; Bar configurations
; ---------------------------------------
; Quote the value to keep spaces:
;   key = "  value"
; Values for the current bar can be accessed using:
;   ${BAR.foreground}
; Other values can be referenced using:
;   ${section.key}
; format:NAME = <TAG...>
; label:NAME[:(foreground|background|(under|over)line|font|padding)] =
; icon:NAME[:(foreground|background|(under|over)line|font|padding)] =
; ramp:NAME:[0-9]+[:(foreground|background|(under|over)line|font|padding)] =
; animation:NAME:[0-9]+[:(foreground|background|(under|over)line|font|padding)] =
; bar:NAME:width =
; bar:NAME:format = (tokens: %fill% %indicator% %empty%)
; bar:NAME:foreground:[0-9]+ =
; bar:NAME:indicator[:(foreground|background|(under|over)line|font|padding)] =
; bar:NAME:fill[:(foreground|background|(under|over)line|font|padding)] =
; bar:NAME:empty[:(foreground|background|(under|over)line|font|padding)] =
; These keys can be used to style the module container
;   format:NAME:spacing = N (unit: whitespace)
;   format:NAME:padding = N (unit: whitespace)
;   format:NAME:margin = N  (unit: whitespace)
;   format:NAME:offset = N  (unit: pixels)
;   format:NAME:foreground = #hexcolor
;   format:NAME:background = #hexcolor
;   format:NAME:underline = #hexcolor
;   format:NAME:overline = #hexcolor
; Module types:
;   internal/backlight
;   internal/battery
;   internal/bspwm
;   internal/cpu
;   internal/date
;   internal/i3
;   internal/memory
;   internal/mpd
;   internal/network
;   internal/volume
;   custom/text
;     content
;     click:(left|middle|right)
;     scroll:(up|down)
;   custom/script
;     exec
;     interval
;     format
;     click:(left|middle|right)
;     scroll:(up|down)
;   custom/menu
;     format
;     label:open
;     label:close
;     menu:LEVEL:n
;     menu:LEVEL:n:exec

monitor = eDP-1
width = 100%
height = 30
clickareas = 35

background = #222222
foreground = #eefafafa
linecolor = ${bar/top.background}

;separator = |

spacing = 3
lineheight = 14
;padding_left = 5
;padding_right = 2
module_margin_left = 3
module_margin_right = 3

font:0 = NotoSans-Regular:size=8;0
font:1 = MaterialIcons:size=10;0
font:2 = Termsynu:size=8;-1
font:3 = FontAwesome:size=10;0

; modules:left = powermenu mpd
; modules:right = backlight volume wireless-network wired-network battery date
modules:right = battery

monitor = eDP-1
bottom = true
width = 100%
height = 27
;clickareas = 25

background = #111111
foreground = #ccffffff
linecolor = ${bar/bottom.background}

spacing = 3
lineheight = 2
;padding_left = 0
padding_right = 4
module_margin_left = 0
module_margin_right = 6

; font:idx = font:size=N;offsetY
font:0 = NotoSans-Regular:size=8;0
font:1 = Unifont:size=6;-3
;font:1 = Termsynu:size=8;-1
font:2 = FontAwesome:size=8;-2
font:3 = NotoSans-Regular:size=8;-1
font:4 = MaterialIcons:size=10;-1

modules:left = bspwm
modules:right = rtorrent cpu memory
; modules:right = cpu memory

monitor = HDMI-1
bottom = true
width = 100%
height = 27
;clickareas = 25

background = #111111
foreground = #ccffffff
linecolor = ${bar/external_bottom.background}

spacing = 3
lineheight = 2
;padding_left = 0
padding_right = 3
module_margin_left = 0
module_margin_right = 6

font:0 = NotoSans-Regular:size=8;0
font:1 = Unifont:size=6;-3
font:2 = FontAwesome:size=8;-2
font:3 = NotoSans-Regular:size=8;-1
font:4 = MaterialIcons:size=10;0

modules:left = bspwm
modules:right = clock

type = internal/backlight

; Use the following command to list available cards:
; $ ls -1 /sys/class/backlight/
card = intel_backlight

