The module is currently working, but not fully stable. All tags specified in config.cmake for internal/dwm are supported. This was implemented following the i3 and bspwm modules. There is still some cleaning/refactoring to do to polish the module up.
78 lines
2.4 KiB
78 lines
2.4 KiB
#pragma once
#include <dwmipcpp/connection.hpp>
#include "modules/meta/event_module.hpp"
#include "modules/meta/input_handler.hpp"
namespace modules {
class dwm_module : public event_module<dwm_module>, public input_handler {
explicit dwm_module(const bar_settings&, string);
using tag_mask_t = unsigned int;
enum class state_t : uint8_t {
FOCUSED, ///< Monitor is selected and tag is selected, overrides all below
URGENT, ///< Tag is urgent, overrides all below
UNFOCUSED, ///< Monitor is not selected, but tag is selected
VISIBLE, ///< Tag is not selected, but occupied
NONE ///< Tag is unoccupied and unselected
struct tag_t {
tag_t(string& name, unsigned int bit_mask, state_t state, label_t&& label)
: name(name), bit_mask(bit_mask), state(state), label(forward<label_t>(label)) {}
string name;
unsigned int bit_mask;
state_t state;
label_t label;
auto stop() -> void override;
auto has_event() -> bool;
auto update() -> bool;
auto build(builder* builder, const string& tag) const -> bool;
auto input(string&& cmd) -> bool override;
static constexpr const char* DEFAULT_FORMAT_TAGS{"<label-state> <label-layout> <label-title>"};
static constexpr const char* DEFAULT_TAG_LABEL{"%name%"};
static constexpr const char* TAG_LABEL_STATE{"<label-state>"};
static constexpr const char* TAG_LABEL_LAYOUT{"<label-layout>"};
static constexpr const char* TAG_LABEL_TITLE{"<label-title>"};
static constexpr const char* EVENT_PREFIX{"dwm"};
static constexpr const char* EVENT_LCLICK{"dwm-view-"};
static constexpr const char* EVENT_RCLICK{"dwm-toggleview-"};
static constexpr const char* EVENT_SCROLL_UP{"dwm-tagnext"};
static constexpr const char* EVENT_SCROLL_DOWN{"dwm-tagprev"};
auto get_state(tag_mask_t bit_mask) const -> state_t;
void update_monitor_ref();
bool m_click{true};
bool m_pin_tags{false};
label_t m_layout_label;
label_t m_seperator_label;
label_t m_title_label;
shared_ptr<std::vector<dwmipc::Monitor>> m_monitors;
unsigned int m_active_mon_num = 0;
unsigned int m_bar_mon = 0;
std::unordered_map<state_t, label_t> m_state_labels;
vector<tag_t> m_tags;
unique_ptr<dwmipc::Connection> m_ipc;
} // namespace modules