#include "common.hpp"
#include "components/bar.hpp"
#include "components/command_line.hpp"
#include "components/config.hpp"
#include "components/controller.hpp"
#include "components/ipc.hpp"
#include "components/logger.hpp"
#include "components/parser.hpp"
#include "components/renderer.hpp"
#include "settings.hpp"
#include "utils/env.hpp"
#include "utils/file.hpp"
#include "utils/inotify.hpp"
#include "utils/io.hpp"
#include "utils/process.hpp"
#include "x11/connection.hpp"
#include "x11/tray_manager.hpp"

using namespace polybar;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  // clang-format off
  const command_line::options opts{
      command_line::option{"-h", "--help", "Display this help and exit"},
      command_line::option{"-v", "--version", "Display build details and exit"},
      command_line::option{"-l", "--log", "Set the logging verbosity (default: WARNING)", "LEVEL", {"error", "warning", "info", "trace"}},
      command_line::option{"-q", "--quiet", "Be quiet (will override -l)"},
      command_line::option{"-c", "--config", "Path to the configuration file", "FILE"},
      command_line::option{"-r", "--reload", "Reload when the configuration has been modified"},
      command_line::option{"-d", "--dump", "Print value of PARAM in section [bar_name] and exit", "PARAM"},
      command_line::option{"-m", "--list-monitors", "Print list of available monitors and exit"},
      command_line::option{"-w", "--print-wmname", "Print the generated WM_NAME and exit"},
      command_line::option{"-s", "--stdout", "Output data to stdout instead of drawing the X window"},
  // clang-format on

  uint8_t exit_code{EXIT_SUCCESS};
  bool reload{false};

  logger& logger{const_cast<decltype(logger)>(logger::make(loglevel::WARNING))};

  try {
    // Parse command line arguments
    string scriptname{argv[0]};
    vector<string> args{argv + 1, argv + argc};

    command_line::parser::make_type cli{command_line::parser::make(move(scriptname), move(opts))};

    if (cli->has("quiet")) {
    } else if (cli->has("log")) {

    if (cli->has("help")) {
      return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    } else if (cli->has("version")) {
      return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    } else if (args.empty() || args[0][0] == '-') {
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

    // Connect to X server
    Display* xdisplay{XOpenDisplay(nullptr)};

    if (xdisplay == nullptr) {
      logger.err("A connection to X could not be established... ");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

    connection& conn{connection::make(xdisplay)};
    conn.ensure_event_mask(conn.root(), XCB_EVENT_MASK_PROPERTY_CHANGE);

    // Load user configuration
    string confpath;

    if (cli->has("config")) {
      confpath = cli->get("config");
    } else if (env_util::has("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")) {
      confpath = env_util::get("XDG_CONFIG_HOME") + "/polybar/config";
    } else if (env_util::has("HOME")) {
      confpath = env_util::get("HOME") + "/.config/polybar/config";
    } else {
      throw application_error("Define configuration using --config=PATH");

    config::make_type conf{config::make(move(confpath), args[0])};

    // Dump requested data
    if (cli->has("dump")) {
      printf("%s\n", conf.get(conf.section(), cli->get("dump")).c_str());
      return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    if (cli->has("print-wmname")) {
      printf("%s\n", bar::make(true)->settings().wmname.c_str());
      return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    if (cli->has("list-monitors")) {
      for (auto&& mon : randr_util::get_monitors(conn, conn.root(), true)) {
        if (ENABLE_XRANDR_MONITORS && mon->output == XCB_NONE) {
          printf("%s: %ix%i+%i+%i\n", mon->name.c_str(), mon->w, mon->h, mon->x, mon->y);
        } else {
          printf("%s: %ix%i+%i+%i (XRandR monitor)\n", mon->name.c_str(), mon->w, mon->h, mon->x, mon->y);
      return EXIT_SUCCESS;

    // Create controller and run application
    unique_ptr<ipc> ipc{};
    unique_ptr<inotify_watch> config_watch{};

    if (conf.get(conf.section(), "enable-ipc", false)) {
      ipc = ipc::make();
    if (cli->has("reload")) {
      config_watch = inotify_util::make_watch(conf.filepath());

    auto ctrl = controller::make(move(ipc), move(config_watch));

    if (!ctrl->run(cli->has("stdout"))) {
      reload = true;
  } catch (const exception& err) {
    exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE;

  logger.info("Waiting for spawned processes to end");
  while (process_util::notify_childprocess()) {

  if (reload) {
    logger.info("Re-launching application...");
    process_util::exec(move(argv[0]), move(argv));

  logger.info("Reached end of application...");
  return exit_code;