; Available tags:
;   <label> (default)
;   <bar>
format = %{A4:backlight_percentage%__p5:}%{A5:backlight_percentage%__m5:} <ramp> <bar> %{A}%{A}

; Available tokens:
;   %percentage% (default)
;label = %percentage%

; Required if <ramp> is used
ramp:0 = 
ramp:1 = 
ramp:2 = 

; Required if <bar> is used
bar:width = 10
bar:format = %{+u}%{+o}%fill%%{-u}%{-o}%indicator%%{+u}%{+o}%empty%%{-u}%{-o}
bar:indicator = |
bar:indicator:foreground = #ddffffff
bar:indicator:font = 3
bar:fill = █
bar:fill:foreground = #99ffffff
bar:fill:font = 3
bar:empty = █
bar:empty:font = 3
bar:empty:foreground = #44ffffff

type = internal/battery

;battery = BAT0
;adapter = ADP1
full_at = 99

; Available tags:
;   <label:charging> (default)
;   <bar:capaity>
;   <ramp:capacity>
;   <animation:charging>
format:charging = Charging <animation:charging> <label:charging>

; Available tags:
;   <label:discharging> (default)
;   <bar:capaity>
;   <ramp:capacity>
format:discharging = Discharging <ramp:capacity> <label:discharging>

; Available tags:
;   <label:full> (default)
;   <bar:capaity>
;   <ramp:capacity>
format:full = Fully charged <ramp:capacity> <label:full>

; Available tokens:
;   %percentage% (default)
;label:charging = Charging %percentage%

; Available tokens:
;   %percentage% (default)
;label:discharging = Discharging %percentage%

; Available tokens:
;   %percentage% (default)
;label:full = Fully charged

; Required if <ramp:capacity> is used
ramp:capacity:0 = 
ramp:capacity:0:foreground = #f53c3c
ramp:capacity:1 = 
ramp:capacity:1:foreground = #ffa900
ramp:capacity:2 = 
ramp:capacity:2:foreground = #ffffff
ramp:capacity:3 = 
ramp:capacity:3:foreground = #ffffff
ramp:capacity:4 = 
ramp:capacity:4:foreground = #ffffff

; Required if <bar:capacity> is used
bar:capacity:width = 10
bar:capacity:format = %{+u}%{+o}%fill%%empty%%{-u}%{-o}
bar:capacity:fill = █
bar:capacity:fill:foreground = #ddffffff
bar:capacity:fill:font = 3
bar:capacity:empty = █
bar:capacity:empty:font = 3
bar:capacity:empty:foreground = #44ffffff

; Required if <animation:charging> is used
; animation:charging:0 = %{T3}%{F#ddffffff}%{+u}%{+o}█%{F#44ffffff}█████████%{T-}%{F-}%{-u}%{-o}
; animation:charging:1 = %{T3}%{F#ddffffff}%{+u}%{+o}██%{F#44ffffff}████████%{T-}%{F-}%{-u}%{-o}
; animation:charging:2 = %{T3}%{F#ddffffff}%{+u}%{+o}███%{F#44ffffff}███████%{T-}%{F-}%{-u}%{-o}
; animation:charging:3 = %{T3}%{F#ddffffff}%{+u}%{+o}████%{F#44ffffff}██████%{T-}%{F-}%{-u}%{-o}
; animation:charging:4 = %{T3}%{F#ddffffff}%{+u}%{+o}█████%{F#44ffffff}█████%{T-}%{F-}%{-u}%{-o}
; animation:charging:5 = %{T3}%{F#ddffffff}%{+u}%{+o}██████%{F#44ffffff}████%{T-}%{F-}%{-u}%{-o}
; animation:charging:6 = %{T3}%{F#ddffffff}%{+u}%{+o}███████%{F#44ffffff}███%{T-}%{F-}%{-u}%{-o}
; animation:charging:7 = %{T3}%{F#ddffffff}%{+u}%{+o}████████%{F#44ffffff}██%{T-}%{F-}%{-u}%{-o}
; animation:charging:8 = %{T3}%{F#ddffffff}%{+u}%{+o}█████████%{F#44ffffff}█%{T-}%{F-}%{-u}%{-o}
; animation:charging:9 = %{T3}%{F#ddffffff}%{+u}%{+o}██████████%{T-}%{F-}%{-u}%{-o}
animation:charging:0 = 
animation:charging:1 = 
animation:charging:2 = 
animation:charging:3 = 
animation:charging:4 = 
animation:charging:framerate_ms = 750

