--- - name: "[Ubuntu] install libvirt packages" when: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu" become: yes apt: update_cache: yes pkg: - virt-viewer - virt-manager - qemu-kvm - libvirt-daemon-system - libvirt-clients - bridge-utils - name: "[Arch] install libvirt packages" become: yes community.general.pacman: name: - dnsmasq - qemu-full - libvirt - virt-manager - virt-viewer - name: "[Ubuntu] ensure that your user is added to the group libvirtd" when: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu" become: yes user: name: "{{ ansible_user_id }}" append: yes groups: libvirt, kvm - name: "[Arch] ensure that your user is added to the group libvirtd" when: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu" become: yes user: name: "{{ ansible_user_id }}" append: yes groups: - libvirt-qemu - qemu - name: "[All] Enable service" become: yes ansible.builtin.systemd: name: libvirtd state: started enabled: yes - name: "[All] enable default network" become: yes shell: cmd: | virsh net-autostart default virsh net-start default