Vojtech Bubnik cc44089440 New BuildVolume class was created, which detects build volume type (rectangular,
circular, convex, concave) and performs efficient collision detection agains these build
volumes. As of now, collision detection is performed against a convex
hull of a concave build volume for efficency.

GCodeProcessor::Result renamed out of GCodeProcessor to GCodeProcessorResult,
so it could be forward declared.

Plater newly exports BuildVolume, not Bed3D. Bed3D is a rendering class,
while BuildVolume is a purely geometric class.

Reduced usage of global wxGetApp, the Bed3D is passed as a parameter
to View3D/Preview/GLCanvas.

Convex hull code was extracted from Geometry.cpp/hpp to Geometry/ConvexHulll.cpp,hpp.
New test inside_convex_polygon().
New efficent point inside polygon test: Decompose convex hull
to bottom / top parts and use the decomposition to detect point inside
a convex polygon in O(log n). decompose_convex_polygon_top_bottom(),

New Circle constructing functions: circle_ransac() and circle_taubin_newton().

New polygon_is_convex() test with unit tests.
2021-11-16 10:15:51 +01:00

518 lines
16 KiB

#include "BoundingBox.hpp"
#include "ClipperUtils.hpp"
#include "Exception.hpp"
#include "Polygon.hpp"
#include "Polyline.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
Lines Polygon::lines() const
return to_lines(*this);
Polyline Polygon::split_at_vertex(const Point &point) const
// find index of point
for (const Point &pt : this->points)
if (pt == point)
return this->split_at_index(int(&pt - &this->points.front()));
throw Slic3r::InvalidArgument("Point not found");
return Polyline();
// Split a closed polygon into an open polyline, with the split point duplicated at both ends.
Polyline Polygon::split_at_index(int index) const
Polyline polyline;
polyline.points.reserve(this->points.size() + 1);
for (Points::const_iterator it = this->points.begin() + index; it != this->points.end(); ++it)
for (Points::const_iterator it = this->points.begin(); it != this->points.begin() + index + 1; ++it)
return polyline;
double Polygon::area(const Points &points)
double a = 0.;
if (points.size() >= 3) {
Vec2d p1 = points.back().cast<double>();
for (const Point &p : points) {
Vec2d p2 = p.cast<double>();
a += cross2(p1, p2);
p1 = p2;
return 0.5 * a;
double Polygon::area() const
return Polygon::area(points);
bool Polygon::is_counter_clockwise() const
return ClipperLib::Orientation(this->points);
bool Polygon::is_clockwise() const
return !this->is_counter_clockwise();
bool Polygon::make_counter_clockwise()
if (!this->is_counter_clockwise()) {
return true;
return false;
bool Polygon::make_clockwise()
if (this->is_counter_clockwise()) {
return true;
return false;
void Polygon::douglas_peucker(double tolerance)
Points p = MultiPoint::_douglas_peucker(this->points, tolerance);
this->points = std::move(p);
// Does an unoriented polygon contain a point?
// Tested by counting intersections along a horizontal line.
bool Polygon::contains(const Point &point) const
bool result = false;
Points::const_iterator i = this->points.begin();
Points::const_iterator j = this->points.end() - 1;
for (; i != this->points.end(); j = i++) {
//FIXME this test is not numerically robust. Particularly, it does not handle horizontal segments at y == point(1) well.
// Does the ray with y == point(1) intersect this line segment?
#if 1
if ( (((*i)(1) > point(1)) != ((*j)(1) > point(1)))
&& ((double)point(0) < (double)((*j)(0) - (*i)(0)) * (double)(point(1) - (*i)(1)) / (double)((*j)(1) - (*i)(1)) + (double)(*i)(0)) )