type = internal/bspwm

; workspace_icon:[0-9]+ = label;icon
; workspace_icon:default = icon
workspace_icon:0 = term;
workspace_icon:1 = web;
workspace_icon:2 = code;
workspace_icon:3 = music;
workspace_icon:4 = irssi;
workspace_icon:default = 

; Available tags:
;   <label:state> (default) - gets replaced with <label:(active|urgent|occupied|empty)>
;   <label:mode> - gets replaced with <label:(monocle|tiled|fullscreen|floating|locked|sticky|private)>
format = <label:state> <label:mode>

; If any of these are defined, the workspace/mode colors will get overridden
; with these values if the monitor is out of focus
;label:dimmed:foreground = #555
;label:dimmed:background = ${BAR.background}
label:dimmed:underline = ${BAR.background}

; Available tokens:
;   %name%
;   %icon%
;   %index%
; Default: %icon%  %name%
label:active = %icon%
label:active:foreground = #ffffff
label:active:background = #3f3f3f
label:active:underline = #fba922
label:active:font = 4
label:active:padding = 4

; Available tokens:
;   %name%
;   %icon%
;   %index%
; Default: %icon%  %name%
label:occupied = %icon%
label:occupied:underline = #555555
label:occupied:font = 4
label:occupied:padding = 4

; Available tokens:
;   %name%
;   %icon%
;   %index%
; Default: %icon%  %name%
label:urgent = %icon%
label:urgent:foreground = #000000
label:urgent:background = #bd2c40
label:urgent:underline = #9b0a20
label:urgent:font = 4
label:urgent:padding = 4

; Available tokens:
;   %name%
;   %icon%
;   %index%
; Default: %icon%  %name%
label:empty = %icon%
label:empty:foreground = #55ffffff
label:empty:font = 4
label:empty:padding = 4

; Available tokens:
;   None
label:monocle = 
label:monocle:underline = ${module/bspwm.label:active:underline}
label:monocle:padding = 2
;label:tiled = 
;label:fullscreen = 
;label:floating = 
label:locked = 
label:locked:foreground = #bd2c40
label:locked:underline = ${module/bspwm.label:monocle:underline}
label:locked:padding = ${module/bspwm.label:monocle:padding}
label:sticky = 
label:sticky:foreground = #fba922
label:sticky:underline = ${module/bspwm.label:monocle:underline}
label:sticky:padding = ${module/bspwm.label:monocle:padding}
label:private = 
label:private:foreground = #bd2c40
label:private:underline = ${module/bspwm.label:monocle:underline}
label:private:padding = ${module/bspwm.label:monocle:padding}

type = internal/i3

; workspace_icon:[0-9]+ = label;icon
; workspace_icon:default = icon
workspace_icon:0 = 1;
workspace_icon:1 = 2;
workspace_icon:2 = 3;
workspace_icon:3 = 4;
workspace_icon:4 = 5;
workspace_icon:default = 

; Available tags:
;   <label:state> (default) - gets replaced with <label:(focused|unfocused|visible|urgent)>
;format = <label:state>

; If any of these are defined, the workspace/mode colors will get overridden
; with these values if the monitor is out of focus
;label:dimmed:foreground = #555
;label:dimmed:background = ${BAR.background}
label:dimmed:underline = ${BAR.background}

; Available tokens:
;   %name%
;   %icon%
;   %index%
; Default: %icon%  %name%
label:focused = %icon%
label:focused:foreground = #ffffff
label:focused:background = #3f3f3f
label:focused:underline = #fba922
label:focused:font = 4
label:focused:padding = 4

; Available tokens:
;   %name%
;   %icon%
;   %index%
; Default: %icon%  %name%
label:unfocused = %icon%

