vertex[j](0), facet.vertex[j](1), facet.vertex[j](2), facet.normal(0), facet.normal(1), facet.normal(2));
void GLIndexedVertexArray::load_mesh_full_shading(const TriangleMesh &mesh)
assert(triangle_indices.empty() && vertices_and_normals_interleaved_size == 0);
assert(quad_indices.empty() && triangle_indices_size == 0);
assert(vertices_and_normals_interleaved.size() % 6 == 0 && quad_indices_size == vertices_and_normals_interleaved.size());
this->vertices_and_normals_interleaved.reserve(this->vertices_and_normals_interleaved.size() + 3 * 3 * 2 * mesh.facets_count());
unsigned int vertices_count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)mesh.stl.stats.number_of_facets; ++i) {
const stl_facet &facet = mesh.stl.facet_start[i];
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
this->push_geometry(facet.vertex[j](0), facet.vertex[j](1), facet.vertex[j](2), facet.normal(0), facet.normal(1), facet.normal(2));
this->push_triangle(vertices_count, vertices_count + 1, vertices_count + 2);
vertices_count += 3;
void GLIndexedVertexArray::finalize_geometry(bool use_VBOs)
assert(this->vertices_and_normals_interleaved_VBO_id == 0);
assert(this->triangle_indices_VBO_id == 0);
assert(this->quad_indices_VBO_id == 0);
if (use_VBOs) {
if (! empty()) {
glsafe(glGenBuffers(1, &this->vertices_and_normals_interleaved_VBO_id));
glsafe(glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, this->vertices_and_normals_interleaved_VBO_id));
glsafe(glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, this->vertices_and_normals_interleaved.size() * 4, this->, GL_STATIC_DRAW));
glsafe(glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0));
if (! this->triangle_indices.empty()) {
glsafe(glGenBuffers(1, &this->triangle_indices_VBO_id));
glsafe(glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this->triangle_indices_VBO_id));
glsafe(glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this->triangle_indices.size() * 4, this->, GL_STATIC_DRAW));
if (! this->quad_indices.empty()) {
glsafe(glGenBuffers(1, &this->quad_indices_VBO_id));
glsafe(glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this->quad_indices_VBO_id));
glsafe(glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this->quad_indices.size() * 4, this->, GL_STATIC_DRAW));
glsafe(glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0));
void GLIndexedVertexArray::release_geometry()
if (this->vertices_and_normals_interleaved_VBO_id) {
glsafe(glDeleteBuffers(1, &this->vertices_and_normals_interleaved_VBO_id));
this->vertices_and_normals_interleaved_VBO_id = 0;
if (this->triangle_indices_VBO_id) {
glsafe(glDeleteBuffers(1, &this->triangle_indices_VBO_id));
this->triangle_indices_VBO_id = 0;
if (this->quad_indices_VBO_id) {
glsafe(glDeleteBuffers(1, &this->quad_indices_VBO_id));
this->quad_indices_VBO_id = 0;
void GLIndexedVertexArray::render() const
if (this->vertices_and_normals_interleaved_VBO_id) {
glsafe(glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, this->vertices_and_normals_interleaved_VBO_id));
glsafe(glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 6 * sizeof(float), (const void*)(3 * sizeof(float))));
glsafe(glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 6 * sizeof(float), nullptr));
} else {
glsafe(glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 6 * sizeof(float), this-> + 3));
glsafe(glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 6 * sizeof(float), this->;
if (this->indexed()) {
if (this->vertices_and_normals_interleaved_VBO_id) {
// Render using the Vertex Buffer Objects.
if (this->triangle_indices_size > 0) {
glsafe(glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this->triangle_indices_VBO_id));
glsafe(glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, GLsizei(this->triangle_indices_size), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, nullptr));
if (this->quad_indices_size > 0) {
glsafe(glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this->quad_indices_VBO_id));
glsafe(glDrawElements(GL_QUADS, GLsizei(this->quad_indices_size), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, nullptr));
glsafe(glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0));
} else {
// Render in an immediate mode.
if (! this->triangle_indices.empty())
glsafe(glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, GLsizei(this->triangle_indices_size), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, this->;
if (! this->quad_indices.empty())
glsafe(glDrawElements(GL_QUADS, GLsizei(this->quad_indices_size), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, this->;
} else
glsafe(glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, GLsizei(this->vertices_and_normals_interleaved_size / 6)));
if (this->vertices_and_normals_interleaved_VBO_id)
glsafe(glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0));
void GLIndexedVertexArray::render(
const std::pair<size_t, size_t> &tverts_range,
const std::pair<size_t, size_t> &qverts_range) const
if (! this->indexed())
if (this->vertices_and_normals_interleaved_VBO_id) {
// Render using the Vertex Buffer Objects.
glsafe(glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, this->vertices_and_normals_interleaved_VBO_id));
glsafe(glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 6 * sizeof(float), (const void*)(3 * sizeof(float))));
glsafe(glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 6 * sizeof(float), nullptr));
if (this->triangle_indices_size > 0) {
glsafe(glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this->triangle_indices_VBO_id));
glsafe(glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, GLsizei(std::min(this->triangle_indices_size, tverts_range.second - tverts_range.first)), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, (const void*)(tverts_range.first * 4)));
if (this->quad_indices_size > 0) {
glsafe(glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this->quad_indices_VBO_id));
glsafe(glDrawElements(GL_QUADS, GLsizei(std::min(this->quad_indices_size, qverts_range.second - qverts_range.first)), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, (const void*)(qverts_range.first * 4)));
glsafe(glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0));
glsafe(glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0));
} else {
// Render in an immediate mode.
glsafe(glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 6 * sizeof(float), this-> + 3));
glsafe(glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 6 * sizeof(float), this->;
if (! this->triangle_indices.empty())
glsafe(glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, GLsizei(std::min(this->triangle_indices_size, tverts_range.second - tverts_range.first)), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, (const void*)(this-> + tverts_range.first)));
if (! this->quad_indices.empty())
glsafe(glDrawElements(GL_QUADS, GLsizei(std::min(this->quad_indices_size, qverts_range.second - qverts_range.first)), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, (const void*)(this-> + qverts_range.first)));
const float GLVolume::SELECTED_COLOR[4] = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
const float GLVolume::HOVER_COLOR[4] = { 0.4f, 0.9f, 0.1f, 1.0f };
const float GLVolume::OUTSIDE_COLOR[4] = { 0.0f, 0.38f, 0.8f, 1.0f };
const float GLVolume::SELECTED_OUTSIDE_COLOR[4] = { 0.19f, 0.58f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
const float GLVolume::DISABLED_COLOR[4] = { 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f, 1.0f };
const float GLVolume::SLA_SUPPORT_COLOR[4] = { 0.75f, 0.75f, 0.75f, 1.0f };
const float GLVolume::SLA_PAD_COLOR[4] = { 0.0f, 0.2f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
GLVolume::GLVolume(float r, float g, float b, float a)
: m_transformed_bounding_box_dirty(true)
, m_sla_shift_z(0.0)
, m_transformed_convex_hull_bounding_box_dirty(true)
, m_convex_hull(nullptr)
, m_convex_hull_owned(false)
// geometry_id == 0 -> invalid
, geometry_id(std::pair<size_t, size_t>(0, 0))
, extruder_id(0)
, selected(false)
, disabled(false)
, is_active(true)
, zoom_to_volumes(true)
, shader_outside_printer_detection_enabled(false)
, is_outside(false)
, hover(false)
, is_modifier(false)
, is_wipe_tower(false)
, is_extrusion_path(false)
, force_transparent(false)
, force_native_color(false)
, tverts_range(0, size_t(-1))
, qverts_range(0, size_t(-1))
color[0] = r;
color[1] = g;
color[2] = b;
color[3] = a;
set_render_color(r, g, b, a);
if (m_convex_hull_owned)
delete m_convex_hull;
void GLVolume::set_render_color(float r, float g, float b, float a)
render_color[0] = r;
render_color[1] = g;
render_color[2] = b;
render_color[3] = a;
void GLVolume::set_render_color(const float* rgba, unsigned int size)
::memcpy((void*)render_color, (const void*)rgba, (size_t)(std::min((unsigned int)4, size) * sizeof(float)));
void GLVolume::set_render_color()
if (force_native_color)
set_render_color(color, 4);
else {
if (selected)
set_render_color(is_outside ? SELECTED_OUTSIDE_COLOR : SELECTED_COLOR, 4);
