Fixes issue with incorrect characters in time strings on UI. Fix platform dependency Fix return value with incorrect strings. Just use strptime and strftime on all platforms. Emulate strptime on msvc... because they don't have it and their get_time is buggy.
176 lines
6.5 KiB
176 lines
6.5 KiB
#include "ConfigSnapshotDialog.hpp"
#include "I18N.hpp"
#include "../Config/Snapshot.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/Utils.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/Time.hpp"
#include "GUI_App.hpp"
#include "wxExtensions.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
namespace GUI {
static wxString format_reason(const Config::Snapshot::Reason reason)
switch (reason) {
case Config::Snapshot::SNAPSHOT_UPGRADE:
return wxString(_(L("Upgrade")));
case Config::Snapshot::SNAPSHOT_DOWNGRADE:
return wxString(_(L("Downgrade")));
case Config::Snapshot::SNAPSHOT_BEFORE_ROLLBACK:
return wxString(_(L("Before roll back")));
case Config::Snapshot::SNAPSHOT_USER:
return wxString(_(L("User")));
case Config::Snapshot::SNAPSHOT_UNKNOWN:
return wxString(_(L("Unknown")));
static wxString generate_html_row(const Config::Snapshot &snapshot, bool row_even, bool snapshot_active)
// Start by declaring a row with an alternating background color.
wxString text = "<tr bgcolor=\"";
text += snapshot_active ? "#B3FFCB" : (row_even ? "#FFFFFF" : "#D5D5D5");
text += "\">";
text += "<td>";
static const constexpr char *LOCALE_TIME_FMT = "%x %X";
wxString datetime = wxDateTime(snapshot.time_captured).Format(LOCALE_TIME_FMT);
// Format the row header.
text += wxString("<font size=\"5\"><b>") + (snapshot_active ? _(L("Active")) + ": " : "") +
datetime + ": " + format_reason(snapshot.reason);
if (! snapshot.comment.empty())
text += " (" + wxString::FromUTF8(snapshot.comment.data()) + ")";
text += "</b></font><br>";
// End of row header.
text += _(L("PrusaSlicer version")) + ": " + snapshot.slic3r_version_captured.to_string() + "<br>";
text += _(L("print")) + ": " + snapshot.print + "<br>";
text += _(L("filaments")) + ": " + snapshot.filaments.front() + "<br>";
text += _(L("printer")) + ": " + snapshot.printer + "<br>";
bool compatible = true;
for (const Config::Snapshot::VendorConfig &vc : snapshot.vendor_configs) {
text += _(L("vendor")) + ": " + vc.name +", " + _(L("version")) + ": " + vc.version.config_version.to_string() +
", " + _(L("min PrusaSlicer version")) + ": " + vc.version.min_slic3r_version.to_string();
if (vc.version.max_slic3r_version != Semver::inf())
text += ", " + _(L("max PrusaSlicer version")) + ": " + vc.version.max_slic3r_version.to_string();
text += "<br>";
for (const std::pair<std::string, std::set<std::string>> &model : vc.models_variants_installed) {
text += _(L("model")) + ": " + model.first + ", " + _(L("variants")) + ": ";
for (const std::string &variant : model.second) {
if (&variant != &*model.second.begin())
text += ", ";
text += variant;
text += "<br>";
if (! vc.version.is_current_slic3r_supported()) { compatible = false; }
if (! compatible) {
text += "<p align=\"right\">" + wxString::Format(_(L("Incompatible with this %s")), SLIC3R_APP_NAME) + "</p>";
else if (! snapshot_active)
text += "<p align=\"right\"><a href=\"" + snapshot.id + "\">" + _(L("Activate")) + "</a></p>";
text += "</td>";
text += "</tr>";
return text;
static wxString generate_html_page(const Config::SnapshotDB &snapshot_db, const wxString &on_snapshot)
wxString text =
"<body bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\" link=\"#800000\">"
"<font color=\"#000000\">";
text += "<table style=\"width:100%\">";
for (size_t i_row = 0; i_row < snapshot_db.snapshots().size(); ++ i_row) {
const Config::Snapshot &snapshot = snapshot_db.snapshots()[snapshot_db.snapshots().size() - i_row - 1];
text += generate_html_row(snapshot, i_row & 1, snapshot.id == on_snapshot);
text +=
return text;
ConfigSnapshotDialog::ConfigSnapshotDialog(const Config::SnapshotDB &snapshot_db, const wxString &on_snapshot)
: DPIDialog(NULL, wxID_ANY, _(L("Configuration Snapshots")), wxDefaultPosition,
wxSize(45 * wxGetApp().em_unit(), 40 * wxGetApp().em_unit()),
wxBoxSizer* vsizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
// text
html = new wxHtmlWindow(this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxHW_SCROLLBAR_AUTO);
wxFont font = wxGetApp().normal_font();//wxSystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT);
#ifdef __WXMSW__
const int fs = font.GetPointSize();
const int fs1 = static_cast<int>(0.8f*fs);
const int fs2 = static_cast<int>(1.1f*fs);
int size[] = {fs1, fs1, fs1, fs1, fs2, fs2, fs2};
// int size[] = {8,8,8,8,11,11,11};
int size[] = {11,11,11,11,14,14,14};
html->SetFonts(font.GetFaceName(), font.GetFaceName(), size);
wxString text = generate_html_page(snapshot_db, on_snapshot);
vsizer->Add(html, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALIGN_LEFT | wxRIGHT | wxBOTTOM, 0);
html->Bind(wxEVT_HTML_LINK_CLICKED, &ConfigSnapshotDialog::onLinkClicked, this);
wxStdDialogButtonSizer* buttons = this->CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(wxCLOSE);
this->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, &ConfigSnapshotDialog::onCloseDialog, this, wxID_CLOSE);
vsizer->Add(buttons, 0, wxEXPAND | wxRIGHT | wxBOTTOM, 3);
void ConfigSnapshotDialog::on_dpi_changed(const wxRect &suggested_rect)
wxFont font = GetFont();
const int fs = font.GetPointSize();
const int fs1 = static_cast<int>(0.8f*fs);
const int fs2 = static_cast<int>(1.1f*fs);
int font_size[] = { fs1, fs1, fs1, fs1, fs2, fs2, fs2 };
html->SetFonts(font.GetFaceName(), font.GetFaceName(), font_size);
const int& em = em_unit();
msw_buttons_rescale(this, em, { wxID_CLOSE});
const wxSize& size = wxSize(45 * em, 40 * em);
void ConfigSnapshotDialog::onLinkClicked(wxHtmlLinkEvent &event)
m_snapshot_to_activate = event.GetLinkInfo().GetHref();
void ConfigSnapshotDialog::onCloseDialog(wxEvent &)
} // namespace GUI
} // namespace Slic3r