Change MKS case dimensions

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Przemek Grondek 2021-09-19 22:57:19 +02:00
parent 79014bb507
commit 6372e994e5
2 changed files with 32 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
// MKS Gen L v1.0
width = 110;
depth = 84;
height = 25;
height = 45;
thickness = 3;
mount_peg = 3;
spacing = 10;
spacing_y = 5;
spacing = spacing_y;
spacing_bottom = 30;
spacing_top = 10;
mount_screw = 4.5;
peg_up = 3;
peg_bottom = 8;
@ -14,7 +18,7 @@ screw_size = height - thickness; // 10;
$fn = 100;
module bottom_part() {
@ -26,8 +30,8 @@ module bottom_part() {
module top_part() {
x = width + 2 * spacing;
y = depth + 2 * spacing;
x = width + spacing_top + spacing_bottom;
y = depth + 2 * spacing_y;
d = (peg_up + 2) / 2 + 2;
h = height - thickness + 2;
@ -49,17 +53,13 @@ module top_part() {
for (i = [0 : 5])
translate([40 + (6 * i), depth / 2.2, height - thickness * 1.5])
// part cutoff
translate([10,18,height-thickness *1.5])
cube([8,24, thickness *2]);
module screw_mounts() {
d = (peg_up) + 1;
x = width + 2 * spacing - 4;
y = depth + 2 * spacing - 4;
x = width + spacing_top + spacing_bottom - 4;
y = depth + 2 * spacing_y - 4;
h = 0; //height - (screw_size + thickness);
@ -96,17 +96,17 @@ module screw_mount() {
module base() {
d1 = mount_peg;
x = width + 2 * spacing;
x = width + spacing_top + spacing_bottom;
y = depth + 2 * spacing;
cube([x, y, thickness]);
translate([4 + spacing, 4 + spacing, thickness])
translate([4 + spacing_bottom, 4 + spacing, thickness])
peg(h = thickness);
translate([x - (4 + spacing), 4 + spacing, thickness])
translate([x - (4 + spacing_top), 4 + spacing, thickness])
peg(h = thickness);
translate([x - (4 + spacing), y - (4 + spacing), thickness])
translate([x - (4 + spacing_top), y - (4 + spacing), thickness])
peg(h = thickness);
translate([(4 + spacing), y - (4 + spacing), thickness])
translate([(4 + spacing_bottom), y - (4 + spacing), thickness])
peg(h = thickness);
@ -114,35 +114,36 @@ module walls() {
difference() {
// power ports
translate([0, spacing, thickness + pcb_thickness]) {
translate([- spacing * 1.5, 9, 5])
cube([spacing * 2, 10.5, 13]);
translate([- spacing * 1.5, 21, 5])
cube([spacing * 2, 10.5, 13]);
translate([- spacing * 1.5, 33, 5])
cube([spacing * 2, 21, 6]);
// usb
translate([spacing, 0, thickness + pcb_thickness]) {
translate([21, - spacing * 1.5, 5])
translate([spacing_bottom + 17, - spacing * 1.5, 5])
cube([12, spacing * 2, 11]);
// cable holes
d= 25;
y = depth + 2 * spacing_y;
cylinder(h = 20, d = d);
holes_spacing = spacing_top+spacing_bottom + 0.1;
// holes for mounts
translate([30, depth + thickness + spacing *2.1, 15])
rotate([90, 0, 0])
cylinder(h = thickness * 2, d = 3.5);
cylinder(h = thickness * 2, d = mount_screw);
translate([width + spacing *2 - 30, depth + thickness + spacing *2.1, 15])
translate([width + holes_spacing - 30, depth + thickness + spacing *2.1, 15])
rotate([90, 0, 0])
cylinder(h = thickness * 2, d = 3.5);
cylinder(h = thickness * 2, d = mount_screw);
module walls_basic() {
x = width + 2 * spacing;
x = width + spacing_top + spacing_bottom;
y = depth + 2 * spacing;
translate([0, - thickness, 0])