#pragma once #include <cairo/cairo-xcb.h> #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <deque> #include "cairo/font.hpp" #include "cairo/surface.hpp" #include "cairo/types.hpp" #include "cairo/utils.hpp" #include "common.hpp" #include "components/logger.hpp" #include "components/types.hpp" #include "errors.hpp" #include "utils/color.hpp" #include "utils/string.hpp" POLYBAR_NS namespace cairo { /** * \brief Cairo context */ class context { public: explicit context(const surface& surface, const logger& log) : m_c(cairo_create(surface)), m_log(log) { auto status = cairo_status(m_c); if (status != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) { throw application_error(sstream() << "cairo_status(): " << cairo_status_to_string(status)); } cairo_set_antialias(m_c, CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_GOOD); } virtual ~context() { cairo_destroy(m_c); } operator cairo_t*() const { return m_c; } context& operator<<(const surface& s) { cairo_set_source_surface(m_c, s, 0.0, 0.0); return *this; } context& operator<<(cairo_operator_t o) { cairo_set_operator(m_c, o); return *this; } context& operator<<(cairo_pattern_t* s) { cairo_set_source(m_c, s); return *this; } context& operator<<(const unsigned int& c) { // clang-format off cairo_set_source_rgba(m_c, color_util::red_channel<unsigned char>(c) / 255.0, color_util::green_channel<unsigned char>(c) / 255.0, color_util::blue_channel<unsigned char>(c) / 255.0, color_util::alpha_channel<unsigned char>(c) / 255.0); // clang-format on return *this; } context& operator<<(const abspos& p) { if (p.clear) { cairo_new_path(m_c); } cairo_move_to(m_c, p.x, p.y); return *this; } context& operator<<(const relpos& p) { cairo_rel_move_to(m_c, p.x, p.y); return *this; } context& operator<<(const rgba& f) { cairo_set_source_rgba(m_c, f.r, f.g, f.b, f.a); return *this; } context& operator<<(const rect& f) { cairo_rectangle(m_c, f.x, f.y, f.w, f.h); return *this; } context& operator<<(const line& l) { struct line p { l.x1, l.y1, l.x2, l.y2, l.w }; snap(&p.x1, &p.y1); snap(&p.x2, &p.y2); cairo_move_to(m_c, p.x1, p.y1); cairo_line_to(m_c, p.x2, p.y2); cairo_set_line_width(m_c, p.w); cairo_stroke(m_c); return *this; } context& operator<<(const translate& d) { cairo_translate(m_c, d.x, d.y); return *this; } context& operator<<(const linear_gradient& l) { auto stops = l.steps.size(); if (stops >= 2) { auto pattern = cairo_pattern_create_linear(l.x1, l.y1, l.x2, l.y2); auto step = 1.0 / (stops - 1); auto offset = 0.0; for (auto&& color : l.steps) { // clang-format off cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba(pattern, offset, color_util::red_channel<unsigned char>(color) / 255.0, color_util::green_channel<unsigned char>(color) / 255.0, color_util::blue_channel<unsigned char>(color) / 255.0, color_util::alpha_channel<unsigned char>(color) / 255.0); // clang-format on offset += step; } *this << pattern; cairo_pattern_destroy(pattern); } return *this; } context& operator<<(const rounded_corners& c) { double d = M_PI / 180.0; cairo_new_sub_path(m_c); cairo_arc(m_c, c.x + c.w - c.radius.top, c.y + c.radius.top, c.radius.top, -90 * d, 0 * d); cairo_arc(m_c, c.x + c.w - c.radius.bottom, c.y + c.h - c.radius.bottom, c.radius.bottom, 0 * d, 90 * d); cairo_arc(m_c, c.x + c.radius.bottom, c.y + c.h - c.radius.bottom, c.radius.bottom, 90 * d, 180 * d); cairo_arc(m_c, c.x + c.radius.top, c.y + c.radius.top, c.radius.top, 180 * d, 270 * d); cairo_close_path(m_c); return *this; } context& operator<<(const textblock& t) { double x, y; position(&x, &y); // Prioritize the preferred font vector<shared_ptr<font>> fns(m_fonts.begin(), m_fonts.end()); if (t.font > 0 && t.font <= std::distance(fns.begin(), fns.end())) { std::iter_swap(fns.begin(), fns.begin() + t.font - 1); } string utf8 = string(t.contents); utils::unicode_charlist chars; utils::utf8_to_ucs4((const unsigned char*)utf8.c_str(), chars); while (!chars.empty()) { auto remaining = chars.size(); for (auto&& f : fns) { unsigned int