Vojtech Bubnik 8fd731f7a0 New FDM support sparse infill zig-zag algorithm.
Fixed some old support and infill issues.

Fixes support problem 
Fixes Parts of interface layer extends beyond supports and cannot be printed
Fixes support missing under horizontal overhang 
Fixes Slicer double-traces small sections of Rectilinear Supports, causes
Fixes plastic buildup and nozzle crashes 
Fixes Add "Angle Interface layers" 
2021-04-08 15:29:40 +02:00

267 lines
8.7 KiB

#include "BoundingBox.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <assert.h>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
namespace Slic3r {
template BoundingBoxBase<Point>::BoundingBoxBase(const std::vector<Point> &points);
template BoundingBoxBase<Vec2d>::BoundingBoxBase(const std::vector<Vec2d> &points);
template BoundingBox3Base<Vec3d>::BoundingBox3Base(const std::vector<Vec3d> &points);
void BoundingBox::polygon(Polygon* polygon) const
polygon->points[0](0) = this->min(0);
polygon->points[0](1) = this->min(1);
polygon->points[1](0) = this->max(0);
polygon->points[1](1) = this->min(1);
polygon->points[2](0) = this->max(0);
polygon->points[2](1) = this->max(1);
polygon->points[3](0) = this->min(0);
polygon->points[3](1) = this->max(1);
Polygon BoundingBox::polygon() const
Polygon p;
return p;
BoundingBox BoundingBox::rotated(double angle) const
BoundingBox out;
out.merge(Point(this->min(0), this->max(1)).rotated(angle));
out.merge(Point(this->max(0), this->min(1)).rotated(angle));
return out;
BoundingBox BoundingBox::rotated(double angle, const Point &center) const
BoundingBox out;
out.merge(this->min.rotated(angle, center));
out.merge(this->max.rotated(angle, center));
out.merge(Point(this->min(0), this->max(1)).rotated(angle, center));
out.merge(Point(this->max(0), this->min(1)).rotated(angle, center));
return out;
template <class PointClass> void
BoundingBoxBase<PointClass>::scale(double factor)
this->min *= factor;
this->max *= factor;
template void BoundingBoxBase<Point>::scale(double factor);
template void BoundingBoxBase<Vec2d>::scale(double factor);
template void BoundingBoxBase<Vec3d>::scale(double factor);
template <class PointClass> void
BoundingBoxBase<PointClass>::merge(const PointClass &point)
if (this->defined) {
this->min = this->min.cwiseMin(point);
this->max = this->max.cwiseMax(point);
} else {
this->min = point;
this->max = point;
this->defined = true;
template void BoundingBoxBase<Point>::merge(const Point &point);
template void BoundingBoxBase<Vec2f>::merge(const Vec2f &point);
template void BoundingBoxBase<Vec2d>::merge(const Vec2d &point);
template <class PointClass> void
BoundingBoxBase<PointClass>::merge(const std::vector<PointClass> &points)
template void BoundingBoxBase<Point>::merge(const Points &points);
template void BoundingBoxBase<Vec2d>::merge(const Pointfs &points);
template <class PointClass> void
BoundingBoxBase<PointClass>::merge(const BoundingBoxBase<PointClass> &bb)
assert(bb.defined || bb.min(0) >= bb.max(0) || bb.min(1) >= bb.max(1));
if (bb.defined) {
if (this->defined) {
this->min = this->min.cwiseMin(bb.min);
this->max = this->max.cwiseMax(bb.max);
} else {
this->min = bb.min;
this->max = bb.max;
this->defined = true;
template void BoundingBoxBase<Point>::merge(const BoundingBoxBase<Point> &bb);
template void BoundingBoxBase<Vec2f>::merge(const BoundingBoxBase<Vec2f> &bb);
template void BoundingBoxBase<Vec2d>::merge(const BoundingBoxBase<Vec2d> &bb);
template <class PointClass> void
BoundingBox3Base<PointClass>::merge(const PointClass &point)
if (this->defined) {
this->min = this->min.cwiseMin(point);
this->max = this->max.cwiseMax(point);
} else {
this->min = point;
this->max = point;
this->defined = true;
template void BoundingBox3Base<Vec3f>::merge(const Vec3f &point);
template void BoundingBox3Base<Vec3d>::merge(const Vec3d &point);
template <class PointClass> void
BoundingBox3Base<PointClass>::merge(const std::vector<PointClass> &points)
template void BoundingBox3Base<Vec3d>::merge(const Pointf3s &points);
template <class PointClass> void
BoundingBox3Base<PointClass>::merge(const BoundingBox3Base<PointClass> &bb)
assert(bb.defined || bb.min(0) >= bb.max(0) || bb.min(1) >= bb.max(1) || bb.min(2) >= bb.max(2));
