bubnikv 40b75f6cee Snapped the bottom interface layer print heights to the top interface
layer print heights to avoid too thin layer surfaces. The minimum layer
height at the nozzle page is maintained for the support layers.

Base layers are trimmed by the briding bottom surfaces.
2017-03-28 13:46:31 +02:00

239 lines
9.6 KiB

#ifndef slic3r_SupportMaterial_hpp_
#define slic3r_SupportMaterial_hpp_
#include "Flow.hpp"
#include "PrintConfig.hpp"
#include "Slicing.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
class PrintObject;
class PrintConfig;
class PrintObjectConfig;
// how much we extend support around the actual contact area
// This class manages raft and supports for a single PrintObject.
// Instantiated by Slic3r::Print::Object->_support_material()
// This class is instantiated before the slicing starts as will query
// the parameters of the raft to determine the 1st layer height and thickness.
class PrintObjectSupportMaterial
// Support layer type to be used by MyLayer. This type carries a much more detailed information
// about the support layer type than the final support layers stored in a PrintObject.
enum SupporLayerType {
sltUnknown = 0,
// Ratft base layer, to be printed with the support material.
// Raft interface layer, to be printed with the support interface material.
// Bottom contact layer placed over a top surface of an object. To be printed with a support interface material.
// Dense interface layer, to be printed with the support interface material.
// This layer is separated from an object by an sltBottomContact layer.
// Sparse base support layer, to be printed with a support material.
// Dense interface layer, to be printed with the support interface material.
// This layer is separated from an object with sltTopContact layer.
// Top contact layer directly supporting an overhang. To be printed with a support interface material.
// Some undecided type yet. It will turn into sltBase first, then it may turn into sltBottomInterface or sltTopInterface.
// A support layer type used internally by the SupportMaterial class. This class carries a much more detailed
// information about the support layer than the layers stored in the PrintObject, mainly
// the MyLayer is aware of the bridging flow and the interface gaps between the object and the support.
class MyLayer
MyLayer() :
delete contact_polygons;
contact_polygons = nullptr;
delete overhang_polygons;
overhang_polygons = nullptr;
bool operator==(const MyLayer &layer2) const {
return print_z == layer2.print_z && height == layer2.height && bridging == layer2.bridging;
// Order the layers by lexicographically by an increasing print_z and a decreasing layer height.
bool operator<(const MyLayer &layer2) const {
if (print_z < layer2.print_z) {
return true;
} else if (print_z == layer2.print_z) {
if (height > layer2.height)
return true;
else if (height == layer2.height) {
// Bridging layers first.
return bridging && ! layer2.bridging;
} else
return false;
} else
return false;
// For the bridging flow, bottom_print_z will be above bottom_z to account for the vertical separation.
// For the non-bridging flow, bottom_print_z will be equal to bottom_z.
coordf_t bottom_print_z() const { return print_z - height; }
// To sort the extremes of top / bottom interface layers.
coordf_t extreme_z() const { return (this->layer_type == sltTopContact) ? this->bottom_z : this->print_z; }
SupporLayerType layer_type;
// Z used for printing, in unscaled coordinates.
coordf_t print_z;
// Bottom Z of this layer. For soluble layers, bottom_z + height = print_z,
// otherwise bottom_z + gap + height = print_z.
coordf_t bottom_z;
// Layer height in unscaled coordinates.
coordf_t height;
// Index of a PrintObject layer_id supported by this layer. This will be set for top contact layers.
// If this is not a contact layer, it will be set to size_t(-1).
size_t idx_object_layer_above;
// Index of a PrintObject layer_id, which supports this layer. This will be set for bottom contact layers.
// If this is not a contact layer, it will be set to size_t(-1).
size_t idx_object_layer_below;
// Use a bridging flow when printing this support layer.
bool bridging;
// Polygons to be filled by the support pattern.
Polygons polygons;
// Currently for the contact layers only.
// MyLayer owns the contact_polygons and overhang_polygons, they are freed by the destructor.
Polygons *contact_polygons;
Polygons *overhang_polygons;
// Layers are allocated and owned by a deque. Once a layer is allocated, it is maintained
