#include "bar.hpp" #include "registry.hpp" #include "services/builder.hpp" #include "utils/config.hpp" #include "modules/backlight.hpp" #include "modules/battery.hpp" #include "modules/bspwm.hpp" #include "modules/counter.hpp" #include "modules/cpu.hpp" #include "modules/date.hpp" #include "modules/memory.hpp" #include "modules/menu.hpp" #include "modules/network.hpp" #include "modules/script.hpp" #include "modules/text.hpp" #include "modules/torrent.hpp" #ifdef ENABLE_I3 #include "modules/i3.hpp" #endif #ifdef ENABLE_MPD #include "modules/mpd.hpp" #endif #ifdef ENABLE_ALSA #include "modules/volume.hpp" #endif std::shared_ptr bar; std::shared_ptr &get_bar() { if (bar == nullptr) bar = std::make_shared(); return bar; } std::vector> monitors; const Options& bar_opts() { return *bar->opts.get(); } /** * Bar constructor */ Bar::Bar() { this->config_path = config::get_bar_path(); struct Options defaults; this->opts = std::make_unique(); try { this->opts->locale = config::get(this->config_path, "locale"); std::locale::global(std::locale(this->opts->locale.c_str())); } catch (config::MissingValueException &e) {} auto monitor_name = config::get(this->config_path, "monitor", ""); this->opts->monitor = std::make_unique(); if (monitors.empty()) monitors = xlib::get_sorted_monitorlist(); // In case we're not connected to X, we'll just ignore the monitor if (!monitors.empty()) { if (monitor_name.empty() && !monitors.empty()) monitor_name = monitors[0]->name; for (auto &&monitor : monitors) { if (monitor_name.compare(monitor->name) == 0) { this->opts->monitor->name = monitor->name; this->opts->monitor->index = monitor->index; this->opts->monitor->width = monitor->width; this->opts->monitor->height = monitor->height; this->opts->monitor->x = monitor->x; this->opts->monitor->y = monitor->y; } } if (this->opts->monitor->name.empty()) throw ConfigurationError("Could not find monitor: "+ monitor_name); } this->opts->wm_name = "lemonbuddy-"+ this->config_path.substr(4); if (!this->opts->monitor->name.empty()) this->opts->wm_name += "_"+ this->opts->monitor->name; this->opts->wm_name = config::get(this->config_path, "wm_name", this->opts->wm_name); this->opts->offset_x = config::get(this->config_path, "offset_x", defaults.offset_x); this->opts->offset_y = config::get(this->config_path, "offset_y", defaults.offset_y); auto width = config::get(this->config_path, "width", "100%"); auto height = config::get(this->config_path, "height", "30"); if (width.find("%") != std::string::npos) { this->opts->width = this->opts->monitor->width * (std::atoi(width.c_str()) / 100.0) + 0.5; this->opts->width -= this->opts->offset_x * 2; } else { this->opts->width = std::atoi(width.c_str()); } if (height.find("%") != std::string::npos) { this->opts->height = this->opts->monitor->height * (std::atoi(height.c_str()) / 100.0) + 0.5; this->opts->width -= this->opts->offset_y * 2; } else { this->opts->height = std::atoi(height.c_str()); } this->opts->background = config::get(this->config_path, "background", defaults.background); this->opts->foreground = config::get(this->config_path, "foreground", defaults.foreground); this->opts->linecolor = config::get(this->config_path, "linecolor", defaults.linecolor); this->opts->bottom = config::get(this->config_path, "bottom", defaults.bottom); this->opts->dock = config::get(this->config_path, "dock", defaults.dock); this->opts->clickareas = config::get(this->config_path, "clickareas", defaults.clickareas); this->opts->separator = config::get(this->config_path, "separator", defaults.separator); this->opts->spacing = config::get(this->config_path, "spacing", defaults.spacing); this->opts->lineheight = config::get(this->config_path, "lineheight", defaults.lineheight); this->opts->padding_left = config::get(this->config_path, "padding_left", defaults.padding_left); this->opts->padding_right = config::get(this->config_path, "padding_right", defaults.padding_right); this->opts->module_margin_left = config::get(this->config_path, "module_margin_left", defaults.module_margin_left); this->opts->module_margin_right = config::get(this->config_path, "module_margin_right", defaults.module_margin_right); for (auto f : config::get_list(this->config_path, "font")) { std::vector