2022-10-31 23:05:23 +01:00
#pragma once
#include <xcb/xcb.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <chrono>
#include <memory>
#include "cairo/context.hpp"
#include "cairo/surface.hpp"
#include "common.hpp"
2023-05-01 14:58:52 +02:00
#include "components/config.hpp"
2022-10-31 23:05:23 +01:00
#include "components/logger.hpp"
#include "components/types.hpp"
#include "events/signal_fwd.hpp"
#include "events/signal_receiver.hpp"
#include "utils/concurrency.hpp"
#include "x11/atoms.hpp"
#include "x11/connection.hpp"
#include "x11/xembed.hpp"
#define TRAY_WM_NAME "Polybar tray window"
#define TRAY_WM_CLASS "tray\0Polybar"
// fwd declarations
class connection;
class background_manager;
class bg_slice;
namespace legacy_tray {
namespace chrono = std::chrono;
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
using std::atomic;
enum class tray_postition { NONE = 0, LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT, MODULE };
struct tray_settings {
tray_postition tray_position{tray_postition::NONE};
bool running{false};
int rel_x{0};
int rel_y{0};
int orig_x{0};
int orig_y{0};
int configured_x{0};
int configured_y{0};
unsigned int configured_w{0U};
unsigned int configured_h{0U};
unsigned int configured_slots{0U};
unsigned int width{0U};
unsigned int width_max{0U};
unsigned int height{0U};
unsigned int height_fill{0U};
unsigned int spacing{0U};
unsigned int sibling{0U};
rgba background{};
rgba foreground{};
bool transparent{false};
bool detached{false};
class tray_client {
explicit tray_client(connection& conn, xcb_window_t win, unsigned int w, unsigned int h);
tray_client(const tray_client& c) = delete;
tray_client& operator=(tray_client& c) = delete;
unsigned int width() const;
unsigned int height() const;
void clear_window() const;
bool match(const xcb_window_t& win) const;
bool mapped() const;
void mapped(bool state);
xcb_window_t window() const;
void query_xembed();
bool is_xembed_supported() const;
const xembed::info& get_xembed() const;
void ensure_state() const;
void reconfigure(int x, int y) const;
void configure_notify(int x, int y) const;
connection& m_connection;
xcb_window_t m_window{0};
* Whether the client window supports XEMBED.
* A tray client can still work when it doesn't support XEMBED.
bool m_xembed_supported{false};
* _XEMBED_INFO of the client window
xembed::info m_xembed;
bool m_mapped{false};
unsigned int m_width;
unsigned int m_height;
2023-11-11 03:47:55 +01:00
class tray_manager : public xpp::event::sink<evt::expose, evt::visibility_notify, evt::client_message,
evt::configure_request, evt::resize_request, evt::selection_clear, evt::property_notify,
evt::reparent_notify, evt::destroy_notify, evt::map_notify, evt::unmap_notify>,
public signal_receiver<SIGN_PRIORITY_TRAY, signals::ui::visibility_change, signals::ui::dim_window,
signals::ui::update_background, signals::ui_tray::tray_pos_change>,
public non_copyable_mixin,
public non_movable_mixin {
2022-10-31 23:05:23 +01:00
using make_type = unique_ptr<tray_manager>;
static make_type make(const bar_settings& settings);
explicit tray_manager(connection& conn, signal_emitter& emitter, const logger& logger, background_manager& back,
const bar_settings& settings);
const tray_settings settings() const;
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void setup(const config&, const string& tray_module_name);
2022-10-31 23:05:23 +01:00
void activate();
void activate_delayed(chrono::duration<double, std::milli> delay = 1s);
void deactivate(bool clear_selection = true);
void reconfigure();
void reconfigure_window();
void reconfigure_clients();
void reconfigure_bg(bool realloc = false);
void refresh_window();
void redraw_window(bool realloc_bg = false);
void query_atom();
void create_window();
void create_bg(bool realloc = false);
void restack_window();
void set_wm_hints();
void set_tray_colors();
void acquire_selection();
void notify_clients();
void notify_clients_delayed();
void track_selection_owner(xcb_window_t owner);
void process_docking_request(xcb_window_t win);
int calculate_x(unsigned width) const;
int calculate_y(bool abspos = true) const;
unsigned short int calculate_w() const;
unsigned short int calculate_h() const;
int calculate_client_x(const xcb_window_t& win);
int calculate_client_y();
bool is_embedded(const xcb_window_t& win) const;
shared_ptr<tray_client> find_client(const xcb_window_t& win) const;
void remove_client(shared_ptr<tray_client>& client, bool reconfigure = true);
void remove_client(xcb_window_t win, bool reconfigure = true);
unsigned int mapped_clients() const;
bool change_visibility(bool visible);
void handle(const evt::expose& evt) override;
void handle(const evt::visibility_notify& evt) override;
void handle(const evt::client_message& evt) override;
void handle(const evt::configure_request& evt) override;
void handle(const evt::resize_request& evt) override;
void handle(const evt::selection_clear& evt) override;
void handle(const evt::property_notify& evt) override;
void handle(const evt::reparent_notify& evt) override;
void handle(const evt::destroy_notify& evt) override;
void handle(const evt::map_notify& evt) override;
void handle(const evt::unmap_notify& evt) override;
bool on(const signals::ui::visibility_change& evt) override;
bool on(const signals::ui::dim_window& evt) override;
bool on(const signals::ui::update_background& evt) override;
bool on(const signals::ui_tray::tray_pos_change& evt) override;
connection& m_connection;
signal_emitter& m_sig;
const logger& m_log;
background_manager& m_background_manager;
std::shared_ptr<bg_slice> m_bg_slice;
vector<shared_ptr<tray_client>> m_clients;
tray_settings m_opts{};
xcb_gcontext_t m_gc{0};
xcb_pixmap_t m_pixmap{0};
unique_ptr<cairo::surface> m_surface;
unique_ptr<cairo::context> m_context;
unsigned int m_prevwidth{0U};
unsigned int m_prevheight{0U};
xcb_atom_t m_atom{0};
xcb_window_t m_tray{0};
xcb_window_t m_othermanager{0};
atomic<bool> m_activated{false};
atomic<bool> m_mapped{false};
atomic<bool> m_hidden{false};
atomic<bool> m_acquired_selection{false};
thread m_delaythread;
mutex m_mtx{};
bool m_firstactivation{true};
const bar_settings& m_bar_opts;
} // namespace legacy_tray