Only updating when an mpd event occurred would cause issues when mpd was playing and the machine was put to sleep because the elapsed time was calculated by taking the time difference of the last update and now which would give you wrong numbers, if the machine was in standby in between. Since the update function on the module is only called once a second (or when an event happens), we can just update the data every time without a huge performance hit. Fixes #915
182 lines
3.9 KiB
182 lines
3.9 KiB
#pragma once
#include <mpd/client.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <csignal>
#include "common.hpp"
#include "errors.hpp"
// fwd
class logger;
namespace chrono = std::chrono;
namespace mpd {
extern sig_atomic_t g_connection_closed;
DEFINE_CHILD_ERROR(client_error, mpd_exception);
DEFINE_CHILD_ERROR(server_error, mpd_exception);
void check_connection(mpd_connection* conn);
void check_errors(mpd_connection* conn);
// types details {{{
enum class connection_state { NONE = 0, CONNECTED, DISCONNECTED };
enum class mpdstate {
UNKNOWN = 1 << 0,
STOPPED = 1 << 1,
PLAYING = 1 << 2,
PAUSED = 1 << 4,
namespace details {
struct mpd_connection_deleter {
void operator()(mpd_connection* conn);
struct mpd_status_deleter {
void operator()(mpd_status* status);
struct mpd_song_deleter {
void operator()(mpd_song* song);
using mpd_connection_t = unique_ptr<mpd_connection, details::mpd_connection_deleter>;
using mpd_status_t = unique_ptr<mpd_status, details::mpd_status_deleter>;
using mpd_song_t = unique_ptr<mpd_song, details::mpd_song_deleter>;
// }}}
// class : mpdsong {{{
class mpdsong {
explicit mpdsong(mpd_song_t&& song) : m_song(forward<decltype(song)>(song)) {}
operator bool();
string get_artist();
string get_album();
string get_title();
string get_date();
unsigned get_duration();
mpd_song_t m_song;
// }}}
// class : mpdconnection {{{
class mpdstatus;
class mpdconnection {
explicit mpdconnection(
const logger& logger, string host, unsigned int port = 6600, string password = "", unsigned int timeout = 15);
void connect();
void disconnect();
bool connected();
bool retry_connection(int interval = 1);
int get_fd();
void idle();
int noidle();
unique_ptr<mpdstatus> get_status();
unique_ptr<mpdstatus> get_status_safe();
unique_ptr<mpdsong> get_song();
void play();
void pause(bool state);
void toggle();
void stop();
void prev();
void next();
void seek(int songid, int pos);
void set_repeat(bool mode);
void set_random(bool mode);
void set_single(bool mode);
void set_consume(bool mode);
operator mpd_connection_t::element_type*();
void check_prerequisites();
void check_prerequisites_commands_list();
const logger& m_log;
mpd_connection_t m_connection{};
struct sigaction m_signal_action {};
bool m_listactive = false;
bool m_idle = false;
int m_fd = -1;
string m_host;
unsigned int m_port;
string m_password;
unsigned int m_timeout;
// }}}
// class : mpdstatus {{{
class mpdstatus {
explicit mpdstatus(mpdconnection* conn, bool autoupdate = true);
void fetch_data(mpdconnection* conn);
void update(int event, mpdconnection* connection);
bool random() const;
bool repeat() const;
bool single() const;
bool consume() const;
bool match_state(mpdstate state) const;
int get_songid() const;
int get_queuelen() const;
unsigned get_total_time() const;
unsigned get_elapsed_time() const;
unsigned get_elapsed_percentage();
string get_formatted_elapsed();
string get_formatted_total();
int get_seek_position(int percentage);
mpd_status_t m_status{};
unique_ptr<mpdsong> m_song{};
mpdstate m_state{mpdstate::UNKNOWN};
chrono::system_clock::time_point m_updated_at{};
bool m_random{false};
bool m_repeat{false};
bool m_single{false};
bool m_consume{false};
int m_songid{0};
int m_queuelen{0};
unsigned long m_total_time{0UL};
unsigned long m_elapsed_time{0UL};
unsigned long m_elapsed_time_ms{0UL};
// }}}