result = !result;
if (((*i)(1) > point(1)) != ((*j)(1) > point(1))) {
// Orientation predicated relative to i-th point.
double orient = (double)(point(0) - (*i)(0)) * (double)((*j)(1) - (*i)(1)) - (double)(point(1) - (*i)(1)) * (double)((*j)(0) - (*i)(0));
if (((*i)(1) > (*j)(1)) ? (orient > 0.) : (orient < 0.))
result = !result;
return result;
// this only works on CCW polygons as CW will be ripped out by Clipper's simplify_polygons()
Polygons Polygon::simplify(double tolerance) const
// repeat first point at the end in order to apply Douglas-Peucker
// on the whole polygon
Points points = this->points;
Polygon p(MultiPoint::_douglas_peucker(points, tolerance));
Polygons pp;
return simplify_polygons(pp);
void Polygon::simplify(double tolerance, Polygons &polygons) const
Polygons pp = this->simplify(tolerance);
polygons.reserve(polygons.size() + pp.size());
polygons.insert(polygons.end(), pp.begin(), pp.end());
// Only call this on convex polygons or it will return invalid results
void Polygon::triangulate_convex(Polygons* polygons) const
for (Points::const_iterator it = this->points.begin() + 2; it != this->points.end(); ++it) {
Polygon p;
// this should be replaced with a more efficient call to a merge_collinear_segments() method
if (p.area() > 0) polygons->push_back(p);
// center of mass
// source:
Point Polygon::centroid() const
double area_sum = 0.;
Vec2d c(0., 0.);
if (points.size() >= 3) {
Vec2d p1 = points.back().cast<double>();
for (const Point &p : points) {
Vec2d p2 = p.cast<double>();
double a = cross2(p1, p2);
area_sum += a;
c += (p1 + p2) * a;
p1 = p2;
return Point(Vec2d(c / (3. * area_sum)));
// find all concave vertices (i.e. having an internal angle greater than the supplied angle)
// (external = right side, thus we consider ccw orientation)
Points Polygon::concave_points(double angle) const
Points points;
angle = 2. * PI - angle + EPSILON;
// check whether first point forms a concave angle
if (this->points.front().ccw_angle(this->points.back(), *(this->points.begin()+1)) <= angle)
// check whether points 1..(n-1) form concave angles
for (Points::const_iterator p = this->points.begin()+1; p != this->points.end()-1; ++ p)
if (p->ccw_angle(*(p-1), *(p+1)) <= angle)
// check whether last point forms a concave angle
if (this->points.back().ccw_angle(*(this->points.end()-2), this->points.front()) <= angle)
return points;
// find all convex vertices (i.e. having an internal angle smaller than the supplied angle)
// (external = right side, thus we consider ccw orientation)
Points Polygon::convex_points(double angle) const
Points points;
angle = 2*PI - angle - EPSILON;
// check whether first point forms a convex angle
if (this->points.front().ccw_angle(this->points.back(), *(this->points.begin()+1)) >= angle)
// check whether points 1..(n-1) form convex angles
for (Points::const_iterator p = this->points.begin()+1; p != this->points.end()-1; ++p) {
if (p->ccw_angle(*(p-1), *(p+1)) >= angle) points.push_back(*p);
// check whether last point forms a convex angle
if (this->points.back().ccw_angle(*(this->points.end()-2), this->points.front()) >= angle)
return points;
// Projection of a point onto the polygon.
Point Polygon::point_projection(const Point &point) const
Point proj = point;
double dmin = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
if (! this->points.empty()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < this->points.size(); ++ i) {
const Point &pt0 = this->points[i];