; Available tokens:
;   %name%
;   %icon%
;   %index%
; Default: %icon%  %name%
label:visible = %icon%
label:visible:underline = #555555
label:visible:font = 4
label:visible:padding = 4

; Available tokens:
;   %name%
;   %icon%
;   %index%
; Default: %icon%  %name%
label:urgent = %icon%
label:urgent:foreground = #000000
label:urgent:background = #bd2c40
label:urgent:underline = #9b0a20
label:urgent:font = 4
label:urgent:padding = 4

; Available tokens:
;   None
label:monocle = 
label:monocle:underline = ${module/bspwm.label:active:underline}
label:monocle:padding = 2
;label:tiled = 
;label:fullscreen = 
;label:floating = 
label:locked = 
label:locked:foreground = #bd2c40
label:locked:underline = ${module/bspwm.label:monocle:underline}
label:locked:padding = ${module/bspwm.label:monocle:padding}
label:sticky = 
label:sticky:foreground = #fba922
label:sticky:underline = ${module/bspwm.label:monocle:underline}
label:sticky:padding = ${module/bspwm.label:monocle:padding}
label:private = 
label:private:foreground = #bd2c40
label:private:underline = ${module/bspwm.label:monocle:underline}
label:private:padding = ${module/bspwm.label:monocle:padding}

type = internal/cpu

; Seconds to sleep between updates
interval = 0.5

; Available tags:
;   <label> (default)
;   <bar:load>
;   <ramp:load>
;   <ramp:load_per_core>
format = <label> <ramp:load_per_core>

; Available tokens:
;   %percentage% (default)
label = CPU

; Required if <ramp:core_load> is used
ramp:load_per_core:0 = ▁
ramp:load_per_core:0:font = 2
ramp:load_per_core:0:foreground = #55aa55
ramp:load_per_core:1 = ▂
ramp:load_per_core:1:font = 2
ramp:load_per_core:1:foreground = #55aa55
ramp:load_per_core:2 = ▃
ramp:load_per_core:2:font = 2
ramp:load_per_core:2:foreground = #55aa55
ramp:load_per_core:3 = ▄
ramp:load_per_core:3:font = 2
ramp:load_per_core:3:foreground = #55aa55
ramp:load_per_core:4 = ▅
ramp:load_per_core:4:font = 2
ramp:load_per_core:4:foreground = #f5a70a
ramp:load_per_core:5 = ▆
ramp:load_per_core:5:font = 2
ramp:load_per_core:5:foreground = #f5a70a
ramp:load_per_core:6 = ▇
ramp:load_per_core:6:font = 2
ramp:load_per_core:6:foreground = #ff5555
ramp:load_per_core:7 = █
ramp:load_per_core:7:font = 2
ramp:load_per_core:7:foreground = #ff5555

; Required if <bar:total_load> is used
;bar:total_load:width = 10
;bar:total_load:indicator = |
;bar:total_load:fill = =
;bar:total_load:empty = =

type = internal/date

; see "man date" for formatting
; if date_detailed is defined, clicking the area will toggle between formats
; if you want to use lemonbar tags here you need to use %%{...}
date = %%{F#888}%Y-%m-%d%%{F-}  %%{F#fff}%H:%M%%{F-}
date_detailed = %%{F#888}%A, %d %B %Y%  %%{F#fff}%H:%M%%{F#666}:%%{F#fba922}%S%%{F-}

; Seconds to sleep between updates
;interval = 1.0

; Available tags:
;   <date> (default)
format =  <date>
format:background = #111
format:padding = 5

type = internal/memory

; Seconds to sleep between updates
;interval = 1.0

; Available tags:
;   <label> (default)
;   <bar:used>
;   <bar:free>
format = <label> <bar:used>

; Available tokens:
;   %percentage_used% (default)
;   %percentage_free%
;   %gb_used%
;   %gb_free%
;   %gb_total%
;   %mb_used%
;   %mb_free%
;   %mb_total%
label = RAM