else if (hover)
set_render_color(HOVER_COLOR, 4);
else if (disabled)
set_render_color(DISABLED_COLOR, 4);
else if (is_outside && shader_outside_printer_detection_enabled)
set_render_color(OUTSIDE_COLOR, 4);
set_render_color(color, 4);
if (force_transparent)
render_color[3] = color[3];
void GLVolume::set_color_from_model_volume(const ModelVolume *model_volume)
if (model_volume->is_modifier()) {
color[0] = 0.2f;
color[1] = 1.0f;
color[2] = 0.2f;
else if (model_volume->is_support_blocker()) {
color[0] = 1.0f;
color[1] = 0.2f;
color[2] = 0.2f;
else if (model_volume->is_support_enforcer()) {
color[0] = 0.2f;
color[1] = 0.2f;
color[2] = 1.0f;
color[3] = model_volume->is_model_part() ? 1.f : 0.5f;
void GLVolume::set_convex_hull(const TriangleMesh *convex_hull, bool owned)
m_convex_hull = convex_hull;
m_convex_hull_owned = owned;
Transform3d GLVolume::world_matrix() const
Transform3d m = m_instance_transformation.get_matrix() * m_volume_transformation.get_matrix();
m.translation()(2) += m_sla_shift_z;
return m;
bool GLVolume::is_left_handed() const
const Vec3d &m1 = m_instance_transformation.get_mirror();
const Vec3d &m2 = m_volume_transformation.get_mirror();
return m1.x() * m1.y() * m1.z() * m2.x() * m2.y() * m2.z() < 0.;
const BoundingBoxf3& GLVolume::transformed_bounding_box() const
assert(bounding_box.defined || bounding_box.min(0) >= bounding_box.max(0) || bounding_box.min(1) >= bounding_box.max(1) || bounding_box.min(2) >= bounding_box.max(2));
if (m_transformed_bounding_box_dirty)
m_transformed_bounding_box = bounding_box.transformed(world_matrix());
m_transformed_bounding_box_dirty = false;
return m_transformed_bounding_box;
const BoundingBoxf3& GLVolume::transformed_convex_hull_bounding_box() const
if (m_transformed_convex_hull_bounding_box_dirty)
if ((m_convex_hull != nullptr) && (m_convex_hull->stl.stats.number_of_facets > 0))
m_transformed_convex_hull_bounding_box = m_convex_hull->transformed_bounding_box(world_matrix());
m_transformed_convex_hull_bounding_box = bounding_box.transformed(world_matrix());
m_transformed_convex_hull_bounding_box_dirty = false;
return m_transformed_convex_hull_bounding_box;
void GLVolume::set_range(double min_z, double max_z)
this->qverts_range.first = 0;
this->qverts_range.second = this->indexed_vertex_array.quad_indices_size;
this->tverts_range.first = 0;
this->tverts_range.second = this->indexed_vertex_array.triangle_indices_size;
if (! this->print_zs.empty()) {
// The Z layer range is specified.
// First test whether the Z span of this object is not out of (min_z, max_z) completely.
if (this->print_zs.front() > max_z || this->print_zs.back() < min_z) {
this->qverts_range.second = 0;
this->tverts_range.second = 0;
} else {
// Then find the lowest layer to be displayed.
size_t i = 0;
for (; i < this->print_zs.size() && this->print_zs[i] < min_z; ++ i);
if (i == this->print_zs.size()) {
// This shall not happen.
this->qverts_range.second = 0;
this->tverts_range.second = 0;
} else {
// Remember start of the layer.
this->qverts_range.first = this->offsets[i * 2];
this->tverts_range.first = this->offsets[i * 2 + 1];
// Some layers are above $min_z. Which?
for (; i < this->print_zs.size() && this->print_zs[i] <= max_z; ++ i);
if (i < this->print_zs.size()) {
this->qverts_range.second = this->offsets[i * 2];
this->tverts_range.second = this->offsets[i * 2 + 1];
void GLVolume::render() const
if (!is_active)
if (this->is_left_handed())
if (this->indexed_vertex_array.indexed())
this->indexed_vertex_array.render(this->tverts_range, this->qverts_range);
if (this->is_left_handed())
void GLVolume::render_VBOs(int color_id, int detection_id, int worldmatrix_id) const
if (!is_active)
if (!indexed_vertex_array.vertices_and_normals_interleaved_VBO_id)
if (this->is_left_handed())
GLsizei n_triangles = GLsizei(std::min(indexed_vertex_array.triangle_indices_size, tverts_range.second - tverts_range.first));
GLsizei n_quads = GLsizei(std::min(indexed_vertex_array.quad_indices_size, qverts_range.second - qverts_range.first));
if (n_triangles + n_quads == 0)
if (color_id >= 0)
float color[4];
::memcpy((void*)color, (const void*)render_color, 4 * sizeof(float));
glsafe(::glUniform4fv(color_id, 1, (const GLfloat*)color));
if (detection_id != -1)
glsafe(::glUniform1i(detection_id, shader_outside_printer_detection_enabled ? 1 : 0));
if (worldmatrix_id != -1)
glsafe(::glUniformMatrix4fv(worldmatrix_id, 1, GL_FALSE, (const GLfloat*)world_matrix().cast<float>().data()));
if (color_id >= 0)
glsafe(::glUniform4fv(color_id, 1, (const GLfloat*)render_color));
if (detection_id != -1)
glsafe(::glUniform1i(detection_id, shader_outside_printer_detection_enabled ? 1 : 0));
if (worldmatrix_id != -1)
glsafe(::glUniformMatrix4fv(worldmatrix_id, 1, GL_FALSE, (const GLfloat*)world_matrix().cast<float>().data()));
glsafe(::glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexed_vertex_array.vertices_and_normals_interleaved_VBO_id));
glsafe(::glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 6 * sizeof(float), (const void*)(3 * sizeof(float))));
glsafe(::glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 6 * sizeof(float), nullptr));
if (n_triangles > 0)
glsafe(::glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexed_vertex_array.triangle_indices_VBO_id));
glsafe(::glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, n_triangles, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, (const void*)(tverts_range.first * 4)));
if (n_quads > 0)
glsafe(::glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexed_vertex_array.quad_indices_VBO_id));
glsafe(::glDrawElements(GL_QUADS, n_quads, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, (const void*)(qverts_range.first * 4)));
if (this->is_left_handed())
void GLVolume::render_legacy() const
if (!is_active)
if (this->is_left_handed())
GLsizei n_triangles = GLsizei(std::min(indexed_vertex_array.triangle_indices_size, tverts_range.second - tverts_range.first));
GLsizei n_quads = GLsizei(std::min(indexed_vertex_array.quad_indices_size, qverts_range.second - qverts_range.first));
if (n_triangles + n_quads == 0)
glsafe(::glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 6 * sizeof(float), + 3));
glsafe(::glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 6 * sizeof(float),;
if (n_triangles > 0)
glsafe(::glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, n_triangles, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, + tverts_range.first));
if (n_quads > 0)
glsafe(::glDrawElements(GL_QUADS, n_quads, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, + qverts_range.first));
if (this->is_left_handed())
std::vector<int> GLVolumeCollection::load_object(
const ModelObject *model_object,
int obj_idx,
const std::vector<int> &instance_idxs,
const std::string &color_by,
bool use_VBOs)
std::vector<int> volumes_idx;
for (int volume_idx = 0; volume_idx < int(model_object->volumes.size()); ++ volume_idx)
for (int instance_idx : instance_idxs)
volumes_idx.emplace_back(this->GLVolumeCollection::load_object_volume(model_object, obj_idx, volume_idx, instance_idx, color_by, use_VBOs));
return volumes_idx;
int GLVolumeCollection::load_object_volume(
const ModelObject *model_object,
int obj_idx,
int volume_idx,
int instance_idx,
const std::string &color_by,
bool use_VBOs)
static float colors[4][4] = {
{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.f },
{ 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.f },
{ 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 1.f },
{ 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.f }
const ModelVolume *model_volume = model_object->volumes[volume_idx];
const int extruder_id = model_volume->extruder_id();
const ModelInstance *instance = model_object->instances[instance_idx];
const TriangleMesh& mesh = model_volume->mesh;
float color[4];
memcpy(color, colors[((color_by == "volume") ? volume_idx : obj_idx) % 4], sizeof(float) * 3);
/* if (model_volume->is_support_blocker()) {
color[0] = 1.0f;
color[1] = 0.2f;
color[2] = 0.2f;
} else if (model_volume->is_support_enforcer()) {
color[0] = 0.2f;
color[1] = 0.2f;
color[2] = 1.0f;
color[3] = model_volume->is_model_part() ? 1.f : 0.5f; */
color[3] = model_volume->is_model_part() ? 1.f : 0.5f;
this->volumes.emplace_back(new GLVolume(color));
GLVolume &v = *this->volumes.back();
if (use_VBOs)
// finalize_geometry() clears the vertex arrays, therefore the bounding box has to be computed before finalize_geometry().
v.bounding_box = v.indexed_vertex_array.bounding_box();
v.composite_id = GLVolume::CompositeID(obj_idx, volume_idx, instance_idx);
if (model_volume->is_model_part())
// GLVolume will reference a convex hull from model_volume!
v.set_convex_hull(&model_volume->get_convex_hull(), false);
if (extruder_id != -1)
v.extruder_id = extruder_id;
v.is_modifier = ! model_volume->is_model_part();
v.shader_outside_printer_detection_enabled = model_volume->is_model_part();
return int(this->volumes.size() - 1);
// Load SLA auxiliary GLVolumes (for support trees or pad).
