Filip Banák 4ded401aab
Add initial support for an escape character ()
Add a config parser method which, for now, deals only with escaping the
literal backslash character and logs an error message to inform the user
of the coming change.

The error message includes a properly escaped value for the user.

As a result of introducing an escape character('\'):

  - Warn the user of any unescaped backslashes, as they will not be
    treated as a literal character in the future

  - For now, still treat a single backslash as a literal character

  - Treat two consecutive backslashes as a single properly escaped
    literal backslash

  - Add documentation about the escape character to polybar(5) manpage
  - Add info about the escape character to changelog
  - Add testcases for ParseLineKeyTest
  - Add new test ParseEscapedValueTest

Resolves: First step in 

Improve value parsing

 - Take value arg in as an rvalue reference and move parsed value back
 - Remove unnecessary if statement
 - Rename function
 - Improve error message
 - Improve function description
 - Format

Add escape character documentation to manpages

Add information about the escape character to the polybar(5) manpage.

Add info about the esacape character to changelog

Add test cases for ParseLineKeyTest

Fix ParseLineKeyTest test cases

Also make config parser method parse_escaped_value private.

Add tests for escaped_value_parser method

Also remove unsued include statement

Simplify parse_escaped_value in config_parser

Remove unnecessary escaped value generation, so we do not have to keep
track of index differences.

Fix ParseEscapedValueTest test cases

Fix parse_escaped_value

Add more test cases for ParseLineKeyTest


Co-authored-by: Patrick Ziegler <p.ziegler96@gmail.com>

Adress review

 - Adjust documentation
 - Small code changes

Improve parse_escaped_value

Add initial support for an escape character

Add a config parser method which, for now, deals only with escaping the
literal backslash character and logs an error message to inform the user
of the coming change.

The error message includes a properly escaped value for the user.

As a result of introducing an escape character('\'):

 - Warn the user of any unescaped backslashes, as they will not be
   treated as a literal character in the future

 - For now, still treat a single backslash as a literal character

 - Treat two consecutive backslashes as a single properly escaped
   literal backslash

Resolves: First step in 

Improve value parsing

 - Take value arg in as an rvalue reference and move parsed value back
 - Remove unnecessary if statement
 - Rename function
 - Improve error message
 - Improve function description
 - Format

Add info about the esacape character to changelog

Add test cases for ParseLineKeyTest

Fix ParseLineKeyTest test cases

Also make config parser method parse_escaped_value private.

Add tests for escaped_value_parser method

Also remove unsued include statement

Simplify parse_escaped_value in config_parser

Remove unnecessary escaped value generation, so we do not have to keep
track of index differences.

Fix ParseEscapedValueTest test cases

Add more test cases for ParseLineKeyTest

Adress review

 - Adjust documentation
 - Small code changes

Remove duplicate testcase from ParseLineKeyTest

Add initial support for an escape character

Add a config parser method which, for now, deals only with escaping the
literal backslash character and logs an error message to inform the user
of the coming change.

The error message includes a properly escaped value for the user.

As a result of introducing an escape character('\'):

 - Warn the user of any unescaped backslashes, as they will not be
   treated as a literal character in the future

 - For now, still treat a single backslash as a literal character

 - Treat two consecutive backslashes as a single properly escaped
   literal backslash

Resolves: First step in 

Improve value parsing

 - Take value arg in as an rvalue reference and move parsed value back
 - Remove unnecessary if statement
 - Rename function
 - Improve error message
 - Improve function description
 - Format

Fix ParseLineKeyTest test cases

Also make config parser method parse_escaped_value private.