// up to the end of a generate() method. The layer storage may be replaced by an allocator class in the future,
// which would allocate layers by multiple chunks.
typedef std::deque<MyLayer> MyLayerStorage;
typedef std::vector<MyLayer*> MyLayersPtr;
PrintObjectSupportMaterial(const PrintObject *object, const SlicingParameters &slicing_params);
// Is raft enabled?
bool has_raft() const { return m_slicing_params.has_raft(); }
// Has any support?
bool has_support() const { return m_object_config->support_material.value; }
bool build_plate_only() const { return this->has_support() && m_object_config->support_material_buildplate_only.value; }
bool synchronize_layers() const { return m_object_config->support_material_synchronize_layers.value; }
bool has_contact_loops() const { return m_object_config->support_material_interface_contact_loops.value; }
// Generate support material for the object.
// New support layers will be added to the object,
// with extrusion paths and islands filled in for each support layer.
void generate(PrintObject &object);
// Generate top contact layers supporting overhangs.
// For a soluble interface material synchronize the layer heights with the object, otherwise leave the layer height undefined.
// If supports over bed surface only are requested, don't generate contact layers over an object.
MyLayersPtr top_contact_layers(const PrintObject &object, MyLayerStorage &layer_storage) const;
// Generate bottom contact layers supporting the top contact layers.
// For a soluble interface material synchronize the layer heights with the object,
// otherwise set the layer height to a bridging flow of a support interface nozzle.
MyLayersPtr bottom_contact_layers_and_layer_support_areas(
const PrintObject &object, const MyLayersPtr &top_contacts, MyLayerStorage &layer_storage,
std::vector<Polygons> &layer_support_areas) const;
// Trim the top_contacts layers with the bottom_contacts layers if they overlap, so there would not be enough vertical space for both of them.
void trim_top_contacts_by_bottom_contacts(const PrintObject &object, const MyLayersPtr &bottom_contacts, MyLayersPtr &top_contacts) const;
// Generate raft layers and the intermediate support layers between the bottom contact and top contact surfaces.
MyLayersPtr raft_and_intermediate_support_layers(
const PrintObject &object,
const MyLayersPtr &bottom_contacts,
const MyLayersPtr &top_contacts,
MyLayerStorage &layer_storage) const;
// Fill in the base layers with polygons.
void generate_base_layers(
const PrintObject &object,
const MyLayersPtr &bottom_contacts,
const MyLayersPtr &top_contacts,
MyLayersPtr &intermediate_layers,
const std::vector<Polygons> &layer_support_areas) const;
// Generate raft layers, also expand the 1st support layer
// in case there is no raft layer to improve support adhesion.
MyLayersPtr generate_raft_base(
const MyLayersPtr &top_contacts,
const MyLayersPtr &interface_layers,
const MyLayersPtr &base_layers,
MyLayerStorage &layer_storage) const;
// Turn some of the base layers into interface layers.
MyLayersPtr generate_interface_layers(
const MyLayersPtr &bottom_contacts,
const MyLayersPtr &top_contacts,
MyLayersPtr &intermediate_layers,
MyLayerStorage &layer_storage) const;
// Trim support layers by an object to leave a defined gap between
// the support volume and the object.
void trim_support_layers_by_object(
const PrintObject &object,
MyLayersPtr &support_layers,
const coordf_t gap_extra_above,
const coordf_t gap_extra_below,
const coordf_t gap_xy) const;
void generate_pillars_shape();
void clip_with_shape();
// Produce the actual G-code.
void generate_toolpaths(
const PrintObject &object,
const MyLayersPtr &raft_layers,
const MyLayersPtr &bottom_contacts,
const MyLayersPtr &top_contacts,
const MyLayersPtr &intermediate_layers,
const MyLayersPtr &interface_layers) const;
// Following objects are not owned by SupportMaterial class.
const PrintObject *m_object;
const PrintConfig *m_print_config;
const PrintObjectConfig *m_object_config;
// Pre-calculated parameters shared between the object slicer and the support generator,
// carrying information on a raft, 1st layer height, 1st object layer height, gap between the raft and object etc.
SlicingParameters m_slicing_params;
Flow m_first_layer_flow;
Flow m_support_material_flow;
Flow m_support_material_interface_flow;
coordf_t m_support_layer_height_min;
coordf_t m_support_layer_height_max;
coordf_t m_gap_xy;
} // namespace Slic3r
#endif /* slic3r_SupportMaterial_hpp_ */