#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common.hpp" #include "components/eventloop.hpp" #include "ipc/decoder.hpp" #include "ipc/encoder.hpp" #include "ipc/msg.hpp" #include "ipc/util.hpp" #include "modules/ipc.hpp" #include "utils/actions.hpp" #include "utils/file.hpp" using namespace std; using namespace polybar; using namespace eventloop; static const char* exec = nullptr; static constexpr auto USAGE = " [...]"; static constexpr auto USAGE_HOOK = "hook "; void display(const string& msg) { fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", msg.c_str()); } void error(const string& msg) { throw std::runtime_error(msg); } void uv_error(int status, const string& msg) { throw std::runtime_error(msg + " (" + uv_strerror(status) + ")"); } void usage(FILE* f, const string& parameters) { fprintf(f, "Usage: %s [-p pid] %s\n", exec, parameters.c_str()); } void remove_socket(const string& handle) { if (unlink(handle.c_str()) == -1) { error("Could not remove stale ipc channel: "s + strerror(errno)); } else { display("Removed stale ipc channel: " + handle); } } bool validate_type(const string& type) { return (type == "action" || type == "cmd" || type == "hook"); } static vector get_sockets() { auto sockets = file_util::glob(ipc::get_glob_socket_path()); auto new_end = std::remove_if(sockets.begin(), sockets.end(), [](const auto& path) { int pid = ipc::get_pid_from_socket(path); if (pid <= 0) { return true; } if (!file_util::exists("/proc/" + to_string(pid))) { remove_socket(path); return true; } return false; }); sockets.erase(new_end, sockets.end()); return sockets; } static void on_write(PipeHandle& conn, ipc::decoder& dec) { conn.read_start( [&](const auto& e) { try { if (!dec.closed()) { dec.on_read(reinterpret_cast(e.data), e.len); } } catch (const ipc::decoder::error& e) { conn.close(); } }, [&]() { conn.close(); }, [&](const auto& e) { conn.close(); uv_error(e.status, "There was an error while reading polybar's response"); }); } static void on_connection(PipeHandle& conn, ipc::decoder& dec, const ipc::type_t type, const string& payload) { const auto data = ipc::encode(type, payload); conn.write( data, [&]() { on_write(conn, dec); }, [&](const auto& e) { conn.close(); uv_error(e.status, "There was an error while sending the IPC message."); }); } static std::pair parse_message(deque args) { // Validate args const string ipc_type{args.front()}; args.pop_front(); string ipc_payload{args.front()}; args.pop_front(); if (!validate_type(ipc_type)) { error("\"" + ipc_type + "\" is not a valid message type."); } ipc::type_t type = ipc::TYPE_ERR; /* * Check hook specific args * * The hook type is deprecated. Its contents are translated into a hook action. */ if (ipc_type == "hook") { if (args.size() != 1) { usage(stderr, USAGE_HOOK); throw std::runtime_error("Mismatched number of arguments for hook, expected 1, got "s + to_string(args.size())); } else { if (ipc_payload.find("module/") == 0) { ipc_payload.erase(0, strlen("module/")); } // Hook commands use 1-indexed hooks but actions use 0-indexed ones int hook_index = std::stoi(args.front()) - 1; args.pop_front(); type = to_integral(ipc::v0::ipc_type::ACTION); ipc_payload = actions_util::get_action_string(ipc_payload, polybar::modules::ipc_module::EVENT_HOOK, to_string(hook_index)); fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Using IPC hook commands is deprecated, use the hook action on the ipc module: %s %s \"%s\"\n", exec, ipc_type.c_str(), ipc_payload.c_str()); } } if (ipc_type == "action") { type = to_integral(ipc::v0::ipc_type::ACTION); /** * Alternatively polybar-msg action * is also accepted */ if (!args.empty()) { string name = ipc_payload; string action = args.front(); args.pop_front(); string data{}; if (!args.empty()) { data = args.front(); args.pop_front(); } ipc_payload = actions_util::get_action_string(name, action, data); } } if (ipc_type == "cmd") { type = to_integral(ipc::v0::ipc_type::CMD); } if (!args.empty()) { error("Too many arguments"); } assert(type != ipc::TYPE_ERR); return {type, ipc_payload}; } int run(int argc, char** argv) { deque args{argv + 1, argv + argc}; string socket_path; auto help_pos = find_if(args.begin(), args.end(), [](const string& a) { return a == "-h" || a == "--help"; }); if (help_pos != args.end()) { usage(stdout, USAGE); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* If -p is passed, check if the process is running and that * a valid channel socket is available */ if (args.size() >= 2 && args[0].compare(0, 2, "-p") == 0) { auto& pid_string = args[1]; socket_path = ipc::get_socket_path(pid_string); if (!file_util::exists("/proc/" + pid_string)) { error("No process with pid " + pid_string); } else if (!file_util::exists(socket_path)) { error("No channel available for pid " + pid_string); } args.pop_front(); args.pop_front(); } // If no pid was given, search for all open sockets. auto sockets = socket_path.empty() ? get_sockets() : vector{socket_path}; // Get availble channel sockets if (sockets.empty()) { error("No active ipc channels"); } if (args.size() < 2) { usage(stderr, USAGE); return EXIT_FAILURE; } string payload; ipc::type_t type; std::tie(type, payload) = parse_message(args); string type_str = type == to_integral(ipc::v0::ipc_type::ACTION) ? "action" : "command"; bool success = true; loop loop; logger null_logger{loglevel::NONE}; /* * Store all decoreds in vector so that they're alive for the whole eventloop. */ vector decoders; for (auto&& channel : sockets) { int pid = ipc::get_pid_from_socket(channel); assert(pid > 0); decoders.emplace_back( null_logger, [pid, channel, &payload, &type_str, &success](uint8_t, ipc::type_t type, const auto& response) { switch (type) { case ipc::TYPE_OK: printf("Successfully wrote %s '%s' to PID %d\n", type_str.c_str(), payload.c_str(), pid); break; case ipc::TYPE_ERR: { string err_str{response.begin(), response.end()}; fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to write %s '%s' to PID %d (reason: %s)\n", exec, type_str.c_str(), payload.c_str(), pid, err_str.c_str()); success = false; break; } default: fprintf(stderr, "%s: Got back unrecognized message type %d from PID %d\n", exec, type, pid); success = false; break; } }); /* * Index to decoder is captured because reference can be invalidated due to the vector being modified. */ int idx = decoders.size() - 1; auto& conn = loop.handle(); conn.connect( channel, [&conn, &decoders, type, payload, channel, idx]() { on_connection(conn, decoders[idx], type, payload); }, [&](const auto& e) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to connect to '%s' (err: '%s')\n", exec, channel.c_str(), uv_strerror(e.status)); success = false; }); } try { loop.run(); } catch (const exception& e) { throw std::runtime_error("Uncaught exception in eventloop: "s + e.what()); } return success ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { exec = argv[0]; try { return run(argc, argv); } catch (const std::exception& e) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", exec, e.what()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } }