241 lines
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241 lines
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#ifndef slic3r_TextConfiguration_hpp_
#define slic3r_TextConfiguration_hpp_
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <optional>
#include <cereal/cereal.hpp>
#include <cereal/types/optional.hpp>
#include <cereal/types/string.hpp>
#include <cereal/archives/binary.hpp>
#include "Point.hpp" // Transform3d
namespace Slic3r {
/// <summary>
/// User modifiable property of text style
/// NOTE: OnEdit fix serializations: EmbossStylesSerializable, TextConfigurationSerialization
/// </summary>
struct FontProp
// define extra space between letters, negative mean closer letter
// When not set value is zero and is not stored
std::optional<int> char_gap; // [in font point]
// define extra space between lines, negative mean closer lines
// When not set value is zero and is not stored
std::optional<int> line_gap; // [in font point]
// Z depth of text
float emboss; // [in mm]
// Flag that text should use surface cutted from object
// FontProp::distance should without value
// FontProp::emboss should be positive number
// Note: default value is false
bool use_surface;
// positive value mean wider character shape
// negative value mean tiner character shape
// When not set value is zero and is not stored
std::optional<float> boldness; // [in mm]
// positive value mean italic of character (CW)
// negative value mean CCW skew (unItalic)
// When not set value is zero and is not stored
std::optional<float> skew; // [ration x:y]
// distance from surface point
// used for move over model surface
// When not set value is zero and is not stored
std::optional<float> distance; // [in mm]
// Angle of rotation around emboss direction (Z axis)
// It is calculate on the fly from volume world transformation
// only StyleManager keep actual value for comparision with style
// When not set value is zero and is not stored
std::optional<float> angle; // [in radians] form -Pi to Pi
// Parameter for True Type Font collections
// Select index of font in collection
std::optional<unsigned int> collection_number;
//enum class Align {
// left,
// right,
// center,
// top_left,
// top_right,
// top_center,
// bottom_left,
// bottom_right,
// bottom_center
//// change pivot of text
//// When not set, center is used and is not stored
//std::optional<Align> align;
// Duplicit data to wxFontDescriptor
// used for store/load .3mf file
// Height of text line (letters)
// duplicit to wxFont::PointSize
float size_in_mm; // [in mm]
// Additional data about font to be able to find substitution,
// when same font is not installed
std::optional<std::string> family;
std::optional<std::string> face_name;
std::optional<std::string> style;
std::optional<std::string> weight;
/// <summary>
/// Only constructor with restricted values
/// </summary>
/// <param name="line_height">Y size of text [in mm]</param>
/// <param name="depth">Z size of text [in mm]</param>
FontProp(float line_height = 10.f, float depth = 2.f)
: emboss(depth), size_in_mm(line_height), use_surface(false)
bool operator==(const FontProp& other) const {
char_gap == other.char_gap &&
line_gap == other.line_gap &&
use_surface == other.use_surface &&
is_approx(emboss, other.emboss) &&
is_approx(size_in_mm, other.size_in_mm) &&
is_approx(boldness, other.boldness) &&
is_approx(skew, other.skew) &&
is_approx(distance, other.distance) &&
is_approx(angle, other.angle);
// undo / redo stack recovery
template<class Archive> void save(Archive &ar) const
ar(emboss, use_surface, size_in_mm);
cereal::save(ar, char_gap);
cereal::save(ar, line_gap);
cereal::save(ar, boldness);
cereal::save(ar, skew);
cereal::save(ar, distance);
cereal::save(ar, angle);
cereal::save(ar, collection_number);
cereal::save(ar, family);
cereal::save(ar, face_name);
cereal::save(ar, style);
cereal::save(ar, weight);
template<class Archive> void load(Archive &ar)
ar(emboss, use_surface, size_in_mm);
cereal::load(ar, char_gap);
cereal::load(ar, line_gap);
cereal::load(ar, boldness);
cereal::load(ar, skew);
cereal::load(ar, distance);
cereal::load(ar, angle);
cereal::load(ar, collection_number);
cereal::load(ar, family);
cereal::load(ar, face_name);
cereal::load(ar, style);
cereal::load(ar, weight);
/// <summary>
/// Style of embossed text
/// (Path + Type) must define how to open font for using on different OS
/// NOTE: OnEdit fix serializations: EmbossStylesSerializable, TextConfigurationSerialization
/// </summary>
struct EmbossStyle
// Human readable name of style it is shown in GUI
std::string name;
// Define how to open font
// Meaning depend on type
std::string path;
enum class Type;
// Define what is stored in path
Type type { Type::undefined };
// User modification of font style
FontProp prop;
// when name is empty than Font item was loaded from .3mf file
// and potentionaly it is not reproducable
// define data stored in path
// when wx change way of storing add new descriptor Type
enum class Type {
undefined = 0,
// wx font descriptors are platform dependent
// path is font descriptor generated by wxWidgets
wx_win_font_descr, // on Windows
wx_lin_font_descr, // on Linux
wx_mac_font_descr, // on Max OS
// TrueTypeFont file loacation on computer
// for privacy: only filename is stored into .3mf
bool operator==(const EmbossStyle &other) const
type == other.type &&
prop == other.prop &&
name == other.name &&
path == other.path
// undo / redo stack recovery
template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive &ar){
ar(name, path, type, prop);
// Emboss style name inside vector is unique
// It is not map beacuse items has own order (view inside of slect)
// It is stored into AppConfig by EmbossStylesSerializable
using EmbossStyles = std::vector<EmbossStyle>;
/// <summary>
/// Define how to create 'Text volume'
/// It is stored into .3mf by TextConfigurationSerialization
/// It is part of ModelVolume optional data
/// </summary>
struct TextConfiguration
// Style of embossed text
EmbossStyle style;
// Embossed text value
std::string text = "None";
// !!! Volume stored in .3mf has transformed vertices.
// (baked transformation into vertices position)
// Only place for fill this is when load from .3mf
// This is correct volume transformation
std::optional<Transform3d> fix_3mf_tr;
// undo / redo stack recovery
template<class Archive> void save(Archive &ar) const{
ar(text, style);
cereal::save(ar, fix_3mf_tr);
template<class Archive> void load(Archive &ar){
ar(text, style);
cereal::load(ar, fix_3mf_tr);
} // namespace Slic3r
#endif // slic3r_TextConfiguration_hpp_