// This function produces volumes for multiple instances in a single shot,
// as some object specific mesh conversions may be expensive.
void GLVolumeCollection::load_object_auxiliary(
const SLAPrintObject *print_object,
int obj_idx,
// pairs of <instance_idx, print_instance_idx>
const std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> &instances,
SLAPrintObjectStep milestone,
// Timestamp of the last change of the milestone
size_t timestamp,
bool use_VBOs)
Transform3d mesh_trafo_inv = print_object->trafo().inverse();
// Get the support mesh.
TriangleMesh mesh = print_object->get_mesh(milestone);
// Convex hull is required for out of print bed detection.
TriangleMesh convex_hull = mesh.convex_hull_3d();
for (const std::pair<size_t, size_t> &instance_idx : instances) {
const ModelInstance &model_instance = *print_object->model_object()->instances[instance_idx.first];
const SLAPrintObject::Instance &print_instance = print_object->instances()[instance_idx.second];
this->volumes.emplace_back(new GLVolume((milestone == slaposBasePool) ? GLVolume::SLA_PAD_COLOR : GLVolume::SLA_SUPPORT_COLOR));
GLVolume &v = *this->volumes.back();
if (use_VBOs)
// finalize_geometry() clears the vertex arrays, therefore the bounding box has to be computed before finalize_geometry().
v.bounding_box = v.indexed_vertex_array.bounding_box();
v.composite_id = GLVolume::CompositeID(obj_idx, - int(milestone), (int)instance_idx.first);
v.geometry_id = std::pair<size_t, size_t>(timestamp,;
// Create a copy of the convex hull mesh for each instance. Use a move operator on the last instance.
v.set_convex_hull((&instance_idx == &instances.back()) ? new TriangleMesh(std::move(convex_hull)) : new TriangleMesh(convex_hull), true);
v.is_modifier = false;
v.shader_outside_printer_detection_enabled = (milestone == slaposSupportTree);
// Leave the volume transformation at identity.
// v.set_volume_transformation(model_volume->get_transformation());
int GLVolumeCollection::load_wipe_tower_preview(
int obj_idx, float pos_x, float pos_y, float width, float depth, float height, float rotation_angle, bool use_VBOs, bool size_unknown, float brim_width)
if (depth < 0.01f)
return int(this->volumes.size() - 1);
if (height == 0.0f)
height = 0.1f;
Point origin_of_rotation(0.f, 0.f);
TriangleMesh mesh;
float color[4] = { 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.f };
// In case we don't know precise dimensions of the wipe tower yet, we'll draw the box with different color with one side jagged:
if (size_unknown) {
color[0] = 0.9f;
color[1] = 0.6f;
depth = std::max(depth, 10.f); // Too narrow tower would interfere with the teeth. The estimate is not precise anyway.
float min_width = 30.f;
// We'll now create the box with jagged edge. y-coordinates of the pre-generated model are shifted so that the front
// edge has y=0 and centerline of the back edge has y=depth:
Pointf3s points;
std::vector<Vec3crd> facets;
float out_points_idx[][3] = { { 0, -depth, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 38.453f, 0, 0 }, { 61.547f, 0, 0 }, { 100.0f, 0, 0 }, { 100.0f, -depth, 0 }, { 55.7735f, -10.0f, 0 }, { 44.2265f, 10.0f, 0 },
{ 38.453f, 0, 1 }, { 0, 0, 1 }, { 0, -depth, 1 }, { 100.0f, -depth, 1 }, { 100.0f, 0, 1 }, { 61.547f, 0, 1 }, { 55.7735f, -10.0f, 1 }, { 44.2265f, 10.0f, 1 } };
int out_facets_idx[][3] = { { 0, 1, 2 }, { 3, 4, 5 }, { 6, 5, 0 }, { 3, 5, 6 }, { 6, 2, 7 }, { 6, 0, 2 }, { 8, 9, 10 }, { 11, 12, 13 }, { 10, 11, 14 }, { 14, 11, 13 }, { 15, 8, 14 },
{8, 10, 14}, {3, 12, 4}, {3, 13, 12}, {6, 13, 3}, {6, 14, 13}, {7, 14, 6}, {7, 15, 14}, {2, 15, 7}, {2, 8, 15}, {1, 8, 2}, {1, 9, 8},
{0, 9, 1}, {0, 10, 9}, {5, 10, 0}, {5, 11, 10}, {4, 11, 5}, {4, 12, 11}};
for (int i=0;i<16;++i)
points.push_back(Vec3d(out_points_idx[i][0] / (100.f/min_width), out_points_idx[i][1] + depth, out_points_idx[i][2]));
for (int i=0;i<28;++i)
facets.push_back(Vec3crd(out_facets_idx[i][0], out_facets_idx[i][1], out_facets_idx[i][2]));
TriangleMesh tooth_mesh(points, facets);
// We have the mesh ready. It has one tooth and width of min_width. We will now append several of these together until we are close to
// the required width of the block. Than we can scale it precisely.
size_t n = std::max(1, int(width/min_width)); // How many shall be merged?
for (size_t i=0;i<n;++i) {
tooth_mesh.translate(min_width, 0.f, 0.f);
mesh.scale(Vec3d(width/(n*min_width), 1.f, height)); // Scaling to proper width
mesh = make_cube(width, depth, height);
// We'll make another mesh to show the brim (fixed layer height):
TriangleMesh brim_mesh = make_cube(width+2.f*brim_width, depth+2.f*brim_width, 0.2f);
brim_mesh.translate(-brim_width, -brim_width, 0.f);
mesh.rotate(rotation_angle, &origin_of_rotation); // rotates the box according to the config rotation setting
this->volumes.emplace_back(new GLVolume(color));
GLVolume &v = *this->volumes.back();
if (use_VBOs)
v.set_volume_offset(Vec3d(pos_x, pos_y, 0.0));
// finalize_geometry() clears the vertex arrays, therefore the bounding box has to be computed before finalize_geometry().
