Packaging Polybar

Do you want to package polybar for a distro? Great! Read this page to get

First Steps

Before you get started, have a look at the `Packaging Label
<>`_ on our GitHub
repo and `Repology <>`_ to see if
polybar is already packaged for that distro or if there are efforts to do so.

Even if a package already exists, it might still make sense for you to package
polybar in some cases. Some of these cases are:

- The existing package is out-of-date and the packager is no longer able/willing
  to continue maintaining the package (or they are simply not reachable
- The existing package exist in some non-official repository and you are able to
  introduce the package into the official package repository for the
  distro/package manager. For example if there is a PPA providing polybar for
  Ubuntu and you can add polybar to the official Ubuntu repositories, please do

The list above is not exhaustive, if you are unsure, feel free to ask in a new
GitHub issue or on `Gitter <>`_. Please also ask if you
run into any polybar related issues while packaging.


If you haven't already, carefully read the `Compiling
<>`_ wiki page to make sure you
fully understand all the dependencies involved and how to build polybar

We can't really tell you how to create a package for your distro, you need to
figure that out yourself. But we can give you some guidance on building polybar
for a package

Gathering the Source Code

Unless you are creating a package that tracks the ``master`` branch, don't clone
the git repository. We provide a tarball with all the required source code on
our `Release Page <>`_, use that in
your build.

Configuring and Compiling

.. note::

  Do not use the ```` script for building polybar for your package. The
  usage and flags of the script may change without notice and we don't consider
  that a breaking change.

You can mostly follow the instructions on the `wiki
<>`_ for how to
compile polybar, but there are some additional ``cmake`` arguments you might
want to use:

- ``-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release``: As of writing this is already the default, but
  use it just to be on the safe side.
- ``-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr``: Without this all the polybar files will be
  installed under ``/usr/local``. However, for packages it is often recommended
  they directly install to ``/usr``. So this flag will install polybar to
  ``/usr/bin/polybar`` instead of ``/usr/local/bin/polybar``. The packaging
  guidelines for your distro may disagree with this, in that case be sure to
  follow your distro's guidelines.

Instead of ``sudo make install``, you will most likely want to use
``DESTDIR=<dir> make install``. That way the files will be installed into
``<dir>`` instead of your filesystem root.

Finishing Up

Finally, subscribe to our `GitHub thread for package maintainers
<>`_ to get notified about new
releases and changes to how polybar is built.
If you want to, you can also open a PR to add your package to the `Getting
Started <>`_ section of our

Thank you very much for maintaining a polybar package! 🎉