matches = 0; // Match as many glyphs as possible if the default/preferred font // is being tested. Otherwise test one glyph at a time against // the remaining fonts. Roll back to the top of the font list // when a glyph has been found. if (f == fns.front() && (matches = f->match(chars)) == 0) { continue; } else if (f != fns.front() && (matches = f->match(chars.front())) == 0) { continue; } string subset; auto end = chars.begin(); while (matches-- && end != chars.end()) { subset += utf8.substr(end->offset, end->length); end++; } // Use the font f->use(); // Get subset extents cairo_text_extents_t extents; f->textwidth(subset, &extents); // Draw the background if (t.bg_rect.h != 0.0) { save(); cairo_set_operator(m_c, t.bg_operator); *this << t.bg; cairo_rectangle(m_c, t.bg_rect.x + *t.x_advance, t.bg_rect.y + *t.y_advance, t.bg_rect.w + extents.x_advance, t.bg_rect.h); cairo_fill(m_c); restore(); } // Render subset auto fontextents = f->extents(); f->render(subset, x, y - (fontextents.descent / 2 - fontextents.height / 4) + f->offset()); // Get updated position position(&x, nullptr); // Increase position *t.x_advance += extents.x_advance; *t.y_advance += extents.y_advance; chars.erase(chars.begin(), end); break; } if (chars.empty()) { break; } else if (remaining != chars.size()) { continue; } char unicode[6]{'\0'}; utils::ucs4_to_utf8(unicode, chars.begin()->codepoint); m_log.warn("Dropping unmatched character %s (U+%04x) in '%s'", unicode, chars.begin()->codepoint, t.contents); utf8.erase(chars.begin()->offset, chars.begin()->length); for (auto&& c : chars) { c.offset -= chars.begin()->length; } chars.erase(chars.begin(), ++chars.begin()); } return *this; } context& operator<<(shared_ptr<font>&& f) { m_fonts.emplace_back(forward<decltype(f)>(f)); return *this; } context& save(bool save_point = false) { if (save_point) { m_points.emplace_front(make_pair<double, double>(0.0, 0.0)); position(&m_points.front().first, &m_points.front().second); } m_activegroups++; cairo_save(m_c); return *this; } context& restore(bool restore_point = false) { if (!m_activegroups) { throw application_error("Unmatched calls to save/restore"); } m_activegroups--; cairo_restore(m_c); if (restore_point && !m_points.empty()) { *this << abspos{m_points.front().first, m_points.front().first}; m_points.pop_front(); } return *this; } context& paint() { cairo_paint(m_c); return *this; } context& paint(double alpha) { cairo_paint_with_alpha(m_c, alpha); return *this; } context& fill(bool preserve = false) { if (preserve) { cairo_fill_preserve(m_c); } else { cairo_fill(m_c); } return *this; } context& mask(cairo_pattern_t* pattern) { cairo_mask(m_c, pattern); return *this; } context& pop(cairo_pattern_t** pattern) { *pattern = cairo_pop_group(m_c); return *this; } context& push() { cairo_push_group(m_c); return *this; } context& destroy(cairo_pattern_t** pattern) { cairo_pattern_destroy(*pattern); *pattern = nullptr; return *this; } context& clear(bool paint = true) { cairo_save(m_c); cairo_set_operator(m_c, CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR); if (paint) { cairo_paint(m_c); } else { cairo_fill_preserve(m_c); } cairo_restore(m_c); return *this; } context& clip(bool preserve = false) { if (preserve) { cairo_clip_preserve(m_c); } else { cairo_clip(m_c); cairo_new_path(m_c); } return *this; } context& clip(const rect& r) { *this << r; return clip(); } context& reset_clip() { cairo_reset_clip(m_c); return *this; } context& position(double* x, double* y = nullptr) { if (cairo_has_current_point(m_c)) { double x_, y_; x = x != nullptr ? x : &x_; y = y != nullptr ? y : &y_; cairo_get_current_point(m_c, x, y); } return *this; } context& snap(double* x, double* y) { cairo_user_to_device(m_c, x, y); *x = static_cast<int>(*x + 0.5); *y = static_cast<int>(*y + 0.5); return *this; } protected: cairo_t* m_c; const logger& m_log; vector<shared_ptr<font>> m_fonts; std::deque<pair<double, double>> m_points; int m_activegroups{0}; }; } // namespace cairo POLYBAR_NS_END