#pragma once #include "adapters/mpd.hpp" #include "drawtypes/iconset.hpp" #include "drawtypes/label.hpp" #include "drawtypes/progressbar.hpp" #include "modules/meta.hpp" #include "utils/threading.hpp" LEMONBUDDY_NS using namespace mpd; namespace modules { class mpd_module : public event_module { public: using event_module::event_module; void setup() { m_host = m_conf.get(name(), "host", m_host); m_port = m_conf.get(name(), "port", m_port); m_pass = m_conf.get(name(), "password", m_pass); m_synctime = m_conf.get(name(), "interval", m_synctime); // Add formats and elements {{{ m_formatter->add(FORMAT_ONLINE, TAG_LABEL_SONG, {TAG_BAR_PROGRESS, TAG_TOGGLE, TAG_LABEL_SONG, TAG_LABEL_TIME, TAG_ICON_RANDOM, TAG_ICON_REPEAT, TAG_ICON_REPEAT_ONE, TAG_ICON_PREV, TAG_ICON_STOP, TAG_ICON_PLAY, TAG_ICON_PAUSE, TAG_ICON_NEXT, TAG_ICON_SEEKB, TAG_ICON_SEEKF}); m_formatter->add(FORMAT_OFFLINE, "", {TAG_LABEL_OFFLINE}); m_icons = iconset_t{new iconset()}; if (m_formatter->has(TAG_ICON_PLAY) || m_formatter->has(TAG_TOGGLE)) m_icons->add("play", get_config_icon(m_conf, name(), TAG_ICON_PLAY)); if (m_formatter->has(TAG_ICON_PAUSE) || m_formatter->has(TAG_TOGGLE)) m_icons->add("pause", get_config_icon(m_conf, name(), TAG_ICON_PAUSE)); if (m_formatter->has(TAG_ICON_STOP)) m_icons->add("stop", get_config_icon(m_conf, name(), TAG_ICON_STOP)); if (m_formatter->has(TAG_ICON_PREV)) m_icons->add("prev", get_config_icon(m_conf, name(), TAG_ICON_PREV)); if (m_formatter->has(TAG_ICON_NEXT)) m_icons->add("next", get_config_icon(m_conf, name(), TAG_ICON_NEXT)); if (m_formatter->has(TAG_ICON_SEEKB)) m_icons->add("seekb", get_config_icon(m_conf, name(), TAG_ICON_SEEKB)); if (m_formatter->has(TAG_ICON_SEEKF)) m_icons->add("seekf", get_config_icon(m_conf, name(), TAG_ICON_SEEKF)); if (m_formatter->has(TAG_ICON_RANDOM)) m_icons->add("random", get_config_icon(m_conf, name(), TAG_ICON_RANDOM)); if (m_formatter->has(TAG_ICON_REPEAT)) m_icons->add("repeat", get_config_icon(m_conf, name(), TAG_ICON_REPEAT)); if (m_formatter->has(TAG_ICON_REPEAT_ONE)) m_icons->add("repeat_one", get_config_icon(m_conf, name(), TAG_ICON_REPEAT_ONE)); if (m_formatter->has(TAG_LABEL_SONG)) { m_label_song = get_optional_config_label(m_conf, name(), TAG_LABEL_SONG, "%artist% - %title%"); m_label_song_tokenized = m_label_song->clone(); } if (m_formatter->has(TAG_LABEL_TIME)) { m_label_time = get_optional_config_label(m_conf, name(), TAG_LABEL_TIME, "%elapsed% / %total%"); m_label_time_tokenized = m_label_time->clone(); } if (m_formatter->has(TAG_ICON_RANDOM) || m_formatter->has(TAG_ICON_REPEAT) || m_formatter->has(TAG_ICON_REPEAT_ONE)) { m_toggle_on_color = m_conf.get(name(), "toggle-on-foreground", ""); m_toggle_off_color = m_conf.get(name(), "toggle-off-foreground", ""); } if (m_formatter->has(TAG_LABEL_OFFLINE, FORMAT_OFFLINE)) m_label_offline = get_config_label(m_conf, name(), TAG_LABEL_OFFLINE); if (m_formatter->has(TAG_BAR_PROGRESS)) { m_bar_progress = get_config_bar(m_bar, m_conf, name(), TAG_BAR_PROGRESS); } // }}} m_lastsync = chrono::system_clock::now(); try { m_mpd = make_unique(m_log, m_host, m_port, m_pass); m_mpd->connect(); m_status = m_mpd->get_status(); } catch (const mpd_exception& e) { m_log.err("%s: %s", name(), e.what()); } } void teardown() { if (m_mpd && m_mpd->connected()) { try { m_mpd->disconnect(); } catch (const mpd_exception& e) { m_log.trace("%s: %s", name(), e.what()); } } else { wakeup(); } } void idle() { if (m_mpd && m_mpd->connected()) sleep(80ms); else { sleep(10s); } } bool has_event() { if (!m_mpd->connected()) { m_connection_state_broadcasted = false; try { m_mpd->connect(); } catch (const mpd_exception& e) { m_log.trace("%s: %s", name(), e.what()); } if (!m_mpd->connected()) { return