v.bounding_box = v.indexed_vertex_array.bounding_box();
v.composite_id = GLVolume::CompositeID(obj_idx, 0, 0);
v.is_wipe_tower = true;
v.shader_outside_printer_detection_enabled = ! size_unknown;
return int(this->volumes.size() - 1);
typedef std::pair<GLVolume*, double> GLVolumeWithZ;
typedef std::vector<GLVolumeWithZ> GLVolumesWithZList;
static GLVolumesWithZList volumes_to_render(const GLVolumePtrs& volumes, GLVolumeCollection::ERenderType type, std::function<bool(const GLVolume&)> filter_func)
GLVolumesWithZList list;
for (GLVolume* volume : volumes)
bool is_transparent = (volume->render_color[3] < 1.0f);
if ((((type == GLVolumeCollection::Opaque) && !is_transparent) ||
((type == GLVolumeCollection::Transparent) && is_transparent) ||
(type == GLVolumeCollection::All)) &&
(! filter_func || filter_func(*volume)))
list.emplace_back(std::make_pair(volume, 0.0));
if ((type == GLVolumeCollection::Transparent) && (list.size() > 1))
Transform3d modelview_matrix;
for (GLVolumeWithZ& volume : list)
volume.second = volume.first->bounding_box.transformed(modelview_matrix * volume.first->world_matrix()).max(2);
std::sort(list.begin(), list.end(),
[](const GLVolumeWithZ& v1, const GLVolumeWithZ& v2) -> bool { return v1.second < v2.second; }
return list;
void GLVolumeCollection::render_VBOs(GLVolumeCollection::ERenderType type, bool disable_cullface, std::function<bool(const GLVolume&)> filter_func) const
glsafe(::glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA));
if (disable_cullface)
GLint current_program_id;
glsafe(::glGetIntegerv(GL_CURRENT_PROGRAM, &current_program_id));
GLint color_id = (current_program_id > 0) ? glGetUniformLocation(current_program_id, "uniform_color") : -1;
GLint z_range_id = (current_program_id > 0) ? glGetUniformLocation(current_program_id, "z_range") : -1;
GLint print_box_min_id = (current_program_id > 0) ? glGetUniformLocation(current_program_id, "print_box.min") : -1;
GLint print_box_max_id = (current_program_id > 0) ? glGetUniformLocation(current_program_id, "print_box.max") : -1;
GLint print_box_detection_id = (current_program_id > 0) ? glGetUniformLocation(current_program_id, "print_box.volume_detection") : -1;
GLint print_box_worldmatrix_id = (current_program_id > 0) ? glGetUniformLocation(current_program_id, "print_box.volume_world_matrix") : -1;
if (print_box_min_id != -1)
glsafe(::glUniform3fv(print_box_min_id, 1, (const GLfloat*)print_box_min));
if (print_box_max_id != -1)
glsafe(::glUniform3fv(print_box_max_id, 1, (const GLfloat*)print_box_max));
if (z_range_id != -1)
glsafe(::glUniform2fv(z_range_id, 1, (const GLfloat*)z_range));
GLVolumesWithZList to_render = volumes_to_render(this->volumes, type, filter_func);
for (GLVolumeWithZ& volume : to_render) {
volume.first->render_VBOs(color_id, print_box_detection_id, print_box_worldmatrix_id);
glsafe(::glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0));
glsafe(::glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0));
if (disable_cullface)
void GLVolumeCollection::render_legacy(ERenderType type, bool disable_cullface, std::function<bool(const GLVolume&)> filter_func) const
if (disable_cullface)
GLVolumesWithZList to_render = volumes_to_render(this->volumes, type, filter_func);
for (GLVolumeWithZ& volume : to_render)
if (disable_cullface)
bool GLVolumeCollection::check_outside_state(const DynamicPrintConfig* config, ModelInstance::EPrintVolumeState* out_state)
if (config == nullptr)
return false;
const ConfigOptionPoints* opt = dynamic_cast<const ConfigOptionPoints*>(config->option("bed_shape"));
if (opt == nullptr)
return false;
BoundingBox bed_box_2D = get_extents(Polygon::new_scale(opt->values));
BoundingBoxf3 print_volume(Vec3d(unscale<double>(bed_box_2D.min(0)), unscale<double>(bed_box_2D.min(1)), 0.0), Vec3d(unscale<double>(bed_box_2D.max(0)), unscale<double>(bed_box_2D.max(1)), config->opt_float("max_print_height")));
// Allow the objects to protrude below the print bed
print_volume.min(2) = -1e10;
ModelInstance::EPrintVolumeState state = ModelInstance::PVS_Inside;
bool all_contained = true;
bool contained_min_one = false;
for (GLVolume* volume : this->volumes)
if ((volume == nullptr) || volume->is_modifier || (volume->is_wipe_tower && !volume->shader_outside_printer_detection_enabled) || ((volume->composite_id.volume_id < 0) && !volume->shader_outside_printer_detection_enabled))
const BoundingBoxf3& bb = volume->transformed_convex_hull_bounding_box();
bool contained = print_volume.contains(bb);
all_contained &= contained;
if (contained)
contained_min_one = true;
volume->is_outside = !contained;
if ((state == ModelInstance::PVS_Inside) && volume->is_outside)
state = ModelInstance::PVS_Fully_Outside;
if ((state == ModelInstance::PVS_Fully_Outside) && volume->is_outside && print_volume.intersects(bb))
state = ModelInstance::PVS_Partly_Outside;
if (out_state != nullptr)
*out_state = state;
return /*all_contained*/ contained_min_one; // #ys_FIXME_delete_after_testing
void GLVolumeCollection::reset_outside_state()
for (GLVolume* volume : this->volumes)
if (volume != nullptr)
volume->is_outside = false;
void GLVolumeCollection::update_colors_by_extruder(const DynamicPrintConfig* config)
static const float inv_255 = 1.0f / 255.0f;
struct Color
std::string text;
unsigned char rgb[3];
: text("")
rgb[0] = 255;
rgb[1] = 255;
rgb[2] = 255;
void set(const std::string& text, unsigned char* rgb)
this->text = text;
::memcpy((void*)this->rgb, (const void*)rgb, 3 * sizeof(unsigned char));
if (config == nullptr)
const ConfigOptionStrings* extruders_opt = dynamic_cast<const ConfigOptionStrings*>(config->option("extruder_colour"));
if (extruders_opt == nullptr)
const ConfigOptionStrings* filamemts_opt = dynamic_cast<const ConfigOptionStrings*>(config->option("filament_colour"));
if (filamemts_opt == nullptr)
unsigned int colors_count = std::max((unsigned int)extruders_opt->values.size(), (unsigned int)filamemts_opt->values.size());
if (colors_count == 0)
std::vector<Color> colors(colors_count);
unsigned char rgb[3];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < colors_count; ++i)
const std::string& txt_color = config->opt_string("extruder_colour", i);
if (PresetBundle::parse_color(txt_color, rgb))
colors[i].set(txt_color, rgb);
const std::string& txt_color = config->opt_string("filament_colour", i);
if (PresetBundle::parse_color(txt_color, rgb))
colors[i].set(txt_color, rgb);
for (GLVolume* volume : volumes)
if ((volume == nullptr) || volume->is_modifier || volume->is_wipe_tower || (volume->volume_idx() < 0))
int extruder_id = volume->extruder_id - 1;
if ((extruder_id < 0) || ((int)colors.size() <= extruder_id))
extruder_id = 0;
const Color& color = colors[extruder_id];
if (!color.text.empty())
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
volume->color[i] = (float)color.rgb[i] * inv_255;
std::vector<double> GLVolumeCollection::get_current_print_zs(bool active_only) const
// Collect layer top positions of all volumes.
std::vector<double> print_zs;
for (GLVolume *vol : this->volumes)
if (!active_only || vol->is_active)
append(print_zs, vol->print_zs);
std::sort(print_zs.begin(), print_zs.end());
// Replace intervals of layers with similar top positions with their average value.
int n = int(print_zs.size());
int k = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n;) {
int j = i + 1;
coordf_t zmax = print_zs[i] + EPSILON;
for (; j < n && print_zs[j] <= zmax; ++ j) ;
print_zs[k ++] = (j > i + 1) ? (0.5 * (print_zs[i] + print_zs[j - 1])) : print_zs[i];
i = j;
if (k < n)
print_zs.erase(print_zs.begin() + k, print_zs.end());
return print_zs;
// caller is responsible for supplying NO lines with zero length
static void thick_lines_to_indexed_vertex_array(
const Lines &lines,
const std::vector<double> &widths,
const std::vector<double> &heights,
bool closed,
double top_z,
GLIndexedVertexArray &volume)
assert(! lines.empty());
if (lines.empty())
#define LEFT 0
#define RIGHT 1
#define TOP 2
#define BOTTOM 3
// right, left, top, bottom
int idx_prev[4] = { -1, -1, -1, -1 };
double bottom_z_prev = 0.;
Vec2d b1_prev(Vec2d::Zero());
Vec2d v_prev(Vec2d::Zero());
int idx_initial[4] = { -1, -1, -1, -1 };
double width_initial = 0.;
double bottom_z_initial = 0.0;
// loop once more in case of closed loops
size_t lines_end = closed ? (lines.size() + 1) : lines.size();
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < lines_end; ++ ii) {
size_t i = (ii == lines.size()) ? 0 : ii;
const Line &line = lines[i];
double len = unscale<double>(line.length());
double inv_len = 1.0 / len;
double bottom_z = top_z - heights[i];
double middle_z = 0.5 * (top_z + bottom_z);
double width = widths[i];
bool is_first = (ii == 0);
bool is_last = (ii == lines_end - 1);
bool is_closing = closed && is_last;
Vec2d v = unscale(line.vector());
v *= inv_len;
Vec2d a = unscale(line.a);
Vec2d b = unscale(line.b);
Vec2d a1 = a;
Vec2d a2 = a;
Vec2d b1 = b;
Vec2d b2 = b;
double dist = 0.5 * width; // scaled
double dx = dist * v(0);
double dy = dist * v(1);
a1 += Vec2d(+dy, -dx);
a2 += Vec2d(-dy, +dx);
b1 += Vec2d(+dy, -dx);
b2 += Vec2d(-dy, +dx);
// calculate new XY normals
Vector n = line.normal();
Vec3d xy_right_normal = unscale(n(0), n(1), 0);
xy_right_normal *= inv_len;
int idx_a[4];
int idx_b[4];
int idx_last = int(volume.vertices_and_normals_interleaved.size() / 6);
bool bottom_z_different = bottom_z_prev != bottom_z;
bottom_z_prev = bottom_z;
if (!is_first && bottom_z_different)
// Found a change of the layer thickness -> Add a cap at the end of the previous segment.
