Shell commands triggered from action tags used to block polybar until they finished. Since we are not actually interested in the output of the commands, it makes sense to run them completely detached from polybar and have polybar not block when executing these commands. Now the spawned child processes no longer get killed when polybar exits. This is fine because polybar is not responsible for these processes since they were explicitly started by the user through click commands. Ref: #770 Ref: #1680
145 lines
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145 lines
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#pragma once
#include <moodycamel/blockingconcurrentqueue.h>
#include <thread>
#include "common.hpp"
#include "components/types.hpp"
#include "events/signal_fwd.hpp"
#include "events/signal_receiver.hpp"
#include "events/types.hpp"
#include "settings.hpp"
#include "utils/actions.hpp"
#include "utils/file.hpp"
#include "x11/types.hpp"
// fwd decl {{{
enum class alignment;
class bar;
class config;
class connection;
class inotify_watch;
class ipc;
class logger;
class signal_emitter;
namespace modules {
struct module_interface;
} // namespace modules
using module_t = shared_ptr<modules::module_interface>;
using modulemap_t = std::map<alignment, vector<module_t>>;
// }}}
class controller
: public signal_receiver<SIGN_PRIORITY_CONTROLLER, signals::eventqueue::exit_terminate,
signals::eventqueue::exit_reload, signals::eventqueue::notify_change, signals::eventqueue::notify_forcechange,
signals::eventqueue::check_state, signals::ipc::action, signals::ipc::command, signals::ipc::hook,
signals::ui::ready, signals::ui::button_press, signals::ui::update_background> {
using make_type = unique_ptr<controller>;
static make_type make(unique_ptr<ipc>&& ipc, unique_ptr<inotify_watch>&& config_watch);
explicit controller(connection&, signal_emitter&, const logger&, const config&, unique_ptr<bar>&&, unique_ptr<ipc>&&,
bool run(bool writeback, string snapshot_dst);
bool enqueue(event&& evt);
bool enqueue(string&& input_data);
void read_events();
void process_eventqueue();
void process_inputdata();
bool process_update(bool force);
bool on(const signals::eventqueue::notify_change& evt);
bool on(const signals::eventqueue::notify_forcechange& evt);
bool on(const signals::eventqueue::exit_terminate& evt);
bool on(const signals::eventqueue::exit_reload& evt);
bool on(const signals::eventqueue::check_state& evt);
bool on(const signals::ui::ready& evt);
bool on(const signals::ui::button_press& evt);
bool on(const signals::ipc::action& evt);
bool on(const signals::ipc::command& evt);
bool on(const signals::ipc::hook& evt);
bool on(const signals::ui::update_background& evt);
size_t setup_modules(alignment align);
bool forward_action(const actions_util::action& cmd);
bool try_forward_legacy_action(const string& cmd);
connection& m_connection;
signal_emitter& m_sig;
const logger& m_log;
const config& m_conf;
unique_ptr<bar> m_bar;
unique_ptr<ipc> m_ipc;
unique_ptr<inotify_watch> m_confwatch;
array<unique_ptr<file_descriptor>, 2> m_queuefd{};
* \brief State flag
std::atomic<bool> m_process_events{false};
* \brief Destination path of generated snapshot
string m_snapshot_dst;
* \brief Controls weather the output gets printed to stdout
bool m_writeback{false};
* \brief Internal event queue
moodycamel::BlockingConcurrentQueue<event> m_queue;
* \brief Loaded modules
vector<module_t> m_modules;
* \brief Loaded modules grouped by block
modulemap_t m_blocks;
* \brief Maximum number of subsequent events to swallow
size_t m_swallow_limit{5U};
* \brief Time to wait for subsequent events
std::chrono::milliseconds m_swallow_update{10};
* \brief Input data
string m_inputdata;
* \brief Thread for the eventqueue loop
std::thread m_event_thread;
* \brief Misc threads
vector<std::thread> m_threads;