#pragma once #include "modules/meta.hpp" #include "utils/command.hpp" LEMONBUDDY_NS #define SHELL_CMD "/usr/bin/env\nsh\n-c\n" namespace modules { class script_module : public timer_module<script_module> { public: using timer_module::timer_module; void setup() { // Load configuration values m_exec = m_conf.get<string>(name(), "exec"); m_tail = m_conf.get<bool>(name(), "tail", m_tail); m_maxlen = m_conf.get<size_t>(name(), "maxlen", 0); m_ellipsis = m_conf.get<bool>(name(), "ellipsis", m_ellipsis); if (m_tail) m_interval = 0s; else m_interval = chrono::duration<double>(m_conf.get<float>(name(), "interval", 1)); m_actions[mousebtn::LEFT] = m_conf.get<string>(name(), "click-left", ""); m_actions[mousebtn::MIDDLE] = m_conf.get<string>(name(), "click-middle", ""); m_actions[mousebtn::RIGHT] = m_conf.get<string>(name(), "click-right", ""); m_actions[mousebtn::SCROLL_UP] = m_conf.get<string>(name(), "scroll-up", ""); m_actions[mousebtn::SCROLL_DOWN] = m_conf.get<string>(name(), "scroll-down", ""); // Add formats and elements m_formatter->add(DEFAULT_FORMAT, TAG_OUTPUT, {TAG_OUTPUT}); } void start() { timer_module::start(); if (m_tail) { dispatch_tailscript_runner(); } } bool update() { m_output.clear(); if (m_tail) { m_output = tail_command(); } else { m_output = read_output(); } if (m_maxlen > 0 && m_output.length() > m_maxlen) { m_output.erase(m_maxlen); if (m_ellipsis) m_output += "..."; } return enabled() && !m_output.empty(); } string get_output() { if (m_output.empty()) return ""; auto counter_str = to_string(m_counter); if (!m_actions[mousebtn::LEFT].empty()) m_builder->cmd(mousebtn::LEFT, string_util::replace_all(m_actions[mousebtn::LEFT], "%counter%", counter_str)); if (!m_actions[mousebtn::MIDDLE].empty()) m_builder->cmd(mousebtn::MIDDLE, string_util::replace_all(m_actions[mousebtn::MIDDLE], "%counter%", counter_str)); if (!m_actions[mousebtn::RIGHT].empty()) m_builder->cmd(mousebtn::RIGHT, string_util::replace_all(m_actions[mousebtn::RIGHT], "%counter%", counter_str)); if (!m_actions[mousebtn::SCROLL_UP].empty()) m_builder->cmd(mousebtn::SCROLL_UP, string_util::replace_all(m_actions[mousebtn::SCROLL_UP], "%counter%", counter_str)); if (!m_actions[mousebtn::SCROLL_DOWN].empty()) m_builder->cmd(mousebtn::SCROLL_DOWN, string_util::replace_all(m_actions[mousebtn::SCROLL_DOWN], "%counter%", counter_str)); m_builder->node(module::get_output()); return m_builder->flush(); } bool build(builder* builder, string tag) { if (tag == TAG_OUTPUT) builder->node(string_util::replace_all(m_output, "\n", "")); else return false; return true; } protected: /** * Read line from tailscript */ string tail_command() { int bytes_read = 0; if (!m_command) return ""; if (io_util::poll_read(m_command->get_stdout(PIPE_READ), 100)) return io_util::readline(m_command->get_stdout(PIPE_READ), bytes_read); return ""; } /** * Execute command and read its output */ string read_output() { string output; try { m_log.trace("%s: Executing command '%s'", name(), m_exec); auto cmd = command_util::make_command( SHELL_CMD + string_util::replace_all(m_exec, "%counter%", to_string(++m_counter))); cmd->exec(false); while (true) { int bytes_read = 0; string contents = io_util::readline(cmd->get_stdout(PIPE_READ), bytes_read); if (bytes_read <= 0) break; output += contents; output += "\n"; } cmd->wait(); } catch (const system_error& err) { m_log.err(err.what()); return ""; } return output; } /** * Run tail script in separate thread */ void dispatch_tailscript_runner() { m_threads.emplace_back([this] { try { while (enabled() && (!m_command || !m_command->is_running())) { m_log.trace("%s: Executing command '%s'", name(), m_exec); m_command = command_util::make_command( SHELL_CMD + string_util::replace_all(m_exec, "%counter%", to_string(++m_counter))); m_command->exec(true); } } catch (const system_error& err) { m_log.err("Failed to create command (what: %s)", err.what()); } }); } private: static constexpr auto TAG_OUTPUT = "<output>"; unique_ptr<command_util::command> m_command; map<mousebtn, string> m_actions; string m_exec; bool m_tail = false; string m_output; int m_counter{0}; size_t m_maxlen = 0; bool m_ellipsis = true; }; } LEMONBUDDY_NS_END