volume.push_quad(idx_b[BOTTOM], idx_b[LEFT], idx_b[TOP], idx_b[RIGHT]);
// Share top / bottom vertices if possible.
if (is_first) {
idx_a[TOP] = idx_last++;
volume.push_geometry(a(0), a(1), top_z , 0., 0., 1.);
} else {
idx_a[TOP] = idx_prev[TOP];
if (is_first || bottom_z_different) {
// Start of the 1st line segment or a change of the layer thickness while maintaining the print_z.
idx_a[BOTTOM] = idx_last ++;
volume.push_geometry(a(0), a(1), bottom_z, 0., 0., -1.);
idx_a[LEFT ] = idx_last ++;
volume.push_geometry(a2(0), a2(1), middle_z, -xy_right_normal(0), -xy_right_normal(1), -xy_right_normal(2));
idx_a[RIGHT] = idx_last ++;
volume.push_geometry(a1(0), a1(1), middle_z, xy_right_normal(0), xy_right_normal(1), xy_right_normal(2));
else {
idx_a[BOTTOM] = idx_prev[BOTTOM];
if (is_first) {
// Start of the 1st line segment.
width_initial = width;
bottom_z_initial = bottom_z;
memcpy(idx_initial, idx_a, sizeof(int) * 4);
} else {
// Continuing a previous segment.
// Share left / right vertices if possible.
double v_dot =;
bool sharp = v_dot < 0.707; // sin(45 degrees)
if (sharp) {
if (!bottom_z_different)
// Allocate new left / right points for the start of this segment as these points will receive their own normals to indicate a sharp turn.
idx_a[RIGHT] = idx_last++;
volume.push_geometry(a1(0), a1(1), middle_z, xy_right_normal(0), xy_right_normal(1), xy_right_normal(2));
idx_a[LEFT] = idx_last++;
volume.push_geometry(a2(0), a2(1), middle_z, -xy_right_normal(0), -xy_right_normal(1), -xy_right_normal(2));
if (v_dot > 0.9) {
if (!bottom_z_different)
// The two successive segments are nearly collinear.
idx_a[LEFT ] = idx_prev[LEFT];
idx_a[RIGHT] = idx_prev[RIGHT];
else if (!sharp) {
if (!bottom_z_different)
// Create a sharp corner with an overshot and average the left / right normals.
// At the crease angle of 45 degrees, the overshot at the corner will be less than (1-1/cos(PI/8)) = 8.2% over an arc.
Vec2d intersection(Vec2d::Zero());
Geometry::ray_ray_intersection(b1_prev, v_prev, a1, v, intersection);
a1 = intersection;
a2 = 2. * a - intersection;
assert((a - a1).norm() < width);
assert((a - a2).norm() < width);
float *n_left_prev = + idx_prev[LEFT ] * 6;
float *p_left_prev = n_left_prev + 3;
float *n_right_prev = + idx_prev[RIGHT] * 6;
float *p_right_prev = n_right_prev + 3;
p_left_prev [0] = float(a2(0));
p_left_prev [1] = float(a2(1));
p_right_prev[0] = float(a1(0));
p_right_prev[1] = float(a1(1));
xy_right_normal(0) += n_right_prev[0];
xy_right_normal(1) += n_right_prev[1];
xy_right_normal *= 1. / xy_right_normal.norm();
n_left_prev [0] = float(-xy_right_normal(0));
n_left_prev [1] = float(-xy_right_normal(1));
n_right_prev[0] = float( xy_right_normal(0));
n_right_prev[1] = float( xy_right_normal(1));
idx_a[LEFT ] = idx_prev[LEFT ];
idx_a[RIGHT] = idx_prev[RIGHT];
else if (cross2(v_prev, v) > 0.) {
// Right turn. Fill in the right turn wedge.
volume.push_triangle(idx_prev[RIGHT], idx_a [RIGHT], idx_prev[TOP] );
volume.push_triangle(idx_prev[RIGHT], idx_prev[BOTTOM], idx_a [RIGHT] );
} else {
// Left turn. Fill in the left turn wedge.
volume.push_triangle(idx_prev[LEFT], idx_prev[TOP], idx_a [LEFT] );
volume.push_triangle(idx_prev[LEFT], idx_a [LEFT], idx_prev[BOTTOM]);
if (is_closing) {
if (!sharp) {
if (!bottom_z_different)
// Closing a loop with smooth transition. Unify the closing left / right vertices.
memcpy( + idx_initial[LEFT ] * 6, + idx_prev[LEFT ] * 6, sizeof(float) * 6);
memcpy( + idx_initial[RIGHT] * 6, + idx_prev[RIGHT] * 6, sizeof(float) * 6);
volume.vertices_and_normals_interleaved.erase(volume.vertices_and_normals_interleaved.end() - 12, volume.vertices_and_normals_interleaved.end());
// Replace the left / right vertex indices to point to the start of the loop.
for (size_t u = volume.quad_indices.size() - 16; u < volume.quad_indices.size(); ++ u) {
if (volume.quad_indices[u] == idx_prev[LEFT])
volume.quad_indices[u] = idx_initial[LEFT];
else if (volume.quad_indices[u] == idx_prev[RIGHT])
volume.quad_indices[u] = idx_initial[RIGHT];
// This is the last iteration, only required to solve the transition.
// Only new allocate top / bottom vertices, if not closing a loop.
if (is_closing) {
idx_b[TOP] = idx_initial[TOP];
} else {
idx_b[TOP] = idx_last ++;
volume.push_geometry(b(0), b(1), top_z , 0., 0., 1.);
if (is_closing && (width == width_initial) && (bottom_z == bottom_z_initial)) {
idx_b[BOTTOM] = idx_initial[BOTTOM];
} else {
idx_b[BOTTOM] = idx_last ++;
volume.push_geometry(b(0), b(1), bottom_z, 0., 0., -1.);
// Generate new vertices for the end of this line segment.
idx_b[LEFT ] = idx_last ++;
volume.push_geometry(b2(0), b2(1), middle_z, -xy_right_normal(0), -xy_right_normal(1), -xy_right_normal(2));
idx_b[RIGHT ] = idx_last ++;
volume.push_geometry(b1(0), b1(1), middle_z, xy_right_normal(0), xy_right_normal(1), xy_right_normal(2));
memcpy(idx_prev, idx_b, 4 * sizeof(int));
bottom_z_prev = bottom_z;
b1_prev = b1;
v_prev = v;
if (bottom_z_different && (closed || (!is_first && !is_last)))
// Found a change of the layer thickness -> Add a cap at the beginning of this segment.
volume.push_quad(idx_a[BOTTOM], idx_a[RIGHT], idx_a[TOP], idx_a[LEFT]);
if (! closed) {
// Terminate open paths with caps.
if (is_first)
volume.push_quad(idx_a[BOTTOM], idx_a[RIGHT], idx_a[TOP], idx_a[LEFT]);
// We don't use 'else' because both cases are true if we have only one line.
if (is_last)
volume.push_quad(idx_b[BOTTOM], idx_b[LEFT], idx_b[TOP], idx_b[RIGHT]);
// Add quads for a straight hollow tube-like segment.
