We need to use positions relative to the position of the bar for indexing into the background image slice, but the code used absolute ones. This worked fine as long as absolute positions are the same as relative positions (this is the case for a bar located at (0,0), so if bottom = false). But for bottom bars (where the bar position is not (0,0)) this was wrong which caused the tray background to be black (out of bounds for the background slice).
170 lines
4.8 KiB
170 lines
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#pragma once
#include <chrono>
#include "cairo/context.hpp"
#include "cairo/surface.hpp"
#include "common.hpp"
#include "components/logger.hpp"
#include "components/types.hpp"
#include "events/signal_fwd.hpp"
#include "events/signal_receiver.hpp"
#include "utils/concurrency.hpp"
#include "x11/atoms.hpp"
#include "x11/connection.hpp"
#include "x11/tray_client.hpp"
#define TRAY_WM_NAME "Polybar tray window"
#define TRAY_WM_CLASS "tray\0Polybar"
#define TRAY_PLACEHOLDER "<placeholder-systray>"
namespace chrono = std::chrono;
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
// fwd declarations
class connection;
struct xembed_data;
class background_manager;
struct tray_settings {
tray_settings() = default;
tray_settings& operator=(const tray_settings& o) = default;
alignment align{alignment::NONE};
bool running{false};
int rel_x{0};
int rel_y{0};
int orig_x{0};
int orig_y{0};
int configured_x{0};
int configured_y{0};
unsigned int configured_w{0U};
unsigned int configured_h{0U};
unsigned int configured_slots{0U};
unsigned int width{0U};
unsigned int width_max{0U};
unsigned int height{0U};
unsigned int height_fill{0U};
unsigned int spacing{0U};
unsigned int sibling{0U};
unsigned int background{0U};
bool transparent{false};
bool detached{false};
class tray_manager
: public xpp::event::sink<evt::expose, evt::visibility_notify, evt::client_message, evt::configure_request,
evt::resize_request, evt::selection_clear, evt::property_notify, evt::reparent_notify, evt::destroy_notify,
evt::map_notify, evt::unmap_notify>,
public signal_receiver<SIGN_PRIORITY_TRAY, signals::ui::visibility_change, signals::ui::dim_window, signals::ui::update_background> {
using make_type = unique_ptr<tray_manager>;
static make_type make();
explicit tray_manager(connection& conn, signal_emitter& emitter, const logger& logger, background_manager& back);
const tray_settings settings() const;
void setup(const bar_settings& bar_opts);
void activate();
void activate_delayed(chrono::duration<double, std::milli> delay = 1s);
void deactivate(bool clear_selection = true);
void reconfigure();
void reconfigure_window();
void reconfigure_clients();
void reconfigure_bg(bool realloc = false);
void refresh_window();
void redraw_window(bool realloc_bg = false);
void query_atom();
void create_window();
void create_bg(bool realloc = false);
void restack_window();
void set_wm_hints();
void set_tray_colors();
void acquire_selection();
void notify_clients();
void notify_clients_delayed();
void track_selection_owner(xcb_window_t owner);
void process_docking_request(xcb_window_t win);
int calculate_x(unsigned width, bool abspos = true) const;
int calculate_y(bool abspos = true) const;
unsigned int calculate_w() const;
unsigned int calculate_h() const;
int calculate_client_x(const xcb_window_t& win);
int calculate_client_y();
bool is_embedded(const xcb_window_t& win) const;
shared_ptr<tray_client> find_client(const xcb_window_t& win) const;
void remove_client(shared_ptr<tray_client>& client, bool reconfigure = true);
void remove_client(xcb_window_t win, bool reconfigure = true);
unsigned int mapped_clients() const;
void handle(const evt::expose& evt);
void handle(const evt::visibility_notify& evt);
void handle(const evt::client_message& evt);
void handle(const evt::configure_request& evt);
void handle(const evt::resize_request& evt);
void handle(const evt::selection_clear& evt);
void handle(const evt::property_notify& evt);
void handle(const evt::reparent_notify& evt);
void handle(const evt::destroy_notify& evt);
void handle(const evt::map_notify& evt);
void handle(const evt::unmap_notify& evt);
bool on(const signals::ui::visibility_change& evt);
bool on(const signals::ui::dim_window& evt);
bool on(const signals::ui::update_background& evt);
connection& m_connection;
signal_emitter& m_sig;
const logger& m_log;
background_manager& m_background;
vector<shared_ptr<tray_client>> m_clients;
tray_settings m_opts{};
xcb_gcontext_t m_gc{0};
xcb_pixmap_t m_pixmap{0};
unique_ptr<cairo::surface> m_surface;
unique_ptr<cairo::context> m_context;
unsigned int m_prevwidth{0U};
unsigned int m_prevheight{0U};
xcb_atom_t m_atom{0};
xcb_window_t m_tray{0};
xcb_window_t m_othermanager{0};
atomic<bool> m_activated{false};
atomic<bool> m_mapped{false};
atomic<bool> m_hidden{false};
atomic<bool> m_acquired_selection{false};
thread m_delaythread;
mutex m_mtx{};
bool m_firstactivation{true};