#pragma once #include <thread> #include "common.hpp" #include "components/bar.hpp" #include "components/config.hpp" #include "components/eventloop.hpp" #include "components/logger.hpp" #include "components/signals.hpp" #include "components/x11/connection.hpp" #include "components/x11/randr.hpp" #include "components/x11/tray.hpp" #include "components/x11/types.hpp" #include "config.hpp" #include "utils/inotify.hpp" #include "utils/process.hpp" #include "utils/socket.hpp" #include "utils/string.hpp" #include "modules/backlight.hpp" #include "modules/battery.hpp" #include "modules/bspwm.hpp" #include "modules/counter.hpp" #include "modules/cpu.hpp" #include "modules/date.hpp" #include "modules/memory.hpp" #include "modules/menu.hpp" #include "modules/script.hpp" #include "modules/text.hpp" #include "modules/unsupported.hpp" #include "modules/xbacklight.hpp" #if ENABLE_I3 #include "modules/i3.hpp" #endif #if ENABLE_MPD #include "modules/mpd.hpp" #endif #if ENABLE_NETWORK #include "modules/network.hpp" #endif #if ENABLE_ALSA #include "modules/volume.hpp" #endif LEMONBUDDY_NS using namespace modules; class controller { public: /** * Construct controller */ explicit controller(connection& conn, const logger& logger, const config& config, unique_ptr<eventloop> eventloop, unique_ptr<bar> bar, unique_ptr<traymanager> tray, inotify_watch_t& confwatch) : m_connection(conn) , m_log(logger) , m_conf(config) , m_eventloop(forward<decltype(eventloop)>(eventloop)) , m_bar(forward<decltype(bar)>(bar)) , m_traymanager(forward<decltype(tray)>(tray)) , m_confwatch(confwatch) {} /** * Stop modules and cleanup X components, * threads and spawned processes */ ~controller() noexcept { g_signals::bar::action_click = nullptr; if (m_command) { m_log.info("Terminating running shell command"); m_command->terminate(); } if (m_eventloop) { m_log.info("Deconstructing eventloop"); m_eventloop->set_update_cb(nullptr); m_eventloop->set_input_db(nullptr); m_eventloop.reset(); } if (m_bar) { m_log.info("Deconstructing bar"); m_bar.reset(); } if (m_traymanager) { m_traymanager.reset(); } m_log.info("Interrupting X event loop"); m_connection.send_dummy_event(m_connection.root()); if (m_confwatch) { try { m_log.info("Removing config watch"); m_confwatch->remove(); } catch (const system_error& err) { } } if (!m_threads.empty()) { m_log.info("Joining active threads"); for (auto&& thread : m_threads) { if (thread.joinable()) thread.join(); } } m_log.info("Waiting for spawned processes"); while (process_util::notify_childprocess()) ; m_connection.flush(); } /** * Setup X environment */ auto bootstrap(bool writeback = false, bool dump_wmname = false) { m_writeback = writeback; m_log.trace("controller: Initialize X atom cache"); m_connection.preload_atoms(); m_log.trace("controller: Query X extension data"); m_connection.query_extensions(); // Disabled X extensions {{{ // const auto& damage_ext = m_connection.extension<xpp::damage::extension>(); // m_log.trace("controller: Found 'Damage' (first_event: %i, first_error: %i)", // damage_ext->first_event, damage_ext->first_error); // const auto& render_ext = m_connection.extension<xpp::render::extension>(); // m_log.trace("controller: Found 'Render' (first_event: %i, first_error: %i)", // render_ext->first_event, render_ext->first_error); // }}} const auto& randr_ext = m_connection.extension<xpp::randr::extension>(); m_log.trace("controller: Found 'RandR' (first_event: %i, first_error: %i)", randr_ext->first_event, randr_ext->first_error); // Listen for events on the root window to be able to // break the blocking wait call when cleaning up m_log.trace("controller: Listen for events on the root window"); try { const uint32_t value_list[1]{XCB_EVENT_MASK_STRUCTURE_NOTIFY}; m_connection.change_window_attributes_checked( m_connection.root(), XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, value_list); } catch (const std::exception& err) { throw application_error("Failed to change root window event mask: " + string{err.what()}); } g_signals::bar::action_click = bind(&controller::on_mouse_event, this, placeholders::_1); m_log.trace("controller: Attach eventloop callbacks"); m_eventloop->set_update_cb(bind(&controller::on_update, this)); m_eventloop->set_input_db(bind(&controller::on_unrecognized_action, this, placeholders::_1)); try { m_log.trace("controller: Setup bar"); m_bar->bootstrap(m_writeback || dump_wmname); } catch (const std::exception& err) { throw application_error("Failed to setup bar renderer: " + string{err.what()}); } if (dump_wmname) { std::cout << m_bar->settings().wmname << std::endl; return; } try { if (m_writeback) { m_log.trace("controller: Disabling tray (reason: stdout mode)"); m_traymanager.reset(); } else if (m_bar->tray().align == alignment::NONE) { m_log.trace("controller: Disabling tray (reason: tray-position)"); m_traymanager.reset(); } else { m_log.trace("controller: Setup tray manager"); m_traymanager->bootstrap(m_bar->tray()); } } catch (const std::exception& err) { m_log.err(err.what()); m_log.warn("Failed to setup tray, disabling..."); m_traymanager.reset(); } m_log.trace("controller: Setup user-defined modules"); bootstrap_modules(); } /** * Launch the controller */ auto run() { assert(!m_connection.connection_has_error()); m_log.info("Starting application"); m_running = true; install_sigmask(); install_confwatch(); // Wait for term signal in separate thread m_threads.emplace_back(thread(&controller::wait_for_signal, this)); // Activate traymanager in separate thread if (!m_writeback && m_traymanager) { m_threads.emplace_back(thread(&controller::activate_tray, this)); } // Listen for X events in separate thread if (!m_writeback) { m_threads.emplace_back(thread(&controller::wait_for_xevent, this)); } // Start event loop if (m_eventloop) { auto throttle_ms = m_conf.get<double>("settings", "throttle-ms", 10); auto throttle_limit = m_conf.get<int>("settings", "throttle-limit", 5); m_eventloop->run(chrono::duration<double, std::milli>(throttle_ms), throttle_limit); } // Wake up signal thread if (m_waiting) { kill(getpid(), SIGTERM); } m_running = false; return !m_reload; } protected: /** * Set signal mask for the current and future threads */ void install_sigmask() { if (!m_running) return; m_log.trace("controller: Set sigmask for current and future threads"); sigemptyset(&m_waitmask); sigaddset(&m_waitmask, SIGINT); sigaddset(&m_waitmask, SIGQUIT); sigaddset(&m_waitmask, SIGTERM); sigaddset(&m_waitmask, SIGUSR1); if (pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &m_waitmask, nullptr) == -1) throw system_error(); sigemptyset(&m_ignmask); sigaddset(&m_ignmask, SIGPIPE); if (pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &m_ignmask, nullptr) == -1) throw system_error(); } /** * Listen for changes to the config file */ void install_confwatch() { if (!m_running) return; if (!m_confwatch) { m_log.trace("controller: Config watch not set, skip..."); return; } m_threads.emplace_back([this] { this_thread::sleep_for(1s); try { if (!m_running) return; m_log.trace("controller: Attach config watch"); m_confwatch->attach(IN_MODIFY); m_log.trace("controller: Wait for config file inotify event"); m_confwatch->get_event(); if (!m_running) return; m_log.info("Configuration file changed"); kill(getpid(), SIGUSR1); } catch (const system_error& err) { m_log.err(err.what()); m_log.trace("controller: Reset config watch"); m_confwatch.reset(); } }); } void wait_for_signal() { m_log.trace("controller: Wait for signal"); m_waiting = true; int caught_signal = 0; sigwait(&m_waitmask, &caught_signal); m_log.warn("Termination signal received, shutting down..."); m_log.trace("controller: Caught signal %d", caught_signal); if (m_eventloop) { m_eventloop->stop(); } m_reload = (caught_signal == SIGUSR1); m_waiting = false; } void wait_for_xevent() { m_log.trace("controller: Listen for X events"); m_connection.flush(); while (true) { shared_ptr<xcb_generic_event_t> evt; if ((evt = m_connection.wait_for_event())) m_connection.dispatch_event(evt); if (!m_running) break; } } void activate_tray() { m_log.trace("controller: Activate tray manager"); try { m_traymanager->activate(); } catch (const std::exception& err) { m_log.err(err.what()); m_log.err("Failed to activate tray manager, disabling..."); m_traymanager.reset(); } } /** * Create and initialize bar modules */ void bootstrap_modules() { const bar_settings bar{m_bar->settings()}; string bs{m_conf.bar_section()}; size_t module_count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { alignment align = static_cast<alignment>(i + 1); string confkey; switch (align) { case alignment::LEFT: confkey = "modules-left"; break; case alignment::CENTER: confkey = "modules-center"; break; case alignment::RIGHT: confkey = "modules-right"; break; default: break; } for (auto& module_name : string_util::split(m_conf.get<string>(bs, confkey, ""), ' ')) { try { auto type = m_conf.get<string>("module/" + module_name, "type"); module_t module; if (type == "internal/counter") module.reset(new counter_module(bar, m_log, m_conf, module_name)); else if (type == "internal/backlight") module.reset(new backlight_module(bar, m_log, m_conf, module_name)); else if (type == "internal/xbacklight") module.reset(new xbacklight_module(bar, m_log, m_conf, module_name)); else if (type == "internal/battery") module.reset(new battery_module(bar, m_log, m_conf, module_name)); else if (type == "internal/bspwm") module.reset(new bspwm_module(bar, m_log, m_conf, module_name)); else if (type == "internal/cpu") module.reset(new cpu_module(bar, m_log, m_conf, module_name)); else if (type == "internal/date") module.reset(new date_module(bar, m_log, m_conf, module_name)); else if (type == "internal/memory") module.reset(new memory_module(bar, m_log, m_conf, module_name)); else if (type == "internal/i3") module.reset(new i3_module(bar, m_log, m_conf, module_name)); else if (type == "internal/mpd") module.reset(new mpd_module(bar, m_log, m_conf, module_name)); else if (type == "internal/volume") module.reset(new volume_module(bar, m_log, m_conf, module_name)); else if (type == "internal/network") module.reset(new network_module(bar, m_log, m_conf, module_name)); else if (type == "custom/text") module.reset(new text_module(bar, m_log, m_conf, module_name)); else if (type == "custom/script") module.reset(new script_module(bar, m_log, m_conf, module_name)); else if (type == "custom/menu") module.reset(new menu_module(bar, m_log, m_conf, module_name)); else throw application_error("Unknown module: " + module_name); module->set_update_cb(bind(&eventloop::enqueue, m_eventloop.get(), eventloop::entry_t{static_cast<int>(event_type::UPDATE)})); module->set_stop_cb(bind(&eventloop::enqueue, m_eventloop.get(), eventloop::entry_t{static_cast<int>(event_type::CHECK)})); module->setup(); m_eventloop->add_module(align, move(module)); module_count++; } catch (const module_error& err) { continue; } } } if (module_count == 0) throw application_error("No modules created"); } /** * Callback for clicked bar actions */ void on_mouse_event(string input) { eventloop::entry_t evt{static_cast<int>(event_type::INPUT)}; if (input.length() > sizeof(evt.data)) { m_log.warn("Ignoring input event (size)"); } else { snprintf(evt.data, sizeof(evt.data), "%s", input.c_str()); m_eventloop->enqueue(evt); } } void on_unrecognized_action(string input) { try { if (m_command) { m_log.warn("Terminating previous shell command"); m_command->terminate(); } m_log.info("Executing shell command: %s", input); m_command = command_util::make_command(input); m_command->exec(); m_command.reset(); } catch (const application_error& err) { m_log.err("controller: Error while forwarding input to shell -> %s", err.what()); } } void on_update() { string contents{""}; string separator{m_bar->settings().separator}; string padding_left(m_bar->settings().padding_left, ' '); string padding_right(m_bar->settings().padding_right, ' '); auto margin_left = m_bar->settings().module_margin_left; auto margin_right = m_bar->settings().module_margin_right; for (const auto& block : m_eventloop->modules()) { string block_contents; bool is_left = false; bool is_center = false; bool is_right = false; if (block.first == alignment::LEFT) is_left = true; else if (block.first == alignment::CENTER) is_center = true; else if (block.first == alignment::RIGHT) is_right = true; for (const auto& module : block.second) { auto module_contents = module->contents(); if (module_contents.empty()) continue; if (!block_contents.empty() && !separator.empty()) block_contents += separator; if (!(is_left && module == block.second.front())) block_contents += string(margin_left, ' '); block_contents += module->contents(); if (!(is_right && module == block.second.back())) block_contents += string(margin_right, ' '); } if (block_contents.empty()) continue; if (is_left) { contents += "%{l}"; contents += padding_left; } else if (is_center) { contents += "%{c}"; } else if (is_right) { contents += "%{r}"; block_contents += padding_right; } block_contents = string_util::replace_all(block_contents, "B-}%{B#", "B#"); block_contents = string_util::replace_all(block_contents, "F-}%{F#", "F#"); block_contents = string_util::replace_all(block_contents, "T-}%{T", "T"); contents += string_util::replace_all(block_contents, "}%{", " "); } if (m_writeback) { std::cout << contents << std::endl; } else { m_bar->parse(contents); } } private: connection& m_connection; registry m_registry{m_connection}; const logger& m_log; const config& m_conf; unique_ptr<eventloop> m_eventloop; unique_ptr<bar> m_bar; unique_ptr<traymanager> m_traymanager; stateflag m_running{false}; stateflag m_reload{false}; stateflag m_waiting{false}; sigset_t m_waitmask; sigset_t m_ignmask; inotify_watch_t& m_confwatch; vector<thread> m_threads; command_util::command_t m_command; bool m_writeback = false; }; namespace { /** * Configure injection module */ template <typename T = unique_ptr<controller>> di::injector<T> configure_controller(inotify_watch_t& confwatch) { // clang-format off return di::make_injector( di::bind<>().to(confwatch), configure_connection(), configure_logger(), configure_config(), configure_eventloop(), configure_bar(), configure_traymanager()); // clang-format on } } LEMONBUDDY_NS_END