const Point &pt1 = this->points[(i + 1 == this->points.size()) ? 0 : i + 1];
double d = (point - pt0).cast<double>().norm();
if (d < dmin) {
dmin = d;
proj = pt0;
d = (point - pt1).cast<double>().norm();
if (d < dmin) {
dmin = d;
proj = pt1;
Vec2d v1(coordf_t(pt1(0) - pt0(0)), coordf_t(pt1(1) - pt0(1)));
coordf_t div = v1.squaredNorm();
if (div > 0.) {
Vec2d v2(coordf_t(point(0) - pt0(0)), coordf_t(point(1) - pt0(1)));
coordf_t t = / div;
if (t > 0. && t < 1.) {
Point foot(coord_t(floor(coordf_t(pt0(0)) + t * v1(0) + 0.5)), coord_t(floor(coordf_t(pt0(1)) + t * v1(1) + 0.5)));
d = (point - foot).cast<double>().norm();
if (d < dmin) {
dmin = d;
proj = foot;
return proj;
std::vector<float> Polygon::parameter_by_length() const
// Parametrize the polygon by its length.
std::vector<float> lengths(points.size()+1, 0.);
for (size_t i = 1; i < points.size(); ++ i)
lengths[i] = lengths[i-1] + (points[i] - points[i-1]).cast<float>().norm();
lengths.back() = lengths[lengths.size()-2] + (points.front() - points.back()).cast<float>().norm();
return lengths;
void Polygon::densify(float min_length, std::vector<float>* lengths_ptr)
std::vector<float> lengths_local;
std::vector<float>& lengths = lengths_ptr ? *lengths_ptr : lengths_local;
if (! lengths_ptr) {
// Length parametrization has not been provided. Calculate our own.
lengths = this->parameter_by_length();
assert(points.size() == lengths.size() - 1);
for (size_t j=1; j<=points.size(); ++j) {
bool last = j == points.size();
int i = last ? 0 : j;
if (lengths[j] - lengths[j-1] > min_length) {
Point diff = points[i] - points[j-1];
float diff_len = lengths[j] - lengths[j-1];
float r = (min_length/diff_len);
Point new_pt = points[j-1] + Point(r*diff[0], r*diff[1]);
points.insert(points.begin() + j, new_pt);
lengths.insert(lengths.begin() + j, lengths[j-1] + min_length);
assert(points.size() == lengths.size() - 1);
BoundingBox get_extents(const Polygon &poly)
return poly.bounding_box();
BoundingBox get_extents(const Polygons &polygons)
BoundingBox bb;
if (! polygons.empty()) {
bb = get_extents(polygons.front());
for (size_t i = 1; i < polygons.size(); ++ i)
return bb;
BoundingBox get_extents_rotated(const Polygon &poly, double angle)
return get_extents_rotated(poly.points, angle);
BoundingBox get_extents_rotated(const Polygons &polygons, double angle)
BoundingBox bb;
if (! polygons.empty()) {
bb = get_extents_rotated(polygons.front().points, angle);
for (size_t i = 1; i < polygons.size(); ++ i)
bb.merge(get_extents_rotated(polygons[i].points, angle));
return bb;
extern std::vector<BoundingBox> get_extents_vector(const Polygons &polygons)
std::vector<BoundingBox> out;
for (Polygons::const_iterator it = polygons.begin(); it != polygons.end(); ++ it)
return out;
// Polygon must be valid (at least three points), collinear points and duplicate points removed.
bool polygon_is_convex(const Points &poly)
if (poly.size() < 3)
return false;
Point p0 = poly[poly.size() - 2];
Point p1 = poly[poly.size() - 1];
for (size_t i = 0; i < poly.size(); ++ i) {
Point p2 = poly[i];
auto det = cross2((p1 - p0).cast<int64_t>(), (p2 - p1).cast<int64_t>());
if (det < 0)
return false;
p0 = p1;
p1 = p2;
return true;
bool has_duplicate_points(const Polygons &polys)
#if 1
// Check globally.
size_t cnt = 0;
for (const Polygon &poly : polys)
cnt += poly.points.size();
std::vector<Point> allpts;
for (const Polygon &poly : polys)
allpts.insert(allpts.end(), poly.points.begin(), poly.points.end());
return has_duplicate_points(std::move(allpts));
// Check per contour.