; Required if <bar:used> is used
bar:used:width = 50
bar:used:foreground:0 = #55aa55
bar:used:foreground:1 = #557755
bar:used:foreground:2 = #f5a70a
bar:used:foreground:3 = #ff5555
bar:used:indicator = ▐
bar:used:indicator:font = 2
bar:used:indicator:foreground = #ddffffff
bar:used:fill = ▐
bar:used:fill:font = 2
bar:used:empty = ▐
bar:used:empty:font = 2
bar:used:empty:foreground = #444444

; Required if <bar:free> is used
;bar:free:width = 50
;bar:free:foreground:0 = #ff5555
;bar:free:foreground:1 = #f5a70a
;bar:free:foreground:2 = #557755
;bar:free:foreground:3 = #55aa55
;bar:free:indicator = ▐
;bar:free:indicator:font = 2
;bar:free:indicator:foreground = #ddffffff
;bar:free:fill = ▐
;bar:free:fill:font = 2
;bar:free:empty = ▐
;bar:free:empty:font = 2
;bar:free:empty:foreground = #444444

type = internal/mpd

; Seconds to sleep between progressbar/song timer updates
;interval = 0.5

; Available tags:
;   <label:song> (default)
;   <label:time>
;   <bar:progress>
;   <toggle> - gets replaced with <icon:(pause|play)>
;   <icon:random>
;   <icon:repeat>
;   <icon:repeatone>
;   <icon:prev>
;   <icon:stop>
;   <icon:play>
;   <icon:pause>
;   <icon:next>
format:online = <icon:prev> <icon:stop> <toggle> <icon:next>  <icon:repeat> <icon:random>  <bar:progress> <label:time>  <label:song>

; Available tags:
;   <label:offline>
format:offline = <label:offline>
format:offline:offset = -8

; Available tokens:
;   %artist%
;   %album%
;   %title%
; Default: %artist% - %title%
;label:song =   %artist% - %title%
;label:song:foreground = ${BAR.foreground}

; Available tokens:
;   %elapsed%
;   %total%
; Default: %elapsed% / %total%
;label:time = %elapsed% / %total%
label:time:foreground = #66fafafa

; Available tokens:
;   None
label:offline =  mpd is off
label:offline:foreground = #66fafafa

icon:play = 
icon:pause = 
icon:stop = 
icon:prev = 
icon:next = 
icon:random = 
icon:repeat = 
;icon:repeatone = 🔂

; Used to display the state of random/repeat/repeatone
toggle_on:foreground =
toggle_off:foreground = #66fafafa

; Required if <bar:progress> is used
bar:progress:width = 45
bar:progress:format = %{+u}%{+o}%fill%%{-u}%{-o}%indicator%%{+u}%{+o}%empty%%{-u}%{-o}
bar:progress:indicator = |
bar:progress:indicator:foreground = #ddffffff
bar:progress:indicator:font = 3
bar:progress:fill = █
bar:progress:fill:foreground = #aaffffff
bar:progress:fill:font = 3
bar:progress:empty = █
bar:progress:empty:font = 3
bar:progress:empty:foreground = #44ffffff

type = internal/network

interface = net1

; Seconds to sleep between updates
interval = 3.0

; Test connectivity every Nth update
; A value of 0 disables the feature
; Default: 0
; Recommended minimum value: round(10 / interval)
;   - which would test the connection approx. every 10th sec.
ping_interval = 3

; Available tags:
;   <label:connected> (default)
;   <ramp:signal>
format:connected = <ramp:signal> <label:connected>

; Available tags:
;   <label:disconnected> (default)
;format:disconnected = <label:disconnected>

; Available tags:
;   <label:connected> (default)
;   <label:packetloss>
;   <animation:packetloss>
;format:packetloss = <animation:packetloss> <label:connected>

; Available tokens:
;   %ifname%    [wireless+wired]
;   %local_ip%  [wireless+wired]
;   %essid%     [wireless]
;   %signal%    [wireless]
;   %linkspeed% [wired]
; Default: %ifname% %local_ip%
label:connected = %essid%
label:connected:foreground = #eefafafa

