Vojtech Bubnik f1c0c61895 Refactored Point / MultiPoint / Polyline / Polygon:
1) Removed virtual methods. There was not really need for them.
2) Some of the virtual methods were using conversion to Lines, which
   was unnecessary and expensive.
3) Removed some nearest element search methods from Point.
2022-11-14 19:01:17 +01:00

202 lines
6.2 KiB

#ifndef slic3r_Polyline_hpp_
#define slic3r_Polyline_hpp_
#include "libslic3r.h"
#include "Line.hpp"
#include "MultiPoint.hpp"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace Slic3r {
class Polyline;
class ThickPolyline;
typedef std::vector<Polyline> Polylines;
typedef std::vector<ThickPolyline> ThickPolylines;
class Polyline : public MultiPoint {
Polyline() = default;
Polyline(const Polyline &other) : MultiPoint(other.points) {}
Polyline(Polyline &&other) : MultiPoint(std::move(other.points)) {}
Polyline(std::initializer_list<Point> list) : MultiPoint(list) {}
explicit Polyline(const Point &p1, const Point &p2) { points.reserve(2); points.emplace_back(p1); points.emplace_back(p2); }
explicit Polyline(const Points &points) : MultiPoint(points) {}
explicit Polyline(Points &&points) : MultiPoint(std::move(points)) {}
Polyline& operator=(const Polyline &other) { points = other.points; return *this; }
Polyline& operator=(Polyline &&other) { points = std::move(other.points); return *this; }
static Polyline new_scale(const std::vector<Vec2d> &points) {
Polyline pl;
for (const Vec2d &pt : points)
pl.points.emplace_back(Point::new_scale(pt(0), pt(1)));
return pl;
void append(const Point &point) { this->points.push_back(point); }
void append(const Points &src) { this->append(src.begin(), src.end()); }
void append(const Points::const_iterator &begin, const Points::const_iterator &end) { this->points.insert(this->points.end(), begin, end); }
void append(Points &&src)
if (this->points.empty()) {
this->points = std::move(src);
} else {
this->points.insert(this->points.end(), src.begin(), src.end());
void append(const Polyline &src)
points.insert(points.end(), src.points.begin(), src.points.end());
void append(Polyline &&src)
if (this->points.empty()) {
this->points = std::move(src.points);
} else {
this->points.insert(this->points.end(), src.points.begin(), src.points.end());
Point& operator[](Points::size_type idx) { return this->points[idx]; }
const Point& operator[](Points::size_type idx) const { return this->points[idx]; }
double length() const;
const Point& last_point() const { return this->points.back(); }
const Point& leftmost_point() const;
Lines lines() const;
void clip_end(double distance);
void clip_start(double distance);
void extend_end(double distance);
void extend_start(double distance);
Points equally_spaced_points(double distance) const;
void simplify(double tolerance);
// template <class T> void simplify_by_visibility(const T &area);
void split_at(const Point &point, Polyline* p1, Polyline* p2) const;
bool is_straight() const;
bool is_closed() const { return this->points.front() == this->points.back(); }
inline bool operator==(const Polyline &lhs, const Polyline &rhs) { return lhs.points == rhs.points; }
inline bool operator!=(const Polyline &lhs, const Polyline &rhs) { return lhs.points != rhs.points; }
extern BoundingBox get_extents(const Polyline &polyline);
extern BoundingBox get_extents(const Polylines &polylines);
inline double total_length(const Polylines &polylines) {
double total = 0;
for (const Polyline &pl : polylines)
total += pl.length();
return total;
inline Lines to_lines(const Polyline &poly)
Lines lines;
if (poly.points.size() >= 2) {
lines.reserve(poly.points.size() - 1);
for (Points::const_iterator it = poly.points.begin(); it != poly.points.end()-1; ++it)
lines.push_back(Line(*it, *(it + 1)));
return lines;
inline Lines to_lines(const Polylines &polys)
size_t n_lines = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++ i)
if (polys[i].points.size() > 1)
n_lines += polys[i].points.size() - 1;
Lines lines;
for (size_t i = 0; i < polys.size(); ++ i) {
const Polyline &poly = polys[i];
for (Points::const_iterator it = poly.points.begin(); it != poly.points.end()-1; ++it)
lines.push_back(Line(*it, *(it + 1)));
return lines;
inline Polylines to_polylines(const std::vector<Points> &paths)
Polylines out;
for (const Points &path : paths)
return out;
inline Polylines to_polylines(std::vector<Points> &&paths)
Polylines out;
for (Points &path : paths)
return out;
inline void polylines_append(Polylines &dst, const Polylines &src)
dst.insert(dst.end(), src.begin(), src.end());
inline void polylines_append(Polylines &dst, Polylines &&src)
if (dst.empty()) {
dst = std::move(src);
} else {
std::move(std::begin(src), std::end(src), std::back_inserter(dst));
const Point& leftmost_point(const Polylines &polylines);
bool remove_degenerate(Polylines &polylines);
// Returns index of a segment of a polyline and foot point of pt on polyline.
std::pair<int, Point> foot_pt(const Points &polyline, const Point &pt);
class ThickPolyline : public Polyline {
ThickPolyline() : endpoints(std::make_pair(false, false)) {}
ThickLines thicklines() const;
void reverse() {
std::reverse(this->width.begin(), this->width.end());
std::swap(this->endpoints.first, this->endpoints.second);
void clip_end(double distance);
std::vector<coordf_t> width;
std::pair<bool,bool> endpoints;
inline ThickPolylines to_thick_polylines(Polylines &&polylines, const coordf_t width)
ThickPolylines out;
for (Polyline &polyline : polylines) {
out.back().width.assign((polyline.points.size() - 1) * 2, width);
out.back().points = std::move(polyline.points);
return out;
class Polyline3 : public MultiPoint3
double length() const;
Lines3 lines() const;
typedef std::vector<Polyline3> Polylines3;