# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc) automation: !include automations.yaml #cloud: config: counter: dhcp: energy: frontend: history: http: use_x_forwarded_for: true trusted_proxies: - - - - - ip_ban_enabled: false login_attempts_threshold: 5 image: input_boolean: input_datetime: input_number: input_select: home_mode: name: Home mode options: - Day - Night - Party - Away icon: "mdi:home" input_text: logbook: network: map: media_source: mobile_app: my: person: python_script: recorder: db_url: !secret postgres_url scene: !include scenes.yaml script: !include scripts.yaml ssdp: stream: sun: system_health: #tag: timer: updater: webhook: zeroconf: zone: # Text to speech tts: - platform: google_translate cache: true base_url: group: !include groups.yaml zha: zigpy_config: network: channel: 15 ota: ikea_provider: true ledvance_provider: true mqtt: broker: ios: actions: - name: door_lock background_color: "#000000" label: text: "Door Lock" color: "#000000" icon: icon: lock-open color: "#ffffff" zoneminder: - host: zoneminder.grondek.pl ssl: true verify_ssl: true path_zms: /zm/cgi-bin/nph-zms path: /zm/ camera: - platform: zoneminder - platform: xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor host: token: !secret xiaomi_vacuum_token username: xiaomi@nerull7.info password: !secret xiaomi_cloud_password draw: [ 'all' ] attributes: - calibration_points - platform: generic name: '3D Printer Camera' still_image_url: stream_source: rtsp:// rtsp_transport: udp verify_ssl: false scan_interval: 5 - platform: generic name: 'Kitchen Direct' still_image_url: stream_source: rtsp:// rtsp_transport: udp verify_ssl: false scan_interval: 5 - platform: generic name: 'Hallway Direct' still_image_url: stream_source: rtsp:// rtsp_transport: udp verify_ssl: false scan_interval: 5 influxdb: host: port: 8086 database: home-assistant username: home-assistant password: !secret influxdb_password alarm_control_panel: - platform: manual notify: - platform: nfandroidtv name: Shield host: color: black - platform: sms name: sms_notification recipient: !secret phone_number media_player: - platform: androidtv name: Bedroom ATV device_class: androidtv host: adbkey: "/config/android/adbkey" - platform: androidtv name: nVidia Shield device_class: androidtv host: adbkey: "/config/android/adbkey" # exclude_unnamed_apps: true apps: com.google.android.leanbacklauncher: AndroidTV Launcher com.netflix.ninja: Netflix com.liskovsoft.smarttubetv.beta: SmartTube tv.twitch.android.app: Twitch org.mozilla.firefox: Firefox com.tvp.vodtv.tv: TVP VOD pl.redefine.ipla: IPLA com.amazon.amazonvideo.livingroom: Prime Video eu.hbogo.androidtv.production: HBO GO state_detection_rules: 'com.netflix.ninja': - 'media_session_state' 'com.amazon.amazonvideo.livingroom': - 'media_session_state' 'eu.hbogo.androidtv.production': - 'media_session_state' spotify: client_id: !secret spotify_client_id client_secret: !secret spotify_client_secret shell_command: pc_poweroff: 'ssh -i /config/.ssh/id_rsa -o UserKnownHostsFile=/config/.ssh/known_hosts home-assistant@ sudo /sbin/poweroff' pc_suspend: 'ssh -i /config/.ssh/id_rsa -o UserKnownHostsFile=/config/.ssh/known_hosts home-assistant@ sudo /usr/sbin/pm-suspend' rest_command: octoprint_connect: url: '' method: post content_type: 'application/json' headers: X-Api-Key: !secret octoprint_api_key payload: | { "command": "connect" } rest: - scan_interval: 43200 # 12h resource: 'https://warszawa19115.pl/harmonogramy-wywozu-odpadow?p_p_id=portalCKMjunkschedules_WAR_portalCKMjunkschedulesportlet_INSTANCE_o5AIb2mimbRJ&p_p_lifecycle=2&p_p_state=normal&p_p_mode=view&p_p_resource_id=ajaxResourceURL&p_p_cacheability=cacheLevelPage&p_p_col_id=column-1&p_p_col_count=1' method: POST payload: '_portalCKMjunkschedules_WAR_portalCKMjunkschedulesportlet_INSTANCE_o5AIb2mimbRJ_addressPointId=76748040' headers: Content-Type: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' sensor: - name: "Address" value_template: "{{ value_json[0].adres }}" - name: "Garbage Collection BIO" device_class: 'timestamp' value_template: "{{ value_json[0].harmonogramy[1].data }}" json_attributes_path: "$.[0].harmonogramy.[1].frakcja" json_attributes: - id_frakcja - kod - nazwa - opis - name: "Garbage Collection Metal & Plastics" device_class: 'timestamp' value_template: "{{ value_json[0].harmonogramy[2].data }}" json_attributes_path: "$.[0].harmonogramy.