googletest (gtest) is more feature rich than the current implementation which only provides expect() which is basically an assertion. It is also quite intuitive to use, this can be seen in the rewrite of the command_line test where EXPECT_THROW replaces a whole try-catch block. I have also moved the source files the test depend on to be linked in CMakeLists.txt instead of including them directly because include .cpp files is bad. The two x11 tests were removed because they were written two years ago and a lot of the things they depend on, don't actually exist anymore in polybar (I think we switched to xpp after those tests were written) Tests are now compiled with the gcov lib which can be used to provide test coverage in a second step
124 lines
4.5 KiB
124 lines
4.5 KiB
#include <iomanip>
#include "common/test.hpp"
#include "utils/string.hpp"
int main() {
using namespace polybar;
"upper"_test = [] { expect(string_util::upper("FOO") == "FOO"); };
"lower"_test = [] { expect(string_util::lower("BAR") == "bar"); };
"compare"_test = [] {
expect(string_util::compare("foo", "foo"));
expect(!string_util::compare("foo", "bar"));
"replace"_test = [] {
expect(string_util::replace("abc", "b", ".") == "a.c");
expect(string_util::replace("aaa", "a", ".", 1, 2) == "a.a");
expect(string_util::replace("aaa", "a", ".", 0, 2) == ".aa");
expect(string_util::replace("Foo bar baz", "a", "x") == "Foo bxr baz");
expect(string_util::replace("foooobar", "o", "x", 2, 3) == "foxoobar");
expect(string_util::replace("foooobar", "o", "x", 0, 1) == "foooobar");
"replace_all"_test = [] {
expect(string_util::replace_all("Foo bar baza", "a", "x") == "Foo bxr bxzx");
expect(string_util::replace_all("hehehe", "he", "hoo") == "hoohoohoo");
expect(string_util::replace_all("hehehe", "he", "hoo", 0, 2) == "hoohehe");
expect(string_util::replace_all("hehehe", "he", "hoo", 4) == "hehehoo");
expect(string_util::replace_all("hehehe", "he", "hoo", 0, 1) == "hehehe");
expect(string_util::replace_all("131313", "3", "13") == "113113113");
"squeeze"_test = [] {
expect(string_util::squeeze("Squeeeeeze", 'e') == "Squeze");
expect(string_util::squeeze("bar baz foobar", ' ') == "bar baz foobar");
"strip"_test = [] {
expect(string_util::strip("Striip", 'i') == "Strp");
expect(string_util::strip_trailing_newline("test\n\n") == "test\n");
"trim"_test = [] {
expect(string_util::trim(" x x ") == "x x");
expect(string_util::ltrim("xxtestxx", 'x') == "testxx");
expect(string_util::rtrim("xxtestxx", 'x') == "xxtest");
expect(string_util::trim("xxtestxx", 'x') == "test");
"join"_test = [] { expect(string_util::join({"A", "B", "C"}, ", ") == "A, B, C"); };
"split_into"_test = [] {
vector<string> strings;
string_util::split_into("A,B,C", ',', strings);
expect(strings.size() == size_t(3));
expect(strings[0] == "A");
expect(strings[2] == "C");
"split"_test = [] {
vector<string> strings{"foo", "bar"};
vector<string> result{string_util::split("foo,bar", ',')};
expect(result.size() == strings.size());
expect(result[0] == strings[0]);
expect(result[1] == "bar");
"find_nth"_test = [] {
expect(string_util::find_nth("foobarfoobar", 0, "f", 1) == size_t{0});
expect(string_util::find_nth("foobarfoobar", 0, "f", 2) == size_t{6});
expect(string_util::find_nth("foobarfoobar", 0, "o", 3) == size_t{7});
"hash"_test = [] {
unsigned long hashA1{string_util::hash("foo")};
unsigned long hashA2{string_util::hash("foo")};
unsigned long hashB1{string_util::hash("Foo")};
unsigned long hashB2{string_util::hash("Bar")};
expect(hashA1 == hashA2);
expect(hashA1 != hashB1);
expect(hashA1 != hashB2);
expect(hashB1 != hashB2);
"floating_point"_test = [] {
expect(string_util::floating_point(1.2599, 2) == "1.26");
expect(string_util::floating_point(1.7, 0) == "2");
expect(string_util::floating_point(1.777, 10) == "1.7770000000");
"filesize"_test = [] {
expect(string_util::filesize_mb(3 * 1024, 3) == "3.000 MB");
expect(string_util::filesize_mb(3 * 1024 + 200, 3) == "3.195 MB");
expect(string_util::filesize_mb(3 * 1024 + 400) == "3 MB");
expect(string_util::filesize_mb(3 * 1024 + 800) == "4 MB");
expect(string_util::filesize_gb(3 * 1024 * 1024 + 200 * 1024, 3) == "3.195 GB");
expect(string_util::filesize_gb(3 * 1024 * 1024 + 400 * 1024) == "3 GB");
expect(string_util::filesize_gb(3 * 1024 * 1024 + 800 * 1024) == "4 GB");
expect(string_util::filesize(3) == "3 B");
expect(string_util::filesize(3 * 1024) == "3 KB");
expect(string_util::filesize(3 * 1024 * 1024) == "3 MB");
expect(string_util::filesize((unsigned long long)3 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) == "3 GB");
expect(string_util::filesize((unsigned long long)3 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) == "3 TB");
"sstream"_test = [] {
string s;
expect((s = (sstream() << "test")) == "test"s);
expect((s = (sstream() << std::setprecision(2) << std::fixed << 1.25)).erase(0, 2) == "25"s);
"operators"_test = [] {
string foo = "foobar";
expect(foo - "bar" == "foo");
string baz = "bazbaz";
expect(baz - "ba" == "bazbaz");
expect(baz - "bazbz" == "bazbaz");
string aaa = "aaa";
expect(aaa - "aaaaa" == "aaa");