false; } } if (!m_status) m_status = m_mpd->get_status_safe(); try { m_mpd->idle(); int idle_flags; if ((idle_flags = m_mpd->noidle()) != 0) { m_status->update(idle_flags, m_mpd.get()); return true; } else if (m_status->match_state(mpdstate::PLAYING)) { m_status->update_timer(); } } catch (const mpd_exception& e) { m_log.err(e.what()); m_mpd->disconnect(); return true; } if ((m_label_time || m_bar_progress) && m_status->match_state(mpdstate::PLAYING)) { auto now = chrono::system_clock::now(); auto diff = now - m_lastsync; if (chrono::duration_cast(diff).count() > m_synctime * 1000) { m_lastsync = now; return true; } } return !m_connection_state_broadcasted; } bool update() { if (!m_mpd->connected()) return true; if (!m_status && !(m_status = m_mpd->get_status_safe())) return true; m_connection_state_broadcasted = true; string artist; string album; string title; string elapsed_str; string total_str; try { elapsed_str = m_status->get_formatted_elapsed(); total_str = m_status->get_formatted_total(); auto song = m_mpd->get_song(); if (song && song.get()) { artist = song->get_artist(); album = song->get_album(); title = song->get_title(); } } catch (const mpd_exception& e) { m_log.err(e.what()); m_mpd->disconnect(); return true; } if (m_label_song_tokenized) { m_label_song_tokenized->m_text = m_label_song->m_text; m_label_song_tokenized->replace_token( "%artist%", !artist.empty() ? artist : "untitled artist"); m_label_song_tokenized->replace_token("%album%", !album.empty() ? album : "untitled album"); m_label_song_tokenized->replace_token("%title%", !title.empty() ? title : "untitled track"); } if (m_label_time_tokenized) { m_label_time_tokenized->m_text = m_label_time->m_text; m_label_time_tokenized->replace_token("%elapsed%", elapsed_str); m_label_time_tokenized->replace_token("%total%", total_str); } if (m_icons->has("random")) m_icons->get("random")->m_foreground = m_status->random() ? m_toggle_on_color : m_toggle_off_color; if (m_icons->has("repeat")) m_icons->get("repeat")->m_foreground = m_status->repeat() ? m_toggle_on_color : m_toggle_off_color; if (m_icons->has("repeat_one")) m_icons->get("repeat_one")->m_foreground = m_status->single() ? m_toggle_on_color : m_toggle_off_color; return true; } string get_format() { return m_mpd->connected() ? FORMAT_ONLINE : FORMAT_OFFLINE; } bool build(builder* builder, string tag) { bool is_playing = false; bool is_paused = false; bool is_stopped = true; int elapsed_percentage = 0; if (m_status) { elapsed_percentage = m_status->get_elapsed_percentage(); if (m_status->match_state(mpdstate::PLAYING)) is_playing = true; if (m_status->match_state(mpdstate::PAUSED)) is_paused = true; if (!(m_status->match_state(mpdstate::STOPPED))) is_stopped = false; } auto icon_cmd = [&builder](string cmd, icon_t icon) { builder->cmd(mousebtn::LEFT, cmd); builder->node(icon); builder->cmd_close(); }; if (tag == TAG_LABEL_SONG && !is_stopped) builder->node(m_label_song_tokenized); else if (tag == TAG_LABEL_TIME && !is_stopped) builder->node(m_label_time_tokenized); else if (tag == TAG_BAR_PROGRESS && !is_stopped) builder->node(m_bar_progress->output(elapsed_percentage)); else if (tag == TAG_LABEL_OFFLINE) builder->node(m_label_offline); else if (tag == TAG_ICON_RANDOM) icon_cmd(EVENT_RANDOM, m_icons->get("random")); else if (tag == TAG_ICON_REPEAT) icon_cmd(EVENT_REPEAT, m_icons->get("repeat")); else if (tag == TAG_ICON_REPEAT_ONE) icon_cmd(EVENT_REPEAT_ONE, m_icons->get("repeat_one")); else if (tag == TAG_ICON_PREV) icon_cmd(EVENT_PREV, m_icons->get("prev")); else if (tag == TAG_ICON_STOP && (is_playing || is_paused)) icon_cmd(EVENT_STOP, m_icons->get("stop")); else if ((tag == TAG_ICON_PAUSE || tag == TAG_TOGGLE) && is_playing) icon_cmd(EVENT_PAUSE, m_icons->get("pause")); else if ((tag == TAG_ICON_PLAY || tag == TAG_TOGGLE) && !is_playing) icon_cmd(EVENT_PLAY, m_icons->get("play")); else if (tag == TAG_ICON_NEXT) icon_cmd(EVENT_NEXT, m_icons->get("next")); else if (tag == TAG_ICON_SEEKB) icon_cmd(string(EVENT_SEEK).append("-5"), m_icons->get("seekb")); else if (tag == TAG_ICON_SEEKF) icon_cmd(string(EVENT_SEEK).append("+5"), m_icons->get("seekf")); else return false; return true; } bool handle_event(string cmd) { if (cmd.compare(0, 3, "mpd") != 0) return false; try { auto mpd = make_unique(m_log, m_host, m_port, m_pass); mpd->connect(); auto status = mpd->get_status(); if (cmd == EVENT_PLAY) mpd->play(); else if (cmd == EVENT_PAUSE) mpd->pause(!(status->match_state(mpdstate::PAUSED))); else if (cmd == EVENT_STOP) mpd->stop(); else if (cmd == EVENT_PREV) mpd->prev(); else if (cmd == EVENT_NEXT) mpd->next(); else if (cmd == EVENT_REPEAT_ONE) mpd->set_single(!status->single()); else if (cmd == EVENT_REPEAT) mpd->set_repeat(!status->repeat()); else if (cmd == EVENT_RANDOM) mpd->set_random(!status->random()); else if (cmd.compare(0, strlen(EVENT_SEEK), EVENT_SEEK) == 0) { auto s = cmd.substr(strlen(EVENT_SEEK)); int percentage = 0; if (s.empty()) return false; if (s[0] == '+') { percentage = status->get_elapsed_percentage() + std::atoi(s.substr(1).c_str()); } else if (s[0] == '-') { percentage = status->get_elapsed_percentage() - std::atoi(s.substr(1).c_str()); } else { percentage = std::atoi(s.c_str()); } mpd->seek(status->get_songid(), status->get_seek_position(percentage)); } else return false; } catch (const mpd_exception& e) { m_log.err("%s: %s", name(), e.what()); } return true; } bool receive_events() const { return true; } private: // static const int PROGRESSBAR_THREAD_SYNC_COUNT = 10; // const chrono::duration PROGRESSBAR_THREAD_INTERVAL = 1s; static constexpr auto FORMAT_ONLINE = "format-online"; static constexpr auto TAG_BAR_PROGRESS = ""; static constexpr auto TAG_TOGGLE = ""; static constexpr auto TAG_LABEL_SONG = ""; static constexpr auto TAG_LABEL_TIME = ""; static constexpr auto TAG_ICON_RANDOM = ""; static constexpr auto TAG_ICON_REPEAT = ""; static constexpr auto TAG_ICON_REPEAT_ONE = ""; static constexpr auto TAG_ICON_PREV = ""; static constexpr auto TAG_ICON_STOP = ""; static constexpr auto TAG_ICON_PLAY = ""; static constexpr auto TAG_ICON_PAUSE = ""; static constexpr auto TAG_ICON_NEXT = ""; static constexpr auto TAG_ICON_SEEKB = ""; static constexpr auto TAG_ICON_SEEKF = ""; static constexpr auto FORMAT_OFFLINE = "format-offline"; static constexpr auto TAG_LABEL_OFFLINE = ""; static constexpr auto EVENT_PLAY = "mpdplay"; static constexpr auto EVENT_PAUSE = "mpdpause"; static constexpr auto EVENT_STOP = "mpdstop"; static constexpr auto EVENT_PREV = "mpdprev"; static constexpr auto EVENT_NEXT = "mpdnext"; static constexpr auto EVENT_REPEAT = "mpdrepeat"; static constexpr auto EVENT_REPEAT_ONE = "mpdrepeatone"; static constexpr auto EVENT_RANDOM = "mpdrandom"; static constexpr auto EVENT_SEEK = "mpdseek"; progressbar_t m_bar_progress; iconset_t m_icons; label_t m_label_song; label_t m_label_song_tokenized; label_t m_label_time; label_t m_label_time_tokenized; label_t m_label_offline; unique_ptr m_mpd; unique_ptr m_status; string m_host = ""; string m_pass = ""; unsigned int m_port = 6600; string m_toggle_on_color; string m_toggle_off_color; chrono::system_clock::time_point m_lastsync; float m_synctime = 1.0f; string m_progress_fill; string m_progress_empty; string m_progress_indicator; // This flag is used to let thru a broadcast once every time // the connection state changes stateflag m_connection_state_broadcasted{true}; }; } LEMONBUDDY_NS_END