; Available tokens:
;   %ifname%    [wireless+wired]
; Default: (none)
label:disconnected =    not connected
label:disconnected:foreground = #66ffffff

; Available tokens:
;   %ifname%    [wireless+wired]
;   %local_ip%  [wireless+wired]
;   %essid%     [wireless]
;   %signal%    [wireless]
;   %linkspeed% [wired]
; Default: (none)
;label:packetloss = %essid%
;label:packetloss:foreground = #eefafafa

; Required if <ramp:signal> is used
ramp:signal:0 = 
ramp:signal:0:foreground = #33ffffff
ramp:signal:1 = 
ramp:signal:1:foreground = #66ffffff
ramp:signal:2 = 
ramp:signal:2:foreground = #99ffffff
ramp:signal:3 = 
ramp:signal:3:foreground = #ccffffff
ramp:signal:4 = 
ramp:signal:4:foreground = #ffffffff

; Required if <animation:packetloss> is used
animation:packetloss:0 = 
animation:packetloss:0:foreground = #ffa64c
animation:packetloss:1 = 
animation:packetloss:1:foreground = ${bar/top.foreground}
animation:packetloss:framerate_ms = 500

type = internal/network

interface = net0

; Seconds to sleep between updates
interval = 2.0

; Seconds to sleep between connectivity tests
; A value of 0 disables the testing
; Default: 0
;connectivity_test_interval = 0

; Available tags:
;   <label:connected> (default)
;   <ramp:signal>
;format:connected = <label:connected>

; Available tags:
;   <label:disconnected> (default)
;format:disconnected = <label:disconnected>

; Available tags:
;   <label:packetloss> (default)
;   <animation:packetloss>
; format:packetloss = <animation:packetloss> <label:packetloss>

; Available tokens:
;   %ifname%    [wireless+wired]
;   %local_ip%  [wireless+wired]
;   %essid%     [wireless]
;   %signal%    [wireless]
;   %linkspeed% [wired]
; Default: %ifname% %local_ip%
label:connected =    %{T3}%local_ip%%{T-}
;label:connected:foreground = #eefafafa

; Available tokens:
;   %ifname%    [wireless+wired]
; Default: (none)
;label:disconnected =    not connected
;label:disconnected:foreground = #66ffffff

; Available tokens:
;   %ifname%    [wireless+wired]
;   %local_ip%  [wireless+wired]
;   %essid%     [wireless]
;   %signal%    [wireless]
;   %linkspeed% [wired]
; Default: %ifname% %local_ip%
; ------------------------- NOT ACTIVATED (Needs more testing)
;label:packetloss = %essid%
;label:packetloss:foreground = #eefafafa

type = internal/rtorrent

script = /home/jaagr/var/github/jaagr/lemonbuddy/scripts/torrents.sh
rtorrent_session_dir = /home/jaagr/.cache/rtorrent
display_count = 2
title_maxlen = 30

; Available tags:
;   <label> (default)
;   <bar:progress>
;format = <label>

; Available tokens:
;   %title%
;   %percentage%
; Default: %label% (%percentage%)
label = %{F#fba922}%{F-} %{F#eefafafa}%title% %percentage%%{F-}
;label:foreground = #eefafafa

; Required if <bar:progress> is used
;bar:progress:width = 10
;bar:progress:format = %{+u}%{+o}%fill%%{-u}%{-o}%indicator%%{+u}%{+o}%empty%%{-u}%{-o}
;bar:progress:indicator = |
;bar:progress:indicator:foreground = ${BAR.foreground}
;bar:progress:indicator:font = 2
;bar:progress:fill = █
;bar:progress:fill:foreground = #5a5
;bar:progress:fill:font = 2
;bar:progress:empty = █
;bar:progress:empty:foreground = #555
;bar:progress:empty:font = 2

type = internal/volume

; Use the following command to list available mixer controls:
; $ amixer scontrols | sed -nr "s/.*'([[:alnum:]]+)'.*/\1/p"
speaker_mixer = Speaker
headphone_mixer = Headphone

