#pragma once

#include <cassert>

#include "common.hpp"
#include "components/config.hpp"
#include "components/types.hpp"
#include "utils/mixins.hpp"


namespace drawtypes {
  struct token {
    string token;
    size_t min{0_z};
    size_t max{0_z};
    string suffix{""s};
    bool zpad{false};

  class label;
  using label_t = shared_ptr<label>;

  class label : public non_copyable_mixin<label> {
    string m_foreground{};
    string m_background{};
    string m_underline{};
    string m_overline{};
    int m_font{0};
    side_values m_padding{0U,0U};
    side_values m_margin{0U,0U};

     * If m_ellipsis is true, m_maxlen MUST be larger or equal to the length of
     * the ellipsis (3), everything else is a programming error
     * load_label should take care of this, but be aware, if you are creating
     * labels in a different way.
    size_t m_maxlen{0_z};
    bool m_ellipsis{true};

    explicit label(string text, int font) : m_font(font), m_text(text), m_tokenized(m_text) {}
    explicit label(string text, string foreground = ""s, string background = ""s, string underline = ""s,
        string overline = ""s, int font = 0, struct side_values padding = {0U,0U}, struct side_values margin = {0U,0U},
        size_t maxlen = 0_z, bool ellipsis = true, vector<token>&& tokens = {})
        : m_foreground(foreground)
        , m_background(background)
        , m_underline(underline)
        , m_overline(overline)
        , m_font(font)
        , m_padding(padding)
        , m_margin(margin)
        , m_maxlen(maxlen)
        , m_ellipsis(ellipsis)
        , m_text(text)
        , m_tokenized(m_text)
        , m_tokens(forward<vector<token>>(tokens)) {
          assert(!m_ellipsis || (m_maxlen == 0 || m_maxlen >= 3));

    string get() const;
    operator bool();
    label_t clone();
    void clear();
    void reset_tokens();
    void reset_tokens(const string& tokenized);
    bool has_token(const string& token) const;
    void replace_token(const string& token, string replacement);
    void replace_defined_values(const label_t& label);
    void copy_undefined(const label_t& label);

    string m_text{};
    string m_tokenized{};
    const vector<token> m_tokens{};

  label_t load_label(const config& conf, const string& section, string name, bool required = true, string def = ""s);
  label_t load_optional_label(const config& conf, string section, string name, string def = ""s);