192 lines
5.3 KiB
192 lines
5.3 KiB
#include "x11/connection.hpp"
#include "errors.hpp"
#include "utils/string.hpp"
#include "x11/xkb.hpp"
* Get indicator name
const keyboard::indicator& keyboard::get(const indicator::type& i) const {
return indicators.at(i);
* Update indicator states
void keyboard::set(uint32_t state) {
for (auto& i : indicators) {
i.second.enabled = state & i.second.mask;
* Get state for the given class
bool keyboard::on(const indicator::type& i) const {
return indicators.at(i).enabled;
* Set current group number
void keyboard::current(uint8_t group) {
current_group = group;
* Get current group number
uint8_t keyboard::current() const {
return current_group;
* Get current group name
const string keyboard::group_name(size_t index) const {
if (!layouts.empty() && index < layouts.size()) {
return layouts[index].group_name;
return "";
* Get current layout name
const string keyboard::layout_name(size_t index) const {
if (index >= layouts.size() || index >= layouts[index].symbols.size()) {
return "";
return layouts[index].symbols[index];
* Get indicator name
const string keyboard::indicator_name(const indicator::type& i) const {
return indicators.at(i).name;
namespace xkb_util {
* Get current group number
uint8_t get_current_group(connection& conn, xcb_xkb_device_spec_t device) {
uint8_t result{0};
xcb_xkb_get_state_cookie_t cookie{xcb_xkb_get_state(conn, device)};
xcb_xkb_get_state_reply_t* reply{xcb_xkb_get_state_reply(conn, cookie, nullptr)};
if (reply != nullptr) {
result = reply->group;
return result;
* Get keyboard layouts
vector<keyboard::layout> get_layouts(connection& conn, xcb_xkb_device_spec_t device) {
vector<keyboard::layout> results;
xcb_xkb_get_names_cookie_t cookie{xcb_xkb_get_names(conn, device, mask)};
xcb_xkb_get_names_reply_t* reply{xcb_xkb_get_names_reply(conn, cookie, nullptr)};
if (reply == nullptr) {
return results;
xcb_xkb_get_names_value_list_t values{};
void* buffer = xcb_xkb_get_names_value_list(reply);
xcb_xkb_get_names_value_list_unpack(buffer, reply->nTypes, reply->indicators, reply->virtualMods, reply->groupNames,
reply->nKeys, reply->nKeyAliases, reply->nRadioGroups, reply->which, &values);
vector<reply::get_atom_name> replies;
for (int i = 0; i < xcb_xkb_get_names_value_list_groups_length(reply, &values); i++) {
replies.emplace_back(xpp::x::get_atom_name(conn, values.groups[i]));
for (const auto& reply : replies) {
vector<string> sym_names;
for (auto&& sym : string_util::split(conn.get_atom_name(values.symbolsName).name(), '+')) {
if (!(sym = parse_layout_symbol(move(sym))).empty()) {
results.emplace_back(keyboard::layout{static_cast<reply::get_atom_name>(reply).name(), sym_names});
return results;
* Get keyboard indicators
map<keyboard::indicator::type, keyboard::indicator> get_indicators(connection& conn, xcb_xkb_device_spec_t device) {
map<keyboard::indicator::type, keyboard::indicator> results;
xcb_xkb_get_names_cookie_t cookie{xcb_xkb_get_names(conn, device, mask)};
xcb_xkb_get_names_reply_t* reply{xcb_xkb_get_names_reply(conn, cookie, nullptr)};
if (reply == nullptr) {
return results;
xcb_xkb_get_names_value_list_t values{};
void* buffer = xcb_xkb_get_names_value_list(reply);
xcb_xkb_get_names_value_list_unpack(buffer, reply->nTypes, reply->indicators, reply->virtualMods, reply->groupNames,
reply->nKeys, reply->nKeyAliases, reply->nRadioGroups, reply->which, &values);
map<xcb_atom_t, reply::get_atom_name> entries;
for (int i = 0; i < xcb_xkb_get_names_value_list_indicator_names_length(reply, &values); i++) {
entries.emplace(values.indicatorNames[i], xpp::x::get_atom_name(conn, values.indicatorNames[i]));
for (const auto& entry : entries) {
auto name = static_cast<reply::get_atom_name>(entry.second).name();
auto type = keyboard::indicator::type::NONE;
if (string_util::compare(name, "caps lock")) {
type = keyboard::indicator::type::CAPS_LOCK;
} else if (string_util::compare(name, "num lock")) {
type = keyboard::indicator::type::NUM_LOCK;
} else {
auto data = conn.xkb().get_named_indicator(device, 0, 0, entry.first);
auto mask = (*conn.xkb().get_indicator_map(device, 1 << data->ndx).maps().begin()).mods;
auto enabled = static_cast<bool>(data->on);
results.emplace(type, keyboard::indicator{entry.first, mask, name, enabled});
return results;
* Parse symbol name and exclude entries blacklisted entries
string parse_layout_symbol(string&& name) {
size_t pos;
while ((pos = name.find_first_of({'(', ':'})) != string::npos) {
if (string_util::contains(LAYOUT_SYMBOL_BLACKLIST, ";" + name + ";")) {
return "";
return name;