// bottom-right face
volume.push_quad(idx_a[BOTTOM], idx_b[BOTTOM], idx_b[RIGHT], idx_a[RIGHT]);
// top-right face
volume.push_quad(idx_a[RIGHT], idx_b[RIGHT], idx_b[TOP], idx_a[TOP]);
// top-left face
volume.push_quad(idx_a[TOP], idx_b[TOP], idx_b[LEFT], idx_a[LEFT]);
// bottom-left face
volume.push_quad(idx_a[LEFT], idx_b[LEFT], idx_b[BOTTOM], idx_a[BOTTOM]);
#undef LEFT
#undef RIGHT
#undef TOP
#undef BOTTOM
// caller is responsible for supplying NO lines with zero length
static void thick_lines_to_indexed_vertex_array(const Lines3& lines,
const std::vector<double>& widths,
const std::vector<double>& heights,
bool closed,
GLIndexedVertexArray& volume)
if (lines.empty())
#define LEFT 0
#define RIGHT 1
#define TOP 2
#define BOTTOM 3
// left, right, top, bottom
int idx_initial[4] = { -1, -1, -1, -1 };
int idx_prev[4] = { -1, -1, -1, -1 };
double z_prev = 0.0;
Vec3d n_right_prev = Vec3d::Zero();
Vec3d n_top_prev = Vec3d::Zero();
Vec3d unit_v_prev = Vec3d::Zero();
double width_initial = 0.0;
// new vertices around the line endpoints
// left, right, top, bottom
Vec3d a[4] = { Vec3d::Zero(), Vec3d::Zero(), Vec3d::Zero(), Vec3d::Zero() };
Vec3d b[4] = { Vec3d::Zero(), Vec3d::Zero(), Vec3d::Zero(), Vec3d::Zero() };
// loop once more in case of closed loops
size_t lines_end = closed ? (lines.size() + 1) : lines.size();
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < lines_end; ++ii)
size_t i = (ii == lines.size()) ? 0 : ii;
const Line3& line = lines[i];
double height = heights[i];
double width = widths[i];
Vec3d unit_v = unscale(line.vector()).normalized();
Vec3d n_top = Vec3d::Zero();
Vec3d n_right = Vec3d::Zero();
Vec3d unit_positive_z(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
if ((line.a(0) == line.b(0)) && (line.a(1) == line.b(1)))
// vertical segment
n_right = (line.a(2) < line.b(2)) ? Vec3d(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0) : Vec3d(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
n_top = Vec3d(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
// generic segment
n_right = unit_v.cross(unit_positive_z).normalized();
n_top = n_right.cross(unit_v).normalized();
Vec3d rl_displacement = 0.5 * width * n_right;
Vec3d tb_displacement = 0.5 * height * n_top;
Vec3d l_a = unscale(line.a);
Vec3d l_b = unscale(line.b);
a[RIGHT] = l_a + rl_displacement;
a[LEFT] = l_a - rl_displacement;
a[TOP] = l_a + tb_displacement;
a[BOTTOM] = l_a - tb_displacement;
b[RIGHT] = l_b + rl_displacement;
b[LEFT] = l_b - rl_displacement;
b[TOP] = l_b + tb_displacement;
b[BOTTOM] = l_b - tb_displacement;
Vec3d n_bottom = -n_top;
Vec3d n_left = -n_right;
int idx_a[4];
int idx_b[4];
int idx_last = int(volume.vertices_and_normals_interleaved.size() / 6);
bool z_different = (z_prev != l_a(2));
z_prev = l_b(2);
// Share top / bottom vertices if possible.
if (ii == 0)
idx_a[TOP] = idx_last++;
volume.push_geometry(a[TOP], n_top);
idx_a[TOP] = idx_prev[TOP];
if ((ii == 0) || z_different)
// Start of the 1st line segment or a change of the layer thickness while maintaining the print_z.
idx_a[BOTTOM] = idx_last++;
volume.push_geometry(a[BOTTOM], n_bottom);
idx_a[LEFT] = idx_last++;
volume.push_geometry(a[LEFT], n_left);
idx_a[RIGHT] = idx_last++;
volume.push_geometry(a[RIGHT], n_right);
idx_a[BOTTOM] = idx_prev[BOTTOM];
if (ii == 0)
// Start of the 1st line segment.
width_initial = width;
::memcpy(idx_initial, idx_a, sizeof(int) * 4);
// Continuing a previous segment.
// Share left / right vertices if possible.
double v_dot =;
bool is_sharp = v_dot < 0.707; // sin(45 degrees)
bool is_right_turn = > 0.0;
if (is_sharp)
// Allocate new left / right points for the start of this segment as these points will receive their own normals to indicate a sharp turn.
idx_a[RIGHT] = idx_last++;
volume.push_geometry(a[RIGHT], n_right);
idx_a[LEFT] = idx_last++;
volume.push_geometry(a[LEFT], n_left);
if (v_dot > 0.9)
// The two successive segments are nearly collinear.
idx_a[LEFT] = idx_prev[LEFT];
idx_a[RIGHT] = idx_prev[RIGHT];
else if (!is_sharp)
// Create a sharp corner with an overshot and average the left / right normals.
// At the crease angle of 45 degrees, the overshot at the corner will be less than (1-1/cos(PI/8)) = 8.2% over an arc.
// averages normals
Vec3d average_n_right = 0.5 * (n_right + n_right_prev).normalized();
Vec3d average_n_left = -average_n_right;
Vec3d average_rl_displacement = 0.5 * width * average_n_right;
// updates vertices around a
a[RIGHT] = l_a + average_rl_displacement;
a[LEFT] = l_a - average_rl_displacement;
// updates previous line normals
float* normal_left_prev = + idx_prev[LEFT] * 6;
normal_left_prev[0] = float(average_n_left(0));
normal_left_prev[1] = float(average_n_left(1));
normal_left_prev[2] = float(average_n_left(2));
float* normal_right_prev = + idx_prev[RIGHT] * 6;
normal_right_prev[0] = float(average_n_right(0));
normal_right_prev[1] = float(average_n_right(1));
normal_right_prev[2] = float(average_n_right(2));
// updates previous line's vertices around b
float* b_left_prev = normal_left_prev + 3;
b_left_prev[0] = float(a[LEFT](0));
b_left_prev[1] = float(a[LEFT](1));
b_left_prev[2] = float(a[LEFT](2));
float* b_right_prev = normal_right_prev + 3;
b_right_prev[0] = float(a[RIGHT](0));
b_right_prev[1] = float(a[RIGHT](1));
b_right_prev[2] = float(a[RIGHT](2));
idx_a[LEFT] = idx_prev[LEFT];
idx_a[RIGHT] = idx_prev[RIGHT];
else if (is_right_turn)
// Right turn. Fill in the right turn wedge.
volume.push_triangle(idx_prev[RIGHT], idx_a[RIGHT], idx_prev[TOP]);
volume.push_triangle(idx_prev[RIGHT], idx_prev[BOTTOM], idx_a[RIGHT]);
// Left turn. Fill in the left turn wedge.
volume.push_triangle(idx_prev[LEFT], idx_prev[TOP], idx_a[LEFT]);
volume.push_triangle(idx_prev[LEFT], idx_a[LEFT], idx_prev[BOTTOM]);
if (ii == lines.size())
if (!is_sharp)
// Closing a loop with smooth transition. Unify the closing left / right vertices.
::memcpy( + idx_initial[LEFT] * 6, + idx_prev[LEFT] * 6, sizeof(float) * 6);
::memcpy( + idx_initial[RIGHT] * 6, + idx_prev[RIGHT] * 6, sizeof(float) * 6);
volume.vertices_and_normals_interleaved.erase(volume.vertices_and_normals_interleaved.end() - 12, volume.vertices_and_normals_interleaved.end());
// Replace the left / right vertex indices to point to the start of the loop.
for (size_t u = volume.quad_indices.size() - 16; u < volume.quad_indices.size(); ++u)
if (volume.quad_indices[u] == idx_prev[LEFT])
volume.quad_indices[u] = idx_initial[LEFT];
else if (volume.quad_indices[u] == idx_prev[RIGHT])
volume.quad_indices[u] = idx_initial[RIGHT];
// This is the last iteration, only required to solve the transition.
// Only new allocate top / bottom vertices, if not closing a loop.
if (closed && (ii + 1 == lines.size()))
idx_b[TOP] = idx_initial[TOP];
idx_b[TOP] = idx_last++;
volume.push_geometry(b[TOP], n_top);
if (closed && (ii + 1 == lines.size()) && (width == width_initial))
idx_b[BOTTOM] = idx_initial[BOTTOM];
idx_b[BOTTOM] = idx_last++;
volume.push_geometry(b[BOTTOM], n_bottom);
// Generate new vertices for the end of this line segment.
idx_b[LEFT] = idx_last++;
volume.push_geometry(b[LEFT], n_left);
idx_b[RIGHT] = idx_last++;
volume.push_geometry(b[RIGHT], n_right);
::memcpy(idx_prev, idx_b, 4 * sizeof(int));
n_right_prev = n_right;
n_top_prev = n_top;
unit_v_prev = unit_v;
if (!closed)
// Terminate open paths with caps.
if (i == 0)
volume.push_quad(idx_a[BOTTOM], idx_a[RIGHT], idx_a[TOP], idx_a[LEFT]);
// We don't use 'else' because both cases are true if we have only one line.
if (i + 1 == lines.size())
volume.push_quad(idx_b[BOTTOM], idx_b[LEFT], idx_b[TOP], idx_b[RIGHT]);
// Add quads for a straight hollow tube-like segment.