font; string::split_into(f, ';', font); this->opts->fonts.emplace_back(std::make_unique(font[0], std::stoi(font[1]))); } } /** * Loads all modules configured for the current bar */ void Bar::load() { auto add_modules = [&](std::string modlist, std::vector &vec){ std::vector modules; string::split_into(modlist, ' ', modules); for (auto &&mod : modules) { std::unique_ptr module; auto type = config::get("module/"+ mod, "type"); if (type == "internal/counter") module = std::make_unique(mod); else if (type == "internal/backlight") module = std::make_unique(mod); else if (type == "internal/battery") module = std::make_unique(mod); else if (type == "internal/bspwm") module = std::make_unique(mod, this->opts->monitor->name); else if (type == "internal/cpu") module = std::make_unique(mod); else if (type == "internal/date") module = std::make_unique(mod); else if (type == "internal/memory") module = std::make_unique(mod); else if (type == "internal/network") module = std::make_unique(mod); #ifdef ENABLE_I3 else if (type == "internal/i3") module = std::make_unique(mod, this->opts->monitor->name); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_MPD else if (type == "internal/mpd") module = std::make_unique(mod); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_ALSA else if (type == "internal/volume") module = std::make_unique(mod); #endif #if 0 else if (type == "internal/rtorrent") module = std::make_unique(mod); #endif else if (type == "custom/text") module = std::make_unique(mod); else if (type == "custom/script") module = std::make_unique(mod); else if (type == "custom/menu") module = std::make_unique(mod); else throw ConfigurationError("Unknown module: "+ mod); vec.emplace_back(module->name()); get_registry()->insert(std::move(module)); } }; add_modules(config::get(this->config_path, "modules:left", ""), this->mod_left); add_modules(config::get(this->config_path, "modules:center", ""), this->mod_center); add_modules(config::get(this->config_path, "modules:right", ""), this->mod_right); if (this->mod_left.empty() && this->mod_center.empty() && this->mod_right.empty()) throw ConfigurationError("The bar does not contain any modules..."); } /** * Builds the output string by combining the output * of all added modules */ std::string Bar::get_output() { auto builder = std::make_unique(); auto pad_left = std::string(this->opts->padding_left, ' '); auto pad_right = std::string(this->opts->padding_right, ' '); auto output_modules = [&](Builder::Alignment align, std::vector &mods){ if (!pad_left.empty() && !mods.empty() && align == Builder::ALIGN_LEFT) builder->append_module_output(align, pad_left, false, false); for (auto &mod_name : mods) { auto mod_output = get_registry()->get(mod_name); builder->append_module_output(align, mod_output, !(align == Builder::ALIGN_LEFT && mod_name == mods.front()), !(align == Builder::ALIGN_RIGHT && mod_name == mods.back())); if (!mod_output.empty() && !this->opts->separator.empty() && mod_name != mods.back()) builder->append(this->opts->separator); } if (!pad_right.empty() && !mods.empty() && align == Builder::ALIGN_RIGHT) builder->append_module_output(align, pad_right, false, false); }; output_modules(Builder::ALIGN_LEFT, this->mod_left); output_modules(Builder::ALIGN_CENTER, this->mod_center); output_modules(Builder::ALIGN_RIGHT, this->mod_right); auto data = builder->flush(); return data; } /** * Builds the command line string used to execute * lemonbar using the specified bar */ std::string Bar::get_exec_line() { std::stringstream buffer; buffer << "lemonbar -p"; if (!this->opts->wm_name.empty()) buffer << " -n " << this->opts->wm_name; if (!this->opts->background.empty()) buffer << " -B " << this->opts->background; if (!this->opts->foreground.empty()) buffer << " -F " << this->opts->foreground; if (!this->opts->linecolor.empty()) buffer << " -U " << this->opts->linecolor; if (this->opts->bottom) buffer << " -b "; if (this->opts->dock) buffer << " -d "; for (auto &&font : this->opts->fonts) { buffer << " -f " << font->id; buffer << " -o " << font->offset; } buffer << " -u " << this->opts->lineheight; buffer << " -a " << this->opts->clickareas; buffer << " -g " << this->opts->get_geom(); buffer << " " << this->opts->monitor->name; buffer.flush(); return string::squeeze(buffer.str(), ' '); }