From d39993d454e5a1202956ecaf0cf850602d96aeda Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: pgrondek <>
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2021 23:08:07 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Add configuration.yaml

 automations/files/configuration.yaml | 443 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 443 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 automations/files/configuration.yaml

diff --git a/automations/files/configuration.yaml b/automations/files/configuration.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85427ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automations/files/configuration.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)
+# Text to speech
+  - platform: google_translate
+    cache: true
+    base_url:
+group: !include groups.yaml
+automation: !include_dir_merge_list automations/
+script: !include scripts.yaml
+scene: !include scenes.yaml
+  zigpy_config:
+    network:
+      channel: 15
+    ota:
+      ikea_provider: false
+      ledvance_provider: true
+  usb_path: /dev/ttyACM0
+  config_path: /config/open-zwave/config
+  network_key: !secret zwave_network_key
+  host: prusa.lan
+  port: 5000
+  api_key: !secret octoprint_api_key
+  number_of_tools: 1
+  bed: true
+  host:
+  port: 8086
+  database: home-assistant
+  username: home-assistant
+  password: !secret influxdb_password
+  - platform: manual
+  client_id: !secret spotify_client_id
+  client_secret: !secret spotify_client_secret
+  poweroff_pc: 'ssh -i /config/.ssh/id_rsa -o UserKnownHostsFile=/config/.ssh/known_hosts home-assistant@farnsworth.lan sudo /sbin/poweroff'
+  discovery: true
+  switch:
+    - host: ''
+  - platform: caldav
+    url:
+    username: pgrondek
+    password: !secret nextcloud_token
+  sp_dc: !secret spotcast_sp_dc
+  sp_key: !secret spotcast_sp_key
+  # Living Room Air Purifier (3h 2019)
+  - platform: xiaomi_miio
+    host:
+    token: !secret xiaomi_living_room_air_purifier_token
+    name: 'Living Room Air Purifier'
+  # Bedroom Air Purifier
+  - platform: xiaomi_miio
+    host:
+    token: !secret xiaomi_bedroom_air_purifier_token
+    name: 'Bedroom Air Purifier'
+  - platform: group
+    name: Kitchen Lights
+    entities:
+      - light.kitchen_01
+      - light.kitchen_02
+      - light.kitchen_03
+      - light.kitchen_04
+      - light.kitchen_05
+      - light.kitchen_06
+      - light.kitchen_07
+      - light.kitchen_08
+      - light.kitchen_09
+      - light.kitchen_10
+      - light.kitchen_11
+      - light.kitchen_12
+      - light.kitchen_13
+      - light.kitchen_14
+  - platform: group
+    name: TV Lights
+    entities:
+      - light.tv_left
+      - light.tv_middle
+      - light.tv_right
+  - platform: group
+    name: Table Lamp
+    entities:
+      - light.table_light_up
+      - light.table_light_down
+  - platform: group
+    name: Computer Lights
+    entities:
+      - light.computer_left
+      - light.computer_right
+      - light.computer_top
+  - platform: group
+    name: Bathroom Lights
+    entities:
+      - light.bathroom_1
+      - light.bathroom_2
+      - light.bathroom_3
+      - light.bathroom_4
+  - platform: group
+    name: Shower Lights
+    entities:
+      - light.shower_1
+      - light.shower_2
+      - light.shower_3
+      - light.shower_4
+  - platform: group
+    name: Bathroom Mirror Lights
+    entities:
+      - light.mirror_left
+      - light.mirror_middle
+      - light.mirror_right
+  - platform: group
+    name: Bathroom minor Lights
+    entities:
+      - light.bidet
+      - light.toilet_left
+      - light.toilet_right
+  - platform: group
+    name: Bedroom Lights
+    entities:
+      - light.bedroom_1
+      - light.bedroom_2
+  - platform: xiaomi_miio
+    host:
+    token: !secret xiaomi_vacuum_token
+    name: 'Robot vacuum'
+  #  Xiaomi BT Sensors
+  rounding: True
+  decimals: 1
+  period: 60
+  log_spikes: False
+  use_median: False
+  active_scan: False
+  hci_interface: 0
+  batt_entities: False
+  report_unknown: False
+  discovery: True
+  devices:
+    - name: 'Bedroom sensor'
+      mac: '58:2D:34:3B:67:B0'