Remove duplicate testcase from ParseLineKeyTest
2021-01-26 19:16:29 +01:00

278 lines
8.5 KiB

#include "components/config_parser.hpp"
#include "common/test.hpp"
#include "components/logger.hpp"
using namespace polybar;
using namespace std;
* \brief Testing-only subclass of config_parser to change access level
class TestableConfigParser : public config_parser {
using config_parser::config_parser;
using config_parser::get_line_type;
using config_parser::parse_key;
using config_parser::parse_header;
using config_parser::parse_line;
using config_parser::parse_escaped_value;
using config_parser::m_files;
* \brief Fixture class
class ConfigParser : public ::testing::Test {
const logger l = logger(loglevel::NONE);
unique_ptr<TestableConfigParser> parser = make_unique<TestableConfigParser>(l, "/dev/zero", "TEST");
// ParseLineTest {{{
class ParseLineInValidTest : public ConfigParser, public ::testing::WithParamInterface<string> {};
class ParseLineHeaderTest : public ConfigParser, public ::testing::WithParamInterface<pair<string, string>> {};
class ParseLineKeyTest : public ConfigParser,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<pair<pair<string, string>, string>> {};
vector<string> parse_line_invalid_list = {
" # comment",
"; comment",
" ",
"\t ",
vector<pair<string, string>> parse_line_header_list = {
{"section", "\t[section]"},
{"section", "\t[section] "},
{"bar/name", "\t[bar/name] "},
vector<pair<pair<string, string>, string>> parse_line_key_list = {
{{"key", "value"}, " key = value"},
{{"key", ""}, " key\t = \"\""},
{{"key", "\""}, " key\t = \"\"\""},
{{"key", "\\"}, " key = \\"},
{{"key", "\\"}, " key = \\\\"},
{{"key", "\\val\\ue\\"}, " key = \\val\\ue\\"},
{{"key", "\\val\\ue\\"}, " key = \\\\val\\\\ue\\\\"},
{{"key", "\\val\\ue\\"}, " key = \"\\val\\ue\\\""},
{{"key", "\\val\\ue\\"}, " key = \"\\\\val\\\\ue\\\\\""},
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Inst, ParseLineInValidTest, ::testing::ValuesIn(parse_line_invalid_list));
TEST_P(ParseLineInValidTest, correctness) {
line_t line = parser->parse_line(GetParam());
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Inst, ParseLineHeaderTest, ::testing::ValuesIn(parse_line_header_list));
TEST_P(ParseLineHeaderTest, correctness) {
line_t line = parser->parse_line(GetParam().second);
EXPECT_EQ(GetParam().first, line.header);
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Inst, ParseLineKeyTest, ::testing::ValuesIn(parse_line_key_list));
TEST_P(ParseLineKeyTest, correctness) {
line_t line = parser->parse_line(GetParam().second);
EXPECT_EQ(GetParam().first.first, line.key);
EXPECT_EQ(GetParam().first.second, line.value);
TEST_F(ParseLineInValidTest, throwsSyntaxError) {
EXPECT_THROW(parser->parse_line("unknown"), syntax_error);
EXPECT_THROW(parser->parse_line("\ufeff"), syntax_error);
// }}}
// GetLineTypeTest {{{
* \brief Class for parameterized tests on get_line_type
* Parameters are pairs of the expected line type and a string that should be
* detected as that line type
class GetLineTypeTest : public ConfigParser, public ::testing::WithParamInterface<pair<line_type, string>> {};
* \brief Helper function generate GetLineTypeTest parameter values
vector<pair<line_type, string>> line_type_transform(vector<string>&& in, line_type type) {
vector<pair<line_type, string>> out;
for (const auto& i : in) {
out.emplace_back(type, i);
return out;
* \brief Parameter values for GetLineTypeTest
auto line_type_key = line_type_transform({"a = b", " a =b", " a\t =\t \t b", "a = "}, line_type::KEY);
auto line_type_header = line_type_transform({"[section]", "[section]", "[section/sub]"}, line_type::HEADER);
auto line_type_comment = line_type_transform({";abc", "#abc", ";", "#"}, line_type::COMMENT);
auto line_type_empty = line_type_transform({""}, line_type::EMPTY);
auto line_type_unknown = line_type_transform({"|a", " |a", "a"}, line_type::UNKNOWN);
* Instantiate GetLineTypeTest for the different line types
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(LineTypeKey, GetLineTypeTest, ::testing::ValuesIn(line_type_key));
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(LineTypeHeader, GetLineTypeTest, ::testing::ValuesIn(line_type_header));
