Between info and warning. Should be for things the user should be aware of but not imply anything has to be done about it.
45 lines
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45 lines
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#compdef polybar
# Completion for polybar (https://github.com/polybar/polybar)
# jaagr <c@rlberg.se>
_polybar() {
local L='-l --log'
local Q='-q --quiet'
local C='-c --config'
local R='-r --reload'
local D='-d --dump'
local M='-m --list-monitors'
local MM='-M --list-all-monitors'
local W='-w --print-wmname'
local S='-s --stdout'
_arguments -n : \
'(-)'{-h,--help}'[Display help text and exit]' \
'(-)'{-v,--version}'[Display build details and exit]' \
"($L $Q)"{-l,--log=}'[Set the logging verbosity (default: notice)]:verbosity level:(error warning notice info trace)' \
"($L $Q)"{-q,--quiet}'[Be quiet (will override -l)]' \
"($C)"{-c,--config=}'[Path to the configuration file]:configuration file:_files' \
"($R)"{-r,--reload}'[Reload when the configuration has been modified]' \
"($D $R $M $W $S)"{-d,--dump=}'[Print parameter value in bar section and exit]:parameter name' \
"($MM $M $D $R $W $S)"{-m,--list-monitors}'[Print list of available monitors (Excluding cloned monitors) and exit]' \
"($MM $M $D $R $W $S)"{-M,--list-all-monitors}'[Print list of all available monitors (Including cloned monitors) and exit]' \
"($W $R $D $M $S)"{-w,--print-wmname}'[Print the generated WM_NAME and exit]' \
"($S)"{-s,--stdout}'[Output data to stdout instead of drawing the X window]' \
'::bar name:_polybar_list_names'
(( $+functions[_polybar_list_names] )) || _polybar_list_names() {
local conf
if (( $+opt_args[-c] )); then
elif (( $+opt_args[--config] )); then
local names; names=(${(f)"$(sed -nr 's|\[bar/([^\]+)\]$|\1|p' ${conf} 2>/dev/null)"})
_describe -t names 'configuration name' names
_polybar "$@"