if (bb.defined) {
if (this->defined) {
this->min = this->min.cwiseMin(bb.min);
this->max = this->max.cwiseMax(bb.max);
} else {
this->min = bb.min;
this->max = bb.max;
this->defined = true;
template void BoundingBox3Base<Vec3d>::merge(const BoundingBox3Base<Vec3d> &bb);
template <class PointClass> PointClass
BoundingBoxBase<PointClass>::size() const
return PointClass(this->max(0) - this->min(0), this->max(1) - this->min(1));
template Point BoundingBoxBase<Point>::size() const;
template Vec2f BoundingBoxBase<Vec2f>::size() const;
template Vec2d BoundingBoxBase<Vec2d>::size() const;
template <class PointClass> PointClass
BoundingBox3Base<PointClass>::size() const
return PointClass(this->max(0) - this->min(0), this->max(1) - this->min(1), this->max(2) - this->min(2));
template Vec3f BoundingBox3Base<Vec3f>::size() const;
template Vec3d BoundingBox3Base<Vec3d>::size() const;
template <class PointClass> double BoundingBoxBase<PointClass>::radius() const
double x = this->max(0) - this->min(0);
double y = this->max(1) - this->min(1);
return 0.5 * sqrt(x*x+y*y);
template double BoundingBoxBase<Point>::radius() const;
template double BoundingBoxBase<Vec2d>::radius() const;
template <class PointClass> double BoundingBox3Base<PointClass>::radius() const
double x = this->max(0) - this->min(0);
double y = this->max(1) - this->min(1);
double z = this->max(2) - this->min(2);
return 0.5 * sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z);
template double BoundingBox3Base<Vec3d>::radius() const;
template <class PointClass> void
BoundingBoxBase<PointClass>::offset(coordf_t delta)
PointClass v(delta, delta);
this->min -= v;
this->max += v;
template void BoundingBoxBase<Point>::offset(coordf_t delta);
template void BoundingBoxBase<Vec2d>::offset(coordf_t delta);
template <class PointClass> void
BoundingBox3Base<PointClass>::offset(coordf_t delta)
PointClass v(delta, delta, delta);
this->min -= v;
this->max += v;
template void BoundingBox3Base<Vec3d>::offset(coordf_t delta);
template <class PointClass> PointClass
BoundingBoxBase<PointClass>::center() const
return (this->min + this->max) / 2;
template Point BoundingBoxBase<Point>::center() const;
template Vec2f BoundingBoxBase<Vec2f>::center() const;
template Vec2d BoundingBoxBase<Vec2d>::center() const;
template <class PointClass> PointClass
BoundingBox3Base<PointClass>::center() const
return (this->min + this->max) / 2;
template Vec3f BoundingBox3Base<Vec3f>::center() const;
template Vec3d BoundingBox3Base<Vec3d>::center() const;
template <class PointClass> coordf_t
BoundingBox3Base<PointClass>::max_size() const
PointClass s = size();
return std::max(s(0), std::max(s(1), s(2)));
template coordf_t BoundingBox3Base<Vec3f>::max_size() const;
template coordf_t BoundingBox3Base<Vec3d>::max_size() const;
void BoundingBox::align_to_grid(const coord_t cell_size)
if (this->defined) {
min(0) = Slic3r::align_to_grid(min(0), cell_size);
min(1) = Slic3r::align_to_grid(min(1), cell_size);
BoundingBoxf3 BoundingBoxf3::transformed(const Transform3d& matrix) const
typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 8, Eigen::DontAlign> Vertices;
Vertices src_vertices;
src_vertices(0, 0) = min(0); src_vertices(1, 0) = min(1); src_vertices(2, 0) = min(2);
src_vertices(0, 1) = max(0); src_vertices(1, 1) = min(1); src_vertices(2, 1) = min(2);
src_vertices(0, 2) = max(0); src_vertices(1, 2) = max(1); src_vertices(2, 2) = min(2);
src_vertices(0, 3) = min(0); src_vertices(1, 3) = max(1); src_vertices(2, 3) = min(2);
src_vertices(0, 4) = min(0); src_vertices(1, 4) = min(1); src_vertices(2, 4) = max(2);
src_vertices(0, 5) = max(0); src_vertices(1, 5) = min(1); src_vertices(2, 5) = max(2);
src_vertices(0, 6) = max(0); src_vertices(1, 6) = max(1); src_vertices(2, 6) = max(2);
src_vertices(0, 7) = min(0); src_vertices(1, 7) = max(1); src_vertices(2, 7) = max(2);
Vertices dst_vertices = matrix * src_vertices.colwise().homogeneous();
Vec3d v_min(dst_vertices(0, 0), dst_vertices(1, 0), dst_vertices(2, 0));
Vec3d v_max = v_min;
for (int i = 1; i < 8; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
v_min(j) = std::min(v_min(j), dst_vertices(j, i));
v_max(j) = std::max(v_max(j), dst_vertices(j, i));
return BoundingBoxf3(v_min, v_max);