// bottom-right face
volume.push_quad(idx_a[BOTTOM], idx_b[BOTTOM], idx_b[RIGHT], idx_a[RIGHT]);
// top-right face
volume.push_quad(idx_a[RIGHT], idx_b[RIGHT], idx_b[TOP], idx_a[TOP]);
// top-left face
volume.push_quad(idx_a[TOP], idx_b[TOP], idx_b[LEFT], idx_a[LEFT]);
// bottom-left face
volume.push_quad(idx_a[LEFT], idx_b[LEFT], idx_b[BOTTOM], idx_a[BOTTOM]);
#undef LEFT
#undef RIGHT
#undef TOP
#undef BOTTOM
static void point_to_indexed_vertex_array(const Vec3crd& point,
double width,
double height,
GLIndexedVertexArray& volume)
// builds a double piramid, with vertices on the local axes, around the point
Vec3d center = unscale(point);
double scale_factor = 1.0;
double w = scale_factor * width;
double h = scale_factor * height;
// new vertices ids
int idx_last = int(volume.vertices_and_normals_interleaved.size() / 6);
int idxs[6];
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
idxs[i] = idx_last + i;
Vec3d displacement_x(w, 0.0, 0.0);
Vec3d displacement_y(0.0, w, 0.0);
Vec3d displacement_z(0.0, 0.0, h);
Vec3d unit_x(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
Vec3d unit_y(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
Vec3d unit_z(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
// vertices
volume.push_geometry(center - displacement_x, -unit_x); // idxs[0]
volume.push_geometry(center + displacement_x, unit_x); // idxs[1]
volume.push_geometry(center - displacement_y, -unit_y); // idxs[2]
volume.push_geometry(center + displacement_y, unit_y); // idxs[3]
volume.push_geometry(center - displacement_z, -unit_z); // idxs[4]
volume.push_geometry(center + displacement_z, unit_z); // idxs[5]
// top piramid faces
volume.push_triangle(idxs[0], idxs[2], idxs[5]);
volume.push_triangle(idxs[2], idxs[1], idxs[5]);
volume.push_triangle(idxs[1], idxs[3], idxs[5]);
volume.push_triangle(idxs[3], idxs[0], idxs[5]);
// bottom piramid faces
volume.push_triangle(idxs[2], idxs[0], idxs[4]);
volume.push_triangle(idxs[1], idxs[2], idxs[4]);
volume.push_triangle(idxs[3], idxs[1], idxs[4]);
volume.push_triangle(idxs[0], idxs[3], idxs[4]);
void _3DScene::thick_lines_to_verts(
const Lines &lines,
const std::vector<double> &widths,
const std::vector<double> &heights,
bool closed,
double top_z,
GLVolume &volume)
thick_lines_to_indexed_vertex_array(lines, widths, heights, closed, top_z, volume.indexed_vertex_array);
void _3DScene::thick_lines_to_verts(const Lines3& lines,
const std::vector<double>& widths,
const std::vector<double>& heights,
bool closed,
GLVolume& volume)
thick_lines_to_indexed_vertex_array(lines, widths, heights, closed, volume.indexed_vertex_array);
static void thick_point_to_verts(const Vec3crd& point,
double width,
double height,
GLVolume& volume)
point_to_indexed_vertex_array(point, width, height, volume.indexed_vertex_array);
// Fill in the qverts and tverts with quads and triangles for the extrusion_path.
void _3DScene::extrusionentity_to_verts(const ExtrusionPath &extrusion_path, float print_z, GLVolume &volume)
Lines lines = extrusion_path.polyline.lines();
std::vector<double> widths(lines.size(), extrusion_path.width);
std::vector<double> heights(lines.size(), extrusion_path.height);
thick_lines_to_verts(lines, widths, heights, false, print_z, volume);
// Fill in the qverts and tverts with quads and triangles for the extrusion_path.
void _3DScene::extrusionentity_to_verts(const ExtrusionPath &extrusion_path, float print_z, const Point &copy, GLVolume &volume)
Polyline polyline = extrusion_path.polyline;
Lines lines = polyline.lines();
std::vector<double> widths(lines.size(), extrusion_path.width);
std::vector<double> heights(lines.size(), extrusion_path.height);
thick_lines_to_verts(lines, widths, heights, false, print_z, volume);
// Fill in the qverts and tverts with quads and triangles for the extrusion_loop.
void _3DScene::extrusionentity_to_verts(const ExtrusionLoop &extrusion_loop, float print_z, const Point &copy, GLVolume &volume)
Lines lines;
std::vector<double> widths;
std::vector<double> heights;
for (const ExtrusionPath &extrusion_path : extrusion_loop.paths) {
Polyline polyline = extrusion_path.polyline;
Lines lines_this = polyline.lines();
append(lines, lines_this);
widths.insert(widths.end(), lines_this.size(), extrusion_path.width);
heights.insert(heights.end(), lines_this.size(), extrusion_path.height);
thick_lines_to_verts(lines, widths, heights, true, print_z, volume);
// Fill in the qverts and tverts with quads and triangles for the extrusion_multi_path.
void _3DScene::extrusionentity_to_verts(const ExtrusionMultiPath &extrusion_multi_path, float print_z, const Point &copy, GLVolume &volume)
Lines lines;
std::vector<double> widths;
std::vector<double> heights;
for (const ExtrusionPath &extrusion_path : extrusion_multi_path.paths) {
Polyline polyline = extrusion_path.polyline;
Lines lines_this = polyline.lines();
append(lines, lines_this);
widths.insert(widths.end(), lines_this.size(), extrusion_path.width);
heights.insert(heights.end(), lines_this.size(), extrusion_path.height);
thick_lines_to_verts(lines, widths, heights, false, print_z, volume);
void _3DScene::extrusionentity_to_verts(const ExtrusionEntityCollection &extrusion_entity_collection, float print_z, const Point &copy, GLVolume &volume)
for (const ExtrusionEntity *extrusion_entity : extrusion_entity_collection.entities)
extrusionentity_to_verts(extrusion_entity, print_z, copy, volume);
void _3DScene::extrusionentity_to_verts(const ExtrusionEntity *extrusion_entity, float print_z, const Point &copy, GLVolume &volume)
if (extrusion_entity != nullptr) {
auto *extrusion_path = dynamic_cast<const ExtrusionPath*>(extrusion_entity);
if (extrusion_path != nullptr)
extrusionentity_to_verts(*extrusion_path, print_z, copy, volume);
else {
auto *extrusion_loop = dynamic_cast<const ExtrusionLoop*>(extrusion_entity);
if (extrusion_loop != nullptr)
extrusionentity_to_verts(*extrusion_loop, print_z, copy, volume);
else {
auto *extrusion_multi_path = dynamic_cast<const ExtrusionMultiPath*>(extrusion_entity);
if (extrusion_multi_path != nullptr)
extrusionentity_to_verts(*extrusion_multi_path, print_z, copy, volume);
else {
auto *extrusion_entity_collection = dynamic_cast<const ExtrusionEntityCollection*>(extrusion_entity);
if (extrusion_entity_collection != nullptr)
extrusionentity_to_verts(*extrusion_entity_collection, print_z, copy, volume);
else {
throw std::runtime_error("Unexpected extrusion_entity type in to_verts()");
void _3DScene::polyline3_to_verts(const Polyline3& polyline, double width, double height, GLVolume& volume)
Lines3 lines = polyline.lines();
std::vector<double> widths(lines.size(), width);
std::vector<double> heights(lines.size(), height);
thick_lines_to_verts(lines, widths, heights, false, volume);
void _3DScene::point3_to_verts(const Vec3crd& point, double width, double height, GLVolume& volume)
thick_point_to_verts(point, width, height, volume);
GUI::GLCanvas3DManager _3DScene::s_canvas_mgr;
: m_useVBOs(false)
, m_filename("")
m_volume.shader_outside_printer_detection_enabled = false;
void GLModel::set_color(const float* color, unsigned int size)
::memcpy((void*)m_volume.color, (const void*)color, (size_t)(std::min((unsigned int)4, size) * sizeof(float)));
m_volume.set_render_color(color, size);
const Vec3d& GLModel::get_offset() const
return m_volume.get_volume_offset();
void GLModel::set_offset(const Vec3d& offset)
