tamasmeszaros 34e652b985 Fixing nesting crash in debug mode.
Also commented out unnecessary bloat from AppController
2018-10-23 17:20:31 +02:00

365 lines
10 KiB

#include "AppController.hpp"
#include <slic3r/GUI/GUI.hpp>
#include <future>
#include <chrono>
#include <sstream>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <thread>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <PrintConfig.hpp>
#include <Print.hpp>
#include <PrintExport.hpp>
#include <Geometry.hpp>
#include <Model.hpp>
#include <ModelArrange.hpp>
namespace Slic3r {
class AppControllerGui::PriData {
std::mutex m;
std::thread::id ui_thread;
inline explicit PriData(std::thread::id uit): ui_thread(uit) {}
:m_pri_data(new PriData(std::this_thread::get_id())) {}
AppControllerGui::~AppControllerGui() {
bool AppControllerGui::is_main_thread() const
return m_pri_data->ui_thread == std::this_thread::get_id();
// namespace GUI {
// PresetBundle* get_preset_bundle();
// }
static const PrintObjectStep STEP_SLICE = posSlice;
static const PrintObjectStep STEP_PERIMETERS = posPerimeters;
static const PrintObjectStep STEP_PREPARE_INFILL = posPrepareInfill;
static const PrintObjectStep STEP_INFILL = posInfill;
static const PrintObjectStep STEP_SUPPORTMATERIAL = posSupportMaterial;
static const PrintStep STEP_SKIRT = psSkirt;
static const PrintStep STEP_BRIM = psBrim;
static const PrintStep STEP_WIPE_TOWER = psWipeTower;
ProgresIndicatorPtr AppControllerGui::global_progress_indicator() {
ProgresIndicatorPtr ret;
ret = m_global_progressind;
return ret;
void AppControllerGui::global_progress_indicator(ProgresIndicatorPtr gpri)
m_global_progressind = gpri;
PrintController::query_png_export_data(const DynamicPrintConfig& conf)
PngExportData ret;
auto c = GUI::get_appctl();
auto zippath = c->query_destination_path("Output zip file", "*.zip",
ret.zippath = zippath;
ret.width_mm = conf.opt_float("display_width");
ret.height_mm = conf.opt_float("display_height");
ret.width_px = conf.opt_int("display_pixels_x");
ret.height_px = conf.opt_int("display_pixels_y");
auto opt_corr = conf.opt<ConfigOptionFloats>("printer_correction");
if(opt_corr) {
ret.corr_x = opt_corr->values[0];
ret.corr_y = opt_corr->values[1];
ret.corr_z = opt_corr->values[2];
ret.exp_time_first_s = conf.opt_float("initial_exposure_time");
ret.exp_time_s = conf.opt_float("exposure_time");
return ret;
void PrintController::slice(ProgresIndicatorPtr pri)
m_print->set_status_callback([pri](int st, const std::string& msg){
pri->update(unsigned(st), msg);
void PrintController::slice()
auto ctl = GUI::get_appctl();
auto pri = ctl->global_progress_indicator();
if(!pri) pri = ctl->create_progress_indicator(100, L("Slicing"));
template<> class LayerWriter<Zipper> {
Zipper m_zip;
inline LayerWriter(const std::string& zipfile_path): m_zip(zipfile_path) {}
inline void next_entry(const std::string& fname) { m_zip.next_entry(fname); }
inline std::string get_name() const { return m_zip.get_name(); }
template<class T> inline LayerWriter& operator<<(const T& arg) { << arg; return *this;
inline void close() { m_zip.close(); }
void PrintController::slice_to_png()
// using Pointf3 = Vec3d;
// auto ctl = GUI::get_appctl();
// auto presetbundle = GUI::wxGetApp().preset_bundle;
// assert(presetbundle);
// // FIXME: this crashes in command line mode
// auto pt = presetbundle->printers.get_selected_preset().printer_technology();
// if(pt != ptSLA) {
// ctl->report_issue(IssueType::ERR, L("Printer technology is not SLA!"),
// L("Error"));
// return;
// }
// auto conf = presetbundle->full_config();
// conf.validate();
// auto exd = query_png_export_data(conf);
// if(exd.zippath.empty()) return;
// Print *print = m_print;
// try {
// print->apply_config(conf);
// print->validate();
// } catch(std::exception& e) {
// ctl->report_issue(IssueType::ERR, e.what(), "Error");
// return;
// }
// // TODO: copy the model and work with the copy only
// bool correction = false;
// if(exd.corr_x != 1.0 || exd.corr_y != 1.0 || exd.corr_z != 1.0) {
// correction = true;
//// print->invalidate_all_steps();
//// for(auto po : print->objects) {
//// po->model_object()->scale(
//// Pointf3(exd.corr_x, exd.corr_y, exd.corr_z)
//// );
//// po->model_object()->invalidate_bounding_box();
//// po->reload_model_instances();
//// po->invalidate_all_steps();
//// }
// }
// // Turn back the correction scaling on the model.
