#pragma once #include <xcb/xcb.h> #include <string> #include <unordered_map> #include "common.hpp" #include "utils/color.hpp" POLYBAR_NS // fwd {{{ struct randr_output; using monitor_t = shared_ptr<randr_output>; namespace drawtypes { class label; } using label_t = shared_ptr<drawtypes::label>; // }}} struct enum_hash { template <typename T> inline typename std::enable_if<std::is_enum<T>::value, size_t>::type operator()(T const value) const { return static_cast<size_t>(value); } }; enum class edge { NONE = 0, TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT, RIGHT, ALL }; enum class alignment { NONE = 0, LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT }; enum class mousebtn { NONE = 0, LEFT, MIDDLE, RIGHT, SCROLL_UP, SCROLL_DOWN, DOUBLE_LEFT, DOUBLE_MIDDLE, DOUBLE_RIGHT, // Terminator value, do not use BTN_COUNT, }; static inline mousebtn mousebtn_get_double(mousebtn btn) { switch (btn) { case mousebtn::LEFT: return mousebtn::DOUBLE_LEFT; case mousebtn::MIDDLE: return mousebtn::DOUBLE_MIDDLE; case mousebtn::RIGHT: return mousebtn::DOUBLE_RIGHT; default: return mousebtn::NONE; } } /** * Order of values for _NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL * * https://specifications.freedesktop.org/wm-spec/wm-spec-latest.html#idm45381391268672 */ enum class strut { LEFT = 0, RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT_START_Y, LEFT_END_Y, RIGHT_START_Y, RIGHT_END_Y, TOP_START_X, TOP_END_X, BOTTOM_START_X, BOTTOM_END_X, }; struct position { int x{0}; int y{0}; }; struct size { unsigned int w{1U}; unsigned int h{1U}; }; enum class spacing_type { SPACE, POINT, PIXEL }; enum class extent_type { POINT, PIXEL }; struct spacing_val { spacing_type type{spacing_type::SPACE}; /** * Numerical spacing value. Is truncated to an integer for pixels and spaces. * Must be non-negative. */ float value{0}; /** * Any non-positive number is interpreted as no spacing. */ operator bool() const { return value > 0; } }; static constexpr spacing_val ZERO_SPACE = {spacing_type::SPACE, 0}; /* * Defines the signed length of something as either a number of pixels or points. * * Used for widths, heights, and offsets */ struct extent_val { extent_type type{extent_type::PIXEL}; float value{0}; operator bool() const { return value != 0; } }; static constexpr extent_val ZERO_PX_EXTENT = {extent_type::PIXEL, 0}; struct side_values { spacing_val left{ZERO_SPACE}; spacing_val right{ZERO_SPACE}; }; struct percentage_with_offset { double percentage{0}; extent_val offset{ZERO_PX_EXTENT}; }; struct radius { double top_left{0.0}; double top_right{0.0}; double bottom_left{0.0}; double bottom_right{0.0}; operator bool() const { return top_left != 0.0 || top_right != 0.0 || bottom_left != 0.0 || bottom_right != 0.0; } }; struct border_settings { rgba color{0xFF000000}; unsigned int size{0U}; }; struct line_settings { rgba color{0xFF000000}; unsigned int size{0U}; }; struct action { mousebtn button{mousebtn::NONE}; string command{}; }; struct bar_settings { explicit bar_settings() = default; bar_settings(const bar_settings& other) = default; xcb_window_t window{XCB_NONE}; monitor_t monitor{}; bool monitor_strict{false}; bool monitor_exact{true}; bool bottom{false}; struct size size { 1U, 1U }; double dpi_x{0.}; double dpi_y{0.}; position pos{0, 0}; position offset{0, 0}; side_values padding{ZERO_SPACE, ZERO_SPACE}; side_values module_margin{ZERO_SPACE, ZERO_SPACE}; struct { int top; int bottom; } strut{0, 0}; rgba background{0xFF000000}; rgba foreground{0xFFFFFFFF}; vector<rgba> background_steps; line_settings underline{}; line_settings overline{}; std::unordered_map<edge, border_settings, enum_hash> borders{}; struct radius radius {}; /** * TODO deprecated */ spacing_val spacing{ZERO_SPACE}; label_t separator{}; string wmname{}; string locale{}; bool override_redirect{false}; int double_click_interval{400}; /** * Name of cursor to use for clickable areas */ string cursor_click{}; /** * Name of cursor to use for scrollable areas */ string cursor_scroll{}; vector<action> actions{}; bool dimmed{false}; double dimvalue{1.0}; const xcb_rectangle_t inner_area(bool abspos = false) const { xcb_rectangle_t rect = this->outer_area(abspos); if (borders.find(edge::TOP) != borders.end()) { rect.y += borders.at(edge::TOP).size; rect.height -= borders.at(edge::TOP).size; } if (borders.find(edge::BOTTOM) != borders.end()) { rect.height -= borders.at(edge::BOTTOM).size; } if (borders.find(edge::LEFT) != borders.end()) { rect.x += borders.at(edge::LEFT).size; rect.width -= borders.at(edge::LEFT).size; } if (borders.find(edge::RIGHT) != borders.end()) { rect.width -= borders.at(edge::RIGHT).size; } return rect; } const xcb_rectangle_t outer_area(bool abspos = false) const { xcb_rectangle_t rect{0, 0, 0, 0}; rect.width += size.w; rect.height += size.h; if (abspos) { rect.x = pos.x; rect.y = pos.y; } return rect; } }; struct event_timer { xcb_timestamp_t event{0L}; xcb_timestamp_t offset{1L}; bool allow(xcb_timestamp_t time) { bool pass = time >= event + offset; event = time; return pass; }; bool deny(xcb_timestamp_t time) { return !allow(time); }; }; enum class output_policy { REDIRECTED, IGNORED, }; POLYBAR_NS_END