#include "components/eventloop.hpp" #include "components/types.hpp" #include "utils/string.hpp" #include "utils/time.hpp" #include "x11/color.hpp" POLYBAR_NS /** * Deconstruct eventloop */ eventloop::~eventloop() noexcept { for (auto&& block : m_modules) { for (auto&& module : block.second) { auto module_name = module->name(); auto cleanup_ms = time_util::measure([&module] { module->stop(); module.reset(); }); m_log.trace("eventloop: Deconstruction of %s took %lu microsec.", module_name, cleanup_ms); } } } /** * Enqueue event */ bool eventloop::enqueue(const entry_t& i) { bool enqueued; if (!(enqueued = m_queue.enqueue(i))) { m_log.warn("Failed to queue event (%d)", i.type); } return enqueued; } /** * Start module threads and wait for events on the queue * * @param timeframe Time to wait for subsequent events * @param limit Maximum amount of subsequent events to swallow within timeframe */ void eventloop::run(std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli> timeframe, int limit) { m_log.info("Starting event loop", timeframe.count(), limit); m_running = true; m_log.trace("eventloop: timeframe: %d, limit: %d", timeframe.count(), limit); start_modules(); while (m_running) { entry_t evt, next{static_cast<int>(event_type::NONE)}; m_queue.wait_dequeue(evt); if (!m_running) { break; } if (match_event(evt, event_type::UPDATE)) { int swallowed = 0; while (swallowed++ < limit && m_queue.wait_dequeue_timed(next, timeframe)) { if (match_event(next, event_type::QUIT)) { evt = next; break; } else if (compare_events(evt, next)) { m_log.trace_x("eventloop: Swallowing event within timeframe"); evt = next; } else { break; } } } forward_event(evt); if (match_event(next, event_type::NONE)) { continue; } if (compare_events(evt, next)) { continue; } forward_event(next); } m_log.trace("eventloop: Loop ended"); } /** * Stop main loop by enqueuing a QUIT event */ void eventloop::stop() { m_log.info("Stopping event loop"); m_running = false; enqueue({static_cast<int>(event_type::QUIT)}); } /** * Set callback handler for UPDATE events */ void eventloop::set_update_cb(callback<>&& cb) { m_update_cb = forward<decltype(cb)>(cb); } /** * Set callback handler for raw INPUT events */ void eventloop::set_input_db(callback<string>&& cb) { m_unrecognized_input_cb = forward<decltype(cb)>(cb); } /** * Add module to alignment block */ void eventloop::add_module(const alignment pos, module_t&& module) { auto it = m_modules.lower_bound(pos); if (it != m_modules.end() && !(m_modules.key_comp()(pos, it->first))) { it->second.emplace_back(forward<module_t>(module)); } else { vector<module_t> vec; vec.emplace_back(forward<module_t>(module)); m_modules.insert(it, modulemap_t::value_type(pos, move(vec))); } } /** * Get reference to module map */ modulemap_t& eventloop::modules() { return m_modules; } /** * Start module threads */ void eventloop::start_modules() { for (auto&& block : m_modules) { for (auto&& module : block.second) { try { m_log.info("Starting %s", module->name()); module->start(); } catch (const application_error& err) { m_log.err("Failed to start '%s' (reason: %s)", module->name(), err.what()); } } } } /** * Test if event matches given type */ bool eventloop::match_event(entry_t evt, event_type type) { return static_cast<int>(type) == evt.type; } /** * Compare given events */ bool eventloop::compare_events(entry_t evt, entry_t evt2) { return evt.type == evt2.type; } /** * Forward event to handler based on type */ void eventloop::forward_event(entry_t evt) { if (evt.type == static_cast<int>(event_type::UPDATE)) { on_update(); } else if (evt.type == static_cast<int>(event_type::INPUT)) { on_input(string{evt.data}); } else if (evt.type == static_cast<int>(event_type::CHECK)) { on_check(); } else if (evt.type == static_cast<int>(event_type::QUIT)) { on_quit(); } else { m_log.warn("Unknown event type for enqueued event (%d)", evt.type); } } /** * Handler for enqueued UPDATE events */ void eventloop::on_update() { m_log.trace("eventloop: Received UPDATE event"); if (m_update_cb) { m_update_cb(); } else { m_log.warn("No callback to handle update"); } } /** * Handler for enqueued INPUT events */ void eventloop::on_input(char* input) { m_log.trace("eventloop: Received INPUT event"); if (!m_modulelock.try_lock()) { return; } std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(m_modulelock, std::adopt_lock); for (auto&& block : m_modules) { for (auto&& module : block.second) { if (!module->receive_events()) { continue; } if (module->handle_event(input)) { return; } } } if (m_unrecognized_input_cb) { m_unrecognized_input_cb(input); } else { m_log.warn("No callback to handle unrecognized input"); } } /** * Handler for enqueued CHECK events */ void eventloop::on_check() { if (!m_running) { return; } for (auto&& block : m_modules) { for (auto&& module : block.second) { if (module->running()) { return; } } } m_log.warn("No running modules..."); stop(); } /** * Handler for enqueued QUIT events */ void eventloop::on_quit() { m_log.trace("eventloop: Received QUIT event"); m_running = false; } POLYBAR_NS_END