[2].frakcja" json_attributes: - id_frakcja - kod - nazwa - opis - name: "Garbage Collection Paper" device_class: 'timestamp' value_template: "{{ value_json[0].harmonogramy[3].data }}" json_attributes_path: "$.[0].harmonogramy.[3].frakcja" json_attributes: - id_frakcja - kod - nazwa - opis - name: "Garbage Collection Glass" device_class: 'timestamp' value_template: "{{ value_json[0].harmonogramy[4].data }}" json_attributes_path: "$.[0].harmonogramy.[4].frakcja" json_attributes: - id_frakcja - kod - nazwa - opis - name: "Garbage Collection Furniture" device_class: 'timestamp' value_template: "{{ value_json[0].harmonogramy[6].data }}" json_attributes_path: "$.[0].harmonogramy.[6].frakcja" json_attributes: - id_frakcja - kod - nazwa - opis - name: "Garbage Collection Mixed" device_class: 'timestamp' value_template: "{{ value_json[0].harmonogramy[7].data }}" json_attributes_path: "$.[0].harmonogramy.[7].frakcja" json_attributes: - id_frakcja - kod - nazwa - opis calendar: - platform: caldav url: https://cloud.grondek.pl/remote.php/dav username: pgrondek password: !secret nextcloud_token custom_calendars: - name: "Sleep" calendar: "Automations" search: "Sleep" - name: "Wakeup" calendar: "Automations" search: "Wakeup" - name: "Caffeine free time" calendar: "Automations" search: "Caffeine free" - platform: caldav url: https://cloud.grondek.pl/remote.php/dav username: pgrondek password: !secret nextcloud_token calendars: - "2021 FIA Formula One World Championship Race Calendar" ble_monitor: # Xiaomi BT Sensors decimals: 1 period: 60 log_spikes: False use_median: False active_scan: False # hci_interface: 0 bt_interface: 'DC:A6:32:8B:7B:AD' report_unknown: False discovery: True devices: - name: 'Bedroom sensor [BLE]' mac: '58:2D:34:3B:67:B0' - name: 'Filament Sensor' mac: 'A4:C1:38:EC:AE:6B' - name: 'Computer Cave sensor' mac: 'A4:C1:38:05:3D:AF' - name: 'Bathroom sensor [BLE]' mac: 'A4:C1:38:49:30:DF' - name: 'Rack sensor' mac: 'A4:C1:38:5E:F8:84' - name: 'Kettle' mac: '7C:49:EB:30:61:CE' - name: 'Thuja Plant' mac: 'C4:7C:8D:6C:5B:25' - name: 'Thuja Plant 2' mac: 'C4:7C:8D:6C:9F:C6' - name: 'Thuja Plant 3' mac: 'C4:7C:8D:6C:9F:9B' - name: 'Living Room Plant' mac: 'C4:7C:8D:6C:59:D0' - name: 'Living Room Plant 2' mac: 'C4:7C:8D:6C:59:D5' - name: 'Weight Scale' mac: 'C8:47:8C:D9:6F:96' sensor: - platform: systemmonitor resources: - type: memory_use - type: memory_free - type: swap_use - type: swap_free - type: load_1m - type: load_5m - type: load_15m - type: processor_use - type: processor_temperature - type: ipv4_address arg: "eth0" - type: ipv6_address arg: "eth0" - type: network_in arg: "eth0" - type: network_out arg: "eth0" - type: throughput_network_in arg: "eth0" - type: throughput_network_out arg: "eth0" - type: packets_in arg: "eth0" - type: packets_out arg: "eth0" # IMAP - name: imap-notifications platform: imap server: imap.gmail.com port: 993 username: 'home-assistant@nerull7.info' password: !secret imap_password # Power - platform: integration name: "3D printer energy Total" unit_prefix: k unit_time: h source: sensor.3d_printer_power - platform: integration name: "Printer energy Total" unit_prefix: k unit_time: h source: sensor.printer_power - platform: integration name: "Washing machine energy Total" unit_prefix: k unit_time: h source: sensor.washing_machine_electrical_measurement - platform: integration name: "Computer energy Total" unit_prefix: k unit_time: h source: sensor.computer_outlet_electrical_measurement binary_sensor: - name: Desktop platform: ping host: - name: Bender platform: ping host: - name: prusa platform: ping host: - name: node-master platform: ping host: - name: node-01 platform: ping host: - name: node-02 platform: ping host: - name: node-03 platform: ping host: - name: luxoft platform: ping host: - name: smartthings platform: ping host: - name: hue-lights platform: ping host: - name: airpurifier-bedroom platform: ping host: - name: airpurifier-livingroom platform: ping host: - name: vacuum platform: ping host: - name: soundbar platform: ping host: - name: gree-ac platform: ping host: - name: tv platform: ping host: switch: - platform: zoneminder command_on: Modect command_off: Monitor # Wake On LAN - platform: wake_on_lan name: hulk mac: '24:4b:fe:05:e2:8b' cover: - platform: group name: Bedroom Blinds entities: - cover.bedroom_blind_left - cover.bedroom_blind_right - platform: group name: Dining Blinds entities: - cover.dining_blind_left - cover.dining_blind_middle - cover.dining_blind_right