for (const Polygon &poly : polys)
if (has_duplicate_points(poly))
return true;
return false;
static inline bool is_stick(const Point &p1, const Point &p2, const Point &p3)
Point v1 = p2 - p1;
Point v2 = p3 - p2;
int64_t dir = int64_t(v1(0)) * int64_t(v2(0)) + int64_t(v1(1)) * int64_t(v2(1));
if (dir > 0)
// p3 does not turn back to p1. Do not remove p2.
return false;
double l2_1 = double(v1(0)) * double(v1(0)) + double(v1(1)) * double(v1(1));
double l2_2 = double(v2(0)) * double(v2(0)) + double(v2(1)) * double(v2(1));
if (dir == 0)
// p1, p2, p3 may make a perpendicular corner, or there is a zero edge length.
// Remove p2 if it is coincident with p1 or p2.
return l2_1 == 0 || l2_2 == 0;
// p3 turns back to p1 after p2. Are p1, p2, p3 collinear?
// Calculate distance from p3 to a segment (p1, p2) or from p1 to a segment(p2, p3),
// whichever segment is longer
double cross = double(v1(0)) * double(v2(1)) - double(v2(0)) * double(v1(1));
double dist2 = cross * cross / std::max(l2_1, l2_2);
return dist2 < EPSILON * EPSILON;
bool remove_sticks(Polygon &poly)
bool modified = false;
size_t j = 1;
for (size_t i = 1; i + 1 < poly.points.size(); ++ i) {
if (! is_stick(poly[j-1], poly[i], poly[i+1])) {
// Keep the point.
if (j < i)
poly.points[j] = poly.points[i];
++ j;
if (++ j < poly.points.size()) {
poly.points[j-1] = poly.points.back();
poly.points.erase(poly.points.begin() + j, poly.points.end());
modified = true;
while (poly.points.size() >= 3 && is_stick(poly.points[poly.points.size()-2], poly.points.back(), poly.points.front())) {
modified = true;
while (poly.points.size() >= 3 && is_stick(poly.points.back(), poly.points.front(), poly.points[1]))
return modified;
bool remove_sticks(Polygons &polys)
bool modified = false;
size_t j = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++ i) {
modified |= remove_sticks(polys[i]);
if (polys[i].points.size() >= 3) {
if (j < i)
std::swap(polys[i].points, polys[j].points);
++ j;
if (j < polys.size())
polys.erase(polys.begin() + j, polys.end());
return modified;
bool remove_degenerate(Polygons &polys)
bool modified = false;
size_t j = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++ i) {
if (polys[i].points.size() >= 3) {
if (j < i)
std::swap(polys[i].points, polys[j].points);
++ j;
} else
modified = true;
if (j < polys.size())
polys.erase(polys.begin() + j, polys.end());
return modified;
bool remove_small(Polygons &polys, double min_area)
bool modified = false;
size_t j = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++ i) {
if (std::abs(polys[i].area()) >= min_area) {
if (j < i)
std::swap(polys[i].points, polys[j].points);
++ j;
} else
modified = true;
if (j < polys.size())
polys.erase(polys.begin() + j, polys.end());
return modified;
void remove_collinear(Polygon &poly)
if (poly.points.size() > 2) {
// copy points and append both 1 and last point in place to cover the boundaries
Points pp;
pp.insert(pp.begin()+1, poly.points.begin(), poly.points.end());
// delete old points vector. Will be re-filled in the loop
size_t i = 0;
size_t k = 0;
while (i < pp.size()-2) {
k = i+1;
const Point &p1 = pp[i];
while (k < pp.size()-1) {
const Point &p2 = pp[k];
const Point &p3 = pp[k+1];
Line l(p1, p3);
if(l.distance_to(p2) < SCALED_EPSILON) {
} else {
if(i > 0) poly.points.push_back(p1); // implicitly removes the first point we appended above
i = k;
if(k > pp.size()-2) break; // all remaining points are collinear and can be skipped
void remove_collinear(Polygons &polys)
for (Polygon &poly : polys)