230 lines
5.1 KiB
230 lines
5.1 KiB
; vim:ft=dosini
;locale = sv_SE.UTF-8
monitor = HDMI1
; monitor = LVDS1
; width = 100%
height = 29
;lineheight = 14
lineheight = 4
background = #222222
foreground = #eefafafa
linecolor = #222222
spacing = 3
module_margin_left = 5
module_margin_right = 5
; font:0 = NotoSans-Regular:size=8;0
font:0 = Termsynu:size=8;1
font:1 = MaterialIcons:size=10;0
font:2 = FontAwesome:size=10;0
; modules:left = counter battery bspwm cpu date memory mpd network volume
; modules:left = counter battery bspwm
; modules:left = counter battery bspwm cpu date memory mpd network network2 volume
;modules:center = i3 network network2
modules:center = i3
; modules:center = counter counter2
; modules:left = network
type = internal/counter
interval = 1
type = internal/counter
interval = 1.25
type = internal/counter
interval = 1.5
type = internal/counter
interval = 2
type = internal/backlight
card = intel_backlight
;interval = 1
; Available tags:
; <label> (default)
; <bar>
format = <bar>
; Available tokens:
; %percentage% (default)
;label = %percentage%
; Required if <bar> is used
bar:width = 25
bar:format = %{+u}%{+o}%fill%%empty%%{-u}%{-o}
bar:fill = █
bar:fill:foreground = #99ffffff
bar:fill:font = 3
bar:empty = █
bar:empty:font = 3
bar:empty:foreground = #44ffffff
type = internal/battery
full_at = 99
format:charging = <ramp:capacity> <label:charging>
format:discharging = <ramp:capacity> <label:discharging>
format:full = <ramp:capacity> <label:full>
label:charging = Charging %percentage%
label:discharging = Discharging %percentage%
label:full = Fully charged
ramp:capacity:0 =
ramp:capacity:1 =
ramp:capacity:2 =
ramp:capacity:3 =
ramp:capacity:4 =
type = internal/bspwm
label:active = %name%
label:occupied = %index%
label:urgent = %index%
label:empty = %index%
type = internal/cpu
label = CPU %percentage%
type = internal/date
;date = %Y-%m-%d
date = %A, %d %B %Y %H:%M:%S
type = internal/i3
workspace_icon:0 = 1;
workspace_icon:1 = 2;
workspace_icon:2 = 3;
workspace_icon:3 = 4;
workspace_icon:4 = 5;
workspace_icon:default =
label:focused = %icon% %name% %index%
label:focused:padding = 2
label:focused:underline = #ff0
label:unfocused = %icon% %index%
label:unfocused:padding = 2
label:unfocused:foreground = #55ffffff
label:visible = %icon% %index%
label:visible:padding = 2
label:visible:underline = #444
label:urgent = %icon% %index%
label:urgent:padding = 2
type = internal/memory
label = RAM %percentage_used%
type = internal/mpd
format:online = <toggle> <icon:random> <icon:repeatone> <label:time> <label:song>
label:offline = mpd is off
icon:play = ►
icon:pause = ◼
; icon:random = 🔀
; icon:repeatone = 🔂
icon:random = random
icon:repeatone = single
toggle_on:foreground = #f90
type = internal/network
interface = net1
label:connected = [%ifname%] %essid%
label:packetloss = (!!) [%ifname%] %essid%
; label:connected = %ifname% %local_ip%
; label:disconnected = not connected
; label:packetloss = %essid%
type = internal/network
interface = net0
label:connected = [%ifname%] %local_ip%
label:packetloss = (!!) [%ifname%] %local_ip%
; label:connected = %ifname% %local_ip%
; label:disconnected = not connected
; label:packetloss = %essid%
; [module/rtorrent]
; type = internal/rtorrent
; script = /home/jaagr/var/github/jaagr/lemonbuddy/scripts/torrents.sh
; rtorrent_session_dir = /home/jaagr/.cache/rtorrent
; display_count = 2
; title_maxlen = 30
type = internal/volume
speaker_mixer = Speaker
headphone_mixer = Headphone
headphone_control_numid = 9
type = custom/script
exec = echo %counter%
interval = 1
type = custom/text
; "content" has the same properties as "format:NAME"
; content =
content = test
content:background = #000
content:foreground = #fff
content:padding = 4
; "click:(left|middle|right)" will be executed using "/usr/bin/env sh -c $COMMAND"
click:left = echo left
click:middle = echo middle
click:right = echo right
; "scroll:(up|down)" will be executed using "/usr/bin/env sh -c $COMMAND"
scroll:up = echo scroll up
scroll:down = echo scroll down
type = custom/menu
; Available tags:
; <label:toggle> (default) - gets replaced with <label:(open|close)>
; <menu> (default)
;format = <label:toggle> <menu>
format:background = #111111
format:padding = 3
label:open = OPEN
label:close = CLOSE
menu:0:0 = Action 1
menu:0:0:foreground = #fba922
menu:0:0:exec = notify-send Action \#1
menu:0:1 = Action 2
menu:0:1:foreground = #fba922
menu:0:1:exec = menu_open:1
menu:0:2 = Action 3
menu:0:2:foreground = #fba922
menu:0:2:exec = menu_open:2
menu:1:0 = Cancel
menu:1:0:foreground = #fba922
menu:1:0:exec = menu_open:0
menu:1:1 = Confirm
menu:1:1:foreground = #fba922
menu:1:1:exec = notify-send Action \#2
menu:2:0 = Confirm
menu:2:0:foreground = #fba922
menu:2:0:exec = notify-send Action \#3
menu:2:1 = Cancel
menu:2:1:foreground = #fba922
menu:2:1:exec = menu_open:0