#pragma once #include <boost/optional.hpp> #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp> #include <boost/property_tree/ini_parser.hpp> #include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp> #include "common.hpp" #include "components/logger.hpp" #include "utils/env.hpp" #include "utils/string.hpp" #include "x11/xresources.hpp" POLYBAR_NS #define GET_CONFIG_VALUE(section, var, name) var = m_conf.get<decltype(var)>(section, name, var) #define REQ_CONFIG_VALUE(section, var, name) var = m_conf.get<decltype(var)>(section, name) using ptree = boost::property_tree::ptree; DEFINE_ERROR(value_error); DEFINE_ERROR(key_error); class config { public: explicit config(const logger& logger, const xresource_manager& xrm) : m_logger(logger), m_xrm(xrm) {} void load(string file, string barname); string filepath() const; string bar_section() const; vector<string> defined_bars() const; string build_path(const string& section, const string& key) const; void warn_deprecated(string section, string key, string replacement) const; /** * Get parameter for the current bar by name */ template <typename T> T get(string key) const { return get<T>(bar_section(), key); } /** * Get value of a variable by section and parameter name */ template <typename T> T get(string section, string key) const { auto val = m_ptree.get_optional<T>(build_path(section, key)); if (val == boost::none) throw key_error("Missing parameter [" + section + "." + key + "]"); auto str_val = m_ptree.get<string>(build_path(section, key)); return dereference<T>(section, key, str_val, val.get()); } /** * Get value of a variable by section and parameter name * with a default value in case the parameter isn't defined */ template <typename T> T get(string section, string key, T default_value) const { auto val = m_ptree.get_optional<T>(build_path(section, key)); auto str_val = m_ptree.get_optional<string>(build_path(section, key)); return dereference<T>(section, key, str_val.get_value_or(""), val.get_value_or(default_value)); } /** * Get list of values for the current bar by name */ template <typename T> vector<T> get_list(string key) const { return get_list<T>(bar_section(), key); } /** * Get list of values by section and parameter name */ template <typename T> vector<T> get_list(string section, string key) const { vector<T> vec; boost::optional<T> value; while ((value = m_ptree.get_optional<T>(build_path(section, key) + "-" + to_string(vec.size()))) != boost::none) { auto str_val = m_ptree.get<string>(build_path(section, key) + "-" + to_string(vec.size())); vec.emplace_back(dereference<T>(section, key, str_val, value.get())); } if (vec.empty()) throw key_error("Missing parameter [" + section + "." + key + "-0]"); return vec; } /** * Get list of values by section and parameter name * with a default list in case the list isn't defined */ template <typename T> vector<T> get_list(string section, string key, vector<T> default_value) const { vector<T> vec; boost::optional<T> value; while ((value = m_ptree.get_optional<T>(build_path(section, key) + "-" + to_string(vec.size()))) != boost::none) { auto str_val = m_ptree.get<string>(build_path(section, key) + "-" + to_string(vec.size())); vec.emplace_back(dereference<T>(section, key, str_val, value.get())); } if (vec.empty()) return default_value; else return vec; } protected: /** * Dereference value reference */ template <typename T> T dereference(string section, string key, string var, const T value) const { if (var.substr(0, 2) != "${" || var.substr(var.length() - 1) != "}") { return value; } auto path = var.substr(2, var.length() - 3); size_t pos; if (path.find("env:") == 0) { return dereference_env<T>(path.substr(4), value); } else if (path.find("xrdb:") == 0) { return dereference_xrdb<T>(path.substr(5), value); } else if ((pos = path.find(".")) != string::npos) { return dereference_local<T>(path.substr(0, pos), path.substr(pos + 1), section); } else { throw value_error("Invalid reference defined at [" + build_path(section, key) + "]"); } } /** * Dereference local value reference defined using: * ${root.key} * ${self.key} * ${section.key} */ template <typename T> T dereference_local(string section, string key, string current_section) const { if (section == "BAR") m_logger.warn("${BAR.key} is deprecated. Use ${root.key} instead"); section = string_util::replace(section, "BAR", bar_section(), 0, 3); section = string_util::replace(section, "root", bar_section(), 0, 4); section = string_util::replace(section, "self", current_section, 0, 4); auto path = build_path(section, key); auto result = m_ptree.get_optional<T>(path); if (result == boost::none) throw value_error("Unexisting reference defined [" + path + "]"); return dereference<T>(section, key, m_ptree.get<string>(path), result.get()); } /** * Dereference environment variable reference defined using: * ${env:key} * ${env:key:fallback value} */ template <typename T> T dereference_env(string var, T fallback) const { size_t pos; if ((pos = var.find(":")) != string::npos) { fallback = boost::lexical_cast<T>(var.substr(pos + 1)); var.erase(pos); } if (env_util::has(var.c_str())) return boost::lexical_cast<T>(env_util::get(var.c_str())); return fallback; } /** * Dereference X resource db value defined using: * ${xrdb:key} * ${xrdb:key:fallback value} */ template <typename T> T dereference_xrdb(string var, T fallback) const { size_t pos; if ((pos = var.find(":")) != string::npos) { fallback = boost::lexical_cast<T>(var.substr(pos + 1)); var.erase(pos); } if (std::is_same<string, T>::value) return boost::lexical_cast<T>(m_xrm.get_string(var, boost::lexical_cast<string>(fallback))); else if (std::is_same<float, T>::value) return boost::lexical_cast<T>(m_xrm.get_float(var, boost::lexical_cast<float>(fallback))); else if (std::is_same<int, T>::value) return boost::lexical_cast<T>(m_xrm.get_int(var, boost::lexical_cast<int>(fallback))); return fallback; } private: const logger& m_logger; const xresource_manager& m_xrm; ptree m_ptree; string m_file; string m_current_bar; }; namespace { /** * Configure injection module */ template <typename T = const config&> di::injector<T> configure_config() { return di::make_injector(configure_logger(), configure_xresource_manager()); } } POLYBAR_NS_END