// auto scale_back = [this, print, correction, exd]() {
// if(correction) { // scale the model back
//// print->invalidate_all_steps();
//// for(auto po : print->objects) {
//// po->model_object()->scale(
//// Pointf3(1.0/exd.corr_x, 1.0/exd.corr_y, 1.0/exd.corr_z)
//// );
//// po->model_object()->invalidate_bounding_box();
//// po->reload_model_instances();
//// po->invalidate_all_steps();
//// }
// }
// };
// auto print_bb = print->bounding_box();
// Vec2d punsc = unscale(print_bb.size());
// // If the print does not fit into the print area we should cry about it.
// if(px(punsc) > exd.width_mm || py(punsc) > exd.height_mm) {
// std::stringstream ss;
// ss << L("Print will not fit and will be truncated!") << "\n"
// << L("Width needed: ") << px(punsc) << " mm\n"
// << L("Height needed: ") << py(punsc) << " mm\n";
// if(!ctl->report_issue(IssueType::WARN_Q, ss.str(), L("Warning"))) {
// scale_back();
// return;
// }
// }
// auto pri = ctl->create_progress_indicator(
// 200, L("Slicing to zipped png files..."));
// pri->on_cancel([&print](){ print->cancel(); });
// try {
// pri->update(0, L("Slicing..."));
// slice(pri);
// } catch (std::exception& e) {
// ctl->report_issue(IssueType::ERR, e.what(), L("Exception occurred"));
// scale_back();
// if(print->canceled()) print->restart();
// return;
// }
// auto initstate = unsigned(pri->state());
// print->set_status_callback([pri, initstate](int st, const std::string& msg)
// {
// pri->update(initstate + unsigned(st), msg);
// });
// try {
// print_to<FilePrinterFormat::PNG, Zipper>( *print, exd.zippath,
// exd.width_mm, exd.height_mm,
// exd.width_px, exd.height_px,
// exd.exp_time_s, exd.exp_time_first_s);
// } catch (std::exception& e) {
// ctl->report_issue(IssueType::ERR, e.what(), L("Exception occurred"));
// }
// scale_back();
// if(print->canceled()) print->restart();
// print->set_status_default();
const PrintConfig &PrintController::config() const
return m_print->config();
void ProgressIndicator::message_fmt(
const std::string &fmtstr, ...) {
std::stringstream ss;
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmtstr);
auto fmt = fmtstr.begin();
while (*fmt != '\0') {
if (*fmt == 'd') {
int i = va_arg(args, int);
ss << i << '\n';
} else if (*fmt == 'c') {
// note automatic conversion to integral type
int c = va_arg(args, int);
ss << static_cast<char>(c) << '\n';
} else if (*fmt == 'f') {
double d = va_arg(args, double);
ss << d << '\n';
void AppController::arrange_model()
using Coord = libnest2d::TCoord<libnest2d::PointImpl>;
auto ctl = GUI::get_appctl();
if(m_arranging.load()) return;
// to prevent UI reentrancies;
unsigned count = 0;
for(auto obj : m_model->objects) count += obj->instances.size();
auto pind = ctl->global_progress_indicator();
float pmax = 1.0;
if(pind) {
pmax = pind->max();
// Set the range of the progress to the object count
auto dist = print_ctl()->config().min_object_distance();
// Create the arranger config
auto min_obj_distance = static_cast<Coord>(dist/SCALING_FACTOR);
auto& bedpoints = print_ctl()->config().bed_shape.values;
Polyline bed; bed.points.reserve(bedpoints.size());
for(auto& v : bedpoints)
bed.append(Point::new_scale(v(0), v(1)));
if(pind) pind->update(0, L("Arranging objects..."));
try {
arr::BedShapeHint hint;
// TODO: from Sasha from GUI
hint.type = arr::BedShapeType::WHO_KNOWS;
false, // create many piles not just one pile
[this, pind, &ctl, count](unsigned rem) {
pind->update(count - rem, L("Arranging objects..."));
}, [this] () { return !m_arranging.load(); });
} catch(std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
L("Could not arrange model objects! "
"Some geometries may be invalid."),
L("Exception occurred"));
// Restore previous max value
if(pind) {
pind->update(0, m_arranging.load() ? L("Arranging done.") :
L("Arranging canceled."));
pind->on_cancel(/*remove cancel function*/);