# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc) alert: !include alert.yaml automation: !include automations.yaml #cloud: config: counter: dhcp: energy: frontend: themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes homeassistant: customize: !include customize.yaml history: http: use_x_forwarded_for: true trusted_proxies: - - - - - - ip_ban_enabled: false login_attempts_threshold: 5 input_boolean: 3d_printer_timelapse: name: "3D printer timelapse" icon: "mdi:camera-burst" daily_coffee: name: "Daily - coffee drank" icon: "mdi:coffee" guests_at_home: name: "Guests at home" icon: "mdi:account-group" intercom_button: name: "Intercom button helper" icon: "mdi:door-closed-lock" meal_alert: name: "Meal alert" icon: "mdi:silverware-fork-knife" meal_helper: name: "Meal helper" icon: "mdi:silverware-fork-knife" pc_caffeine: name: "PC Caffeine" icon: "mdi:desktop-tower-monitor" pc_sleeping: name: "PC sleeping" icon: "mdi:desktop-tower-monitor" sleep_mode: name: "Sleep mode" icon: "mdi:weather-night" vacation_mode: name: "Vacation mode" icon: "mdi:beach" vacuum_office: name: "Vacuum Office" icon: "mdi:chair-rolling" vacuum_living_room: name: "Vacuum Living room" icon: "mdi:sofa" vacuum_table_area: name: "Vacuum Table area" icon: "mdi:table-furniture" vacuum_kitchen: name: "Vacuum Kitchen" icon: "mdi:pot-mix" vacuum_hallway: name: "Vacuum Hallway" icon: "mdi:foot-print" vacuum_bedroom: name: "Vacuum Bedroom" icon: "mdi:bed-empty" vacuum_bathroom: name: "Vacuum Bathroom" icon: "mdi:shower" vacuum_vacuumed_today: name: "Vacuumed today" icon: "mdi:robot-vacuum" washing_machine_done: name: "Washing machine done" icon: "mdi:washing-machine" washing_clothes_dry: name: "Washing clothes dry" icon: "mdi:hanger" put_laundry_away: name: "Put laundry away" icon: "mdi:tshirt-crew" input_datetime: alarm: name: "Alarm time" icon: "mdi:bell-sleep" has_date: true has_time: true day_mode: name: "Day mode time" icon: "mdi:weather-sunset" has_date: false has_time: true sleep_mode: name: "Sleep mode time" icon: "mdi:weather-night" has_date: false has_time: true input_number: power_price: name: "Power Price" icon: "mdi:transmission-tower" min: 0 max: 2 step: 0.01 unit_of_measurement: zł/kWh input_select: home_mode: name: Home mode options: - Day - Night - Party - Away icon: "mdi:home" music_service: name: Music service options: - Spotify - Apple Music tv_select: name: TV Select for ATV icon: mdi:android options: - remote.bedroom_atv - remote.shield input_text: bathroom_playlist: name: Bathroom playlist icon: "mdi:folder-music-outline" logbook: network: media_source: mobile_app: my: person: python_script: recorder: db_url: !secret mysql_url purge_keep_days: 365 scene: !include scenes.yaml script: !include scripts.yaml ssdp: stream: sun: system_health: #tag: timer: webhook: zeroconf: zone: #powercalc: # Text to speech tts: group: !include groups.yaml zha: custom_quirks_path: /config/zha_custom_quirks zigpy_config: network: channel: 15 ota: ikea_provider: true ledvance_provider: true otau_directory: /config/ota ios: actions: - name: "Intercom button" background_color: "#000000" label: text: "Intercom button" color: "#ffffff" icon: icon: door-closed-lock color: "#ffffff" - name: "Door Lock Toggle" background_color: "#000000" label: text: "Door Lock" color: "#ffffff" icon: icon: lock-open color: "#ffffff" - name: "Good Night" background_color: "#000000" label: text: "Good Night" color: "#9e9e9e" icon: icon: weather-night color: "#9e9e9e" - name: "Good Morning" background_color: "#000000" label: text: "Good Morning" color: "#ff9800" icon: icon: weather-sunny color: "#ff9800" - name: "Leave Home" background_color: "#000000" label: text: "Leave Home" color: "#ffffff" icon: icon: home-export-outline color: "#ffffff" - name: "Arrive Home" background_color: "#000000" label: text: "Arrive Home" color: "#ffffff" icon: icon: home-import-outline color: "#ffffff" influxdb: host: port: 8086 database: home-assistant username: home-assistant password: !secret influxdb_password