#pragma once #include #include "config.hpp" #include "drawtypes/label.hpp" #include "drawtypes/progressbar.hpp" #include "drawtypes/ramp.hpp" #include "modules/meta.hpp" LEMONBUDDY_NS namespace modules { struct cpu_time { unsigned long long user; unsigned long long nice; unsigned long long system; unsigned long long idle; unsigned long long total; }; using cpu_time_t = unique_ptr; class cpu_module : public timer_module { public: using timer_module::timer_module; void setup() { m_interval = chrono::duration(m_conf.get(name(), "interval", 1)); m_formatter->add(DEFAULT_FORMAT, TAG_LABEL, {TAG_LABEL, TAG_BAR_LOAD, TAG_RAMP_LOAD, TAG_RAMP_LOAD_PER_CORE}); if (m_formatter->has(TAG_BAR_LOAD)) m_barload = get_config_bar(m_bar, m_conf, name(), TAG_BAR_LOAD); if (m_formatter->has(TAG_RAMP_LOAD)) m_rampload = get_config_ramp(m_conf, name(), TAG_RAMP_LOAD); if (m_formatter->has(TAG_RAMP_LOAD_PER_CORE)) m_rampload_core = get_config_ramp(m_conf, name(), TAG_RAMP_LOAD_PER_CORE); if (m_formatter->has(TAG_LABEL)) m_label = get_optional_config_label(m_conf, name(), TAG_LABEL, "%percentage%"); // warmup read_values(); read_values(); } bool update() { if (!read_values()) return false; m_total = 0.0f; m_load.clear(); auto cores_n = m_cputimes.size(); if (!cores_n) return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < cores_n; i++) { auto load = get_load(i); m_total += load; m_load.emplace_back(load); } m_total = m_total / static_cast(cores_n); if (m_label) { m_label->reset_tokens(); m_label->replace_token("%percentage%", to_string(static_cast(m_total + 0.5f)) + "%"); } return true; } bool build(builder* builder, string tag) const { if (tag == TAG_LABEL) builder->node(m_label); else if (tag == TAG_BAR_LOAD) builder->node(m_barload->output(m_total)); else if (tag == TAG_RAMP_LOAD) builder->node(m_rampload->get_by_percentage(m_total)); else if (tag == TAG_RAMP_LOAD_PER_CORE) { auto i = 0; for (auto&& load : m_load) { if (i++ > 0) builder->space(1); builder->node(m_rampload_core->get_by_percentage(load)); } builder->node(builder->flush()); } else return false; return true; } protected: bool read_values() { m_cputimes_prev.swap(m_cputimes); m_cputimes.clear(); try { std::ifstream in(PATH_CPU_INFO); string str; while (std::getline(in, str) && str.compare(0, 3, "cpu") == 0) { // skip line with accumulated value if (str.compare(0, 4, "cpu ") == 0) continue; auto values = string_util::split(str, ' '); m_cputimes.emplace_back(new cpu_time); m_cputimes.back()->user = std::stoull(values[1].c_str(), 0, 10); m_cputimes.back()->nice = std::stoull(values[2].c_str(), 0, 10); m_cputimes.back()->system = std::stoull(values[3].c_str(), 0, 10); m_cputimes.back()->idle = std::stoull(values[4].c_str(), 0, 10); m_cputimes.back()->total = m_cputimes.back()->user + m_cputimes.back()->nice + m_cputimes.back()->system + m_cputimes.back()->idle; } } catch (const std::ios_base::failure& e) { m_log.err("Failed to read CPU values (what: %s)", e.what()); } return !m_cputimes.empty(); } float get_load(size_t core) const { if (m_cputimes.empty() || m_cputimes_prev.empty()) return 0; else if (core >= m_cputimes.size() || core >= m_cputimes_prev.size()) return 0; auto& last = m_cputimes[core]; auto& prev = m_cputimes_prev[core]; auto last_idle = last->idle; auto prev_idle = prev->idle; auto diff = last->total - prev->total; if (diff == 0) return 0; float percentage = 100.0f * (diff - (last_idle - prev_idle)) / diff; return math_util::cap(percentage, 0, 100); } private: static constexpr auto TAG_LABEL = "