xcb-proto 1.13 finally introduces the eventstruct key that made polybar
not compile. The fix isn't in any release yet, this checks out the
newest xpp commit with the fix during compilation until we release 3.2.0
version.sh is supposed to set the GIT_TAG macro in version.hpp to the
output of 'git describe ...', however it uses relative paths and can't
find 'include/version.hpp'
'include/CMakeLists.txt' already has the same functionality so this is
not needed
Breaking Changes:
* Date module no longer supports non-padded specifiers (i.e. `%-d`) and potentially other specifiers, see #792
- Check http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/io/manip/put_time to see supported specifiers
* Setting background color to `background-0` with gradients (refer to https://github.com/jaagr/polybar/wiki/Known-Issues)
* Feat(mpd): State-specific formats (`format-playing`, `format-paused`, `format-stopped`) (#567), see #524
* Feat(ipc): Visibility commands (show, hide, toggle, restart, quit) (b6c5563)
* Feat(shell): Bash completion (#588)
* Feat(menu): `expand-right` option (#658), see #655
* Feat(temperature): hwmon sysfs support (#688), see #404
* Feat(cursor): Change cursors over clickable/scrollable areas (#727), see #721
* Feat(temperature): Fahrenheit and Celsius tokens (#804)
* Feat(mpd): Use mpd name tag or URI as fallback for title-less tracks (#823), see #815
* Fix(i3): Clicking workspaces without index (#521), see #520
* Fix(parser): Prefix options overriding format options (#729), see #544
* Fix(parser): Overline tags (eebf105)
* Fix(process_util): Prefix shell environment variable (`$POLYBAR_SHELL`) (86ff947), see #566
* Fix(parser): `%{R}` tag (reverse colors) (0bd8f1f), see #585
* Fix(renderer): Center block position with tray (389bae2 & #673), see #551 & #672
* Fix(xworkpaces): Active workspace with XMonad (#587), see #411 & #535
* Fix(config): Expand tilde, environment variable (d3b0670 & #724), see #603 & #719
* Fix(build): Remove curlbuild.h (#648), see #647
* Fix(renderer): Off by one error for actions (#663), see #661
* Fix(gcc): GCC 7.1 ([jaagr/xpp/#6](https://github.com/jaagr/xpp/pull/6))
* Fix(fs): Use `bytes_available` for `percentage_used` (138f5fa), see #710
* Fix(fs): Use `f_frsize` for calculations (a682d2a)
* Fix(date): Remove date string length limitation (#745), see #754
* Fix(renderer): Nested actions (#772), see #760 and #758
* Fix(i3): Check and warn if current workspace not found (#826), see #824
* Fix(github): Prevent module disappearing with no connection (#811), see #810
* Fix(renderer): Module gradients (#831), see #759
* Fix(build): Update deprecated jsoncpp Reader
The SRCINFO files should be generated from the PKGBUILDs using
`makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO` anyways. It doesn't make sense to
keep a copy in this repo
The `git cherry-pick` command creates a commit and thus requires a git
identity (username and/or email), if those are not set in the git
config, it will fail.
Since we don't really need a commit, this now just applies the changes
without committing them.
The `curl/curlbuild.h` header issue has been resolved after the last
release, as a consequence the AUR package doesn't build anymore without
altering the source before compiling.
This cherry-picks the fix commit to resolve the compile errors.