alarm_control_panel: - platform: manual name: Home Alarm delay_time: 30 arming_time: 30 trigger_time: 120 notify: - platform: nfandroidtv name: Shield host: color: black - platform: sms name: sms_notification recipient: !secret phone_number - name: hulk platform: rest method: POST_JSON resource: !secret webhook_url message_param_name: message title_param_name: title shell_command: pc_poweroff: 'ssh -i /config/.ssh/id_rsa -o UserKnownHostsFile=/config/.ssh/known_hosts home-assistant@ sudo /sbin/poweroff' pc_suspend: 'ssh -i /config/.ssh/id_rsa -o UserKnownHostsFile=/config/.ssh/known_hosts home-assistant@ sudo /usr/sbin/pm-suspend' rest_command: pikvm_login: url: "" method: POST content_type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" # payload: "username=admin&password=YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE&cpassword=&logon=Login" payload: !secret switch_login_payload pikvm_power_on: url: "" method: POST content_type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" payload: "name_pstate=2&name_ppriority=2&name_ppowerlimit=1&name_ppowerlimit2=&sel_6=1&applay=Apply" pikvm_power_off: url: "" method: POST content_type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" payload: "name_pstate=1&name_ppriority=2&name_ppowerlimit=1&name_ppowerlimit2=&sel_6=1&applay=Apply" octoprint_connect: url: '' method: post content_type: 'application/json' headers: X-Api-Key: !secret octoprint_api_key payload: | { "command": "connect" } waste_collection_schedule: sources: - name: warszawa19115_pl args: geolocation_id: 76748040 rest: calendar: - platform: caldav url: https://cloud.grondek.pl/remote.php/dav username: pgrondek password: !secret nextcloud_token custom_calendars: - name: "Wakeup" calendar: "Automations" search: "Wakeup" - name: "Daily" calendar: "Automations" search: "Daily" - platform: caldav url: https://cloud.grondek.pl/remote.php/dav username: pgrondek password: !secret nextcloud_token calendars: - "Formula 1" sensor: # Power - platform: integration name: "3D printer energy Total" unit_prefix: k unit_time: h source: sensor.3d_printer_electric_consumption_w - platform: integration source: sensor.rack_outlet_electrical_measurement name: "Rack outlet energy Total" unit_prefix: k unit_time: h - platform: integration name: "Printer energy Total" unit_prefix: k unit_time: h source: sensor.printer_power - platform: integration name: "Washing machine energy Total" unit_prefix: k unit_time: h source: sensor.washing_machine_electrical_measurement - platform: integration name: "Computer energy Total" unit_prefix: k unit_time: h source: sensor.computer_outlet_electrical_measurement # # Powercalc # - platform: powercalc # create_group: Kitchen lights # include: # area: Kitchen # - platform: powercalc # create_group: Bedroom lights # entities: # - entity_id: light.bedroom_1 # - entity_id: light.bedroom_2 # - entity_id: light.bed_lamp_left # - entity_id: light.bed_lamp_right # - entity_id: light.bed_lightstrip switch: # Wake On LAN - platform: wake_on_lan name: 'Hulk WoL' mac: '24:4b:fe:05:e2:8b' broadcast_address: - platform: wake_on_lan name: 'Thor WoL' mac: '5c:1b:f4:e4:52:11' broadcast_address: - platform: template switches: pikvm_poe: turn_on: - service: rest_command.pikvm_login - service: rest_command.pikvm_power_on turn_off: - service: rest_command.pikvm_login - service: rest_command.pikvm_power_off cover: - platform: group name: Bedroom Blinds entities: - cover.bedroom_blind_left - cover.bedroom_blind_right - platform: group name: Dining Blinds entities: - cover.dining_blind_left - cover.dining_blind_middle - cover.dining_blind_right - cover.dining_blind_back - platform: group name: Office Blinds entities: - cover.office_blind_left - cover.office_blind_right plant: citrus: sensors: temperature: sensor.citrus_sensor_temperature moisture: sensor.citrus_sensor_moisture brightness: sensor.citrus_sensor_illuminance conductivity: sensor.citrus_sensor_conductivity battery: sensor.citrus_sensor_battery min_moisture: 30 max_moisture: 50