#include "common/test.hpp" #include "components/bar.hpp" using namespace polybar; /** * \brief Class for parameterized tests on geom_format_to_pixels * * The first element in the tuple is the expected return value, the second * value is the format string. The max value is always 1000 */ class GeomFormatToPixelsTest : public ::testing::Test, public ::testing::WithParamInterface<pair<double, string>> {}; vector<pair<double, string>> to_pixels_no_offset_list = { {1000, "100%"}, {0, "0%"}, {1000, "150%"}, {100, "10%"}, {0, "0"}, {1234, "1234"}, {1.234, "1.234"}, }; vector<pair<double, string>> to_pixels_with_offset_list = { {1000, "100%:-0"}, {1000, "100%:+0"}, {1010, "100%:+10"}, {990, "100%:-10"}, {10, "0%:+10"}, {1000, "99%:+10"}, {0, "1%:-100"}, }; INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(NoOffset, GeomFormatToPixelsTest, ::testing::ValuesIn(to_pixels_no_offset_list)); INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(WithOffset, GeomFormatToPixelsTest, ::testing::ValuesIn(to_pixels_with_offset_list)); TEST_P(GeomFormatToPixelsTest, correctness) { double exp = GetParam().first; std::string str = GetParam().second; EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(exp, geom_format_to_pixels(str, 1000)); }