+    - name: 'Filament Sensor'
+      mac: 'A4:C1:38:EC:AE:6B'
+    - name: 'Computer Cave sensor'
+      mac: 'A4:C1:38:05:3D:AF'
+    - name:  'Bathroom sensor'
+      mac: 'A4:C1:38:49:30:DF'
+    - name: 'Rack sensor'
+      mac: 'A4:C1:38:5E:F8:84'
+    - name: 'Kettle'
+      mac: '7C:49:EB:30:61:CE'
+    - name: 'Thuja Pot'
+      mac: 'C4:7C:8D:6C:5B:25'
+  # Living Room Air Purifier
+  - platform: template
+    sensors:
+      xiaomi_airpurifier_temp:
+        friendly_name: "Temperature"
+        value_template: "{{ state_attr('fan.xiaomi_miio_device', 'temperature') }}"
+        unit_of_measurement: "°C"
+        device_class: "temperature"
+      xiaomi_airpurifier_humidity:
+        friendly_name: "Humidity"
+        value_template: "{{ state_attr('fan.xiaomi_miio_device', 'humidity') }}"
+        unit_of_measurement: "%"
+        device_class: "humidity"
+      xiaomi_airpurifier_air_quality_pm25:
+        friendly_name: "Air quality"
+        value_template: "{{ state_attr('fan.xiaomi_miio_device', 'aqi') }}"
+        unit_of_measurement: "μg/m³"
+        icon_template: "mdi:weather-fog"
+      xiaomi_airpurifier_speed:
+        friendly_name: "Fan speed"
+        value_template: "{{ state_attr('fan.xiaomi_miio_device', 'motor_speed') }}"
+        unit_of_measurement: "rpm"
+        icon_template: "mdi:speedometer"
+      xiaomi_airpurifier_filter_remaining:
+        friendly_name: "Filter remaining"
+        value_template: "{{ state_attr('fan.xiaomi_miio_device', 'filter_life_remaining') }}"
+        unit_of_measurement: "%"
+        icon_template: "mdi:heart-outline"
+  # Bedroom Air Purifier
+  - platform: template
+    sensors:
+      bedroom_air_purifier_temp:
+        friendly_name: "Temperature"
+        value_template: "{{ state_attr('fan.bedroom_air_purifier', 'temperature') }}"
+        unit_of_measurement: "°C"
+        device_class: "temperature"
+      bedroom_air_purifier_humidity:
+        friendly_name: "Humidity"
+        value_template: "{{ state_attr('fan.bedroom_air_purifier', 'humidity') }}"
+        unit_of_measurement: "%"
+        device_class: "humidity"
+      bedroom_air_purifier_air_quality_pm25:
+        friendly_name: "Air quality"
+        value_template: "{{ state_attr('fan.bedroom_air_purifier', 'aqi') }}"
+        unit_of_measurement: "μg/m³"
+        icon_template: "mdi:weather-fog"
+      bedroom_air_purifier_speed:
+        friendly_name: "Fan speed"
+        value_template: "{{ state_attr('fan.bedroom_air_purifier', 'motor_speed') }}"
+        unit_of_measurement: "rpm"
+        icon_template: "mdi:speedometer"
+      bedroom_air_purifier_filter_remaining:
+        friendly_name: "Filter remaining"
+        value_template: "{{ state_attr('fan.bedroom_air_purifier', 'filter_life_remaining') }}"
+        unit_of_measurement: "%"
+        icon_template: "mdi:heart-outline"
+  # IMAP
+  - name: imap-notifications
+    platform: imap
+    server:
+    port: 993
+    username: ''
+    password: !secret imap_password
+  # Fix 3d_printer power sensor
+  - platform: integration
+    source: sensor.3d_printer_power
+    name: energy_spent
+    unit_prefix: k
+    round: 2
+#   - platform: filter
+#     entity_id: sensor.3d_printer_power
+#     filters:
+#         - filter: range
+#           lower_bound: 0
+#     unit_prefix: k
+#     round: 2
+  - name: Desktop
+    platform: ping
+    host:
+  - name: Bender
+    platform: ping
+    host:
+  - name: iron-man
+    platform: ping
+    host:
+  - name: prusa
+    platform: ping
+    host:
+  - name: node-master
+    platform: ping
+    host:
+  - name: node-01
+    platform: ping
+    host:
+  - name: node-02
+    platform: ping
+    host:
+  - name: node-03
+    platform: ping
+    host:
+  - name: luxoft
+    platform: ping
+    host:
+  - name: smartthings
+    platform: ping
+    host:
+  - name: hue-lights
+    platform: ping
+    host:
+  - name: airpurifier-bedroom
+    platform: ping
+    host:
+  - name: airpurifier-livingroom
+    platform: ping
+    host:
+  - name: vacuum
+    platform: ping
+    host:
+  - name: soundbar
+    platform: ping
+    host:
+  - name: google-home
+    platform: ping
+    host:
+  - name: google-home-mini
+    platform: ping
+    host:
+  - name: google-home-mini-2
+    platform: ping
+    host:
+  - name: gree-ac
+    platform: ping
+    host:
+  - name: router-outlet
+    platform: ping
+    host:
+  - name: tv
+    platform: ping
+    host:
+  # Living Room Air Purifier
+  - platform: template
+    switches:
+      xiaomi_airpurifier_led:
+        friendly_name: "LED"
+        value_template: "{{ is_state_attr('fan.xiaomi_miio_device', 'led', true) }}"
+        turn_on:
+          service: xiaomi_miio.fan_set_led_on
+          data:
+            entity_id: fan.xiaomi_miio_device
+        turn_off:
+          service: xiaomi_miio.fan_set_led_off
+          data:
+            entity_id: fan.xiaomi_miio_device
+        icon_template: "mdi:lightbulb-outline"
+      xiaomi_airpurifier_child_lock:
+        friendly_name: "Child lock"
+        value_template: "{{ is_state_attr('fan.xiaomi_miio_device', 'child_lock', true) }}"
+        turn_on:
+          service: xiaomi_miio.fan_set_child_lock_on
+          data:
+            entity_id: fan.xiaomi_miio_device
+        turn_off:
+          service: xiaomi_miio.fan_set_child_lock_off
+          data:
+            entity_id: fan.xiaomi_miio_device
+        icon_template: "mdi:lock-outline"
+      xiaomi_airpurifier_buzzer:
+        friendly_name: "Buzzer"
+        value_template: "{{ is_state_attr('fan.xiaomi_miio_device', 'buzzer', true) }}"
+        turn_on:
+          service: xiaomi_miio.fan_set_buzzer_on
+          data:
+            entity_id: fan.xiaomi_miio_device
+        turn_off:
+          service: xiaomi_miio.fan_set_buzzer_off
+          data:
+            entity_id: fan.xiaomi_miio_device
+        icon_template: "mdi:volume-high"
+  # Bedroom Air Purifier
+  - platform: template
+    switches:
+      bedroom_air_purifier_led:
+        friendly_name: "LED"
+        value_template: "{{ is_state_attr('fan.bedroom_air_purifier', 'led', true) }}"
+        turn_on:
+          service: xiaomi_miio.fan_set_led_on
+          data:
+            entity_id: fan.bedroom_air_purifier
+        turn_off:
+          service: xiaomi_miio.fan_set_led_off
+          data:
+            entity_id: fan.bedroom_air_purifier
+        icon_template: "mdi:lightbulb-outline"
+      bedroom_air_purifier_child_lock:
+        friendly_name: "Child lock"
+        value_template: "{{ is_state_attr('fan.bedroom_air_purifier', 'child_lock', true) }}"
+        turn_on:
+          service: xiaomi_miio.fan_set_child_lock_on
+          data:
+            entity_id: fan.bedroom_air_purifier
+        turn_off:
+          service: xiaomi_miio.fan_set_child_lock_off
+          data:
+            entity_id: fan.bedroom_air_purifier
+        icon_template: "mdi:lock-outline"
+      bedroom_air_purifier_buzzer:
+        friendly_name: "Buzzer"
+        value_template: "{{ is_state_attr('fan.bedroom_air_purifier', 'buzzer', true) }}"
+        turn_on:
+          service: xiaomi_miio.fan_set_buzzer_on
+          data:
+            entity_id: fan.bedroom_air_purifier
+        turn_off:
+          service: xiaomi_miio.fan_set_buzzer_off
+          data:
+            entity_id: fan.bedroom_air_purifier
+        icon_template: "mdi:volume-high"
+  # Living Room Air Purifier
+  xiaomi_miio_device_mode:
+    name: Mode
+    options:
+      - Auto
+      - Silent
+      - Favorite
+    icon: "mdi:animation-outline"
+  # Bedroom Air Purifier
+  bedroom_air_purifier_mode:
+    name: Mode
+    options:
+      - Auto
+      - Silent
+      - Favorite
+    icon: "mdi:animation-outline"
+  home_mode:
+    name: Home mode
+    options:
+      - Day
+      - Night
+      - Party
+      - Away
+    icon: "mdi:home"
+  # Living Room Air Purifier
+  xiaomi_miio_device_favorite_level:
+    name: "Favorite level"
+    initial: 0
+    min: 0
+    max: 14
+    step: 1
+    icon: "mdi:weather-windy"
+  # Bedroom Air Purifier
+  bedroom_air_purifier_favorite_level:
+    name: "Favorite level"
+    initial: 0
+    min: 0
+    max: 14
+    step: 1
+    icon: "mdi:weather-windy"
\ No newline at end of file