#pragma once #include <dwmipcpp/connection.hpp> #include "modules/meta/event_module.hpp" #include "modules/meta/input_handler.hpp" POLYBAR_NS namespace modules { class dwm_module : public event_module<dwm_module>, public input_handler { public: explicit dwm_module(const bar_settings&, string); using tag_mask_t = unsigned int; using window_t = unsigned int; /** * Represents the relevant states a tag can have */ enum class state_t : uint8_t { FOCUSED, ///< Monitor is selected and tag is selected, overrides all below URGENT, ///< Tag is urgent, overrides all below UNFOCUSED, ///< Monitor is not selected, but tag is selected VISIBLE, ///< Tag is not selected, but occupied EMPTY ///< Tag is unoccupied and unselected }; /** * Associates important properties of a tag */ struct tag_t { /** * Construct a tag_t object * * @param name Name of tag * @param tag_mask_t Bit mask that represents this tag * @param state Current state of the tag * @param label Label to use for building tag on bar */ tag_t(string& name, tag_mask_t bit_mask, state_t state, label_t&& label) : name(name), bit_mask(bit_mask), state(state), label(forward<label_t>(label)) {} string name; tag_mask_t bit_mask; state_t state; label_t label; }; auto stop() -> void override; auto has_event() -> bool; auto update() -> bool; auto build(builder* builder, const string& tag) const -> bool; protected: auto input(string&& cmd) -> bool override; private: static constexpr const char* DEFAULT_FORMAT_TAGS{"<label-tags> <label-layout> <label-title>"}; static constexpr const char* DEFAULT_STATE_LABEL{"%name%"}; /** * The tags label is replaced with the tags. Each tag is displayed using one * of the following labels based on the tag state: * * label-focused * * label-unfocused * * label-visible * * label-urgent * * label-empty */ static constexpr const char* TAG_LABEL_TAGS{"<label-tags>"}; /** * The layout label is replaced by the current layout symbol */ static constexpr const char* TAG_LABEL_LAYOUT{"<label-layout>"}; /** * The title layout is replaced by the currently focused window title */ static constexpr const char* TAG_LABEL_TITLE{"<label-title>"}; /** * All input handler commands start with this */ static constexpr const char* EVENT_PREFIX{"dwm-"}; /** * DWM command for changing the view to a tag with the specified bit mask */ static constexpr const char* CMD_TAG_VIEW{"view"}; /** * DWM command for toggling the selected state of a tag with the specified * bit mask */ static constexpr const char* CMD_TAG_TOGGLE_VIEW{"toggleview"}; /** * DWM command for setting the layout to a layout specified by the address */ static constexpr const char* CMD_LAYOUT_SET{"setlayoutsafe"}; /** * Called by has_event on layout changes. This updates the layout label * * @param ev Event data */ void on_layout_change(const dwmipc::LayoutChangeEvent& ev); /** * Called by has_event when a new monitor is in focus. This updates * m_active_mon to keep track of the currently active monitor. * * @param ev Event data */ void on_monitor_focus_change(const dwmipc::MonitorFocusChangeEvent& ev); /** * Called by has_event when any of the tag states change. This updates the * m_tags array and their states/labels. * * @param ev Event data */ void on_tag_change(const dwmipc::TagChangeEvent& ev); /** * Called by has_event when a new client is in focus. This updates * m_focused_client_id and updates the title label * * @param ev Event data */ void on_client_focus_change(const dwmipc::ClientFocusChangeEvent& ev); /** * Called by has_event when the title of the currently focused window * changes. This updates the title label. * * @param ev Event data */ void on_focused_title_change(const dwmipc::FocusedTitleChangeEvent& ev); /** * Get a list of monitors from dwm, store them in m_monitors, and update the * pointers to the active monitor and bar monitor. * * @param ev Event data */ void update_monitor_ref(); /** * Update the labels for each tag based on their state */ void update_tag_labels(); /** * Get the window title of the currently focused client from dwm and update * the title label */ void update_title_label(); /** * Translate the tag's tag states to a state_t enum value * * @param bit_mask Bit mask of the tag * * @return state_t enum value representing the state of the tag */ auto get_state(tag_mask_t bit_mask) const -> state_t; /** * Get the address to the layout represented by the symbol. */ auto find_layout(const string& sym) const -> const dwmipc::Layout*; /** * Get the address to the layout represented by the address. */ auto find_layout(uintptr_t addr) const -> const dwmipc::Layout*; /** * Get the address of the next layout in m_layouts. * * @param layout Address of the current layout * @param wrap True to wrap around the array, false to return the same * layout if the next layout does not exist. */ auto next_layout(const dwmipc::Layout& layout, bool wrap) const -> const dwmipc::Layout*; /** * Get the address of the previous layout in m_layouts. * * @param layout Address of the current layout * @param wrap True to wrap around the array, false to return the same * layout if the next layout does not exist. */ auto prev_layout(const dwmipc::Layout& layout, bool wrap) const -> const dwmipc::Layout*; /** * Check if the command matches the specified IPC command name and if so, * parse and send the command to dwm * * @param cmd The command string given by dwm_modue::input * @param ipc_cmd The name of dwm IPC command to check for * * @return true if the command matched, was succesfully parsed, and sent to * dwm, false otherwise */ auto check_send_cmd(string cmd, const string& ipc_cmd) -> bool; /** * Helper function to build cmd string * * @param ipc_cmd The dwm IPC command name * @param arg The argument to the dwm command */ auto static build_cmd(const char* ipc_cmd, const string& arg) -> string; /** * Attempt to connect to any disconnected dwm sockets. Catch errors. */ auto reconnect_dwm() -> bool; /** * If true, enables the click handlers for the tags */ bool m_tags_click{true}; /** * If true, enables the click handlers for the layout label */ bool m_layout_click{true}; /** * If true, scrolling the layout cycle through available layouts */ bool m_layout_scroll{true}; /** * If true, scrolling the layout will wrap around to the beginning */ bool m_layout_wrap{true}; /** * If true, scrolling the layout will cycle layouts in the reverse direction */ bool m_layout_reverse{false}; /** * If the layout symbol is clicked on, it will set the layout represented by * this symbol. The default is monocle mode [M]. */ string m_secondary_layout_symbol{"[M]"}; /** * Holds the address to the secondary layout specified by the secondary * layout symbol */ const dwmipc::Layout* m_secondary_layout = nullptr; /** * Holds the address to the current layout */ const dwmipc::Layout* m_current_layout = nullptr; /** * Holds the address to the default layout */ const dwmipc::Layout* m_default_layout = nullptr; /** * Holds the address to the currently active monitor in the m_monitors array */ const dwmipc::Monitor* m_active_mon = nullptr; /** * Holds the address to the bar monitor in the m_monitors array */ const dwmipc::Monitor* m_bar_mon = nullptr; /** * XID of the currently focused client */ window_t m_focused_client_id = 0; /** * Current layout symbol */ label_t m_layout_label; /** * Inserted between tags */ label_t m_seperator_label; /** * Title of the currently focused window on the bar's monitor */ label_t m_title_label; /** * Connection to DWM */ unique_ptr<dwmipc::Connection> m_ipc; /** * Vector of monitors returned by m_ipc->get_monitors */ shared_ptr<vector<dwmipc::Monitor>> m_monitors; /** * Vector of layouts returned by m_ipc->get_layouts */ shared_ptr<vector<dwmipc::Layout>> m_layouts; /** * Maps state_t enum values to their corresponding labels */ std::unordered_map<state_t, label_t> m_state_labels; /** * Vector of all tags */ vector<tag_t> m_tags; }; } // namespace modules POLYBAR_NS_END