; Use the following command to list available device controls
; $ amixer controls | sed -r "/CARD/\!d; s/.*=([0-9]+).*name='([^']+)'.*/printf '%3.0f: %s\n' '\1' '\2'/e" | sort
headphone_control_numid = 9

; Available tags:
;   <label:volume> (default)
;   <ramp:volume>
;   <bar:volume>
format:volume = <ramp:volume> <label:volume>

; Available tags:
;   <label:muted> (default)
;   <ramp:volume>
;   <bar:volume>
;format:muted = <label:muted>

; Available tokens:
;   %percentage% (default)
;label:volume = %percentage%
label:volume:foreground = #ffffff

; Available tokens:
;   %percentage% (default)
label:muted =   muted
label:muted:foreground = #66ffffff

; Required if <ramp:volume> is used
ramp:volume:0 = 
ramp:volume:0:foreground = #99ffffff
ramp:volume:1 = 
ramp:volume:1:foreground = #bbffffff
ramp:volume:2 = 
ramp:volume:2:foreground = #ddffffff
ramp:volume:3 = 
ramp:volume:3:foreground = #ffffffff

; Required if <bar:capacity> is used
bar:volume:width = 10
bar:volume:format = %{+u}%{+o}%fill%%empty%%{-u}%{-o}
bar:volume:fill = █
bar:volume:fill:foreground = #ddffffff
bar:volume:fill:font = 3
bar:volume:empty = █
bar:volume:empty:font = 3
bar:volume:empty:foreground = #44ffffff

type = custom/menu

; Available tags:
;   <label:toggle> (default) - gets replaced with <label:(open|close)>
;   <menu> (default)
;format = <label:toggle> <menu>
format:background = #111111
format:padding = 3

label:open = 
label:close = 

; "menu:LEVEL:N" has the same properties as "label:NAME" with
; the additional "exec" property
; Available exec commands:
;   menu_open:LEVEL
;   menu_close
; Other commands will be executed using "/usr/bin/env sh -c $COMMAND"

menu:0:0 = Terminate WM
menu:0:0:foreground = #fba922
menu:0:0:exec = bspc quit -1
menu:0:1 = Reboot
menu:0:1:foreground = #fba922
menu:0:1:exec = menu_open:1
menu:0:2 = Power off
menu:0:2:foreground = #fba922
menu:0:2:exec = menu_open:2

menu:1:0 = Cancel
menu:1:0:foreground = #fba922
menu:1:0:exec = menu_open:0
menu:1:1 = Reboot
menu:1:1:foreground = #fba922
menu:1:1:exec = sudo reboot

menu:2:0 = Power off
menu:2:0:foreground = #fba922
menu:2:0:exec = sudo poweroff
menu:2:1 = Cancel
menu:2:1:foreground = #fba922
menu:2:1:exec = menu_open:0

type = custom/text

; "content" has the same properties as "format:NAME"
content = 
content:background = #000
content:foreground = #fff
content:padding = 4

; "click:(left|middle|right)" will be executed using "/usr/bin/env sh -c $COMMAND"
click:left = echo left
click:middle = echo middle
click:right = echo right

; "scroll:(up|down)" will be executed using "/usr/bin/env sh -c $COMMAND"
scroll:up = echo scroll up
scroll:down = echo scroll down

type = custom/script

; Available tokens:
;   %counter%
; The "exec" command will be executed using "/usr/bin/env sh -c [command]"
exec = echo %counter%

; Seconds to sleep between updates
interval = 0.5

; Available tags:
;   <output> (default)
;format = <output>
format:background = #999
format:foreground = #000
format:padding = 4

; Available tokens:
;   %counter%
; "click:(left|middle|right)" will be executed using "/usr/bin/env sh -c [command]"
click:left = echo left %counter%
click:middle = echo middle %counter%
click:right = echo right %counter%

; Available tokens:
;   %counter%
; "scroll:(up|down)" will be executed using "/usr/bin/env sh -c [command]"
scroll:up = echo scroll up %counter%
scroll:down = echo scroll down %counter%

type = internal/date
interval = 5
date = %%{F#999}%Y-%m-%d%%{F-}  %%{F#fff}%H:%M%%{F-}

; vim:ft=dosini