const Vec3d& GLModel::get_rotation() const
return m_volume.get_volume_rotation();
void GLModel::set_rotation(const Vec3d& rotation)
const Vec3d& GLModel::get_scale() const
return m_volume.get_volume_scaling_factor();
void GLModel::set_scale(const Vec3d& scale)
void GLModel::reset()
m_filename = "";
void GLModel::render() const
if (m_useVBOs)
void GLModel::render_VBOs() const
glsafe(::glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA));
GLint current_program_id;
glsafe(::glGetIntegerv(GL_CURRENT_PROGRAM, &current_program_id));
GLint color_id = (current_program_id > 0) ? glGetUniformLocation(current_program_id, "uniform_color") : -1;
m_volume.render_VBOs(color_id, -1, -1);
glsafe(::glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0));
glsafe(::glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0));
void GLModel::render_legacy() const
glsafe(::glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA));
bool GLArrow::on_init(bool useVBOs)
Pointf3s vertices;
std::vector<Vec3crd> triangles;
// bottom face
vertices.emplace_back(0.5, 0.0, -0.1);
vertices.emplace_back(0.5, 2.0, -0.1);
vertices.emplace_back(1.0, 2.0, -0.1);
vertices.emplace_back(0.0, 3.0, -0.1);
vertices.emplace_back(-1.0, 2.0, -0.1);
vertices.emplace_back(-0.5, 2.0, -0.1);
vertices.emplace_back(-0.5, 0.0, -0.1);
// top face
vertices.emplace_back(0.5, 0.0, 0.1);
vertices.emplace_back(0.5, 2.0, 0.1);
vertices.emplace_back(1.0, 2.0, 0.1);
vertices.emplace_back(0.0, 3.0, 0.1);
vertices.emplace_back(-1.0, 2.0, 0.1);
vertices.emplace_back(-0.5, 2.0, 0.1);
vertices.emplace_back(-0.5, 0.0, 0.1);
// bottom face
triangles.emplace_back(0, 6, 1);
triangles.emplace_back(6, 5, 1);
triangles.emplace_back(5, 4, 3);
triangles.emplace_back(5, 3, 1);
triangles.emplace_back(1, 3, 2);
// top face
triangles.emplace_back(7, 8, 13);
triangles.emplace_back(13, 8, 12);
triangles.emplace_back(12, 10, 11);
triangles.emplace_back(8, 10, 12);
triangles.emplace_back(8, 9, 10);
// side face
triangles.emplace_back(0, 1, 8);
triangles.emplace_back(8, 7, 0);
triangles.emplace_back(1, 2, 9);
triangles.emplace_back(9, 8, 1);
triangles.emplace_back(2, 3, 10);
triangles.emplace_back(10, 9, 2);
triangles.emplace_back(3, 4, 11);
triangles.emplace_back(11, 10, 3);
triangles.emplace_back(4, 5, 12);
triangles.emplace_back(12, 11, 4);
triangles.emplace_back(5, 6, 13);
triangles.emplace_back(13, 12, 5);
triangles.emplace_back(6, 0, 7);
triangles.emplace_back(7, 13, 6);
m_useVBOs = useVBOs;
if (m_useVBOs)
m_volume.indexed_vertex_array.load_mesh_full_shading(TriangleMesh(vertices, triangles));
m_volume.indexed_vertex_array.load_mesh_flat_shading(TriangleMesh(vertices, triangles));
return true;
GLCurvedArrow::GLCurvedArrow(unsigned int resolution)
: GLModel()
, m_resolution(resolution)
if (m_resolution == 0)
m_resolution = 1;
bool GLCurvedArrow::on_init(bool useVBOs)
Pointf3s vertices;
std::vector<Vec3crd> triangles;
double ext_radius = 2.5;
double int_radius = 1.5;
double step = 0.5 * (double)PI / (double)m_resolution;
unsigned int vertices_per_level = 4 + 2 * m_resolution;
// bottom face
vertices.emplace_back(0.0, 1.5, -0.1);
vertices.emplace_back(0.0, 1.0, -0.1);
vertices.emplace_back(-1.0, 2.0, -0.1);
vertices.emplace_back(0.0, 3.0, -0.1);
vertices.emplace_back(0.0, 2.5, -0.1);
for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= m_resolution; ++i)
double angle = (double)i * step;
double x = ext_radius * ::sin(angle);
double y = ext_radius * ::cos(angle);
vertices.emplace_back(x, y, -0.1);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_resolution; ++i)
double angle = (double)i * step;
double x = int_radius * ::cos(angle);
double y = int_radius * ::sin(angle);
vertices.emplace_back(x, y, -0.1);
// top face
vertices.emplace_back(0.0, 1.5, 0.1);
vertices.emplace_back(0.0, 1.0, 0.1);
vertices.emplace_back(-1.0, 2.0, 0.1);
vertices.emplace_back(0.0, 3.0, 0.1);
vertices.emplace_back(0.0, 2.5, 0.1);
for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= m_resolution; ++i)
double angle = (double)i * step;
double x = ext_radius * ::sin(angle);
double y = ext_radius * ::cos(angle);
vertices.emplace_back(x, y, 0.1);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_resolution; ++i)
double angle = (double)i * step;
double x = int_radius * ::cos(angle);
double y = int_radius * ::sin(angle);
vertices.emplace_back(x, y, 0.1);
// bottom face
triangles.emplace_back(0, 1, 2);
triangles.emplace_back(0, 2, 4);
triangles.emplace_back(4, 2, 3);
int first_id = 4;
int last_id = (int)vertices_per_level;
triangles.emplace_back(last_id, 0, first_id);
triangles.emplace_back(last_id, first_id, first_id + 1);
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < m_resolution; ++i)
triangles.emplace_back(last_id - i, last_id - i + 1, first_id + i);
triangles.emplace_back(last_id - i, first_id + i, first_id + i + 1);
// top face
last_id += 1;
triangles.emplace_back(last_id + 0, last_id + 2, last_id + 1);
triangles.emplace_back(last_id + 0, last_id + 4, last_id + 2);
triangles.emplace_back(last_id + 4, last_id + 3, last_id + 2);
first_id = last_id + 4;
last_id = last_id + 4 + 2 * (int)m_resolution;
triangles.emplace_back(last_id, first_id, (int)vertices_per_level + 1);
triangles.emplace_back(last_id, first_id + 1, first_id);
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < m_resolution; ++i)
triangles.emplace_back(last_id - i, first_id + i, last_id - i + 1);
triangles.emplace_back(last_id - i, first_id + i + 1, first_id + i);
// side face
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4 + 2 * (unsigned int)m_resolution; ++i)
triangles.emplace_back(i, vertices_per_level + 2 + i, i + 1);
triangles.emplace_back(i, vertices_per_level + 1 + i, vertices_per_level + 2 + i);
triangles.emplace_back(vertices_per_level, vertices_per_level + 1, 0);
triangles.emplace_back(vertices_per_level, 2 * vertices_per_level + 1, vertices_per_level + 1);
m_useVBOs = useVBOs;
if (m_useVBOs)
m_volume.indexed_vertex_array.load_mesh_full_shading(TriangleMesh(vertices, triangles));
m_volume.indexed_vertex_array.load_mesh_flat_shading(TriangleMesh(vertices, triangles));
m_volume.bounding_box = m_volume.indexed_vertex_array.bounding_box();
return true;
bool GLBed::on_init_from_file(const std::string& filename, bool useVBOs)
if (!boost::filesystem::exists(filename))
return false;
if (!boost::algorithm::iends_with(filename, ".stl"))
return false;
Model model;
model = Model::read_from_file(filename);
catch (std::exception & /* ex */)
return false;
m_filename = filename;
m_useVBOs = useVBOs;
ModelObject* model_object = model.objects.front();
TriangleMesh mesh = model.mesh();;
if (m_useVBOs)
float color[4] = { 0.235f, 0.235f, 0.235f, 1.0f };
set_color(color, 4);
m_volume.bounding_box = m_volume.indexed_vertex_array.bounding_box();
return true;
std::string _3DScene::get_gl_info(bool format_as_html, bool extensions)
return s_canvas_mgr.get_gl_info(format_as_html, extensions);
bool _3DScene::add_canvas(wxGLCanvas* canvas, GUI::Bed3D& bed, GUI::Camera& camera, GUI::GLToolbar& view_toolbar)
return s_canvas_mgr.add(canvas, bed, camera, view_toolbar);
bool _3DScene::remove_canvas(wxGLCanvas* canvas)
return s_canvas_mgr.remove(canvas);
void _3DScene::remove_all_canvases()
bool _3DScene::init(wxGLCanvas* canvas)
return s_canvas_mgr.init(canvas);
GUI::GLCanvas3D* _3DScene::get_canvas(wxGLCanvas* canvas)
return s_canvas_mgr.get_canvas(canvas);
} // namespace Slic3r