Quan 39c73a8234
feat: Warn state for cpu, memory, fs, battery modules ()
* [Temperature, Ramp] fix wrong icon for temperatures near base and warn temps

* [Temperature, Ramp] fix wrong icon for temperatures near base and warn temps

* Fix minor error

* Added WARN state for cpu module

* Implement WARN state for CPU, Memory modules, working on fs module

* Implement WARN state for fs module

* Simplify WARN state implementation for cpu and memory

* explicitly check percentage in get_by_percentage_with_borders

* Fixed silly error

* implement warn state on battery module, standardize the implementation on other modules

* minor fixes

* fix annoying error

* use more intuitive param name

* Fix percentage with borders bug

* Make requested changes
Hide the effect of warn states when unused

* Backward Compat: use no format instead of fallback label

* Reformat

* Refactor

* Reformat

* Reformat: convert tabs to spaces

* Reformat
2020-12-02 15:55:13 +01:00

120 lines
3.5 KiB

#pragma once
#include "common.hpp"
#include "modules/meta/inotify_module.hpp"
namespace modules {
class battery_module : public inotify_module<battery_module> {
enum class state {
NONE = 0,
enum class value {
NONE = 0,
template <typename ReturnType>
struct value_reader {
using return_type = ReturnType;
explicit value_reader() = default;
explicit value_reader(function<ReturnType()>&& fn) : m_fn(forward<decltype(fn)>(fn)) {}
ReturnType read() const {
return m_fn();
const function<ReturnType()> m_fn;
using state_reader = mutex_wrapper<value_reader<bool /* is_charging */>>;
using capacity_reader = mutex_wrapper<value_reader<int /* percentage */>>;
using rate_reader = mutex_wrapper<value_reader<unsigned long /* seconds */>>;
using consumption_reader = mutex_wrapper<value_reader<string /* watts */>>;
explicit battery_module(const bar_settings&, string);
void start();
void teardown();
void idle();
bool on_event(inotify_event* event);
string get_format() const;
bool build(builder* builder, const string& tag) const;
static constexpr auto TYPE = "internal/battery";
state current_state();
int current_percentage();
int clamp_percentage(int percentage, state state) const;
string current_time();
string current_consumption();
void subthread();
static constexpr const char* FORMAT_CHARGING{"format-charging"};
static constexpr const char* FORMAT_DISCHARGING{"format-discharging"};
static constexpr const char* FORMAT_FULL{"format-full"};
static constexpr const char* FORMAT_LOW{"format-low"};
static constexpr const char* TAG_ANIMATION_CHARGING{"<animation-charging>"};
static constexpr const char* TAG_ANIMATION_DISCHARGING{"<animation-discharging>"};
static constexpr const char* TAG_ANIMATION_LOW{"<animation-low>"};
static constexpr const char* TAG_BAR_CAPACITY{"<bar-capacity>"};
static constexpr const char* TAG_RAMP_CAPACITY{"<ramp-capacity>"};
static constexpr const char* TAG_LABEL_CHARGING{"<label-charging>"};
static constexpr const char* TAG_LABEL_DISCHARGING{"<label-discharging>"};
static constexpr const char* TAG_LABEL_FULL{"<label-full>"};
static constexpr const char* TAG_LABEL_LOW{"<label-low>"};
static const size_t SKIP_N_UNCHANGED{3_z};
unique_ptr<state_reader> m_state_reader;
unique_ptr<capacity_reader> m_capacity_reader;
unique_ptr<rate_reader> m_rate_reader;
unique_ptr<consumption_reader> m_consumption_reader;
label_t m_label_charging;
label_t m_label_discharging;
label_t m_label_full;
label_t m_label_low;
animation_t m_animation_charging;
animation_t m_animation_discharging;
animation_t m_animation_low;
progressbar_t m_bar_capacity;
ramp_t m_ramp_capacity;
string m_fstate;
string m_fcapnow;
string m_fcapfull;
string m_frate;
string m_fvoltage;
state m_state{state::DISCHARGING};
int m_percentage{0};
int m_fullat{100};
int m_lowat{10};
string m_timeformat;
size_t m_unchanged{SKIP_N_UNCHANGED};
chrono::duration<double> m_interval{};
chrono::system_clock::time_point m_lastpoll;
thread m_subthread;
} // namespace modules