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(LineTypeComment, GetLineTypeTest, ::testing::ValuesIn(line_type_comment));
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(LineTypeEmpty, GetLineTypeTest, ::testing::ValuesIn(line_type_empty));
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(LineTypeUnknown, GetLineTypeTest, ::testing::ValuesIn(line_type_unknown));
* \brief Parameterized test for get_line_type
TEST_P(GetLineTypeTest, correctness) {
EXPECT_EQ(GetParam().first, parser->get_line_type(GetParam().second));
// }}}
// ParseKeyTest {{{
* \brief Class for parameterized tests on parse_key
* The first element of the pair is the expected key-value pair and the second
* element is the string to be parsed, has to be trimmed and valid.
class ParseKeyTest : public ConfigParser, public ::testing::WithParamInterface<pair<pair<string, string>, string>> {};
vector<pair<pair<string, string>, string>> parse_key_list = {
{{"key", "value"}, "key = value"},
{{"key", "value"}, "key=value"},
{{"key", "value"}, "key =\"value\""},
{{"key", "value"}, "key\t=\t \"value\""},
{{"key", "\"value"}, "key = \"value"},
{{"key", "value\""}, "key = value\""},
{{"key", "= value"}, "key == value"},
{{"key", ""}, "key ="},
{{"key", ""}, R"(key ="")"},
{{"key", "\"\""}, R"(key ="""")"},
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Inst, ParseKeyTest, ::testing::ValuesIn(parse_key_list));
* Parameterized test for parse_key with valid line
TEST_P(ParseKeyTest, correctness) {
EXPECT_EQ(GetParam().first, parser->parse_key(GetParam().second));
* Tests if exception is thrown for invalid key line
TEST_F(ParseKeyTest, throwsSyntaxError) {
EXPECT_THROW(parser->parse_key("= empty name"), syntax_error);
EXPECT_THROW(parser->parse_key("forbidden char = value"), syntax_error);
EXPECT_THROW(parser->parse_key("forbidden\tchar = value"), syntax_error);
// }}}
// ParseHeaderTest {{{
* \brief Class for parameterized tests on parse_key
* The first element of the pair is the expected key-value pair and the second
* element is the string to be parsed, has to be trimmed and valid
class ParseHeaderTest : public ConfigParser, public ::testing::WithParamInterface<pair<string, string>> {};
vector<pair<string, string>> parse_header_list = {
{"section", "[section]"},
{"bar/name", "[bar/name]"},
{"with_underscore", "[with_underscore]"},
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Inst, ParseHeaderTest, ::testing::ValuesIn(parse_header_list));
* Parameterized test for parse_header with valid line
TEST_P(ParseHeaderTest, correctness) {
EXPECT_EQ(GetParam().first, parser->parse_header(GetParam().second));
* Tests if exception is thrown for invalid header line
TEST_F(ParseHeaderTest, throwsSyntaxError) {
EXPECT_THROW(parser->parse_header("[]"), syntax_error);
EXPECT_THROW(parser->parse_header("[no_end"), syntax_error);
EXPECT_THROW(parser->parse_header("[forbidden char]"), syntax_error);
EXPECT_THROW(parser->parse_header("[forbidden\tchar]"), syntax_error);
// Reserved names
EXPECT_THROW(parser->parse_header("[self]"), syntax_error);
EXPECT_THROW(parser->parse_header("[BAR]"), syntax_error);
EXPECT_THROW(parser->parse_header("[root]"), syntax_error);
// }}}
// ParseEscapedValueTest {{{
* \brief Class for parameterized tests on parse_escaped_value
* The first element of the pair is the expected value and the second
* element is the escaped string to be parsed.
class ParseEscapedValueTest : public ConfigParser, public ::testing::WithParamInterface<pair<string, string>> {};
vector<pair<string, string>> parse_escaped_value_list = {
{"\\", "\\"},
{"\\", "\\\\"},
{"\\val\\ue\\", "\\val\\ue\\"},
{"\\val\\ue\\", "\\\\val\\\\ue\\\\"},
{"\"\\val\\ue\\\"", "\"\\val\\ue\\\""},
{"\"\\val\\ue\\\"", "\"\\\\val\\\\ue\\\\\""},
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Inst, ParseEscapedValueTest, ::testing::ValuesIn(parse_escaped_value_list));
* Parameterized test for parse_escaped_value with valid line
TEST_P(ParseEscapedValueTest, correctness) {
string value = GetParam().second;
value = parser->parse_escaped_value(move(value), "key");
EXPECT_EQ(GetParam().first, value);
// }}}